Chaos' Heir

Chapter 128 - Marsh

Chapter 128 - Marsh

Doku had tried to smooth things out, but the recruits in the two classes still required a bit more than an entire day to go through the test, and Khan had to oversee the situation for the whole time. The group could draw its conclusions only by lunchtime of the following day, and the two squad leaders on the scene inevitably showed disappointed expressions when they studied those results.

Both classes had less than twenty recruits each, but only eight of them had managed to tame Aduns. That number represented only a fifth of the group, so the squad leaders' disappointment felt somewhat justified, especially when they considered that every Niqols on Nitis could clear that same test at a much younger age.


It was evident that the human definition of elite fell short in front of the alien species. The Niqols weren't necessarily stronger, but they carried a determination that the boys and girls of the other species didn't have, and that drive was everything during the test.

Climbing the mountain wasn't hard. The Aduns tried to make the test harder, but they never interfered directly with the recruits. A few avalanches and strong winds weren't enough to kill them unless they committed mistakes. Still, they could scare away those that didn't consider the task connected to the eagles necessary, and that alone could make them fail. josei

Paul and Felicia, the squad leader of the third class on Nitis, approached the test once all the recruits had gone through their attempts. Khan ended up taking care of overseeing the injured and tired boys and girls who had failed the climb while the two soldiers were away, but his task didn't require much effort. He could continue to eat and train in silence since everyone felt too ashamed or depressed to complain.

The two squad leaders weren't only first-level warriors and mages. They also carried a determination that most of their underlings lacked, so they soon descended from the mountain on the back of majestic Aduns. Their climbs had lasted less than five hours, and that feat brought even more shame on the recruits who had failed the test.

George and the others had also returned during those hours, so they could join Doku in his compliments to the two squad captains. The group soon departed after a short exchange of polite words. Khan, Paul, Felicia, and those who had tamed Aduns flew close to the ground as they followed the Niqols and led the Ugu across the regions.

Khan obviously felt tired after the group reached the camp and separated from Doku. The same went for the other recruits and soldiers who had successfully tamed Aduns since the ability to fly made them too excited to cut that new experience short and rest. Still, everyone let their new companions go after returning home.

The squad leaders called a mandatory meeting with all the recruits who had failed the test. Paul and Felicia couldn't let them remain without Aduns since they would only slow down their respective classes. The soldiers quickly created mandatory training courses meant to prepare those kids for the next test. Those who couldn't pass it after a second attempt would simply have to leave Nitis.

The step forward in the relationship between the two species had created new requirements for the humans on Nitis. The Global Army had yet to express itself on the matter, but everyone knew that no soldier could continue to rely on the Ugu to travel anymore. Those mole-like creatures couldn't match the Aduns in terms of speed, and the aliens would even show more respect toward those who could successfully tame the eagles.

Meanwhile, Khan, George, and the other seven recruits who had successfully tamed Aduns could have the rest of the day free if they wished, but all of them decided to attend the afternoon lessons. The end of the week would make the relationship with the Niqols take another step forward. Some would gain the chance to move to one of the alien academies, leaving them less than six days to gather merits.

Of course, Khan didn't have to worry since Captain Erbair had already chosen him as one of the recruits who would move to an alien academy. Yet, it was in his interest to learn, especially when it came to the Niqols' language and their customs. He had an advantage on the matter due to his secret relationship, but he still had a lot to study since that was only his fourth week on Nitis.

"You are lucky we are tired today!" George announced once the group of nine left the building and moved toward their respective flats. "We won't let you off the hook so easily tomorrow. You will spend these last days with us!"

George directed those lines at Khan, and the latter found his resolute words heartwarming. However, everything felt too extreme when he considered that George would probably be part of the recruits sent to the alien academy. After all, the boy was almost a war hero after Istrone.

"I'll do my best to run away only when you won't notice it," Khan promised while showing a faint smile and turning toward the exit of the camp.

George wanted to complain, but a yawn came out of his mouth before he could say anything. The other recruits were in a similar condition, so they let Khan go without cracking other jokes.

"You have a tough one to catch, Veronica," George commented when Khan was too far away to hear him.

"What do you even mean?" Veronica dismissed his words with a gentle laugh. "Khan is the best in the camp exactly because he works so hard. We should all learn from him."

"She even defends him so openly," Natalie sighed. "Feelings can sway even the most mature soldiers."

Veronica glanced at George after Natalie's statement, but the boy pretended not to hear those words. Still, the recruits from the other class showed evident interest in those gossips, and a series of teases soon resounded among them.

Khan exited the camp as he let his mind wander through his conflicting emotions. He felt excited to move to an alien academy, and George's improved mood removed part of the bitterness that his drunk outburst had created. Yet, his worries about Liiza and their relationship remained, but only she could appease them.

A white figure landed next to Khan while he walked through the plain right past the camp. Snow was tired, but it didn't shrink back from being Khan's mount, especially after sensing his mood.

Snow flew through lands that Khan didn't recognize. It initially went toward the familiar mountain chain, but it quickly performed sharp turns that made the two cross vast plains and a few lakes connected to small rivers.

The Aduns followed the rivers filled with a pale-grey liquid that resembled water until it reached a cliff that ended into a vast swamp. A few black trees and short thick vegetation expanded throughout the marsh, creating a still and eerie scene. Khan could sense that some Tainted animals occupied the lands under him, but it felt hard to pinpoint their exact location while Snow dived toward the muddy surface.

Liiza's Aduns had given a specific location to Snow, so the eagle led Khan to the base of the tall and steep cliff. The rivers falling from its edges had created thin waterfalls that connected the marsh with the plain above, and a few stable areas seemed to occupy the surroundings of the rocky walls behind them.

Snow didn't want to follow Khan across the waterfalls, but he didn't mind that. He sent the eagle away and proceeded to explore the areas at the base of the cliff. Many were identical to the marsh and featured short dark vegetation growing on muddy terrain, but other parts had relatively stable and dry ground. Khan even found a path there as his exploration continued.

Khan kept the base of the cliff next to him as he walked forward. His feet would seep into the terrain whenever he encountered a muddy area. Still, the techniques involving quick steps of the Lightning-demon style allowed him to return to stable ground easily.

The path quickly led to a natural cave that expanded inside the base of the rocky cliff. Khan noticed a few blankets as he entered the cavity, and his mind soon sensed the presence of a familiar figure near its dark depths. A pair of white lights lit up as he proceeded forward, and their radiance allowed him to see the captivating features of Liiza's face.

"I wasn't sure you would have come," Liiza announced in a sleepy voice as the light radiated by her eyes vanished and reappeared while she scratched them.

"I didn't sleep," Khan revealed.

"Of course you didn't," Liiza scoffed. "Well, do you like the new place? It's wet and sticky. Aduns can't reach it easily due to the waterfalls covering the path at the base of the cliff, and the marsh is never fully silent."

Khan gave voice to a short laugh before sitting next to Liiza and laying his head on her shoulder. The Niqols had a few blankets and some simple pillows to make the rocky wall behind her more comfortable, but Khan didn't give her the chance to share them.

"You don't get scared away so easily," Liiza whispered in her sweet voice as a hand left the blanket and started to caress Khan's cheek.

"I grew up in a far louder place," Khan groaned. "You have to do better if you want me even to consider giving up on my girlfriend."

"I will," Liiza announced before laughing when she saw that Khan frowned without opening his eyes. "I won't try too hard."

Liiza kissed Khan's forehead, and the latter opened his eyes. The couple exchanged one of their usual meaningful stares before giving in to their desire for intimacy.

Khan had reached the cliff in a few hours, so the couple had the entire night and the following morning for themselves. Khan didn't even have to worry about Paul since the soldier would focus on the recruits who had failed to tame the Aduns in the next period. He only had to return to the camp to attend the lessons, but that was it.

"I know which academy will take you and the other humans," Liiza announced when she saw Khan coming out of his meditative state.

The two were lying on the cold ground, with only a thin blanket dividing them from the wet layer covering almost everything inside the marsh. A blanket hid their naked bodies, and a few pillows prevented Khan's head from touching the ground.

Liiza had taken a nap on Khan's chest, and the latter had used that chance to start his training. The Niqols didn't disturb him after she woke up. Instead, she waited until he exited the meditative state on his own while letting his concentrated expression fill her vision.

"Is it good?" Khan asked while making sure to bring Liiza closer to his chest.

Khan knew that Liiza often waited for him to finish his exercises. She mostly used the moments when they exhausted their conversations or after the cuddles to sleep, but she happened to wake up while he was immersed in his training from time to time.

Liiza never complained about that, but Khan still wanted her to understand how much he appreciated her behavior. The hugs and kisses on the back of her neck that came every time he noticed her efforts not to disturb him were the only rewards he could give.

"It's one of the most famous on the planet," Liiza explained while moving her fingers over the arms wrapped around her waist. "Still, it accepted you mostly to benefit the Niqols there. Having humans will diversify its environment and improve its social courses."

"That's fine as long as we learn something," Khan replied. "I hope the professors won't hold back from teaching the real Niqols' methods to us."

"Niqols' academies are quite serious about their members," Liiza reassured. "Your species won't matter once you enter them."

"Great," Khan exclaimed in a tired voice before moving to the topic that worried him. "How bad is it for us then?"

"Pretty bad," Liiza sighed.

"How many days do we have to spend apart?" Khan continued with his questions as his mood started to worsen.

"That's the issue," Liiza growled. "We won't be apart at all."

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