Chaos' Heir

Chapter 163 - Meeting

Chapter 163 - Meeting

Traumas led to accomplishments, and a parallel connection existed between the blood on his hands and his happiness. Khan had found himself linking those terrible events and actions to advantages and positive feelings in the past. He had hoped that his increasing power would have made him escape that trend, but his success with the mental exercises proved that he wasn't quite there yet.

Khan spent the rest of the flight in a daze. The world ran through his vision, but he barely saw it. He struggled to believe that a single person could experience such beauty and pain at the same time.

His love for Liiza and affection for his Niqols friends existed with his desperation and newfound disgust toward the Global Army. His talent in the ways of mana, fast growth, and achievement moved forward as he amassed traumas in his mind.

There didn't seem to be anything in-between. Extremes dictated Khan's life, and he didn't know how to view that. That perfect balance felt to go beyond luck. It almost appeared as the work of a higher force, but Khan didn't let his mind wander in those fields.

The forest among the seven mountains appeared in his vision before he could reach a conclusion that explained his life. Still, everything became clear by the time Snow landed on an empty spot on the side of those rocky dark-grey structures. His experiences had no deeper meaning in that chaotic world. Khan could blame luck, fate, or mana itself, but that didn't change the truth about his situation. He was nothing more than a powerless gear in a system that he didn't understand.

'Everything points toward power,' Khan thought as he crossed familiar areas of the forest.

Finding and eventually fighting the Nak required power. The higher ranks of the Global Army had a broader range of requisites, but being strong helped reach them. A strong ambassador would also obtain more benefits and privileges, which might involve the chance to marry important figures, even when it came to an alien species.

Khan's goals and desires required him to become strong. It didn't matter if they involved the Nak or his girlfriend. He wouldn't manage to pursue those paths if he remained weak.

That answer didn't change Khan's situation since he already gave his everything in his training. It only helped stabilize his mind and generate a new desire. He now wanted to become strong to avoid ending up in awful situations again. He desired the power to fix the traumatic events that his bad luck continued to put on his path.

It felt strangely good to desire power for those reasons. Khan could work harder than others because no recruit had experienced the same desperation. However, there was much more inside him now. Those drives fused and created a stronger determination, a resolve that appeared able to bear the deeper emotions that he had learnt to experience.

The areas past the membrane were empty. The squares and the various buildings didn't feature students or professors. The elders had called a worldwide day of mourning that put all Niqols activities to a stop, so most aliens decided to spend that time with their loved ones.

Khan didn't meet anyone on his path toward the underground habitation. The recruits meditating on the beds were the first trace of life inside the academy, and they all turned toward the staircase when they heard him descending the last step.

"Khan!" George exclaimed and revealed an honest smile, but the other recruits diverted their gazes in shame.

Kelly and the others had drunk too much the previous night. It had felt extremely easy to end up in that condition after their experience in the village. They even desired to join a party again, but they knew that no amount of booze could make them forget those images.

"What has even happened to you?" Khan asked when he noticed the state of George's neck.

Khan's mood was far from ideal, but the sight of the many hickeys on George's neck made him explode into a laugh. He chuckled for so long that the situation almost felt awkward, but the recruits didn't dare to judge him. He had experienced far worse than them, but he didn't fail to attend his duties.

Khan eventually managed to fall silent. He had ended up using his laugh to vent part of the heaviness that had filled his mind, and an elated smirk remained on his face after he calmed down. George's state remained hilarious, but he didn't lose control again.

"I've seen leeches doing less damage than Havaa," Khan cracked a joke, and his companion couldn't help but laugh or cover their mouths to suppress their smirks.

The event with the leeches had led to the death of two Niqols, and the previous night honored the many casualties suffered during the solar wind. Yet, everyone managed to smile, even if some of the laughs ended up in suppressed sobs and loud sniffs.

"I have to update you on the situation," Khan eventually said once everyone calmed down and the mood returned serious.

"Before that," Kelly announced while mustering her determination and fixing her eyes on Khan, "I wish to say that I'm sorry. I messed up after seeing a few bad scenes. I have no idea how you must feel after going through the Second Impact, Istrone, and yesterday. Spending nights in the wilds sounds too little now."

"Does this mean that I won't hear your complaints anymore?" Khan asked after his eyebrows arched in surprise.

"I will still say something if your actions risk hurting the Global Army," Kelly explained, "But well. I've been a senseless idiot. I would understand if you reported me to our superiors."

A flash of coldness ran through Khan's expression, but he promptly lowered his head to heave a deep sigh. His gaze slowly returned on Kelly, and he felt able to see the girl in her true form. She was nothing more than a recruit at her first traumatic event. Her mental growth was even commendable. Khan had felt slightly disgusted after seeing her dedication toward the Global Army, but he couldn't blame her too much about that. Her belief came from ignorance that he was about to fill.

"I couldn't say anything because of the restrictions," Khan reminded her while pointing at the spot on his neck where the azure symbol had previously appeared. "Besides, I doubt they would have cared with everything that is about to happen."

The recruits showed curious expressions, and Khan began to share what he had learnt from the meeting. He didn't hide anything from the recruits, and some revealed faces that he knew far too well when his story explained how the Global Army had kept the solar wind hidden on purpose.

Many among the recruits felt a strong sense of belonging toward the Global Army and their species, but cracks opened in their beliefs after Khan finished describing the contents of the briefing. It became evident how every story had two versions and multiple perspectives, and they had lost the privilege of being on the ignorant side.

In theory, the tactic had been a success. The Niqols had lost a lot, and they would probably accept worse pacts as long as they could avoid going through a similar event. However, the recruits had to take in that from the side that had paid the price of that decision.

Kelly and the others didn't only witness the gory scenes in the village. They had also seen how hard the event had been for the Niqols. The difference between their species didn't matter too much in front of honest tears, suicides, and desperate cries of sorrow voiced by aliens who had been nothing but cheerful until then.

Khan could see how the recruits were far from fine. Their world had grown darker in a few minutes due to simple words. They needed help and emotional support, but he couldn't provide that. Khan limited himself to change his torn robe and leave while his companions remained in a daze and let that knowledge seep inside their minds.

'What is it?' Doku's voice resounded in Khan's mind while he walked toward one of the mountains.

Khan could sense that Doku had deactivated the tracker of his cube, but that didn't prevent him from hearing the summary of the briefing. Khan revealed what the Global Army had allowed him to share, and Doku didn't dig deeper. They both felt their respective need to say something that didn't involve politics, but that desire felt pointless when talking through their cubes.

'I'll notify my superiors immediately,' Doku eventually transmitted. 'Get some rest now. Oh, Azni says hi.'

'See you tomorrow, both of you,' Khan said while trying to convey a smile through the mental message before shutting down the communication.

Snow was already waiting for him on the side of a mountain. The Aduns felt quite pissed due to the multiple travels and long waits, but Khan made sure to let it enjoy itself during the flight to the marsh. The eagle even passed through areas that Khan didn't recognize due to many detours and reckless airborne stunts.

Khan reached the cave past ten pm and found Liiza waiting for him in her usual position under the blankets. He had felt some hesitation in the past when it came to talking to her about problematic matters. Still, nothing like that happened that night.

Liiza didn't react well to the awful actions of the Global Army, but she did her best not to explode in a fit of anger. She didn't want her feelings to add weight on Khan's already heavy mind, but he made sure to shatter her self-restraint. The couple went through that matter together without hiding their feelings. Liiza sobbed at times, and Khan ended up kicking the rocky walls once to vent.

Their intense state even caused a rough intimate outburst that left Khan full of marks that were hard to hide. Liiza ended up in a similar situation, but the blush that continued to affect her cheeks even after she fell asleep in his arms confirmed that she had enjoyed the unexpected event. Khan couldn't help feeling slightly proud as he imagined Azni nodding at him before his mind slipped into the nightmare.

Khan had planned to wake up earlier than usual to take care of his exposed marks through a longer meditation, but an azure glow awakened him before his alarm. Liiza also woke up, and both of them raised their sleepy heads to find the source of that light.

Khan's head went back on the pillow after seeing that the source of the light was Liiza's robe. The girl groaned as she crawled toward her clothes while dragging the blanket with her. Khan's bare body ended up in the open, but he only chuckled as he inspected the captivating scene.

Liiza dragged her robe closer to Khan before restoring that simple bed and laying her back on his chest. Her hand went looking for her cube only after Khan wrapped his arms around her and gave her all the warmth that he was capable of.

Khan tried to fall asleep again, but Liiza's movements during the mental conversation didn't let him remain calm. She didn't even try to hide the teasing nature of her gestures, and Khan made sure to respond accordingly after he checked his phone. It was four am, half an hour before his alarm.

'Who even calls at this hour?' Khan wondered before moving his attention on Liiza when she rubbed her butt on his waist.

Niqols weren't morning people. Khan could only think about one figure who could be awake and call Liiza at that early hour. The matter probably involved Yeza, which even explained Liiza's bolder behavior.

The teasing came to an abrupt stop at some point. Liiza's body tensed before turning until she faced Khan. The cube was still in her grasp, but she placed her free hand on his chest as she concluded that mental conversation.

"What is it?" Khan asked after Liiza let the cube roll behind her.

Liiza showed annoyance but also worry. Khan brought her closer in his arms to reassure her, but it soon turned out that her fears weren't as serious as he had initially imagined.

"My mother wants a meeting with the human envoys," Liiza explained. "It will happen at the end of this week."

"That's not too bad," Khan laughed. "We can still spend a lot of time together."

"That's not the issue," Liiza continued while avoiding Khan's gaze. "She mentioned you. I know how that stuff ends with her."

Ambassador Yeza was one of Liiza's weak points, but Khan could only laugh in front of her insecurity. He had seen hell multiple times already. A meeting with a tempting woman didn't even classify as a problem in his mind.

"Will you be there?" Khan asked while kissing Liiza's bare shoulder.

"I must be," Liiza scoffed as she slightly turned and clung to the back of Khan's head to let him dive toward her chest. "She will probably find the chance to remain alone with you and use me to keep the other humans busy."

"It's fine," Khan chuckled as his kisses continued. "I had to meet my girlfriend's mother sooner or later."

"You know that's not the issue with her," Liiza complained. josei

Khan heaved a helpless sigh and glanced at her chest one last time before moving toward her face. Liiza was still trying to avoid his gaze, but he took her cheeks in his hands and forced her to look at him.

"[Liiza]," Khan said in a scolding tone.

"[She is really good]," Liiza complained again. "[You wouldn't be the first taken men to fall prey to her]."

"[I'll just tell her about us if the situation becomes too dangerous]," Khan laughed, but Liiza pulled his hair to remind him that she wasn't joking.

"[Isn't my reaction during the past event enough]?" Khan asked. "[Though don't wear special dresses unless you intend to bring them here]."

"[I will wear a new one]," Liiza whispered as her hand slid down Khan's torso, "[And I will bring it here if you behave]."

"[What happens if I don't]?" Khan played along and revealed a smirk as Liiza's cold hand reached his manhood.

His smirk froze as Liiza's hand grew colder. The girl revealed a smile that carried a chilling aura before announcing her intentions. "[I'll turn you into a block of ice, starting from here]."

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