Chaos' Heir

Chapter 190 - Punch

Chapter 190 - Punch

The dark-blue uniforms worn by the humans almost made them look like Niqols, but the sunlight revealed their true nature. Khan couldn't see much from his spot, but he didn't fail to sense the immediate tension that had fallen around him.

The change didn't really apply to Khan due to how close he had become with the Niqols. George and Helen could also partially ignore that new atmosphere since they had relationships to state their honest approach to their alien companions, but the others felt awkward.

The arrival of the human troops turned that relaxed gathering on the grass into a political meeting. The Niqols had to work for the greater good of their species now, so they couldn't treat the recruits among them as simple companions anymore.

"[We should greet them]," Doku announced before standing up.

Khan, Azni, and the others imitated him and crossed the valley to approach the palace again. The Niqols that led the humans to the area had made the group land in one of the mountains near the structure, and the students weren't the only ones who moved to wait for them.

The students almost stopped moving when they saw the dark-grey walls of the palace sliding open to reveal an entrance. The sight didn't surprise them, but the Niqols that came out of it left all of them stunned.

Ambassador Yeza was wearing one of her usual revealing dresses. She was so stunning that even the Niqols behind her struggled to keep their gazes straight. Only Liiza, who stood by her side, and Khan, who was captivated by his girlfriend's gown, managed to look elsewhere.

Azni snapped back to reality before her companions, and she poked both Doku and Khan with her elbows. The two stopped staring at Yeza and her daughter and performed a bow, and the other students soon imitated them.

"Let's greet our guests properly, shall we?" Yeza asked while wearing a bright smile, and the students didn't hesitate to walk behind her group to create a proper greeting party.

The humans soon descended from the mountain. Khan saw Captain Erbair, Lieutenant Kintea, Paul, the other Lieutenant and squad captains, various soldiers, and all the recruits stationed on Nitis. He didn't recognize many faces, especially those from Brandon's camp, but he noticed how their auras had changed.

Khan mostly noticed the difference in the recruits from his camp, especially those he had learnt to know better than the others. Harris, Natalie, and Sonia appeared more mature but in a sad way. Their uncaring eyes almost described how the crisis had affected their livelihood heavily.

The human group was relatively small, smaller than Khan expected. They had suffered losses in those weeks, which wasn't surprising considering their situation. Also, the Global Army was willing to send its most promising recruit among the Niqols. Khan couldn't imagine what the others had to do to ensure the survival of the teleport.

The changes weren't too unexpected, but Khan still felt strange in front of the humans. He performed a military salute, but he didn't sense any belonging in that gesture. Bowing felt more natural now.

"[Greetings, Ambassador Yeza]," Captain Erbair bowed before showing a stern smile.

"We finally have the chance to meet again," Yeza exclaimed in an enchanting tone. "It's a pity this meeting had to happen during such awful circumstances."

"I hope my envoys have served you well," Captain Erbair uttered.

"They have completed their tasks perfectly," Ambassador Yeza announced before waving a hand in Khan's direction. "We would be lost without Khan."

The unexpected mention made Khan frown, but his expression instantly turned into a respectful smile that he didn't hesitate to hide with a bow toward Yeza. Everyone had turned toward him after that announcement, and most of them shared his surprise.

'She is really holding up her end of the deal,' Khan thought as he straightened his back and revealed his respectful smile to everyone who was still looking at him.

The past deal with Yeza involved Khan's political career, and mentioning him in front of his superiors would significantly improve his value. The event had been unexpected, but he accepted it happily. The ambassador in charge of handling the relationship between the two species had actually vouched for him.

Paul kept his eyes on Khan for a bit longer than the others, but he eventually joined the exchange of polite salutation with the other Niqols. The meeting had officially started, and the group split since only the higher-ups or notable figures could enter the palace.

Only Captain Erbair, the two Lieutenants, and the older soldiers followed Yeza, Liiza, and the other higher-ups of the Niqols inside the palace. The other remained outside and waited for the wall to hide the entrance before moving toward the valley again.

"[I should probably greet the others]," Khan sighed when he saw Brandon and the others hurrying toward the squad leaders and the other recruits.

"[Don't forget to bring the other to drink]," Doku commented.

"[They must celebrate in the Niqols' way]," Ilman added, and his words almost sounded like an order.

"[Don't make any of them fall into the gorge]," Azni reminded them, and the three boys instinctively looked at the crack a dozen of meters from their position.

The valley was vast, and the same went for the crack. The sunlight illuminated its upper parts and revealed the details of those rocky surfaces. Still, the bottom of the gorge remained dark due to how deep it was.

"[I won't get my hopes up with the squad leaders here]," Khan explained.

"[Maybe we can pretend to get offended to get you out of a boring situation]," Doku proposed. "[A signal might work].

"[Doku, you took weeks to learn how to wink properly],"

"[Months]," Khan corrected her while pretending to cough.

"[Do not worry]," Ilman announced. "[I will understand when Khan is bored with a single glance]."

"[That will be hard since I'm already bored]," Khan laughed before nodding at the three Niqols and turning toward the group of humans.

His actions didn't go unnoticed. All the recruits and squad leaders glanced at Khan when they saw him splitting from his Niqols friend. Yeza's announcement from before had made him the most interesting figure among the envoys.

"How the fuck did you even do that?" Paul asked as soon as Khan approached the humans.

"I must be good with women," Khan laughed while glancing at George.

"Humans and Niqols can confirm that!" George shouted before mustering his courage to approach Natalie.

'Why is he even scared?' Khan commented in his mind before disregarding the issue to focus on Paul.

"How are things out there?" Khan asked.

"They are as messy as they can be," Paul sighed. "We lost a bunch of recruits in the first week, and the situation didn't improve too much afterward. So many survived only because we abandoned the camps and hid near the teleport since Captain Erbair was in charge of defending it."

"Did the Niqols send reinforcements?" Khan continued while pointing at one of the cauldrons in the distance.

"As if," Paul snorted. "We were about to obtain clearance to send some weapons here, but Rodney happened."

Khan fell silent and continued to stare in front of him even if Paul were trying to study his reactions. He wouldn't reveal anything on the matter until he understood where Paul stood regarding the topic.

"No one is holding a grudge against you," Paul reassured when he understood the reason behind Khan's silence. "Well, Rodney's family will definitely hate you, but we are keeping your name outside of the official reports for now. Everyone is mostly happy that one of you managed to get close to the Niqols."

"Is he rich?" Khan asked without turning.

"Pretty wealthy, but not too influential," Paul explained. "Don't worry. You are quite untouchable for now."

Khan nodded, and his thoughts immediately went toward another topic when silence fell again. Yeza's announcement had made it difficult for him to inspect his peers properly, but he believed that none of them had noticed his breakthrough. Even Paul didn't seem to realize that he was walking side by side with another first-level warrior.

"So, did you have fun before the arrival of the sunlight?" Paul teased, clearly hinting at what George had said before.

"I have restrictions," Khan joked while pointing at the side of his neck. "I'm afraid everything has to remain a secret."

"You are enjoying this, aren't you?" Paul asked.

"How untouchable am I exactly?" Khan smile.

"Move on, soldier," Paul snorted. "Don't forget that I'm your superior."

"I wonder if I can ruin my image fast enough to affect your promotion," Khan wondered while bringing a hand to his chin.

"Name your price, scoundrel," Paul gave up.

Khan glanced behind him. Everyone was busy catching up, and the azure symbols on the six envoys' necks often lit up since they risked revealing something connected to the academy. Still, no one was looking in his direction anymore. Even George and Veronica were too busy with the other humans to pay attention to him.

His eyes eventually fell on Kelly. She was with Brandon next to a short woman whose presence appeared as strong as Paul. She probably was one of the squad leaders of the other camp, and Khan couldn't help but notice how close Kelly seemed to her.

"I'm close to beating Kelly up," Khan whispered. "The restrictions don't allow me to tell you why, but she has tried to get in my way many times already."

"I should have gotten a drink first," Paul sighed while massaging the spot between his eyebrows. "Whose fault is it?"

"Neither," Khan responded. "She is strict while I'm free, but she gets mad since she can't control me."

"Oh, that's easy," Paul exclaimed. "You have yet to realize it, but you are already a few steps above the other recruits on Nitis. You might even be above me in terms of sheer political value. The higher-ups would directly throw away complaints filed by recruits if they were to involve you."

"That's reassuring," Khan commented.

"You should check your position on the lists once all of this is over," Paul suggested. "You should be able to fit in some positions as a squad leader in alien planets after what you have achieved here."

"You still don't know what I did," Khan frowned.

"And you have no idea what I would do to make Ambassador Yeza compliment me," Paul scoffed. "That alone will become part of your profile."

"I can ask her to see you if you want," Khan proposed.

"Can you?" Paul gasped as his eyes lit up in pure joy.

"No," Khan laughed before hurrying toward the first fuming cauldron that he found.

Paul silently cursed him, but a smile eventually appeared on his face. Khan had basically ensured his promotion to Lieutenant. He couldn't say anything to that recruit.

The servants from the palace had continued to handle the preparations for the event. The valley had less than two hundred people, but those Niqols prepared thirty cauldrons in different spots of the area.

The valley was a few kilometers long, so those cauldrons never overlapped. The various groups that formed during the event could also have the chance to decide between a crowded area or some privacy.

Many Niqols had sat around the fuming cauldron approached by Khan, and they didn't hesitate to hand him a cup. Doku, Azni, and Ilman were there, and the girl promptly pointed at the edge of the group with her eyes. Havaa was in that area, and she was staring at the incoming humans. josei

Khan had been the first human to approach the cauldrons, so he could turn and watch the awaited scene unfold with his three friends. Havaa took a deep breath before standing up and walking toward the incoming recruit. George was doing his best to catch up with Natalie, and the girl was even showing rare smiles at his jokes.

The crisis had been hard for Natalie. Still, that reunion had reminded her of how easy it had always been to talk with George. Seeing that he didn't change at all during those months was even heartwarming, but Havaa's arrival made her frown. Her surprised expression only intensified when she saw Havaa punching George on his nose.


Author's notes: Hey, look! Chaos got a new chapter! Jokes apart, this covers yesterday, which means that you'll get two more for today and two for tomorrow. I slept for 13 hours, so I should be able to write everything before and after Demonic Sword's next release.

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