Chaos' Heir

Chapter 207 - Vait

Chapter 207 - Vait

The smooth walls of the palace inside the immense cavity slid open when the group arrived. Multiple layers made of dark metal moved to reveal a tall and large entrance that didn't feature any luxurious door. It was nothing more than a rectangular hole that the students and recruits could cross to enter a vast hall.

The stark change between the wild and the palace's insides left the group pleasantly surprised. Soft and thick dark-red carpets covered the entirety of the room's floor and spread on the steep staircases connected to the area. Simple tables surrounded by chairs occupied different spots of the main hall, and two chimneys containing blue flames occupied the center of two walls.

The blue flames didn't release any smoke, but their light added a brighter glow to the faint azure light that illuminated the palace's insides. Moreover, those fires weren't as hot as they should be, but they remained warm enough to make the environment cozy even for humans.

The walls featured the same silken artworks that the envoys had seen during their meeting with Yeza. Dark-red and proper scarlet shades put an end to the blackness and greyness that filled most Niqols' structures. The abstract pictures captivated both students and recruits, but the arrival of the higher-ups soon claimed everyone's attention.


Yeza, Captain Erbair, the Lieutenants, and various adults from both species descended from one of the three staircases connected to the main hall. The higher-ups' expressions were initially proud and happy, but they turned into dark faces once they realized how few of their underlings had survived.

'Did they also lose someone?' Khan wondered when he failed to see some familiar faces among that group, especially when it came to the soldiers.

That detail wasn't enough to confirm that the higher-ups had suffered losses since the other adults could be in different areas of the palace, but Khan didn't dare to keep his hopes up. He had seen how strong the leader of the mutated Lysixi was. The creature definitely had the power to kill some of his superiors.

Yeza was strangely wearing a robe that covered most of her body. Her clothes still carried a luxurious aura, and they were tight enough to reveal her enchanting curves, but she wasn't half-naked as usual.

Her appearance was still too much for the students and recruits. Only Khan, Liiza, and Zalpa could avoid falling prey to her incredible beauty, and they ended up reacting differently to her arrival.

Zalpa had worn a vaguely annoyed expression as soon as she entered the palace. She didn't like seeing humans walking inside structures built by Niqols that believed in the old ways. The artworks and dark-red shades carried her species' history, and those soldiers didn't know anything about it. She felt as if Yeza had allowed heretics inside a holy place.

Khan took that chance to inspect the higher floors of the palace. He couldn't see much from his position, but he had noticed dark figures peeking from the dark handrails above him. Many Niqols had decided to observe the arrival of the human group, and Khan mostly saw unfamiliar faces among them.

At first, Khan felt worried about those Niqols due to Zura's betrayal, but his fears soon transformed into curiosity. He had initially believed those aliens to be servants, but their robes and behavior hinted at a far different truth. They most likely were members of other academies or tribes.

Khan couldn't continue his inspection since Liiza tightened the grasp on his robe when the group of higher-ups got close. He had entered the palace with an arm wrapped around her waist, but she revealed her anxiety once the inevitable meeting with the superiors drew near.

Yeza had acknowledged the couple in the middle of a tough battle. The crisis didn't give her the time to question Khan and Liiza properly, but the situation was different now. josei

Khan also realized how the situation could be troublesome now. He had grown so used to being with Liiza that he had almost forgotten the main problem with their relationship. They belonged to different species, so political repercussions were bound to arrive.

Paul had confirmed that Khan was untouchable. His importance among the young generations of Niqols made him a priceless asset in the relationship between the two species. He was the perfect candidate for the position of ambassador on Nitis.

However, the depths of his feelings for Liiza could create worries. Khan had even ignored direct orders from both Paul and Captain Erbair. The positive outcome of his decision didn't change that fact.

"I'm glad that so many of you made it here," Yeza exclaimed while wearing a warm smile that seemed able to relieve the group from the tension that had filled the last part of the journey.

The soldiers couldn't hide their emotions as well as her. The human group had lost a lot during the crisis. Only a fourth of those elite recruits had survived the recent events, and one of the squad leaders had also died.

The outcome wasn't completely terrible. Those losses would be worth it if they helped improve the relationship with the Niqols, and the current scene showed a unity that would have been unthinkable only a few months ago.

The two interracial couples were only a minor detail that added value to the unity demonstrated by the group. The recruits stood among the Niqols without showing any worry, and their closeness was so evident that the higher-ups could notice it without questioning their underlings.

Many worried and meaningful glances also fell on Khan, who was in the group's lead right behind Zalpa. It was clear how both Niqols and humans cared about his situation and looked up to him. Captain Erbair was surprised to notice how even the squad leaders shared part of those feelings.

"[I couldn't leave Lii in the wild]," Zalpa snorted. "[I'll go now]."

Zalpa turned without looking at the recruits and students that had been with her for an entire week. Still, Yeza promptly called her. "[Zalpa, please, the sunlight will continue to illuminate Nitis for at least another month. Your knowledge of the old ways is priceless in this period]."

"[My knowledge has always been priceless]!" Zalpa shouted. "[Those who have decided to forsake the old ways are to blame for this situation. You have failed as leaders]."

Captain Erbair and the other soldiers remained speechless. They had never seen someone scolding Yeza and the other Niqols' leaders so openly, but the latter's acceptance surprised them even more.

The Niqols among them lowered their heads in shame. Only Yeza continued to look at Zalpa, but the brightness of her face dimmed after that comment. Still, she endured the blow like a true leader and proceeded to do what was in the best interest of her species.

"[We committed a terrible mistake]," Yeza announced without showing any shame. "[Please, remain here and help us plan the next move]."

Zalpa stared at Yeza. She was still half-turned toward the palace's exit, and most of her wanted to leave those Niqols on their own. Yet, Liiza's pleading gaze eventually entered her vision, and she found herself unable to resist it.

Zalpa voiced a curse that most Niqols couldn't understand before turning to march toward the group of leaders. Yeza smiled at that sight, but her expression froze when she saw Zalpa crossing her and moving toward the end of the hall.

"[I'll take the second basement for myself]," Zalpa exclaimed before approaching a dark-red drape that hung from the wall.

Zalpa lifted the drape and tinkered with the azure symbol behind it. The rune seemed to oppose her commands, but she eventually forced it to activate.

"[The humans didn't know about the basement]," Yeza commented as red shades appeared on the symbol and the wall slid open.

"[They do now]!" Zalpa snorted before entering the narrow staircase that her actions had uncovered.

Yeza sighed and shook her head, but another comment suddenly resounded from the narrow passage and echoed throughout the hall. "[The brat isn't too bad]."

The wall closed, and Khan saw a series of eyes landing on him. Some Niqols and the soldiers didn't know that Liiza and Zalpa were close, but they only needed to follow those stares to understand that the old alien was talking about him.

Khan didn't know how to behave there, but a faint smile appeared on his face when he noticed that Liiza had lowered her head to hide her happiness. Zalpa meant a lot to her, and she felt glad that she had started to accept her boyfriend.

"I think we should all take a few days to recover and handle our respective political matters," Yeza eventually announced, putting an end to the awkward situation.

Yeza then stepped forward and pointed at the students in the group to follow her. The soldiers did the same, but various events delayed that division.

"[Leave everything to me]," Azni whispered after bending toward Khan.

"[There will be a party, and you can't miss it]," Doku winked before pulling his girlfriend away.

"[My friend, let's do our best in these briefings]!" Ilman shouted while patting Khan's shoulder. "[What we have learnt during our journey might save lives]."

"[See you later, Khan]," Asyat smiled.

Other Niqols made sure to salute Khan as they moved toward Yeza. The latter tried to maintain a warm expression, but her smile widened when she saw the glares that Liiza shot at the girls. The squad leaders also felt awkward when they saw how popular Khan was.

"Let's hurry," Captain Erbair uttered as her bionic eye moved between the two couples. "You'll have time to meet later."

George and Havaa exchanged warm smiles before separating, but Liiza hesitated. She feared her mother or the soldiers could find excuses to keep her away from Khan. Her mother's acknowledgment might not be enough now that they were in a safe place.

"[Can I-]?" Liiza started to ask, but her mother promptly interrupted her.

"[Liiza, he has political matters to attend privately]," Yeza said in a loving voice. "[Besides, we have a lot to talk about, especially if you are serious about him]."

Yeza's affectionate smile didn't convince Liiza, but Khan made her turn toward him by pinching her side. Liiza wanted to show her pout, but her expression melted when a sudden kiss landed on her lips.

Liiza accepted the reality of the situation as Khan's warmth spread on her face. She and her boyfriend were prominent members of the new generation, but that was it. They had no power over those political matters in Yeza and Captain Erbair's presence.

Their privileged position depended on how well they behaved among their respective species. Khan and Liiza had to join the political game to remain together. Their relationship couldn't escape it.

Khan didn't want to prolong that kiss in front of Yeza and his superiors, but Liiza didn't give him much choice on the matter. She wrapped her arms around his neck as soon as she felt that he was pulling his head back.

Khan could only let her decide when they had to separate. He forgot his situation as he abandoned himself to that loving coldness. Their kiss even risked to last long enough to arouse him, but Liiza let him go right before that.

The two exchanged loving stares as they pulled their arms back. Liiza left to approach Yeza, and Khan followed her with his eyes. He diverted his gaze only when she reached Azni, who immediately whispered in her ear and made her blush.

'She'll be fine,' Khan rejoiced in his mind. 'She isn't alone anymore.'

A series of awkward and stern stares awaited Khan when he turned toward the human group. He pretended not to see them as he walked toward Captain Erbair, performed a military salute, and joined the rest of the recruits. His mind already started to long for Liiza's cold embrace, but his face remained serious.

George patted his shoulder and nodded proudly, but he halted his action as soon as some soldiers glared at him. Captain Erbair and Yeza exchanged a bow before turning toward opposite staircases to lead their groups in different areas of the palace.

The students and the recruits peeked behind them to check on the companions that had accompanied them through the wild during the last weeks, but their respective leaders promptly cleared their throats to make them focus on the path ahead. Khan exchanged one last glance with Liiza before resuming his inspection of the many Niqols that occupied the upper floors.

The second inspection confirmed that Khan had never met most of those aliens. He saw a few vaguely familiar figures among the adults, but the others were strangers.

Captain Erbair and the other soldiers appeared familiar with the palace. They led the group into a vast corridor right after reaching the second floor, and they remained silent as they crossed many ample rooms containing a few Niqols.

"You sure had fun in the academy," Captain Erbair commented without turning when the group reached a more isolated area. "I will need a complete briefing from all of you. It's time to spend some time among humans."

Captain Erbair tried to remind her underlings about their political situation, but a shout suddenly resounded behind the group and ruined her attempt. "Helen!"

Everyone turned toward the source of that shout and found a Niqols breathing roughly on the other side of the corridor. It was hard to bring the aliens to that level of exhaustion, so it was safe to assume that the boy had probably run through more than half of the palace to reach the human group.

"[Vait]!" Helen shouted before shooting a pleading glance toward Captain Erbair.

Vait was Helen's boyfriend. The two had met during the meeting with Yeza, and they had dated during the months before the crisis. The arrival of the sunlight had kept them apart since they had to take care of different areas, but they could finally reunite now that many Niqols had gathered inside the palace.

"He is quite important among the Niqols," Khan commented while covering his mouth, "Probably as important as Miss Liiza."

Captain Erbair glared at Khan, but she eventually sighed. "Make it quick."

Helen thanked Khan with her eyes before running toward Vait. The human group could soon watch the couple's reunion.

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