Chaos' Heir

Chapter 228 - Future

Chapter 228 - Future

The worries that had filled Khan and Liiza's minds in the last period finally took form, and they appeared as awful as they had feared. The two were sitting on the same chair since the lunch had already reached the drinking part, but they instinctively dropped their cups to fall in a tight embrace.

"[That's bullshit]!" Azni shouted, but Zalpa raised her hand to silence eventual complaints.

"[The elders feel that the Niqols are too divided right now]," Zalpa explained. "[They believe that we won't be able to find a true unity until we spend some years without external influences. Still, they promise that they will warn the humans once they plan to reopen Nitis to other species]."

"[How many years do you think they'll make us wait]?" Paul asked in a cold tone.

"[I can't say for sure]," Zalpa replied before pointing at Paul and Kelly. "[You two should warn your superiors about this decision. They will need the elders' help to contact the rest of your species and plan the departure, so send them to me in a couple of hours]."


Paul nodded before following Zalpa's hand with his eyes. The old Niqols used two fingers to point at the two interspecies couples on the table while voicing more orders. "[You four, come with me. Let's talk in private]."

Everyone on the table inevitably moved their eyes on the two couples. Khan mostly saw worries in his friends' gazes, but he couldn't address those feelings in his current situation. His mind was a mess held together by hope and Liiza's coldness, and the same went for her.

The two couples followed Zalpa inside the second basement and halted their steps after the old Niqols stopped at the center of the area. Zalpa turned and remained silent as she inspected the four worried faces in front of her.

Zalpa pitied the two couples a bit, but it wasn't her place to contradict the elders, especially when she agreed with their decision. The Niqols' society was in pieces right now. The sunlight had uncovered problems that had lasted even before the arrival of the humans on the planet. Her species needed time to decide how to move forward, and unity was necessary for the vast political environment of the universe.

"[The elders don't want this to look like a punishment]," Zalpa resumed their explanation. "[The Niqols are at their weakest right now, and our whole society requires an overhaul. We can't do that with other species roaming the planet and pursuing their political interests]."

"[Zalpa, the humans have shed blood for the Niqols]," Khan complained in a disappointed tone. "[Young recruits have died in battles that you have ordered us to fight. How can we even accept this after everything we have been through]?"

"[I'm sure the humans will get something from the elders]," Zalpa replied. "[You only have to wait for your superiors to contact them]."

"[I thought we were the cold ones]," George commented, doing his best not to sound cold.

Zalpa didn't miss the coldness radiated by the couples, but she also felt glad that they didn't immediately berate her. Khan, George, Liiza, and Havaa knew that the Niqols had led them in the basement for a reason, and they hoped that it would concern their relationships.

Khan noticed how a tinge of worry appeared on Zalpa's face, but she dispersed it by taking a deep breath. Her expression returned aloof as she explained the reason behind that private meeting. "[The elders won't force anyone to remain on Nitis. You can leave with your partners if your feelings don't allow you to separate]."

Hope inevitably filled the two couples. They were both holding hands, and their grip tightened when they felt that their separation wasn't mandatory. Of course, they had yet to analyze Zalpa's words fully, but that could come later.

"[However]," Zalpa added before the couples could cheer, "[The elders can't turn you into ambassadors since the Niqols have yet to gain unity. They can't send you into political missions when you still don't know what goals you have to pursue]."

"[What does that mean]?" Liiza promptly asked.

"[It means that the Niqols won't be responsible for your actions]," Zalpa declared after heaving a deep sigh. "[You won't be able to contact Nitis after your departure, and you will also lose the privileges connected to your tribes since you won't take part in this important social process]."

"[Are the elders testing us]?" Havaa exploded. "[Do they want to see who is loyal to their species? What nonsense is this]?"

"[Please, calm down]," Zalpa pleaded. "[The elders have to prioritize the Niqols as a whole. Giving you a chance to leave is already a lot]."

"[Sure]!" Havaa shouted. "[They are only forcing us to decide between our species and our partners. That sounds totally fair]!"

"[I thought that the Niqols had a deeper respect for feelings]," George mocked while pulling Havaa in his embrace to calm her down.

"[We do]," Zalpa stated, "[But the elders can't predict that the Niqols will become after this period. They might decide to put limits to the external influences indefinitely, making those who leave unable to become proper members of the new society]."

"[Are you implying that the rebels can win]?" Liiza asked in a chilling tone.

"[I don't think that will ever happen]," Zalpa admitted. "[I'm only trying to explain the reasons behind this decision. You can remain on Nitis and help build an open-minded society, or leave and live your feelings. You can't have both]."

The elder's words finally became clear in Khan and Liiza's minds. The couple also started to consider her suggestion. Liiza's great-grandmother wanted the two to refuse the chance to remain together.

"[The decision is final]," Zalpa declared. "[It will take some time for the humans here to establish a connection with their superiors, but the day of the departure will eventually arrive. I suggest you start thinking about it immediately. Your choice will affect your future deeply]." josei

The two couples understood that the conversation was over. Zalpa wanted to say much more, but it wasn't her place to affect that decision. She couldn't bear that responsibility. Liiza and Havaa had to pick a path on their own to avoid regrets, especially since they would have to live with that choice for the rest of their lives.

Liiza had never held Khan's hand so tightly, but he barely felt that. The worry caused by the elders' decision had emptied him of every other sensation. He couldn't stop thinking about the issue, and conflicting opinions surged in his mind as he inspected the situation from different perspectives.

Khan would never pick a path that would cause problems in his relationship. Liiza was the best part of his life. He had given his everything to preserve what he had with her, but he couldn't have power over that decision. She had to choose what was best for her.

When Khan imagined himself in Liiza's shoes, he could guess the battle happening in her mind. Liiza had always been an outcast among the Niqols, so severing her ties with her species would only bring her to her previous state. Yet, that would also force her to depend on Khan for everything since he would become her only social connection in the entire universe.

Moreover, Liiza had just seen her mother giving her life to save her. She had finally become a proper member of the Niqols' society, and her tribe expected a lot from her. Liiza would be perfect to lead her species toward greater heights since she respected the old ways without forsaking the importance of progress. She could become a splendid ambassador.

Except for Paul and Kelly, the others had remained on the table in the main hall. A series of curious and worried eyes fell on the two couples when they came out of the basement, but no questions resounded after seeing their pensive and ugly expressions. Azni and Doku wanted to say something, but Ilman ended up glaring at them when he noticed their behavior.

The two couples couldn't muster the strength to move their gazes on their friends. They had too much to consider, so they approached the staircases to return to their rooms silently. The others could only let them go since they sensed how heavy the atmosphere among them was.

Each step that Khan made toward his room echoed in his chest. He felt hammers hitting his heart as he approached the inevitable conversation. He felt the need to grab Liiza, run on Snow's back, and leave toward regions where those problems didn't exist, but he never let those delusional dreams take control of his actions.

The two couples separated without saying any words. George and Havaa were the first to disappear behind a door, but the same soon happened to Liiza and Khan. The two found themselves in the familiar barren room, and they instinctively moved to the bed.

Khan and Liiza continued to hold hands as they sat on the bed. They remained silent as they fixed their eyes on the azure symbol on the wall in front of them. They let the glow of the rune distract them for a few seconds, but that effect soon ended and forced them to talk.

"[I-]," Khan began to speak, but Liiza promptly placed a finger on his mouth.

"[Not now]," Liiza said in a pleading tone before pushing Khan on the bed.

Liiza then laid her head on his shoulder and wrapped his arm around her waist. One of her hands went under his robe to envelop his side in her fingers. Instead, the other closed on his clothes, holding them as tightly as she could.

"[I want you to choose what's best for you]," Khan announced after Liiza remained silent for a whole minute.

"[And I want to choose what's best for you]," Liiza giggled. "[We can't find a solution, so let's not decide]."

"[Liiza]," Khan called her in a scolding tone.

Liiza giggled again before uncovering his shoulder and leaving a soft kiss there. She then pulled herself closer to Khan before tracing the edges of his scar with her fingers. She seemed to fall in a daze, but a request eventually came out of her mouth. "[Describe what would happen if I left with you]."

Khan's eyes flickered, but he forced himself to think about the matter seriously when he noticed the seriousness in Liiza's face. He sorted his thoughts for a few seconds before wearing a smile and starting his story. "[The Global Army won't be able to refuse our requests. I should be the most promising ambassador in the world, and your knowledge is priceless. You'll find a place among the humans in no time, and I'll make sure never to leave you alone]."

"[What happens after that]?" Liiza asked.

"[We would go back to Earth at some point]," Khan continued, "[And you would force me to talk to my father. Your presence probably wouldn't change the outcome of that conversation, but I know that I would still feel grateful to you]."

"[Then]," Liiza asked as she adjusted her position on his shoulder.

"[We would probably get married]," Khan said as a warm smile appeared on his face. "[I don't really know how it works, nor where we would live, but I'm sure that everything would be fine as long as we are together]."

"[What about kids]?" Liiza timidly asked. "[Do you want them]?"

Khan had never really considered that topic, but Liiza's question forced him to think about it, and his smile only broadened when he imagined a happy family with her.

"[I think I want them]," Khan whispered, "[With you at least]."

"[I feel the same]," Liiza revealed. "[I wonder if our different species would cause problems]."

"[We would rely on the Global Army for that]," Khan reassured. "[I would only wait for me to fix the nightmares issue. You know, I'd rather avoid passing them to our kids]."

"[I would be able to oversee your progress with mana if I came with you]," Liiza stated. "[I'm sure you would go back to a messy state without me]."

"[I won't answer that]," Khan chuckled.

"[Don't you want to affect my decision at least a little]?" Liiza asked while raising her head toward Khan's face.

Khan turned his head to look at Liiza, and his smile became even warmer as he answered. "[I'm afraid of what I might force you to do]."

"[I know two languages]," Liiza said, "[But I can't find the words to describe how much I love you]."

"[It's the same for me]," Khan admitted while turning toward Liiza and pulling her until their whole bodies met. "[I feel saved every time you look at me]."

The two kissed each other before letting their foreheads touch. Their minds were a mess of fears, worries, and desires, but none of those emotions appeared on their faces while they focused on the sensations radiated by their partner. They were at peace even among that chaos, even if they both knew that she would eventually have to make a decision.

"[Hey, let's take a few days to think about it]," Liiza suggested. "[Help me clear my head while we still have time]."

"[You sure like to use nice words to ask for sex]," Khan teased.

"[Shut up and kiss me, dummy]," Liiza complained, but her pout melted when Khan's warm lips fell on her mouth.

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