Chaos' Heir

Chapter 286 - Bottle

Chapter 286 - Bottle

Lieutenant Unchai almost shouted when the Ef'i lost consciousness. Khan had won, but his expression froze when he saw his poor state.

Khan didn't stand up right away. He sat on the floor and inspected his condition while curses resounded in his mind. His chest was relatively okay, but his arms, hands, and back were a mess that would take longer than a day to heal.

The [Blood Shield] had prevented the Ef'i's attacks from leaving deep injuries, but Khan's skin had still paid a heavy price. The whips and the last beam had threatened to break his defensive technique, which sounded incredible considering the level of his ability.

Khan couldn't find intact skin on his palms and back. Blood accumulated on his burns due to the blood vessels that had shattered after he withdrew the [Blood Shield]. His heart beat faster than usual, and his chest felt heavy as the pain from his injuries intensified.

'Fuck,' Khan cursed in his mind before standing up and showing his cold face to the audience.

His gestures didn't reveal anything, which only gained the approval and respect of the Ef'i in the audience. Khan had long since proven himself to be a great first-level warrior, but each victory brought him closer to being the very best.

The other fight had ended long ago. The injured soldier couldn't last long against his opponent, and even a reckless offensive didn't give him the chance to inflict injuries. Khan could only suppress a sigh as he left the ring and let Lieutenant Unchai drag him inside a tunnel.

The Lieutenant shouted a series of orders in both languages while a cave drew close. Two soldiers appeared in front of the entrance by the time Khan sat on the simple bed in the corner. The two were carrying bandages and ointments that they didn't hesitate to apply to his injuries.

"Tell me that you can still fight tomorrow," Lieutenant Unchai said in an anxious tone after the two soldiers left the cave.

"I can still fight tomorrow," Khan replied in an uncaring tone.

"Khan, I'm serious," Lieutenant Unchai scolded. "You might actually win the tournament."

"I told you that many times," Khan teased. "Did you start to believe me only now?"

"Mock me as much as you want," Lieutenant Unchai stated, "As long as it helps you deal with the stress."

"I'm not stressed, sir," Khan sighed. "I have been through far worse. How can I get anxious over a mere tournament?"

Lieutenant Unchai gulped before kneeling in front of Khan. He placed his hands on his shoulders, making sure not to touch the bandages before opening his mouth to speak. "You have no idea how valuable tomorrow's battle is. The mine of faswite at stake is bigger than everything gambled in the previous fights."

"What are you asking me to do?" Khan said while fixing his eyes on Lieutenant Unchai's face.

Khan could see the struggle in the soldier's mind. He had already understood the meaning behind the Lieutenant's internal conflict and hesitation, but he wanted him to voice those thoughts.

Lieutenant Unchai was one of the few people who knew how much Khan had changed during that one and a half years. He had seen Khan going from a playful kid to a cold-blooded warrior. That was great from the Global Army's perspective, but the issue about his age remained. He was incredibly young, even too young to have his current mindset.

The Lieutenant had to decide which advice to say in that situation. As Khan's superior, he had obligations toward his growth and well-being. However, he was also a soldier who had to prioritize the Global Army's interests.

"Don't hold back in the next battle," Lieutenant Unchai declared as a tinge of shame appeared on his expression. "Kill your next opponent if you must, but bring the mine home. We'll find ways to mend your relationship with the Ef'i later."

Khan smiled and nodded, but very different thoughts appeared in his mind. He even experienced a bit of sadness. He had just confirmed that Lieutenant Unchai was a soldier of the Global Army before being his ally.

'I won't put my goal at risk,' Khan thought while the Lieutenant straightened his position and did his best to appear satisfied. 'Yet, I still have to win. This is getting troublesome.'

Khan inevitably glanced at his bandages. The ointments had suppressed the pain, but he could still feel his injuries. His back and hands wouldn't heal in a single day, and the rules of the tournament also went against him.

Some Ef'i had been unable to join the second and third fights due to a lack of opponents. They could choose the warrior to send to the fourth battle on their own, without minding the number of victories they had claimed.

Khan's last opponent would probably be in perfect condition, with a set of abilities that countered his Lightning-demon style. Khan couldn't even keep the [Blood Shield] a secret during the tournament, so he had lost a trump card that he could use to create a winning blow.

His fingers shook, and no amount of concentration made them stay still. Holding his knife would be a problem with his hands in that state. His back would also annoy him during his spins, but he had to win anyway.

A heavy presence eventually entered the range of Khan's senses and made him snap out of his thoughts. Lieutenant Unchai realized what was happening only after his superior got closer to the cave, but he performed a military salute in no time. Even Khan began to stand up as the Colonel appeared before the entrance.

"Don't worry about these formalities," The Colonel announced while stepping inside the cave and pointing at the bed. "Sit. I only wanted to have a short chat."

Two soldiers had followed the Colonel, and one handed him a rectangular bag before both left the cave. The superior even glanced at Lieutenant Unchai, and the latter promptly nodded before following his companions.

Khan broke the military salute and sat cross-legged on the bed. The Colonel nodded before opening the bag and taking out a strange-looking bottle with a rectangular shape. The soldier then unscrewed the cap and used it as a cup.

"They gave me this bottle as a gift," The Colonel explained as he poured the dense dark liquid slowly. "The Ef'i don't really like to drink, but they try their best when it comes to their alliance with us. Though I must warn you, it will probably taste like shit." josei

The Colonel handed the cap full of booze to Khan. A pungent and strange scent reached his nostrils. Khan's first instinct was to back off the drink, but he suppressed that desire and took it.

"Do we share the cup, sir?" Khan asked while inspecting the drink.

"I'm sure you won't mind," The Colonel stated. "You don't seem the type to give up on the habits gained in the Slums in less than two years."

"I'm flattered that a Colonel knows so much about me," Khan commented while taking a sip from the cap.

The drink was awful. It was dense, and the burning sensation started as soon as it entered Khan's mouth. Gulping it felt even worse, but a cozy warmth spread throughout his chest after the sip was over.

"The drink must be worse than my sneaky inspection," The Colonel exclaimed as a sly smirk appeared on his face.

Khan's eyes immediately fell on the Colonel. His whole aura had changed after that comment. Khan felt unable to inspect the mana inside his superior anymore. He only saw an empty spot in front of him.

"Don't worry," The Colonel said while showing his palm. "I was only checking you all. I didn't expect you to sense me."

Khan put the cap on the Colonel's hand and remained silent. He didn't understand what the soldier wanted from him, but he didn't dare to voice questions before figuring out his character.

"You are wary of your superiors," The Colonel commented before taking a long sip that didn't cause any reaction on his face. "That's a good mindset. No wonder you managed to excel during those dangerous situations."

The Colonel handed the cap back to Khan, and he took it without saying anything. Khan's eyes also remained fixed on his superior during the whole interaction and while he drank.

Khan also suppressed his reactions while the dense liquid burnt his mouth and throat. The Colonel smiled at that sight, and he didn't hesitate to take the cap when Khan handed it back.

"I checked you after the results of today's battles," The Colonel explained. "Your achievements stopped being surprising after reading your profile. You must feel in a playground among a bunch of kids."

"The Ef'i are strong, sir," Khan replied.

"There is an immense difference between those preparing for war and those who have seen it," The Colonel stated. "You are even a chaos wielder. I bet you could blow up the whole ring if you wanted."

"Your idea of me is flattering, sir," Khan announced.

"You didn't deny it," The Colonel chuckled before emptying the cap and closing the bottle. "First-level warriors usually don't interest me, but you are definitely special."

"My element makes me unique," Khan declared.

"Your uniqueness goes beyond your element," The Colonel sneered. "The sole fact that you can keep your cool in front of me proves that."

The Colonel began to scratch his beardless chin. Khan's silence seemed to amuse him, but his eyes remained intense. The soldier was looking for something, but Khan couldn't understand what.

"Definitely too young," The Colonel whispered before heaving a sigh. "Let's try with incentives. What do you want for your victories?"

Khan did his best to preserve his poker face as his mouth opened to voice requests. "A promotion, a proper first step in the path to becoming an ambassador, and general support from the Global Army."

"That's not special at all," The Colonel said in a teasing tone. "You have Colonel Norrett in front of you. I'm sure you can come up with something better."

Khan wanted to gulp, but he stopped himself from showing any reaction. The word "colonel" resounded in his mind, and the same went for Lieutenant Dyester's voice. Colonel Norrett probably knew something about the Nak, but Khan didn't know how wise it was to question him about that topic.

Khan opened his mouth before closing it without saying anything. He felt certain that the Global Army was hiding a deeper truth about the Nak. Still, there had to be a reason behind that decision, and he wasn't in the position to learn it.

Showing his interest in the Nak's history could alert someone far above Khan, especially since a colonel would hear his words. Colonel Norrett might have the answers to his questions, but he didn't dare to voice them.

"I want that bottle," Khan eventually said while pointing at the bottle in the Colonel's hands.

The Colonel's eyes widened in surprise, but a loud laugh soon left his mouth. He quickly laid the bottle on the bed and turned to leave the cave.. Khan remained confused as the soldier stopped hiding his power and vanished in the corridor.

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