Chaos' Heir

Chapter 307 - Blacksmiths

Chapter 307 - Blacksmiths

"I think you should just abandon the idea of relying on first-grade weapons," Amber explained as she and Khan walked through Reebfell's streets. "Even those resistant to your element don't have complete immunity. Go for a custom-made second-grade knife if you really need to buy something."

"Do I even have enough Credits for something so valuable?" Khan asked.

"The prices of the magic weapons have different brackets," Amber revealed. "You'll probably go broke if you buy the best second-grade knife on the market, but you might be fine with something made by a relatively inexperienced blacksmith."

"Won't that defeat the purpose behind my purchase?" Khan voiced his doubts.

"It depends on the shop," Amber stated. "Some brands are popular for their reliable products, even when they come from apprentice blacksmiths."

"You know so much, Professor Teldom," Khan joked.

"Can't you just be happy that I've decided to accompany you?" Amber complained even if a smile appeared on her face.

"I remember that you liked the idea of a trip to the city even more than me," Khan teased.

"Shut up," Amber snorted in her sweet tone.

Khan's knife had broken during his last time inside the training hall. His third lesson was also approaching, so he didn't hesitate to contact Amber after dropping Cora at her dormitory. The Professor had been more than happy to plan a morning trip to Reebfell, which had led to the current situation.

"Why aren't you with your girl anyway?" Amber asked after the two remained silent for a few seconds.

"Why did you wait until we got to Reebfell to ask me that?" Khan laughed. "Did you experience a sudden burst of jealousy?"

"Come on, Khan," Amber said in a serious tone. "I don't want her to worry about our relationship. You are way too famous. I might end up at the center of gossips in no time, and I don't want her to be surprised about them."

"Your career might also suffer now that I think about it," Khan sighed.

"I have an excellent reputation," Amber reassured. "Some gossips won't ruin it. I'm only worried to cause problems for you two."

"Why? Aren't we friends?" Khan asked while wearing a stern expression.

"That's not what I meant," Amber responded. "She might-."

"I know what you meant," Khan laughed. "I was only joking. Cora couldn't come because of her lessons, and you are better than her at this stuff anyway. I told her that I was coming to Reebfell with you."

Amber nodded. She wouldn't worry as long as Khan didn't start to lie to Cora when he hung out with her. She felt that he wasn't that kind of man, but she wanted to be sure about that anyway.

"Also," Khan continued, "I wouldn't stop talking and going out with you even if she asked me that. I understand jealousy, but that shouldn't prevent me from having female friends."

"Do you think she will get jealous?" Amber questioned.

"Do you wish to make her jealous?" Khan teased.

"Khan, come on," Amber complained. "Help me get rid of these worries. We can go back to the jokes afterward."

"She doesn't know much about relationships," Khan revealed. "She is also quite shy. I think she'll get jealous about almost everything initially, but time will give her some confidence." josei

"I didn't expect you to go for someone so innocent," Amber mocked. "Maybe there is a romantic heart under all the jokes and training."

"I didn't expect to kiss her either," Khan admitted, "But she is sweet and honest. I smile whenever I see her small efforts. I can trust her completely."

"You are so cute," Amber giggled.

"Her appearance also helped a lot," Khan exclaimed. "I mean, did you see her? I must be the luckiest guy in the world."

"You are a dirty-minded idiot!" Amber shouted and slapped Khan's shoulder as laughs mixed with her complaints. "You just said that she doesn't have any experience. I won't forgive you if you push her too hard."

"I should make a trip to the medical bay now that I think about it," Khan commented.

Amber remained silent for a second, but complaints left her mouth again when she understood what Khan meant. She couldn't be too explicit in the middle of the street, but she still found many vague synonyms for the word "condom".

"I get it, I get it," Khan laughed after Amber seemed set on ripping off his shoulder. "I have no intention of rushing her. I have to take this slowly to make sure that she is ready. Hurting her is the last thing I want."

Amber wore a satisfied smile, but she suddenly recalled something that soured her mood. She still remembered the faint whisper that Khan had voiced when they found Cora waiting for him after his first trip to Reebfell.

"What about your heart?" Amber asked in a worried tone. "What do you want?"

Khan didn't expect Amber to remember that line. It actually told him more about her character, which left him pleased. Amber really was a good person, so he decided to answer honestly.

"I think I'm starting to accept that I won't ever experience something so perfect again," Khan admitted. "I'll remember it forever, and I'll probably compare it to every other happy moment waiting for me in the future. Still, that shouldn't stop me from listening to my desires and fulfilling them."

"You aren't talking about something naughty again, right?" Amber asked. "Also, you are only seventeen. You have a whole life in front of you. It's basically proven that you'll experience something better one day. Who knows? Cora might be the one behind that greater happiness."

Amber didn't know anything about Liiza. Only Cora had managed to connect the dots and uncover something, but she was also in the dark about almost every detail.

Amber knew that Khan wasn't the type to exaggerate, but she addressed his extreme statement to his young age. She believed that he had experienced something that had felt perfect in his mind, but she also assumed that life would eventually grant him better emotions.

Instead, Khan had been completely confident in his statement due to the tattoo on his right shoulder. The Niqols never joked when it came to the mana, and Zalpa had even tried her best to make Khan and Liiza separate back then. However, his success in the test and his permanent mark confirmed the sad truth he had just voiced.

Still, Khan had been honest. He knew that his faint guilt and love would probably never vanish, but he couldn't stop living because of them. His constant indecision when it came to relationships also had to end. It was time to do his best to accomplish some form of happiness.

Of course, there was one thing that Khan could never even try to put in the back of his mind. That was the goal that no amount of happiness could ever make him forget. He had to find the Nak, or true peace would never arrive.

The interactions between Khan and Amber went back to normal after that serious conversation. The two mostly cracked jokes and spoke about random topics as they walked through Reebfell's streets.

Since Amber had accepted to accompany Khan, they decided to go over her needs first. She didn't have a proper goal in mind, but she didn't hold back from looking for new clothes or some rare book that even her family lacked.

Almost all the shops in Reebfell could send eventual purchases directly to the camp, so Amber didn't need to carry anything even if she bought a few things. Once she was done, she led Khan toward the part of the commercial district that handled magical weapons and items in general.

The change in the purpose of those buildings was evident. The structures there had transparent entrances, and some even lacked them since many blacksmiths liked to show their ability to the crowd.

Amber explained how that was a common practice for blacksmiths trying to make a name for themselves. They had to rent the stands inside those buildings, and the owners would give them a chance to become official members of their brand if they sold enough products.

Every brand had different requirements and prices for its stands. Some focused on weapons, others on general reliability, and a few even in unpredictability. Amber couldn't explain the matter too profoundly since that wasn't her field, but she knew that the creation of magic items could have different approaches due to the various schools and branches belonging to the subject.

The more Amber explained the more Khan's interest rose, but he wasn't the only one with that desire. Each stand had crowds, which mainly featured astonished kids with their parents. Khan managed to steal peeks from time to time, but he could only glance at random scenes of men and women crouched in front of a glowing anvil.

"Don't get lost among the stands," Amber giggled when she saw the intense interest and curiosity in Khan's restless eyes. "These blacksmiths are only trying to get accepted to the actual shops. You need experts who have already proven their names."

Khan let Amber lead him toward areas without the crowds to enter one of the buildings in that part of the commercial district. The atmosphere immediately changed after entering the structure's perimeter. The loud mess of the stands vanished all of a sudden, and a peaceful vibe unfolded.

The stands were only a few meters away, and the building had no walls that divided them from the insides of its first floor. However, the noise coming from the crowds couldn't reach those areas and allowed the few customers there to inspect the various items exposed on a rectangular transparent case.

The mana radiated by those items attracted Khan's attention, but Amber dragged him away after letting him wander for a few minutes. The first floor of the building had more areas, and their destination was in one of the rooms encircled by walls.

Clinging noises began to echo through the air as soon as Khan and Amber crossed one of the few sliding doors on the first floor. Multiple blacksmiths bent over glowing anvils unfolded in the two's eyes, but Amber didn't let Khan spend too long inspecting the area. It turned out that she knew one of those experts, and the latter didn't hesitate to greet her as soon as she heard her steps.

"Miss Teldom!" A middle-aged man covered in sweat and wearing a simple black tanktop announced after Khan and Amber stopped in front of his anvil. "What a pleasure to see you here. You are as enchanting as ever."

"Your tongue has grown even sweeter, Master Cansend," Amber exclaimed while wearing a polite but bright smile.

'Fourth-level warrior,' Khan evaluated after sensing the mana inside the burly man.

Master Cansend had the appearance of a brute. His sweaty bald head reflected the light radiated by his azure anvil, and his long black beard had traces of dirt in its many curls. His dark gloves also had multiple spots and holes, but his behavior was impeccable.

"Is the sir here your fiancée?" Master Cansend asked while glancing at Khan.

"No, but he is a good friend," Amber explained. "I'm introducing him to the shop. He needs a custom-made magic weapon."

"You have come in the right place!" Master Cansend stated happily. "The blacksmiths in the "Divine Architects" build the most reliable magic weapons on the market. Tell me, what can I do for you?"

"I need a chaos-resistant second-grade knife," Khan quickly explained.

"Chaos-resistant?" Master Cansend repeated as his brown eyes sharpened. "Are you Lieutenant Khan, sir?"

"Yes, that's me," Khan directly admitted.

"Wow, I knew that you were young, but seeing you in person gives a completely different impression." Master Cansend exclaimed. "Thank you for your service. I can't wait to get to work on your knife."

"Master Cansend, Khan's finances aren't great," Amber intervened. "I'm afraid he won't be able to request your services today."

"Oh, that sounds about right," Master Cansend commented while placing his magic hammer on the glowing anvil and scratching his long beard. "Though I know someone who can help you. He is my apprentice, so I'll take full responsibility for eventual complaints or mistakes."

"I'm sure the "Divine Architects" will stay true to its name." Amber lowered her head as a sign of respect, and Khan imitated her.

"That's the main aspect behind our brand," Master Cansend declared before inspecting the anvils around him and releasing a shout. "Curtis, I have a client for you!"

Master Cansend's loud voice went against the gentle and polite image he had created with his impeccable behavior, but both Khan and Amber pretended that everything was normal. A tall, slender man in his twenties with messy black hair soon approached Master Cansend's anvil, and he performed a military salute at the sight of the two uniforms.

"How can I help you, sir and ma'am?" Curtis asked while removing his hair from his forehead to show his dark eyes.

"Lieutenant Khan needs a second-grade knife resistant to the chaos element," Master Cansend explained before Khan or Amber could say anything.

"A chaos-resistant knife?" Curtis repeated.. "I'm not as expensive as my Master, but that weapon will cost a lot anyway."

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