Chaos' Heir

Chapter 315 - Team

Chapter 315 - Team

Headmaster Pitcus moved on to explain classified information about Dewwick's events, but the meeting eventually ended with a summon directed to Khan.

Headmaster Pitcus and Khan left under everyone's gaze to walk toward the former's office in silence. It was time to share specific orders and have a conversation about the actual investigation, so the two required a more private meeting.

"What do you think about the mission?" Headmaster Pitcus asked as he sat behind his interactive desk and adjusted his glasses to inspect the various reports before him.

"I understand why the Global Army picked me," Khan admitted. "However, I'm unclear about the details of the mission, and investigating the Slums would be hard even if I were in Ylaco."

"Why is that?" Headmaster Pitcus asked.

"Well, the Slums rarely stay still," Khan explained. "This doesn't only apply to its population. Entire blocks can appear in one night with the right conditions. The only stable quarters are those near barracks or similar buildings occupied by soldiers, but I guess eventual labs won't be there."

"I can question every soldier in the camp, and none of them would be able to say so much about the Slums," Headmaster Pitcus chuckled. "You are the right man for the investigation. I hope that you won't feel lost in Reefbell's Slums."

'I won't go to Ylaco then,' Khan sighed in relief after confirming that detail. He had started to desire a meeting with his father but waiting until he was readier remained a better option.

"About the mission details," Headmaster Pitcus continued, "The Global Army will send specialists from the city to assist you. Other than that, you can pick soldiers from the camp or outside to create a team."

"What about my position?" Khan asked. "Will I be in charge of the investigation team?"

"You and the specialists will have equal authority over the forces in the Slums," Headmaster Pitcus explained.

The Headmaster didn't say anything about the soldiers that Khan would handpick, but that felt superfluous. Khan would naturally choose figures that would prioritize him over the specialists.

"What about my students?" Khan questioned. "My classes are going well. It would be a pity to interrupt the program so abruptly."

"The Global Army doesn't care about these experimental subjects when potential traitors thrive inside its ranks," Headmaster Pitcus sighed. "You will have to interrupt your lessons, but you can bring your students to the Slums if you think you can ensure their safety."

The Slums weren't dangerous for those who had begun to harness mana's power. Only a few squad leaders there were first-level warriors, and the robots that enforced order kept most of the citizens in check.

Of course, the investigation probably involved rogue soldiers or proper traitors. Their level would be unclear, but Khan believed that they couldn't be too strong. After all, the Tainted animals' business could be profitable but only for relatively weak figures with a poor background.

The matter changed with monsters or stronger beings since they had far higher value on the market. However, a lab in the Slums would struggle to have the amount of synthetic mana required to create such strong creatures, and the risks wouldn't be worth the betrayal for soldiers who had already earned three stars or more.

Things could change if the investigation uncovered multiple labs in the Slums of different cities. That would hint at the presence of a proper criminal organization, which would naturally involve relatively wealthy families.

Nevertheless, it would be straight-up stupid for such families to leave figures in the Slums capable of connecting them to the criminal organization. Everything pointed toward a weak enemy or force in the eventuality that similar labs existed in different locations.

Khan remained silent as he went over the issue. Bringing his students into the Slums would only cause problems and affect his job since it would be hard to control and look over all of them. It was better to create a small elite team to reward the recruits who had done exceptionally well in his lessons.

"Do you have more questions?" Headmaster Pitcus eventually asked. "The Global Army has yet to send the final details of the mission, but I'm sure I can solve some of your doubts."

"How should I approach the investigation?" Khan responded before altering his question. "What does the Global Army want me to do with citizens found guilty?"

"Capture and deliver them to the barracks for questioning," Headmaster Pitcus declared.

"What if they try to fight back?" Khan continued.

"Do you think they'll try to hinder the investigation?" Headmaster Pitcus questioned.

"Not at all," Khan exclaimed. "They will probably tell you everything they know on the spot. The Slums aren't known for insurrections, let alone loyalty toward their own. I only want to understand how much the Global Army wished us to push to find answers."

"Well, that's up to you," Headmaster Pitcus stated. "You will be in charge of the investigation in the end. Still, the Global Army has authorized the use of deadly force under the right conditions. I believe this answers your question."

Khan nodded. The Global Army wasn't known for its mercy toward the Slums, but he still wanted to understand how seriously it was about the matter.

The answer didn't only confirm that the Global Army was keeping the investigation in high regard. It clearly stated that eventual criminal organizations had to go, and the same went for the families backing them.

"How long do I have to create the team?" Khan asked.

"Not long," Headmaster Pitcus sighed. "The Global Army wants soldiers investigating the Slums as soon as possible. You will receive specific orders by the end of the day, but I guess you'll have to leave before the end of the week."

Khan nodded again and performed a military salute before voicing polite words. "Permission to leave, sir."

"Granted," Headmaster Pitcus exclaimed and began massaging his temples while Khan left the office.

The camp felt restless as the news of Dewwick's labs reached every recruit and soldier. Some even couldn't avoid glancing at Khan and giving birth to new gossips as they saw him storming through the crowded streets.

Khan was a hero, but everyone knew his background. His status as a member of the Slums wasn't something that they could ignore after the crisis. The sole possibility that criminal organizations could exist past the training camps and have access to synthetic mana forced them to treat Khan as a suspicious figure.

It would also make sense for Khan to have connections with a similar organization as long as the soldiers were willing to stretch their rumors in that field. His prowess was exceptional, even unbelievable for a young man with such poor background. Yet, a previous training could explain everything.

Of course, only those who didn't know Khan at all or envied his success could believe in such assumptions. His feats inside the Global Army and the many tragic events he had to overcome were enough to prove his loyalty. No one would go through so much and continue to serve instead of settling somewhere safe.

The opposite view was also plausible, but Khan didn't care as long as those rumors didn't get serious. After all, he only needed to work hard during the investigation to silence them.

His pensive walk through the camp's streets soon lost its privacy when a figure approached him. Amber reached his side and bumped lightly on his shoulder before questioning him. "Did you pick your team yet?"

"What makes you believe that I have to pick a team?" Khan responded.

"Is it Ylaco or Reebfell?" Amber continued, pretending that she didn't hear his question.

"Reebfell," Khan revealed.

"So, do you have to create a team?" Amber asked while bumping on his shoulder again.

"Why do you want to come?" Khan wondered. josei

"I have remained in a camp or my family's structures my whole life," Amber explained. "I want to take part in a proper mission."

"Do you want to get a promotion?" Khan asked.

"It's about time, isn't it?" Amber exclaimed. "The investigation might go nowhere, but I can still gain merits. They might help me become a lieutenant."

Khan glanced at Amber. The two stars on both her shoulders stated her power, but he knew that she had no real battle experience outside the training halls. However, she was basically asking him a favor, and he found no reason to refuse.

"Stick to me in the Slums," Khan sighed. "I don't want the Teldom family to get angry at me over losing its precious descendant."

"You are so protective, Professor Khan," Amber teased while taking his arm. "Now I see what women like about you."

"Please, you saw that when we met," Khan scoffed.

"I'm telling Cora that you said that," Amber giggled.

"You are playing the Cora card a lot lately," Khan chuckled. "Are you running out of answers, Professor Teldom?"

"Professor Khan's power has become too overwhelming," Amber joked. "What can a poor and lonely woman like me even do in front of such blinding heroism?"

"It hurt me to hear this," Khan commented.

"I might have gone too far," Amber laughed, and Khan soon imitated her.

Amber ended up accompanying Khan back to his flat. She wanted to discuss the investigation with him, and she didn't find it awkward to be in his place. Even hearing about Cora's presence didn't make her give up on the matter.

However, Amber didn't expect the sight that unfolded in her vision when the metal door of Khan's flat slid open. He had warned Cora about their arrival, but the latter had built a good relationship with Amber in the last months, so she didn't feel the need to hide too much from her.

Amber found Cora sitting on the couch in the living room. Cora had connected her phone to the wall to use the flat's screens to go over the Dewwick's news, and the images of the event flashed on her face.

The situation would have usually felt normal, but Amber didn't miss how Cora's hair was clean and soft. Her skin was also rosy and warm, which hinted at a recent shower.

Moreover, Cora wasn't wearing her uniform. She had donned some clean clothes in Khan's flat, which were naturally large for her in certain spots. Her trousers were too long, and the chest area was tight.

Amber opened her mouth, but she quickly closed it since everything crossing her mind sounded too awkward. Khan's reaction didn't help her either. She remained on her spot as she watched him reaching the couch and taking Cora in his arms to exchange a quick kiss.

The overly affectionate gestures and natural cuddles of the couple told Amber that something had changed. Cora's appearance even led her to obvious conclusions, and an excited grin inevitably appeared on her face. She even began to laugh softly, but she promptly covered her mouth.

"Stop laughing and get a bottle from the fridge," Khan ordered when he saw traces of shyness appearing on Cora's face. "I guess we'll eat here today."

"Unless you want some privacy," Amber teased.

"I tried to tell you that on the road, but you didn't want to hear reasons," Khan scoffed. "You are here now, so let's go over the investigation together."

"I'm sorry," Amber whispered when she and Cora exchanged a glance, but the latter shook her head as she dived deeper into the embrace.

It didn't take long before the three of them sat on the couch with an open bottle on the table in front of them. Khan had his back on the armrest to keep Cora between his legs and arms, while Amber was on the other side, struggling to find where to let her eyes rest.

"Do you have a spot for me in the team?" Cora asked after Khan explained the contents of the meeting with Headmaster Pitcus.

"Are you sure that you want to come?" Khan asked. "It might get ugly."

"I want to see how you lived before enlisting," Cora revealed, and Khan couldn't help but caress her cheek.

"You two are way too cute," Amber giggled as she brought her cup to her mouth before showing a disgusted face and placing it back on the table.

"And you are in the way," Khan cursed.

"What? Did you want to have Cora all for you?" Amber teased.

"I have her all for me," Khan responded as he laid his head on Cora's shoulder.

"Let her have fun," Cora smiled before leaving a kiss on Khan's cheek.

"You are too permissive with her," Khan sighed.

"I'm not a kid!" Amber exclaimed, and the three soon shared a happy laugh.

The sound of a message interrupted the happy moment. Khan picked up his phone and skimmed through the text. The Global Army had sent him the details behind the investigation, revealing that Headmaster Pitcus had been too optimistic.. The higher-ups wanted Khan to leave for the Slums in two days.

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