Chaos' Heir

Chapter 317 - Threats

Chapter 317 - Threats

Amber and the others could only frown and show disgusted expressions at their first sight of the Slums. Cora was relatively better off since she had gone through Istrone, but that didn't prevent her from feeling the need to take a bath.

The Slums were too different from the city or the training camps. They didn't have cleaning robots or normal hygienic standards. Everything was dirty, and the air also felt muddy.

Of course, everything was different for Khan. The short time spent in clean environments didn't make him forget what it was like in the past. He had also been on various battlefields, so the dirt, dampness, and general awful scent weren't an issue for him.

"Home sweet home," Khan laughed when he turned toward his companions and noticed their disgusted expressions.

"Did you really live in a place like this?" Amber couldn't refrain from asking.

"The areas around the barracks are the best you can find," Khan explained. "Everything gets worse as you dive deeper in the Slums, and that probably is our destination."

Ethan and Grant didn't expect the Slums to be so awful, but they had come prepared. They quickly covered their mouth and nose with masks previously stored in their pockets. Those items were nothing special, but they helped fend off the horrid scents coming in their direction.

Amber also had something similar, and the same went for Dwight and Ashley. Dwight even went as far as wearing special glasses to protect his eyes from the dirt that filled the Slums.

'I have seen fewer protections in alien atmospheres,' Khan sighed in his mind before moving his attention on a trapdoor that opened next to the C-15.

Two soldiers came out of the trapdoor and performed military salutes. They were tense in front of superiors and descendants from wealthy families, but Grant didn't make it hard for them.

Khan brought almost nothing in the mission, but the vehicle had provisions and other valuable tools that Grant and Ethan had prepared beforehand. The two soldiers from the barrack took care of unloading them, so the group could descend from the trapdoor in the meantime.

The poor state of the barrack surprised Amber and the others once again. That was an official building, but its condition had nothing to share with the nigh-perfect structures of the training camps. The floor had dirt and mud that the robots had yet to clean, and the desks featured no interactive functions.

The soldiers in the barrack had to work through their phones or special screens placed in specific spots. Moreover, everything felt way too calm compared to the mess outside. Everyone was ready for the group's arrival, but it was evident that some of them had just woken up from their naps.

"Welcome to the Slums, sirs and ma'ams," A tall man eventually shouted before arriving in front of Khan's group and performing a military salute.

The other soldiers in the barrack promptly stood up and performed similar salutes. Everyone tried to appear dead-serious, but the women in the group ended up attracting a lot of male attention.

The stars on Amber's shoulders scared away most glances, and the mask on Ashley's face prevented the soldiers from studying her properly. However, Elsie and Cora didn't have that privilege.

Elsie was pretty, but her grumpy look and the slight immaturity carried by her face eventually managed to put an end to that unwanted attention. Yet, Cora was the embodiment of cuteness, and her attractive curves made many soldiers lick their lips. The latter obviously did their best to hide those reactions, but Khan saw everything.

"Are you the soldier in charge of this barrack?" Khan asked while taking a step forward to interrupt those intense stares.

The tall man didn't expect Khan to lead the meeting, but he didn't dare to be impolite. The soldier straightened his back even more before shouting his answer. "Yes, sir. I'm Cameron Jendon, at your service."

Cameron was nothing special. He appeared in his forties. His build was relatively solid, and he had even done his best to keep his short black hair clean for the meeting. Yet, the single star on his right shoulder revealed that his ability was quite poor.

"Do you have an office here?" Khan continued. "I'd like to speak with you in private."

"Of course, sir," Cameron shouted before glaring at the other soldiers in the barracks.

The soldiers went back pretending to work, but many continued to launch glances at the group. The few women in the barrack couldn't help but eye Grant due to his imposing build, but Ethan also attracted some attention.

Cora didn't like those lecherous gazes, but she did her best to ignore them while following Cameron. The soldier brought Khan and the others in front of an office too small to contain everyone, but the group's hierarchy made it easy to pick those who would join the meeting.

Grant and Ethan entered the office while Amber took a step back with the students to wait in the corridor. Cora knew that her place was with Amber, but Khan suddenly grabbed her from her waist and left a long kiss on her lips.

Cora felt surprised, but she melted during the kiss. Her happy smile only broadened when Khan left her and glared at the soldiers peeking from the other side of the corridor. He had basically marked his territory, and Cora had to muster the entirety of her strength to suppress the giggles attempting to leave her mouth.

The mask on Amber's face wasn't enough to hide her smile. Khan knew that she would tease him later, but he didn't care. Marking his territory was better than kicking those soldiers unconscious.

Truth be told, Khan didn't expect his uneasiness to be so intense. Liiza was beautiful, but her unique position had scared away every soldier, and she had even been an outcast among the Niqols. When her relationship became public, she and Khan had already obtained Yeza's acknowledgment, so everyone respected them.

Instead, things with Delia had never been too serious. The atmosphere in Ecoruta's camps had also been different, and Khan had even gained enough fame to avoid troublesome situations.

However, the atmosphere on Earth was more relaxed. Ethan's flirts were accepted, and Khan's fame didn't reach the Slums. The soldiers in the barrack didn't bother to learn his name since Grant and Ethan were the specialists from the city.

Cora's beauty only worsened the situation, especially among soldiers who didn't care too much about ranks and manners. Khan also had a broader emotional range, which inevitably made him experience stronger versions of jealousy.

The kiss was a warning that everyone understood, but only a few decided to follow. Still, the evident despise that Amber and the students showed toward those still trying to peek eventually put that situation to an end.

Khan entered the office and waited for Cameron to reach the other side of the table. The soldier tried to sit, but he eventually decided to remain on his feet since Khan, Ethan, and Grant were doing the same.

"How can I help you?" Cameron exclaimed. "Every resource of this barrack is at your service, and I can also contact nearby structures to help with the investigation."

"Are you aware of what happened in Dewwick?" Grant questioned in a cold tone.

"News takes a while to reach the Slums, but some of us have subscribed to newsletters," Cameron explained. "We learnt about Dewwick, but I don't think something similar is happening here."

"How can you be so sure?" Ethan asked. "Your soldiers don't strike me as the brightest bunch."

"Sir, it's no secret that only the worst soldiers end in the Slums," Cameron politely smiled. "Yet, we are talking about a secret lab with potentially deadly equipment and dangerous animals. We would have noticed the creation of something like that."

"I can see ten ways to smuggle illegal equipment in the Slums," Grant scoffed. "And I've been here only a few minutes. I believe that number can reach one hundred in a few days."

"Please, take no offense in my following words," Cameron exclaimed. "I'm afraid you don't understand how things work in the Slums. The people here are scared of mana. They would never dare to get near something that could infect them."

Cameron was beyond convincing. He appeared as honest as possible, and his politeness only improved his image. Ethan and Grant began to believe that Khan had been wrong, but they only saw coldness on his face when they glanced at him.

"Grant, Ethan, can I talk with Cameron in private?" Khan asked without looking at the two specialists.

Ethan and Grant didn't want to be left out of the core parts of the investigation, but they knew that a united front was necessary. They couldn't show internal divisions to Cameron, so they nodded and left the office.

"How can I help you, sir?" Cameron smiled once he and Khan remained alone in the office.

"You can drop the act," Khan sighed as he approached a chair and sat.

Cameron didn't know what to say, but he also sat. His face showed nothing but confusion, but Khan knew how to get past it.

"I'm from the Slums," Khan casually stated as his eyes ran among the office. "This barrack is far too clean. Did you prepare it for today's meeting?" josei

"You are correct, sir," Cameron admitted. "One of our cleaning robots broke some time ago, but the Global Army has yet to send a replacement. We did the best we could yesterday, but some spots were too persistent."

Khan nodded before taking out his phone and using it to project a hologram. The map of Reebfell's Slums appeared between him and Cameron, but the latter didn't understand his intentions.

"I want you to mark every brothel and drug-dealing corner," Khan declared. "I also want you to tell me the names of those in charge of these activities."

"Brothels? Drugs?" Cameron gasped. "I'm sorry, sir. I wouldn't know where to find them."

"Come on, I told you that I come from the Slums," Khan sighed. "I know how things work here. Make it easy for me."

"I understand, sir," Cameron nodded. "However, Reebfell's Slums are different. I'm afraid you won't find what you are looking for."

"Fine," Khan snorted while putting his feet on the desk. "I'll tell you what will happen. I'll write a report to my superiors in which I'll say that the situation is suspicious and the soldiers in the area aren't trustworthy. In a week, a new platoon will arrive and level the entire area."

Cameron's eyes widened. He wanted to say something, but Khan suddenly continued. "I know that you have probably told everyone to close shop for today. We won't find anything on our own, but the new platoon will uncover something, and you will take the fall for it."

Another wave of surprise filled Cameron's mind. Khan appeared young, but his mind was sharp, and his knowledge of the Slums was sound. The soldier couldn't help but gulp while those threats reached his ears.

"Do you know what's the punishment for hiding criminals and allowing illegal activities?" Khan casually asked.

"S-sir, every Slum had to reach compromises," Cameron explained.

"I know," Khan announced. "However, this stuff about the secret lab is making many important figures nervous. You can't lie your way out of this, and you will end up in the crossfire. Of course, you can always choose to rely on me."

Khan didn't look at Cameron, but he could sense his anxiety growing. The Global Army had to reassure the citizens in the city, so someone had to fall. Cameron was the leader of a barrack, so his head was a valuable scapegoat.

"The peace in the Slums is frail," Cameron warned.

"I guessed as much," Khan declared while removing his feet from the table and fixing his eyes on the soldier. "Hear me out. The Global Army has authorized deadly force, but I don't want to get in the way of innocent people. Point me to the various underground leaders. We'll have a talk and be on our way."

"They will go into hiding if they see you coming," Cameron explained.

"That's why we need you to vouch for us," Khan stated. "I promise you that we won't try to stop any illegal business unless we find connections to eventual labs. Nothing will change, and no one will get hurt, but I need everyone's collaboration for that."

"Sir, I don't know if you can promise all of this," Cameron said in a hesitant tone.

"I'll go out of your office now," Khan chuckled. "You will pick up your phone and search "Lieutenant Khan". Read thoroughly. I'll be with the others in our habitations. I hope you have prepared something for us."

"Of course!" Cameron stood up when he saw Khan leaving the chair. "I can call-."

"Don't worry," Khan interrupted. "I'm sure I can find someone willing to accompany us on my own. You stay here. You have a lot to read."

Khan left the office and closed the door behind him. Grant and the others tried to find answers on his face, but he didn't talk about the meeting. Khan took Cora's hand and gave a simple order while moving through the corridor. "Let's reach our habitations first."

Ethan and Grant decided to trust Khan. The group only needed to ask to find someone willing to accompany them to their habitations. Amber and the others could experience their first walk through the Slums, and the experience only disgusted them. Still, the sight of their temporary houses managed to worsen their mood.

The Slums had houses for the soldiers stationed there, but they were far from good. The short notice had also prevented the barrack from preparing something suitable for the investigation group. Still, to Khan's surprise, the appointed habitation had managed to be decent.

Khan and the others found themselves in front of a two-story building with multiple spots on its surfaces. The places appeared dirty, but its insides were surprisingly clean. They didn't reach the camp's standards, but they were acceptable.

Moreover, the structure was solid and firm. The other houses in the Slums paled in front of that habitation. Only the best soldiers in the barrack could live there, but the arrival of the investigation group had forced them to move.

The two-story building had multiple rooms, enough to fit the entire group, a simple kitchen, and two different bathrooms. The latter were the worst part of the house, but some tools brought from the city allowed the group to improve the situation by a lot.

The group spent a few hours improving the structure and preparing their rooms. Curiosity hovered among them since Khan had yet to explain the outcome of the meeting.. Still, his answers became superfluous when Cameron visited the place and informed everyone that he had set an appointment with the figure in charge of the brothels.

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