Chaos' Heir

Chapter 328 - Surprise

Chapter 328 - Surprise

The departure from the Slums was quick. The specialists didn't bring much, and most valuable equipment had remained on the C-15 anyway, so the group only had to empty their rooms.

Khan, Ethan, and Grant didn't waste time in pleasantries with Cameron. They had nothing to say to the soldier and scolding him for how he handled the Slums was pointless. Leaving was the only option, especially now that the Global Army had given the order.

The flight was as comfortable as ever, and it left little space for privacy. Yet, Khan managed to find the two specialists alone and have a conversation that the others probably weren't ready to hear.

"Do you think they'll tell us anything about the other investigations?" Khan asked while looking at the two specialists on the other side of the interactive table.

"That's hard to say," Grant sighed.

"It's very unlikely," Ethan added. "We are talking about rogue families, secret organizations, and who knows what else. The higher-ups will probably keep every news limited to inner circles and trusted soldiers."

"Aren't you two specialists?" Khan asked. "You should be in the inner circle."

"We remain lieutenants," Grant exclaimed. "This is a problem way above our paygrade."

"Still, labs with synthetic mana in the damned Slums," Ethan shook his head. "This is Earth, our planet! How did we miss something like that?"

"You didn't miss it," Khan reassured. "I've lived in the Slums for eleven years without meeting anything similar. It's not a matter of paygrade. I'm afraid the powers behind these structures are simply too strong."

"Khan, it's exactly because you come from the Slums that you don't understand our frustration," Ethan scoffed.

"Frustration?" Khan asked.

"I don't want to sound spoiled," Grant announced, "But we have lived our whole lives believing to be on top of the world. We come from good families, and we have even worked hard to reach our current position. Yet, everything is different now."

"Politics have never been easy," Khan argued.

"But they have always been quite straightforward," Ethan complained. "Ploys and betrayals have always happened, but the goal was clear. Everyone wants to get rich, and I don't blame them. Still, I can't see the point of these hidden labs."

"Taxes?" Khan guessed.

"You can't be so dense," Ethan cursed.

"Ethan, behave. We are all tense," Grant scolded before turning toward Khan. "Yes, building labs in the Slums avoids many expenses, but the risks aren't worth it. There has to be something else, something that justifies going against the Global Army."

Khan knew that Grant's words made sense, but he couldn't come up with an answer. The two specialists were in the same situation, which was the reason behind their irritation.

"I guess we'll remain in the dark for a while then," Khan sighed.

"I'm not sure I even want to find answers," Ethan admitted while lowering his gaze. "This trip to the Slums has been more than enough."

Khan and Grant exchanged a glance and suppressed the smiles trying to appear on their faces. The seriousness of the topic made it easy for them to retain stern expressions, and Grant eventually rekindled the conversation. "Khan, what do you think they are hiding?"

"How would I know?" Khan honestly replied. "In theory, building labs and similar places in the Slums is far harder. I don't see the point unless there is something shady going on."

"That's what I was talking about," Grant continued. "You have been to many alien planets. Did you ever see dangerous alien technologies or similar things?"

Khan immediately thought about the anti-mana project, but that didn't fit the current situation. He didn't know if Captain Clayman had told the truth, but the secret structures in the Slums were way too old.

Moreover, the area uncovered by Khan didn't have anything similar to what he had seen on Ecoruta. The structure might have been a real secret lab meant to create Tainted animals at a low price, but that only gave birth to more questions.

What was the point of creating a lab if it wasn't the main purpose of the secret organization? Something like that would only attract unwanted attention unless the force behind it really needed money to pursue its real goal.

As for other technologies, Khan thought about the Niqols' arts. He knew that the humans wouldn't accept them so easily, but building secret locations to practice them felt too much. Risking to turn the entire Global Army into an enemy was just too dangerous.

"I am as lost as you," Khan eventually declared. "I can't see how forces as wealthy as the families would choose the Slums over their personal structures."

"I mean, I can come up with crazy theories," Ethan rejoined the conversation. "The Global Army must have forbidden some practices over the years. Maybe the families behind these structures want to keep them going through the money made by the secret labs."

"I'm also worried about what Madame revealed," Grant continued. "The Global Army has left many territories to die after the First Impact. I've never given them much thought, but who knows what humankind has built there during the last five hundred years."

"Careful, Grant," Ethan intervened. "It almost sounded as if you were throwing the noble families in this mess."

"Who would have the resources and knowledge to build something under the Global Army's nose?" Grant asked.

"I know that it makes sense," Ethan responded. "I'm just saying to be careful about what you say. Your career would end in an instant if our bosses were to hear you now."

"You are right," Grant sighed.

The trio went silent. There was far more to talk about, but everything was deep into theory territory. The lack of proper clues remained an issue that Khan and the specialists couldn't ignore by brainstorming for a few minutes.

The conversation was also dangerous since it probably involved influential forces. The noble families were too far away from mere lieutenants. Khan had been lucky with Rick Rassec, but that situation had deep problems too.

In the end, Khan and the specialists dropped the topic and reunited with the others. The two groups separated when the C-15 landed on the training camp, and everyone went on their way.

Khan had every intention of catching up with his training since it was still early, but a message reached his phone right after his group began to march through the camp's streets. Headmaster Pitcus had requested a meeting, so he had to leave Cora, Amber, and his students to reach one of the central structures.

"Did you request for me, sir?" Khan asked after crossing the office's entrance and finding the Headmaster's big figure sitting behind the interactive desk.

"Indeed," Headmaster Pitcus exclaimed while raising his gaze from the menus on the desk. "Please, heave a seat."

"Is there a problem?" Khan questioned while sitting on one of the chairs in front of the desk.

"Not at all," Headmaster Pitcus announced. "Actually, I read that your mission in the Slums went wonderfully. You have stood out once again."

"I was merely following orders, sir," Khan politely declined that compliment.

"You were the right soldier for the mission in the end," Headmaster Pitcus continued. "The Global Army has already sent a suitable payment to your account. You won't be disappointed when you withdraw it."

Khan sensed that something was off. The Headmaster was usually quite earnest and warm, but Khan now felt a hidden meaning behind his words. Also, getting paid a lot for a mission that had lasted only a few days sounded wrong.

"Do you have something in your mind?" Headmaster Pitcus asked when he noticed Khan's silence.

"I'm just confused, sir," Khan stated. "I didn't think such a short mission could be so profitable."

"Of course, the payment isn't for the mission alone," Headmaster Pitcus explained. "The Global Army wants you to remain silent about your findings. Your companions are receiving similar instructions right now."

"Will they also get summoned?" Khan asked.

"No, this meeting was only for you," Headmaster Pitcus revealed. "My superiors asked me to tell you the news personally."

"Why is that, sir?" Khan questioned.

"I suppose to show respect," Headmaster Pitcus answered. "I think the higher-ups want you to know that you aren't a simple lieutenant in their eyes."

"So, will I get updates on the investigation?" Khan continued.

"Unlikely," Headmaster Pitcus chuckled. "Think of this meeting as a sign that the Global Army has acknowledged your value. You will have a great future as long as you continue to perform well."

'And keep my mouth shut,' Khan continued in his mind while showing a fake smile. "Thank you, sir."

"Also, your lessons are doing well," Headmaster Pitcus declared. "I've read about the performance on the field of your students. I think the Global Army is ready to make your subject a core part of the training camps. Try to come up with a detailed program before the end of the academic year."

"A program?" Khan asked. "Something similar to my monthly reports?"

"Yes, but don't speak only about the results," Headmaster Pitcus ordered. "Other professors will probably use your training program, so add your reasons behind every exercise. You can even try to streamline it and come up with replacements for your more challenging lessons."

"I see," Khan nodded. "I'll do my best, sir."

"There is no hurry," Headmaster Pitcus exclaimed. "You still have more than a month to go. Learn what you can during the next lessons and write something that other professors can follow. Don't worry. I'll review it before sending it to my superiors."

Khan nodded again, and the meeting ended. He could reunite with Cora and resume his training schedule after spending some time with her.

Life went back to normal after the investigation ended, and time began to flow quickly.

Khan turned eighteen and experienced a lovely birthday with Amber and Cora in the city. The three had fun for a whole day, and the couple made sure to make that night matter.

The weeks that followed didn't feature anything odd or unusual. Khan was more than busy with his training schedule, Cora, and lessons. He barely had free time, but he didn't mind that situation.

Every aspect of his life was fulfilling. His students improved quickly, his training progressed well, and his relationship was in a perfect spot. Nothing was off on the outside, but Khan could feel the limits of that life slowly closing on him.

The new training programs helped keep Khan's mind busy, but various thoughts and urges inevitably appeared. He was getting stronger, but he couldn't test his power. He was even taking it easy inside the training hall since he was almost ready to use the "simulated mental battle".

Studying was another great distraction, but that also became boring as Khan found no chance to use his knowledge. Even the pilot training soon failed to fill him with the interest that it used to generate.

Nevertheless, Khan didn't show any odd behavior. He had already stopped holding back, so his growing restlessness went unnoticed. Only Cora felt that something was brewing inside him, but he never let those emotions affect his relationship.

Khan benefitted from that peaceful time in multiple ways, but his desire for action continued to grow. Still, his attunement with mana rose steadily and at an incredible pace due to the [Blood Vortex], so he postponed plans.

Becoming a second-level warrior would open far more doors, so Khan avoided thinking about an eventual departure or a different job. He knew that the breakthrough would eventually happen, but putting those thoughts in the back of his mind allowed him to enjoy what he had to the fullest.

Then, a strange and surprising event happened during the week before the end of his second year. The lessons were over since the students had various tests to handle, so Khan spent most of his time training and with Cora. He was with her in his flat when a message from Luke reached his phone.

"Luke is coming to visit the camp tomorrow," Khan announced while looking at his screen. "He is bringing Bruce."

"I don't think I met Bruce," Cora replied while adjusting her position on Khan's lap. "It's nice of them to visit you."

"I don't know," Khan said while checking the news depicted on the flat's wall. "Luke might be up to something. He is one of the really rich guys."

"You have also saved him on Istrone," Cora added. "He might just want to catch up."

"Maybe," Khan whispered before closing the menus on the wall and putting his phone away.

"Did Grant say anything about the investigation?" Cora asked since she knew what Khan had searched for on the news' menus.

"He is in the dark," Khan replied while lifting Cora's head to lie behind her on the couch. "No one seems to remember that Dewwick's mess happened less than two months ago. It seems that the Global Army really wants to keep that matter a secret."

Cora turned to face Khan, and he instinctively hugged her to pull her close. She had long since become used to that gesture, and her hands even went under his uniform during the process.

"Does it say when they will arrive?" Cora asked before leaving a kiss on Khan's chest.

"During the morning," Khan responded while moving Cora's hair to kiss her neck. "You can remain asleep if you want."

"I'll be sleepy, but I want to come," Cora declared. "We can even take it easy tonight."

Khan raised his head to meet Cora's gaze, and she let out a cute giggle when she noticed the desire in his eyes. The two quickly kissed, and Cora's laugh continued when they fell out of the couch.

The morning arrived quickly. Cora and Khan walked hand in hand toward one of the landing areas in the peripheral parts of the training camp. Luke had conveyed where and when he would arrive, so the couple could reach their destination in time to see a relatively small, triangular spaceship descend from the sky.

The spaceship turned to show its back toward Cora and Khan before landing on a large metal platform. A few soldiers stood at its sides and kept their eyes on consoles to make sure that everything went well, but the event didn't involve any problem.

A whooshing noise came out of the spaceship as part of its back opened and transformed into a staircase. A few figures immediately became visible, and Cora frowned when she sensed a tremor running through Khan's hand.

Luke and Bruce were the first to appear in Khan's vision. They had both grown since their last meeting, but a short figure behind the two men quickly claimed the entirety of Khan's attention.

The sight of long dark hair, big dark eyes, and familiar features brought Khan back to Istrone. His memories then showed him scenes from his first time on Onia and his months in Ylaco's training camp.

Cora wanted to tighten her grasp on Khan's hand to question him silently, but her fingers found nothing to touch. Luke and Bruce only sensed wind blowing on their faces before they noticed that someone had appeared behind them. josei

The few soldiers in the back of the spaceship prepared themselves for battle in front of that intrusion, but Luke promptly raised a hand to stop them. His focus then went on the figure that had appeared behind him. He wouldn't let his underlings interrupt that reunion.

"You have grown," Martha whispered while wearing a slight smile. Her eyes inspected every detail of Khan's face. She noticed his surprise, and part of her felt happy to see how shocked he was about her reappearance.

Similar shock ended up filling her mind since Khan took her between his arms without saying anything. Martha's first instinct was to push him away, but her strength disappeared when she heard his line. "I missed you."

Martha could only accept the hug at that point. She wrapped her arms around his back and ignored that everyone was looking at them to say a few words. "I'm sorry I took so long.. I'm awake now."

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