Chaos' Heir

Chapter 337 - Demonstration

Chapter 337 - Demonstration

Khan's days went back to being extremely busy, but an important event preceded the return to that routine.

A simple check-up in the medical bay the morning after the talk with Cora was enough to award Khan with a second star on his right shoulder. Then, a few bystanders noticed the change in his uniform during his walk back to the flat and spread the news.

By the end of the morning, everyone in the camp had learnt that Khan had become a second-level warrior. Doctor Blackburn had even updated his profile, so anyone could check that the matter was true.

Khan was only at the beginning of his third academic year, but he had already become a second-level warrior. Moreover, he had accomplished all of that without synthetic mana or a long period of isolation.

The achievement only added value to Khan's figure. His fame skyrocketed once again and offers rained on his phone. Many of them were more valuable than his current position as a professor, but he ignored them since he had already set his gaze on something way more interesting.

Except for the rekindled fame, Khan's routine went back to the packed series of activities that had preceded the fight with Cora. He studied, attended Martha's training, and grew used to his new level to prepare for the imminent mission.

A few things didn't go back to how they were. Khan refrained from abusing the [Blood Vortex] right after the breakthrough. He didn't want to risk ending up in his previous condition, so he focused on learning to listen to his body while immersing himself in regular meditations.

Khan wanted to recognize eventual symptoms of stress or similar issues before they became a problem. He even purchased a technique that allowed him to assess the state of his flesh and muscles. Learning it with his level of control took less than an hour, and he made sure to use it every day afterward.

Of course, the purchase didn't happen through Khan's Credits. He had officially accepted Luke's offer after becoming a second-level warrior, and the latter had been more than happy to take care of every expense that followed that decision.

Khan didn't hold back. He used Luke's money to purchase even more books and time inside the training halls meant for Martha's training. Also, he bought a series of manuals and studies connected to the chaos element to gain a clear idea of his prospects.

The chaos element had many issues and a few positive aspects. Mastering it was a big problem for most soldiers, and the matter only became worse at the higher levels.

However, Khan had long since distanced himself from the human approach. It was safe to say that he had never succeeded in following the instructions left behind by other chaos wielders, so it was on him to forge a path that suited him.

Khan wanted to earn a second star on his left shoulder before the mission to Milia 222, and his state as a second-level warrior granted him access to the spells that could provide that achievement. Still, they were expensive and rare due to the complexity of his element, and his different approach didn't help.

Luke had great connections with basically every shop, so Khan could easily find tomes connected to his situation. He even managed to get his hands on detailed lists that described the various spells developed by the Global Army. Yet, he learnt something interesting during the research.

Most spells had fixed power due to the precise methods required to cast them. However, the chaos element was an exception. The unclear approach to its abilities allowed the chaos wielders to tinker with the amount of mana poured in each attack, which obviously led to different results.

Khan discovered that many chaos wielders preferred to limit the number of spells in their arsenal and develop stronger versions instead of replacing them. It was easier to improve an existing attack than learn a new one in their case, and Khan followed their example.

A long series of tests followed that discovery. Khan didn't abandon the idea of getting new spells, but he preferred to pursue his personal path for now, which involved improving his current arsenal.

His decision also involved his future. After extensive study, Khan believed that he would almost completely abandon the human path at some point. The Niqols' approach suited him far more, so he had to stop relying on the Global Army when he could.

Reebfell's camp had training areas meant solely for spells. They didn't feature any workshops or programs. They only had big targets that evaluated the power of each attack and placed them into a specific bracket.

Khan immersed himself in that testing phase. He had to find a new balance among his emotions to cast stronger but stable spells. The process wasn't easy, but his relentless efforts in the Niqols' methods granted an advantage that anyone would envy.

That advantage quickly led to results. Khan had never lacked mana, and the new level of control achieved after becoming a second-level warrior allowed him to improve the power of his spells relatively easily.

The Wave spell was the easiest to improve, at least when it came to its raw, spherical form. The attack was a violent expression of Khan's desperation, so pouring more power inside it wasn't an issue.

The problem began when Khan had to restrain his mana through a mixture of sheer ability and emotions. Luckily for him, his training showed great results that quickly led him to complete the testing phase.

"I didn't expect you to contact me so soon," Headmaster Pitcus announced when he entered the training hall. "Only two months have passed since you gained your second star. Are you sure you aren't overworking yourself again?"

"I paid far more attention to my health after the last problem," Khan reassured. "Thank you for the concern, sir."

Becoming a second-level mage required a demonstration in front of a superior or someone with the right qualifications. Headmaster Pitcus met those requirements, so Khan didn't hesitate to call him when he felt ready to show his progress.

It was the night of the fifth day of the week. The academic year had already entered its fifth month, and Khan had been a perfect professor in the past period.

Khan's students were more than ready for the incoming tests, so Headmaster Pitcus didn't say anything when he received the message. He actually felt curious to see what Khan had achieved so soon after the breakthrough.

"How many spells do I have to show?" Khan asked as he turned toward the large, rectangular metal target on the other end of the training hall.

"Why don't you start by showing me what you have?" Headmaster Pitcus gently said while crossing his arms behind his back.

Khan nodded and took a step forward before joining his hands. Mana accumulated in his palms and gave birth to a spear when he separated them. Then, he threw the weapon forward, which hit the exact center of the distant target.

An explosion followed the impact, and a gale flowed through the training hall. The bun on Headmaster Pitcus' hair remained firm, and his eyes never twitched as he kept them fixed on the target.

"The power of the chaos element is incredible as always," Headmaster Pitcus commented before moving his eyes on the screen next to the target. "Yet, you have yet to enter the realm of the second-level mages."

The screen depicted the number "1", stating how the chaos spear was still within the limits of first-level mages. Still, that result didn't surprise Khan.

"I held back on purpose to show the difference between the two versions," Khan explained before joining his hands again.

A massive surge of mana that made the Headmaster's eyebrows twitch came out of Khan's body and gathered in his palms. Khan waited for a few seconds before separating his hands slowly.

The same purple-red spear came to life, but the Headmaster noticed the differences from the previous spell. The weapon was way brighter than before, and tremors ran through its edges.

Headmaster Pitcus hid his faint surprise and decided to test Khan's concentration through a question. "That doesn't seem stable at all."

"That's the nature of the chaos element," Khan calmly replied without losing control of the spear. He even glanced at the Headmaster to warn him. "I would take a step back if I were you, sir."

"I'm fine where I am," Headmaster Pitcus gently chuckled.

Khan limited himself to nod again and turn toward the target. He took a deep breath before raising the spear and launching it toward the large metal slab in the distance.

The throw wasn't as precise as the previous. It landed in the top-right corner of the target, but the explosion that followed the impact prevented Headmaster Pitcus from voicing a comment.

A violent gale followed the bright purple-red pillar that covered the target. Headmaster Pitcus had to raise a hand to keep his glasses still, but the bun opened, and his hair ended up fluttering in the wind.

The training hall took a few seconds to return quiet, and the Headmaster didn't feel surprised at all when he saw the number "2" appear on the screen next to the target. No first-level mage could ever launch such a strong spell.

Khan closed his eyes for an instant before reopening again. The emotional burden required to cast spells at that level was heavy, and an attentive soldier might notice something. Still, Headmaster Pitcus didn't see anything since his gaze was glued to the target.

"Your aim is a bit off," Headmaster Pitcus commented as he pulled his hair to restore the bun.

"I'm working on that, sir," Khan stated. "Luckily, the other spells don't require that level of control."

"So, you do have other spells," Headmaster Pitcus teased. "Do you wish to keep them hidden?"

"I wouldn't mind revealing them to you, sir," Khan lied.

"I expected that answer," Headmaster Pitcus chuckled. "Do not worry. What you showed me is enough to award your second star. I'll update your profile and have new uniforms delivered to your flat."

"Thank you, sir!" Khan shouted while turning and performing a military salute.

Headmaster Pitcus began to leave the training hall, but a sudden thought made him stop. He glanced at Khan and voiced vague words that he didn't fail to understand. "About that matter, wait until the end of the semester. It would only hurt your students otherwise."

Khan knew that the Headmaster was talking about his replacement, and he even understood the reasons behind that request. His face also revealed enough, so Headmaster Pitcus left the training hall before hearing an answer.

Khan waited for the metal door to close before heaving a sigh of relief. He crouched and took out his phone to check the date. The time to leave had almost arrived. Less than two months separated him from that event. josei

'Almost there,' Khan exclaimed in his mind as he automatically came up with a schedule for the following months. Still, his thoughts eventually reached sad areas.

The departure from Reebfell would mark his break-up with Cora. Khan knew that the event was inevitable, but some sadness still appeared in his mind, especially when he reviewed what had changed in his relationship during the last period.

Cora and Khan had decided to enjoy their remaining time together, and she was doing her best to behave normally. However, Khan had noticed the sad and pensive stares that she threw at him from time to time.

Those gestures weren't only connected to the inevitable separation. Cora could now see Khan in his entirety, and she felt sad whenever she thought about what he had decided to reveal.

Cora was very empathetic. Sadness overwhelmed her whenever she thought about Khan's experiences. She almost felt guilty to have kept him on Earth for so long when he needed to find solutions to his nightmares.

The stories about Nitis had also filled Cora with terror and a tinge of disgust. Knowing that Khan had been an important pawn in those events had also unsettled her.

Cora respected and loved Khan more than anyone else in the world, but learning everything about him allowed her to accept the truth. They lived in different worlds that had been lucky enough to meet during those months. She could probably steal more time, but that would only hurt him.

That lingering sadness had spread to Amber since she was Cora's only confidant. Cora didn't reveal Khan's secrets, but Amber understood how serious the matter was from her tears and helplessness.

That created a vaguely tense environment that Khan, Amber, and Cora decided to ignore. Addressing the problem wouldn't lead anywhere due to the lack of solutions, so they silently accepted that their time together was coming to an end. Khan knew the role he had to play, but he still felt sad whenever he thought about it.

'The last year has been quite lucky,' Khan chuckled as he reviewed his time in Reebfell's camp. He could sense the faint conflict inside him. Part of him didn't want to abandon that peace, but the opposing feeling was too intense to ignore.

Khan sent a message to Luke and straightened his position. The date for the departure was set, and restlessness filled his mind as he thought about the incoming mission. The universe was calling Khan, and he wouldn't make it wait.


Author's notes: The third volume will end here.. The fourth will start in the next chapter (which will arrive in a few hours).

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