Chaos' Heir

Chapter 342 - Bed

Chapter 342 - Bed

A tense silence followed the revelation. Martha and Monica felt a bit skeptical toward the Nele's prediction, but Khan and Master Ivor considered it seriously.

Khan had studied Milia 222's species thoroughly, and he had used Luke's connections to get his hands on books that Reebfell's market offered only to its premium clients. He had learnt a lot in the months before the mission, and the Nele had stood out.

As a species, the Nele weren't too special. Their innate gifts, customs, and tragic history made them famous, but they were relatively weak. They lacked a proper home, and their population was small.

However, Khan couldn't help but find similarities between the Nele and the Niqols. They were both knowledgeable in the ways of mana and relied on methods that the Global Army found obsolete or too complicated.

The supposed ability to predict the future and those general features had made Khan very interested in the Nele. That's why he didn't hesitate to approach the stand as soon as he found the chance to interact with that species, and he had to admit that his initial idea wasn't wrong.

'They are different from the Niqols,' Khan thought as he reviewed the Nele's words. 'They are warm, warmer than humans, but their touch is the same.' josei

Khan instinctively passed his hand over the spot touched by the Nele. It was different, but he felt familiar vibes. Moreover, the alien had seen right through him easily. That couldn't be the case.

'Maybe I can really expand my alternative methods by getting closer to the Nele,' Khan concluded.

Khan felt no affection toward the Nele. Their similarities with the Niqols made him respect them, and he even pitied their history, but that was it. Yet, when he studied them, he ended up thinking that they could grant him what Earth couldn't in terms of alternative approaches to mana.

The Nele stored the sharp root somewhere in the back of her dress to hold the hand that had touched Khan. Meanwhile, she kept her purple eyes on Khan, and he didn't move his gaze away either.

Martha and Monica felt that something strange was happening. It was as if Khan and the Nele had a connection that they couldn't see. They moved at the same rhythm as if they belonged to the same species.

"You are a strange human, Lieutenant Khan," The Nele said in a faint voice, revealing that she was as confused as Martha and Monica.

"[Just Khan]," Khan exclaimed while trying to adjust his accent according to the Nele's words. "[You are]?"

The Nele hesitated for a few seconds before stretching her hand and pointing her palm upward. Khan had read about that gesture, so he placed his hand above hers without applying any pressure.

The Nele's skin felt as smooth as silk. Her palm was soft and could make anyone desire to squeeze it, but Khan's hand remained firm. The two remained in that position for an instant before she voiced a single word. "[Jenna]."

Khan revealed a faint smile before retracting his hand. Jenna reached behind her back and drew her sharp root, but her eyes continued to follow Khan. She appeared slightly wary but also curious.

"There you are!" Bruce's voice resounded from the corner of the street. "Our ride is waiting for us."

"I have to go," Khan stated. "It was a pleasure."

"Do you plan on going on the third asteroid?" Jenna asked.

"Would I be welcome there?" Khan questioned.

"Do you have ill intentions?" Jenna wondered.

"Don't you know that already?" Khan continued.

Jenna went silent before letting go of her wariness and giving an honest answer. "Anyone is welcome as long as they welcome us."

"I'll probably take a look if I have time then," Khan uttered as he turned to walk back to the rest of his companions.

Master Ivor turned immediately while Martha and Monica moved their eyes between Jenna and Khan before following their companions. They noticed how Jenna had yet to stop looking at Khan, but they let their doubts remain silent.

"So, that's a Nele," Bruce announced when the group reunited. "What were you doing there?"

"Lieutenant Khan wanted to check his future," Master Ivor explained before Khan could come up with a half-lie. "The Nele sees imminent danger."

"I read that their predictions are far from accurate," Luke stated. "Don't think too much about it, Khan. I'm sure it's nothing."

"I'm not worried," Khan reassured while wearing a smile. "I only wanted to talk a bit with her now that I have the chance to practice my accent."

"And flirt," Monica teased.

"Remember that the Nele's customs are quite strict in that field," Bruce warned. "You'd have to marry her if something happens."

"I wasn't flirting," Khan laughed. "I was only being polite."

"Make sure to be as polite with me during our drink," Monica flirted.

"I was confident in my game before reuniting with you," Bruce uttered. "Now I feel that I still have a lot to learn."

"Well, it's Khan," Luke happily exclaimed. "Of course, he is amazing at that too."

Khan limited himself to laugh to make that conversation end. He liked that none of his companions had taken the omen seriously and were still easygoing. That would give him more freedom if he wanted to pursue personal matters.

Yet, Khan noted down Master Ivor's behavior in his mind. The soldier had reported everything almost immediately, which reminded Khan of the nature of their relationship. Master Ivor was on Luke's side. Khan couldn't trust him completely.

Martha was the only one who didn't join those laughs and joyful conversations. Jenna's words had left a mark that she couldn't shake off, and that interaction had also made her feel strange.

The premonition wasn't an issue since Martha was somewhat skeptical about it. Still, the talk about Khan's one and his apparent comfort in those odd behaviors gave her strange doubts. Was that really the Khan that she knew? How could an alien draw out his honest self so easily?

Those doubts never found a voice, and Martha soon ended up involved in some of the casual conversations of her group. She still searched for Khan's gaze from time to time in the hope of finding common ground outside of that pretense, but he often failed to give her time due to how much attention he received.

A comfortable ride led the group before a tall modern building that reeked luxury. That structure turned out to be part of the Cobsend family's assets, and it had so many rooms that Khan and the others could have entire floors for themselves.

A series of domestics had also prepared the building for Luke's arrival. The group could enjoy Earth's cuisine for dinner, even if it were costly on Milia 222. Still, the Cobsend family paid for everything, so no one mentioned the matter.

The long travel had not been tiring due to the comfortable ship, but the group still had to get used to Milia 222's time. The domes never went dark, but it was custom to make the days last thirty hours to please all the species living there.

The busy work would begin right away, so Luke decided to let that night pass and move to his family matters the next day. He had yet to reveal the contents of the mission. Still, Khan guessed that some of his companions already knew about it.

Khan was nowhere near sleepy, especially with all the excitement inside him. He felt the urge to go out and explore the city, but he couldn't act as a simple traveler for now due to the imminent mission.

The building had almost everything a proper house would need, but it lacked training areas. It had reinforced rooms, but they couldn't endure too many spells, so Khan had to give up on tiring himself out.

Luckily for Khan, he had many options at his disposal. Using the [Blood Vortex] there was impossible due to all the synthetic mana in the environment, but his busy schedule could resume anyway. Yet, he felt the need to check on someone before diving into his training.

"It's me," Khan announced while knocking at a door near his room.

The entrance slid open and revealed Martha sitting cross-legged on her large bed. She was wearing a comfortable and loose grey pajama, and the light of the interactive menus on the walls enveloped her in an azure halo.

"Why didn't you change yet?" Martha asked when she noticed that Khan was still wearing his military uniform. "I thought the domestics left a few sets of clothes in your room."

"I wasn't sure whether I would sweat," Khan explained. "I have so many exercises, but I also want to study a bit more. Today went well, but I still feel unprepared."

Martha wanted to scold Khan for being a perfectionist, but she lost her voice while inspecting him. His performance that day had been outstanding. He wasn't anything like the curious boy who didn't even know about ambassadors. He had taken an impressive step on that path, but he still wanted more.

"Why did you come here?" Martha asked when she thought about Jenna. "You should rest."

"I wanted to check on you," Khan revealed as he entered the room and let the door close behind him. "The real deal starts tomorrow. I need to confirm that you are ready."

"You checked me a few hours ago on the ship," Martha complained.

"Come on now," Khan seriously voiced as he approached the bed and sat on it. "Give me your hands. Let me see."

Martha pouted, but she placed her hands in Khan's palm before summoning her mana. She created a few tiny spheres of energy above her skin and made them move in various directions while ensuring that their shape remained stable.

"Good," Khan commented. "You aren't wasting any mana doing this. I think you are close to regaining complete control of your power."

"I still can't get your senses," Martha whined while retracting her hands.

"I think my talent there comes from the mutations," Khan sighed as he laid his back on the bed and crossed his arms on his forehead. "You are already above human standards there. You'll be fine."

"There is still the manipulation field," Martha stated. "And where do you think you are? This is my bed."

Martha stretched her legs and placed her feet on Khan's side to push him slightly. Khan laughed and let her do as she wished while voicing an answer. "I'll teach you the manipulation field if you want, but that's not necessary in your case. Your family already has many spells, and you can also use your grandfather's notes."

"True," Martha agreed as she stopped pushing Khan. "I'll think about it once I get up to speed. I can't invest time into things that I don't need right now."

"Do you plan on getting your feet off me now?" Khan asked since Martha's feet were still on his side.

"Do you plan on getting off my bed?" Martha asked.

"Just five more minutes," Khan whined in a silly tone.

"Then my feet will stay there," Martha declared.

A silent second passed before both of them exploded into a short laugh. Martha placed her hands behind her to make her position more comfortable, while Khan moved his arms under his nape to stare at the ceiling.

"Hey, thank you," Martha eventually whispered while glancing at one of the menus on the wall.

"For what?" Khan asked, but Martha kicked his side softly and made him laugh.

"You know for what," Martha continued before lowering her voice. "Thank you for all the help in these months. I would have never recovered so quickly without you."

"I was only keeping a promise," Khan replied while glancing at Martha. "Besides, I've always enjoyed spending time with you. You know that."

"I know," Martha sighed, "But you had a lot on your plate. Cora, the job, your whole life. You have put a lot at risk for me, so, really, thank you."

Khan revealed an honest smile. He could express how happy he was to have recovered that relationship. Martha was important in his life, and helping her had been incredibly fulfilling.

"How are you feeling?" Martha expressed her concern.

"I'm good," Khan stated. "I'll never find another woman like Cora, but that's probably for the best. I am too messed up for someone so kind."

"You definitely are," Martha exclaimed.

"Hey, you should comfort me," Khan complained.

"Go to Monica for that," Martha uttered.

"Are you jealous now?" Khan teased while trying to turn toward Martha.

"Stay down," Martha giggled while putting strength in her legs. "But, seriously, that woman has her eyes on you."

"I can't understand what she wants," Khan admitted. "I'm willing to talk about it if it's about politics, but nothing else. I'm done with relationships."

"Says the one who flirted brazenly with the beautiful Jenna," Martha scoffed.

"I was only being polite," Khan corrected, and the two ended up laughing again.

Silence fell in the room, but Martha eventually fixed her eyes on Khan and voiced one of her doubts. "Say, what was that stuff about the one?"

"Ah, that stuff," Khan sighed as his gaze went on the ceiling. "It's probably a Nele thing."

Martha kicked Khan again before complaining. "I know when you lie."

"I'm not lying," Khan declared. "At least, I think I'm not. The Nele have only one partner for their entire life, so their idea of love is different from ours. We can move on."

"Can we?" Martha asked.

"Sometimes we must," Khan sighed as one of his hands left his nape and touched the spot where Jenna had placed her palm.

Martha obviously connected that gesture to what had happened with Jenna, so another question left her mouth. "Was Cora the one?"

"No," Khan answered right away, and Martha didn't need to ask anything else to solve her doubt.

"Khan, you should leave now," Martha said as she retracted her legs to cross them.

Khan glanced at Martha and noticed the faint bitterness in her expression. He wasn't an idiot. He knew where that feeling came from, so he left the bed and crossed the entrance while voicing a faint "goodnight".

'It's still too early for her,' Khan thought as he walked back to his room.

Martha's situation was troublesome. Her interest in Khan was evident before falling into a coma, but she found him all grown up and with a girlfriend when she woke up. However, they still spent a long time together due to the problems with her body.

Martha never had the chance to move on, and Khan's growth didn't help in the matter. The parts of him that she liked the most had improved a lot while she was asleep. Khan had surpassed her expectations, and now he was there, at his side, and free.

Khan's situation was troublesome too. He had just broken up with Cora, so jumping into another relationship was out of the question. However, he liked spending time with Martha, but treating her only as a friend wasn't always good enough for her.

Khan could only give Martha space whenever she asked for it and hope that she would feel completely comfortable one day. As for what would happen afterward, he honestly had no idea. He barely knew where he would be at that point.

A door slid open, and Khan began to throw his clothes around as he entered his room. The vast windows that acted as a wall were dark to fend off the constant pale-blue light of the dome, but he tinkered with the menus to remove that cover.

The room lit up in an instant, and Khan stood in his underwear before the windows to inspect the scenery. The city was still awake. People roamed its streets, and vehicles moved everywhere, but no sound reached Khan.

The spectacle was incredible and gave Khan an idea of life in the big cities. He wasn't sure whether he liked it or not, but he was inclined toward the latter for now. He enjoyed seeing such diversity, but the synthetic mana added a bad smell to everything.

'That guy is still there,' Khan thought when he glanced at the street under him.

An Orlats sat on a relatively hidden spot on the sidewalk right in front of the building. It resembled a beggar, but its eyes were lively and attentive. It also appeared quite interested in the entrance of the Cobsend family's structure.

'Is it spying on us?' Khan wondered. 'Am I being too paranoid?'

Khan couldn't find answers to his questions, and a knocking noise eventually resounded from his door and forced him to divert his attention from the windows.

'What is Monica doing here?' Khan thought after recognizing the presence behind the door.

Khan quickly darkened the room and wore a pair of clean trousers. He wanted to cover his torso too, but the knocking became louder. Monica sounded in a hurry, so he opened the door right away.

"What is i-?" Khan didn't have the chance to finish his line since Monica stumbled through the entrance before planting her feet on the floor and taking a few seconds to restore her balance.

The scent of booze filled the room in an instant, but Khan only needed to shoot a glance at Monica's face to understand that she was completely drunk. It was actually surprising that she had managed to get so wasted in the short time after dinner.

"Khaan!" Monica shouted before rushing toward Khan.

Monica stumbled and forced Khan to jump forward to catch her. She raised her head and giggled, and a comment inevitably left her mouth when his muscles entered her vision. "Wow, no wonder you are popular with women."

"Monica, what are you doing in my room?" Khan asked as he helped her straighten her position.

"I wanted us to have our drink," Monica said without stuttering even once.

"I think you already had enough for tonight," Khan declared. "Let's go. I'll bring you to your room."

"Noo!" Monica whined while locking her arms around Khan's torso. "I want to sleep here."

"That's quite improper," Khan responded.

"So, this is the scar," Monica voiced while placing her head on Khan's chest. "It's not uncomfortable."

"I don't see any connection there," Khan frowned.

No answer came from Monica. She even stopped struggling, which made Khan call her a few times. However, he had to hear a snore before understanding what had happened.

'Did she just fall asleep in my arms?!' Khan cursed.

Another curse resounded in Khan's mind when he thought about the situation. He didn't know where Monica's room was, and asking his companions would only create misunderstandings. The domestics were also out of the question.

'I should introduce her to George,' Khan sighed in his mind as he looked at his bed. It seemed that he wouldn't get to try it that night.




Jenna was still behind her stand when the night arrived. The dome didn't go dark, but she knew that her time to sleep had almost come.

As Jenna expected, a slender male Nele came out from one of the buildings next to the stand and approached her without saying much. He had just woken up for his shift, so he wasn't in the mood for words.

"[Uther, is the boss awake]?" Jenna asked without leaving the stand.

"[He is getting ready to sleep]," Uther revealed. "[A big shipment is coming tomorrow, and he wants to be in perfect form. Why is that]?"

"[I need him to contact the leaders]," Jenna explained.

"[Was it one of your predictions]?" Uther asked.

"[Something will happen on Milia 222]," Jenna stated. "[Our kind has to stash supplies to prepare for the worst]."


Author's notes: One today as well.. Tomorrow I should be able to go back to two.

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