Chaos' Heir

Chapter 348 - Cell

Chapter 348 - Cell

Milia 222 had a special police force due to its unique environment. That organization didn't have an official power in the universe and could apply its authority only on the seven asteroids. It also had limitations when it came to private areas owned by influential families or similar groups.

The authority of the police force came from the governments of the main species on Milia 222. The Orlats, the Nele, the Fuveall, the Bise, the Tors, and the humans managed that organization through intricate interplanetary regulations that made sure to respect everyone.

Of course, Milia 222's unique environment had opened the way for corruption and similar issues, but every government turned a blind eye to them. Everything was fine as long as it didn't involve big political problems that could affect the alliance among the species.

Milia 222's police force had green uniforms that didn't feature stars to describe the soldiers' power. Moreover, most members belonged only to four species since the Tors and the Bise preferred to remain on their own.

Khan kept his alertness raised high as he followed the soldiers' orders and got into messy lines that led outside the building. He noticed how those attending the spectacle and the strippers were nowhere to be seen, but the police didn't seem to care about the deeper parts of [The Loophole].

'This is probably an act,' Khan thought as the lines moved forward.

The Fuveall in charge of the force didn't bother to send any soldier inside the building. He even pretended to ignore the people who sneaked past the curtains that divided the two areas. Annoyance and trace of worry even appeared on his face whenever an Orlats launched cold glances in his direction.

Khan only wanted to get out of that situation, so he didn't resort to any trick. The prisons were safer than [The Loophole], so he behaved as he continued to gather information through his senses.

It turned out that the Fuveall policeman didn't lie. Large floating trucks and multiple soldiers with their guns raised had surrounded [The Loophole] and had prepared for a massive arrest.

The police didn't handcuff Khan, but it still led him on one of the trucks. He found himself stuffed among a crowd of drunk and sweaty people who didn't seem to care too much about their situation, and the vehicle set off once it became full.

The metal surfaces of the truck didn't allow Khan to inspect the outside world. They were mana resistant, but he could make holes inside them if he wanted. Yet, he remained still since he knew where the vehicle was going.

The trip didn't last long. The back of the truck soon opened in front of a vast hangar dug inside the central structure of the second asteroid. Most organizations that involved the various species on Milia 222 worked there, and the same went for the prisons.

The police made the prisoners pass through scanners to divide them according to their level. Khan noticed the surprised expressions of the soldiers reading his results, but he ignored those details as he inspected the pillar's insides.

The central structure wasn't any different from the space stations. It featured grey corridors, white lights, and narrow corridors meant to make the best out of the limited space.

The density of synthetic mana was even higher inside the pillar due to the different functions and structures it contained. Khan perceived it as a stench that attacked his nostrils relentlessly. The environment was definitely interesting, but he instinctively hated it.

The prisons stood at the center of the cylindrical structure due to security reasons. Milia 222 never experienced actual jailbreaks since each government eventually took over eventual investigations of serious crimes, but it didn't hurt to at least pretend to have working cages.

It took a while, but the soldiers eventually led Khan to a vast cell that featured nothing more than a long metal bench. The prison didn't have metal bars. It separated its insides from the rest of the area through three black pillars that created two barriers made of sizzling energy.

Khan couldn't help but find similarities between that cell and what he had witnessed on Ecoruta. The barriers weren't as seamless as those found in the underground structure, but they did their job decently without depleting too much synthetic mana.

"Sir, remove your clothes," The human soldier that had escorted Khan to the area announced before they could enter the room with the cell.

Khan followed the order and ignored the surprised gaze that fell on his scar. The soldier couldn't help but become more polite after seeing that detail, but his expression changed again when he noticed the sheath tied to Khan's torso.

"Nice knife," The soldier exclaimed as he took the sheath and inspected the weapon inside it. josei

"Take good care of it," Khan ordered. "I don't want to see a single dent on it when I retrieve it."

The soldier didn't seem able to hear Khan's words while he continued to inspect the skull-shaped handle and the other fine details. That probably was his first time getting his hands on a second-grade weapon, and Khan didn't think too much about it as he proceeded toward the cell.

The barrier of mana opened after the soldier gave a few orders through his phone and closed as soon as Khan crossed its edges. He had nothing but his phone and underwear, but he didn't mind it as he sat on the bench and sent a message to Luke.

The area was silent, and the metal surfaces pressing on Khan's bottom and back were cold, but he found some nostalgic comfort in all of that. Yet, his peace didn't last long since complaints in various languages soon echoed in the area.

Khan didn't need to wait long to find the source of those complaints. More soldiers approached the area with different aliens that were entertaining themselves in [The Loophole]. They were all second-level warriors, but only a few of them ended up sharing Khan's cell.

The police did their best to split the prisoners belonging to the same species to add another layer of security. The few humans brought in the area ended up in the cells in the other three corners, while a wasted Fuveall was the first to join Khan.

"[How's going]?" The Fuveall weakly voiced in his language before stumbling on the smooth floor and falling. A metallic noise resounded in the cell, but loud snores soon replaced them.

Khan shook his head while a smile appeared on his face. He couldn't help but think about his father and his first period inside Ylaco's camp as he inspected the collapsed Fuveall.

The alien's naked state allowed Khan to inspect almost everything. The Fuveall had metallic implants throughout his back, which culminated in silver protections standing all around his nape. His fingers also had metallic structures on their joints, and the sound of gears eventually accompanied the loud snores.

'I'm surprised the humans didn't end up like this,' Khan thought as his father became a predominant image inside his mind. 'Dad can probably point out why their technology is so good.'

A sigh inevitably escaped Khan's mouth. He missed his father, but he still felt hesitant in front of the idea of a reunion. He had too many questions, and a lingering fear accompanied most of them.

'How many lies did you tell me, dad?' Khan wondered as he closed his eyes and laid his nape on the metal wall.

Khan felt forced to open his eyes when familiar presences approached his cell. The soldiers seemed to make an exception when they brought the two strong Orlats from the secret passage directly past the barrier.

"[The troublemaker is here]," Afsar snorted while glaring at Khan as soon as the soldiers left the area.

"[Shut up, idiot]," The leader scolded. "[He can speak our language]."

"[Boss, look at his chest]," Afsar exclaimed as traces of surprise seeped into his voice.

"[I've seen it]," The leader sneered. "[The mutations must have reached his head. Only a crazy Tainted could make such a mess]."

"[Come on]," Khan teased. "[I went easy on you]."

"[Watch your mouth]!" Afsar shouted while pointing his fingers at Khan. "[You won't get the chance to defend against me in this small cell]."

Khan revealed a cold smirk as he brought his hand closer to the barrier to his right. Faint traces of purple-red mana came out of his fingers and made the synthetic energy sizzle louder. It almost seemed that a hole would form if he touched it.

"[Chaos wielder]," The leader whispered.

"[You don't look surprised]," Khan commented.

"[Your kind always causes troubles]," The leader revealed, "[And I don't know other second-level warriors who can break The Loophole's walls so easily]."

"[I must say that I liked the place]," Khan admitted. "[I know that your species doesn't have a good reputation, but I find it unfair. You are worthy of praises]."

Both Orlats snorted, but their proud smiles revealed that they liked that compliment. Khan didn't miss that detail, and the entirety of his knowledge flowed through his mind as he searched for a way to get information.

"[It's a pity you won't get to see our greatness anymore]," Afsar declared. "[Just wait for us to come out. No Orlats will ever accept you inside our clubs]."

"[It wasn't my intention to cause a mess]," Khan revealed. "[I apologize. I really wanted to buy merch]."

"[Shut up]!" The leader ordered while lowering his voice. "[Don't talk about that stuff so openly. I swear. I hate foreigners]."

"[Money is not the problem]," Khan continued without caring about the leader's words.

"[I told you to shut up]!" The leader shouted before turning toward the area's entrance.

The soldiers brought more prisoners inside the area, but the leader shook his head when gazes fell on him. The police ended up moving the convicts toward other cells after that silent order, leaving Khan enough privacy to keep investigating.

"[You even have influence over the police]," Khan commented. "[The other species are really underestimating you]."

"[Our species has the potential to stand at the peak of the known universe]!" Afsar claimed.

"[Why do you accept the bad rumors about your kind then]?" Khan asked. "[They can't be all false]."

"[Why would we tell you]?" The leader chuckled.

"[You are right]," Khan sighed. "[You are masters when it comes to transactions. Do you want to make one with me]?"

"[An Orlats never backs out of a good deal]," The leader announced, "[But you can't offer anything]."

"[Maybe you shouldn't care about what I can offer]," Khan exclaimed. "[You should care about what I can prevent]."

Afsar opened his mouth in anger, but the leader raised a hand to interrupt him. Khan's words had attracted his interest, but he didn't say anything to make him speak again.

Khan understood the meaning behind that silent interest and explained his position. "[My employers won't stop until they get what they want. I can tell them that the clues lead to your species. It wouldn't even be a lie]."

"[Careful]," The leader threatened. "[Words can kill on Milia 222]."

"[I've fought on Ecoruta]," Khan revealed. "[I've seen more death than I can count. I respect your species and authority, but you can't scare me]."

Khan made sure to add faint praises whenever he could, and his tactic seemed to work. The Orlats' respect toward him increased after every answer, and his demonstration inside the secret passage only proved that he could back up those statements with actual power.

"[Let them look as much as they want]," The leader challenged. "[The Orlats' businesses are completely in line with Milia 222's regulations]."

Khan glanced at the wasted Fuveall on the floor, but the leader quickly justified that scene. "[We are not to blame for what customers take before getting inside our activities]."

"[I didn't think I could find someone better than me at lies]," Khan stated. "[I owe your whole species an apology]."

"[I've never told a single lie during my entire life]," The leader declared without wavering at all.

"[Still, you misunderstood me]," Khan continued. "[My employers will stop at nothing to find what he needs. They will cause problems for you even if you hide all the evidence. I believe you prefer to preserve your income]."

The leader's face finally went through a slight change, but he remained silent. His smirk also continued to fill his expression to prevent Khan from finding other clues.

"[I'll start with something simple]," Khan eventually exclaimed. "[I'm Lieutenant Khan, and the light wielder behind you is Afsar. What's your name]?"

The leader seemed to think about the question for a while before voicing a simple word. "[Sher]."

"[Nice to meet you, Sher]," Khan smiled, but Sher snorted.

"[Next question]," Khan continued. "[You are really powerful, especially on Milia 222. However, humans are also quite influential. It's safe to assume that they can create real problems for you in the right conditions]."

Sher hesitated to answer again, but a weak "[yes]" eventually left his mouth.

"[I swear on my scar that I won't tell anything to my employers]," Khan declared. "[I will say that my investigation led nowhere, but I need something from you]."

"[I don't know what you are talking about]," Sher responded.

"[The illegal skin]," Khan whispered. "[I want to know what you didn't say to the humans who came to question you]."

Sher chuckled before sitting on the bench and crossing his legs. Afsar also smiled as he remained at his boss' side. Khan noticed traces of mockery in their expressions, but his face remained serious.

"[Young, young human]," Sher shook his head. "[The Orlats are cursed by deep mistrust, especially inside our species, but our behavior is innate. Instead, you humans do it out of greed]."

"[What do you mean]?" Khan asked.

"[We didn't hold anything back from the humans who came to question us]," Sher explained.. "[If you want answers, you should ask your species]."

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