Chaos' Heir

Chapter 354 - Friend

Chapter 354 - Friend

It was clear that Caja had no interest in Khan's mission or general reasons behind his presence on Milia 222. She only had her species in mind, so her questions aimed to uncover Khan's true character and desires.

Khan's answer sounded quite vague in Caja's mind. She felt proud of her species' arts, but she couldn't understand why Khan wanted them. Mere curiosity couldn't explain his desires either.

"[Why]?" Caja asked. "[Humans are ignorant to the ways of mana, but their methods are efficient. If it's about power, your species already has worthy paths]."

"[My element is troublesome to handle with only human techniques]," Khan explained before revealing something deeper, "[And I find their approach to mana too limited. I can't stick to that after learning more expansive arts]."

"[Show us what you learnt]," Caja ordered. "[I want to see these arts]."

Khan didn't expect that request, but he didn't refuse it. He raised his hand, and the blood vessels on his palm popped out before transforming into a sturdy shield lying right under his skin.

"[Interesting]," Caja commented. "[I'm not privy to this technique, but I know it's not human. Doesn't your species ban arts requiring tampered blood]?"

'She already understood the core material for the [Blood Shield],' Khan thought before voicing a meaningful answer. "[I'm not sure, but I don't need to worry about that as long as my superiors remain in the dark]."

"[Remain in the dark]?" Caja whispered before glancing at Jenna.

"[It means that his superiors don't know about his alien techniques]," Jenna explained.

"[Oh]!" Caja exclaimed. "[That makes sense. I'm sorry, young man. I spend most of my time among my species, so I don't know every alien saying]."

Khan couldn't help but find that funny since it made him think about the Niqols and their lack of understanding of many gestures. It was actually surprising to see some of the Nele unclear about something after sharing Milia 222 with many different species.

"[Anyway, I'm afraid that's not enough]," Caja declared. "[Your openness to alien arts doesn't make you suitable for ours. I want to see how you create those techniques. I'll take my decision afterward]."

Khan's eyes lit up as an idea formed in his mind. He could probably trick the Caja into giving him what he needed to advance the [Blood Shield] to the next checkpoint. Still, his relationship with the Nele would end if they discovered his tactic.

"[I actually need to improve my technique]," Khan eventually decided to be honest. "[Can I use your resources to do it]?"

"[Why would we even do that]?" Caja wondered.

"[I paid a hefty price to get my hands on this technique]," Khan stated. "[It also has a deep meaning in my mind. I need something in exchange if you want to see it]."

"[Should I remind you that you have come here looking for help]?" Caja chuckled. "[I praised you before, but don't misunderstand my words. You are far from necessary to the Nele]."

Khan didn't know what to say. He felt conflicted about showing the procedure for the [Blood Shield] without getting anything in return. He didn't lie about his emotional attachment to the technique. Revealing its secrets sounded like a partial betrayal toward the Niqols, so he wanted something to justify that sacrifice.

"[Is the deep meaning connected to your one]?" Jenna asked while Khan was busy sorting out his thoughts.

Khan felt conflicted once again. He had always avoided addressing the topic directly since that would make it real. A positive answer would confirm that Jenna's words were true, which couldn't be good for Khan's mind.

Caja noticed the conflict hidden behind the silence. She saw the longing and coldness in Khan's face as the memories from Nitis took control of his thoughts. A human might fail to understand what that expression meant, but Caja was different.

"[I see]," Caja sighed. "[I'm sorry. We will provide what you need as long as the price is reasonable]."

Khan didn't expect that answer, but he didn't hesitate to describe what he needed. "[I need blood and flesh from a creature as strong as a first-level warrior if not stronger]."

The human classification of power wasn't a secret. Most species that had interacted with the Global Army knew about it, so Caja didn't need help understanding Khan's words. Still, she wore a cold expression as she thought about the matter.

"[You said creature]," Caja pointed out, "[Do you mean that a Nele would also work]?"

The threat in Caja's voice was impossible to miss, but Khan didn't lie to her. "[Yes, a Nele would also work. I only need flesh and blood to carry enough mana]."

"[I see]," Caja repeated as her expression relaxed. "[I'll see what I can find. Jenna, keep our guest company]."

Jenna nodded as Caja left the pillow and straightened her position to approach the hut's exit. She didn't add anything else as she left Jenna and Khan alone.

"[She said that you are a guest]," Jenna exclaimed while wearing a gentle smile. "[That's good progress]."

"[Thanks]," Khan shortly replied.

Jenna also left her pillow to approach one of the fires. She lifted her jumper to take out a few roots and leaves hidden under it before throwing everything into the flames.

The process wasn't as simple as it looked. Jenna was adding mana to those materials before feeding them to the fire. The latter then caused a reaction that filled its flickering flames with a unique energy that Khan didn't recognize.

"[I can feel your gaze]," Jenna giggled.

"[What are you doing]?" Khan asked.

"[I'm making a drink]," Jenna responded as she tapped on a spot on the floor to reveal a hidden drawer. "[You humans would classify it as tea]."

Khan fell silent to continue his inspection of the procedure. Jenna took out two cups from the hidden drawer and placed them at the sides of the fire. Then, a dense dark liquid came out from the flames' base and slowly entered the two items.

Jenna couldn't fill the entirety of the cup from that angle, but the liquid stopped flowing when they were only a quarter full. Jenna could remove the items from the fire at that point before returning to her pillow and handing one of them to Khan.

"[We used flatter cups back then]," Jenna explained while bringing her cut to her face to smell the liquid in its insides. "[We lost that tradition after everything we suffered]."

Khan imitated Jenna. The drink was strong but not alcoholic. Also, it contained mana, so Khan felt sure that it would have some effects on his mind.

"[The drink will calm you down]," Jenna revealed as if she could understand Khan's thoughts. "[It will make you more honest but also clear-headed. It should be a good advantage in your imminent performance]."

"[Do you usually drink things like this]?" Khan asked.

"[Yes]," Jenna stated. "[We secretly despise anything that might hurt our ability to think or affect our behavior. We prefer showing our truer selves all the time]."

'That' the exact opposite of the Niqols,' Khan thought before correcting that idea. 'Well, maybe there is a similarity there too. They just have opposite approaches.'

Khan took a sip from the drink as his thoughts flowed freely. The liquid was hot but not scorching. It filled his mouth, throat, and chest with intense warmth, and some sweat even appeared on his forehead.

The drink's taste was incredible. It was intense but also soft. Khan could experience the entirety of its flavor without experiencing any burn or difficulty. The liquid was really easy to gulp down, and its effects arrived almost immediately.

Khan felt a bit light-headed. The sensation resembled drowsiness, but he didn't have the urge to sleep. It made him feel safe and in complete comfort, but he managed to remain alert due to his fondness for cold temperatures.

"[It's delicious]," Khan declared. "[It's a pity humans don't have anything similar]."

"[I can teach you how to make it if Caja accepts you]," Jenna offered.

"[I wouldn't refuse the offer]," Khan announced. "[Though I'd probably go for booze most times anyway]."

"[You don't seem the type to enjoy losing control]," Jenna commented.

"[It's not that]," Khan stated.

"[It's connected to your one]," Jenna interrupted.

Khan felt forced to take another sip to avoid addressing the topic, but the drink only made things worse. He wanted to hold back his words, but they came out of his mouth anyway and revealed his true feelings.

"[I wish you stopped mentioning this stuff all the time]," Khan exclaimed.

"[What stuff]?" Jenna teased.

"[You know]," Khan sighed, "[All the talk about the one. I understand it's a big deal for the Nele, but things aren't always so easy]."

"[Maybe I'm too Nele to understand your view]," Jenna wondered. "[We see love, true love as the most important aspect of our lives. We wouldn't even mind hurting our species because of it]."

"[Isn't that dangerous]?" Khan asked.

"[Of course]," Jenna uttered. "[Yet, anything can become dangerous in the right conditions. We simply believe that we should do everything in our power to be happy, and that often involves our loved ones]."

"[Love isn't always enough]," Khan declared as he took another sip from his cup.

"[Isn't it]?" Jenna asked. "[Love is the greatest drive in the universe. It can topple entire civilizations. Why would you go against its nature]?"

"[Love can hurt]," Khan exclaimed. "[Love can destroy. Love can kill]."

"[Let it hurt]," Jenna responded. "[Let it destroy. Let it kill. All of that is fine as long as you can fulfill it]."

"[It's not so easy]," Khan repeated as his gaze fell on the floor.

"[Easy]?" Jenna said in a questioning tone as she left her cup at her side before placing her knees on the floor to approach Khan.

Initially, Khan started to retreat since he didn't know what was happening. Still, Jenna raised her palms to reassure him, so he let her do what she wanted.

"[Do you think we don't have urges]?" Jenna asked as she reached Khan's hands.

Jenna's slender fingers moved over the back of Khan's hand before sliding toward his wrists. She also got closer as she reached for his cheek, hair, and neck.

"[I've always wanted to try touching a human]," Jenna revealed as her eyes moved left and right to explore Khan's face. "[You are so similar to us, but your customs are completely different. I envy your emotional freedom a bit, but I also pity how easily you disregard it]."

Khan didn't expect his visit to the third asteroid to lead to that, but he didn't reject it either. Jenna's fingers were warm, warmer than humans, but they carried no lust. She was merely curious. josei

"[How does my touch feel]?" Jenna asked as she sat right in front of Khan and took his hands in her grasp.

"[It's warm]," Khan stated. "[Maybe too warm]."

"[Don't you like it]?" Jenna asked. "[I read that humans would get aroused in no time if a Nele touches them]."

"[I'm sure most humans would find it hard to control themselves in this situation]," Khan declared.

"[Caja says that it's even harder for us]," Jenna uttered. "[We hold back out of devotion to love, but it's far from easy]."

"[Why are you doing this with me then]?" Khan questioned. "[Why are you trusting me so much]?"

"[Because you are harmless]," Jenna smiled, but the innocence in her expression made Khan snap.

Khan left Jenna's grasp and placed the cup at his side before grabbing her wrists. Jenna didn't fight back and let him lift her arms. Khan then put a knee in front of her to approach her face and make their foreheads touch.

Jenna gasped as Khan slowly pushed her back. It didn't take long before Jenna ended up with her back on the floor and Khan above her. Their torsos weren't connected, but that didn't change the nature of the situation.

"[Who is harmless]?" Khan asked. "[Nele and humans are different. I don't have to hold back]."

"[You can take me if you wish]," Jenna whispered as arousal filled her face, "[But will your feelings be okay afterward]?"

Khan was only a few centimeters from Jenna's face. She was even more stunning now that desire had appeared on her expression. She was clearly suffering from the years spent holding back her urges, and that only intensified her natural beauty.

Still, her words felt like sharp blades in Khan's mind. Jenna had mentioned an issue that had afflicted him since his separation from Liiza. Even Cora couldn't fix it after spending so long together. Khan couldn't help but feel a bit guilty whenever he was with another woman.

"Fuck," Khan muttered as he lifted himself before sitting next to Jenna.

"[That was exciting]," Jenna commented as she did her best to steady her breath.

"[You really shouldn't be so careless]," Khan scolded.

"[It's fine, right]?" Jenna asked as he straightened her back to sit at Khan's right side. "[I feel that I can trust you completely now]."

"[I didn't expect the Nele to be so twisted]," Khan scoffed.

"[That might be me]," Jenna revealed. "[My talent as a fortune-teller comes from my deeper understanding of mana. Yet, I'm afraid that it also makes my urges stronger]."

"[That sounds like a curse]," Khan exclaimed.

"[It might be]," Jenna agreed, "[But that's what makes me who I am. I feel no shame in fulfilling part of my desires when I can. Would you]?"

"[Depends]," Khan sighed. "[I told you. It's not always easy, especially when you take politics and different customs into consideration]."

"[Can't you ignore all of them]?" Jenna wondered as she bent toward Khan and pressed her body on his right side. "[Do you wish to live your life for politics]?"

"[It's not that]," Khan stated as his expression grew cold. [I tried really hard to keep what I had. I've done everything I could and have gone to any length, but I failed anyway]."

"[Did you]?" Jenna asked.

"[I could have pushed harder]," Khan admitted, "[But that would have made her unhappy. Our separation was necessary]."

"[We would justify anything if done in the name of love]," Jenna revealed.

"[I've already committed crimes and done untold things]," Khan declared. "[I'm afraid I could have turned into a monster if the situation required that]."

"[So what]?" Jenna asked. "[Even monsters can love]."

Khan sighed before turning to look at the alien lying on his shoulder. Jenna appeared utterly at ease right now, and Khan couldn't help but shake his head.

"[You are an interesting species]," Khan commented.

"[You are an interesting human]," Jenna replied. "[It's a pity you have already found your one. I might have fallen for you otherwise. I can feel that we are compatible]."

"[I guess friends doesn't sound bad]," Khan stated.

"[No, it doesn't]," Jenna agreed. "[I hope Caja lets you stay. Oh]!"

Jenna suddenly exclaimed, and Khan also moved his attention toward the door. They had both sensed Caja's presence drawing near, but they also noticed how she was carrying something containing a lot of mana.

Khan didn't know how to behave since Jenna didn't leave his side. She actually wrapped her arms around his elbow to keep him close, and Caja inevitably showed a surprised expression when she entered the hut and saw that scene.

"[We became friends]," Jenna explained before Caja could get the wrong idea.

"[Forgive her]," Caja sighed. "[We grow up hearing stories about our species and in an isolated environment. Most of us develop intense anger toward foreigners, while others forget about their manners once they establish trust]."

"[It's fine]," Khan replied while focusing on the bloody bag carried by Caja. "[I don't mind it]."

Caja inspected Khan deeply to search for clues that might hint at impure thoughts, but he appeared completely calm. He didn't accept the situation just to remain close to Jenna.

"[I've brought what you have requested]," Caja stated as she dropped the bag in front of Khan and returned to her pillow.

Jenna let go of Khan at that point and took her seat next to Caja. Meanwhile, Khan opened the bag and noticed a strange rat-like creature inside it. The animal was as big as a dog, but its belly was abnormally large, and its tail had spikes that released a bad smell.

"[Its tail is poisonous]," Caja explained as Khan took out the dead creature and placed it on the bag.

"[That won't be a problem]," Khan declared as he crawled toward his cup before going back to the creature.

According to Khan's senses, the strange rat was a monster, even a strong one. He would place its power near the top of the first-level warriors' bracket. It probably was enough for the next checkpoint of the [Blood Shield].

Moreover, the creature was still warm. It had probably died in the last minutes, but Khan couldn't find any injury on its dark fur. That detail was interesting since it could reveal something about the Nele's techniques, but he forced himself not to think about the matter.

"[Where can I operate]?" Khan asked while bringing his gaze on Caja. "[I don't want to turn the floor into a mess]."

"[Don't worry about the floor or the carpet]," Caja announced. "[Do what you have to do]."

Khan didn't ask the question again. He emptied his cup and took a deep breath before drawing his knife and approaching the creature.

In theory, a simple monster risked falling short when it came to the third checkpoint of the [Blood Shield], but the high quantity of mana inside the strange rat reassured Khan. Also, he could make up for those shortcomings by adding more blood.

Khan removed part of the fur before opening a hole in the rat's back. He didn't add any mana to his knife since his element could ruin the material, but the weapon never met problems.

Khan cut a thumb-sized chunk of meat out of the rat and placed it at the center of his crossed legs. Blood flowed on his trousers, but he remained calm as he summoned mana on his free palm and altered its nature.

The purple-red mana grew clearer and dimmer as Khan suppressed its destructive properties. Then, he placed it right above the chunk of flesh to fore the blood to follow his demands.

The chunk of flesh had lost a lot of blood, but what remained in its insides slowly converged at its center under the influence of Khan's mana. The gory material began to break in some spots during the process, but Khan promptly adjusted his intensity to grow even gentler.

The effects of the calming drink became evident during the procedure. Khan felt beyond clear-headed, and he could also sense how his control over mana had never been so precise.

The boost of the drink couldn't completely make up for the inexperience in the procedure. Khan committed a few mistakes that forced him to remove some tiny chunks of flesh, but he improved whenever he cut the rat open to add blood to his material.

Khan's trousers turned into a mess as the procedure continued, but the chunk of flesh eventually reached the intended power level. Khan could almost compare it to his second-grade weapon at that point, even if only in terms of mana.

'This should be it,' Khan thought before placing his knife on the floor and seizing the chunk of flesh.

Khan touched the item, pressed on its surface, smelled and licked it before feeling almost sure that the procedure had been a success. He only had one last step to complete.

"[Don't worry about me]," Khan warned before throwing the flesh in his mouth and gulping hard.

A heavy pressure immediately landed on Khan's chest. He felt as if his heart would stop, and breathing became impossible. He ended up crouching forward, worrying Jenna, who tried to reach him. Still, Caja interrupted her by placing a hand on her shoulder.

Khan didn't panic. He was used to those effects by then. He waited until his body adapted to the new presence in its insides and allowed him to breathe again.

His ragged breath slowly calmed down as he regained control over his body. Khan performed his check-up technique and confirmed that everything was okay. Only his mind was oddly relaxed, but the drink explained that detail.

Khan exhaled loudly before pulling back his sleeves. Then, when he activated the [Blood Shield], Caja and Jenna noticed how blood vessels clotted throughout his arms. The two Nele actually couldn't see how far they stretched.


Author's notes: I couldn't make it for win-win, but I didn't want to cut the chapter short either.. I hope you enjoy.

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