Chaos' Heir

Chapter 425 Mom

Chapter 425 Mom

Chapter 425 Mom

'The Harbor,' Khan repeated in his mind while his expression remained the embodiment of confidence. 'Where did I hear that name?'

Khan had to go way back to find the memory he was looking for. That name belonged to a time before most of his many battles. It came from when he still attended lessons, even if he couldn't exactly recall which ones.

'Right, the embassy on that moon,' Khan eventually recalled and forced himself to suppress any abrupt reaction. 'Wait, did she really get me a job there?'

"Wow," Luke exclaimed. "The Harbor is a good place. You must have pulled many strings."

"Luke, we both know I wasn't the one doing the pulling," Monica responded.

"Still, if I may," Luke continued. "That's a lot, even for our families."

"Are you implying that Lieutenant Khan isn't worth the trouble?" Monica wondered while approaching Khan to place a hand on his arm. "I recall you relying a lot on him."

"I wouldn't dare," Luke promptly declared. "I was surprised about your interest in the field. I thought you were avoiding it."

"Milia 222 made me change my mind," Monica revealed, "And my parents couldn't have been happier about that. I'm sure you can understand."

"Of course," Luke laughed. "My father is still trying to convince me to get one of those jobs."

Luke then moved his gaze to Khan before voicing another comment. "It seems that you are already booked."

"I couldn't refuse Miss Solodrey's offer," Khan replied. "Besides, I planned to split ways anyway. She simply found me at the right time."

"Is everything okay?" Luke asked, obviously hinting at the problem with Martha.

"I'd have to use your name every time if I rely on you to accumulate merits," Khan justified his lie. "I want to stand on my own."

"That's commendable, Lieutenant Khan," Master Ivor intervened to prevent awkwardness. "With your record and talents, I'm sure you'll shine anywhere."

"Thank you," Khan nodded. "I'll do my best."

"Well, let me fix you an accommodation at least," Luke offered. "Unless you plan on staying with the Nele while I sort out the last details."

"The Nele are busier than the other species in this period," Khan explained. "I'll accept the accommodation as long as it doesn't interfere with the medical bay."

"Are you planning on remaining down here?" Luke questioned.

"I can help, so I will," Khan made it short. "As for now, I need to rest."

"First, you must come with me," Monica intervened. "We must discuss a few important topics."

Monica didn't need to do anything special to make Khan play along. He immediately came up with an act and delivered it flawlessly. "You are right. I forgot about that."

"I must say," Monica exclaimed while elegantly covering her mouth to hide her smile. "Having you on my payroll is exciting. I guess getting you in front of a drink won't be hard anymore."

"I did join you once," Khan pointed out.

"That hardly counts since I had a lot of competition," Monica rebuked.

"I suppose drinks can improve work talks," Khan gave in.

"I can't wait," Monica giggled while letting go of Khan's arm. "So, shall we go? The doctor didn't give me too much free time."

"Of course," Luke exclaimed. "Focus on resting. I'll handle the rest out here, including Khan's accommodation."

"I wouldn't mind if Lieutenant Khan took a nap in my tent," Monica teased before performing a polite bow and heading toward her tent.

Khan revealed a helpless smile when his companions looked at him, but his prompt departure didn't give them the time to address the matter. Even Francis remained silent since both Khan and Monica were in no condition to talk any further.

'I haven't seen that side of her in a while,' Khan thought as he followed Monica closely.

The elegant but teasing façade that Monica wore in public had gotten Khan out of that conversation, but he remained curious about the topic. The Harbor was an interesting location. Still, Khan thought he would have discussed the matter with Monica before choosing a new mission.

"Hey," Khan called once the two returned inside the privacy of the tent. "What's this Harbor stuff?"

"Shit," Monica cursed before hurrying toward the bed and searching for the phone hidden under the sheets.

"Monica?" Khan called again. "Did you just lie to Luke?"

"It won't be a lie if I get us that job," Monica responded while sitting on the bed and crazily tapping on her phone.

Khan couldn't help but reach Monica to peek at her phone, and his eyes widened when she pressed on a contact labeled "Mom". The options for the call opened, and Monica activated the camera to inspect her appearance.

"Are you serious?" Khan asked, knowing that he couldn't leave the tent now. Luke and the others might get suspicious if he did.josei

"It's never too early to request a job in the Harbor," Monica explained as she ruffled her hair and wiped the corners of her eyes while tilting the screen left and right.

"I get that," Khan said while sitting on the bed and wrapping an arm around Monica's waist, "But we didn't even talk. I thought we had to choose our next job together."

"I had to improvise," Monica cursed while her inspection moved to her clothes. "Luke can be very persuasive, and Francis was also there. I had to come up with something they couldn't join without the right motivations or preparations."

That answer made sense, but the issue remained. Khan wanted to be with Monica, but he couldn't accept a random mission because the situation demanded it. After all, the matter involved his future.

"Stop for a second," Khan requested, pulling Monica closer to make her interrupt the inspection. "I don't know much about this Harbor, and-."

"Don't mess up my clothes!" Monica snapped, interrupting Khan's line. "I won't hear the end of it if I don't look remotely decent."

"But-" Khan tried to speak again.

"The Harbor is a literal embassy," Monica interrupted again. "It's perfect for accumulating real experience and connections."

The explanations left Khan speechless for a second, but that still wasn't enough. Everything was happening too quickly, and it was reasonable to ask for a short conversation on the topic.

"Monica," Khan called for the third time, but Monica cut him short again.

"What? Don't you trust me?" Monica almost shouted. "Do you think I would jeopardize your future over a lie to Luke?"

"It's not that," Khan responded.

"What then?" Monica asked. "You want to become an ambassador, right? The Harbor can give you that and more."

"Are you certain?" Khan wondered.

"So much for trusting me," Monica scoffed. "You are no academic. You have no higher qualification. Someone like you wouldn't even dream of getting a job in the Harbor."

Khan frowned. Monica's words were a bit offensive, and he could even sense her anger. His exhaustion didn't help with the situation, so an irritated tone ended up joining his following question.

"Are you angry or something?" Khan asked.

"Of course!" Monica shouted. "I have to call my mother. How can I not be angry?"

The faint irritation rising inside Khan vanished when he understood the true target of Monica's anger. She was just anxious about facing her mother.

"Dammit," Monica cursed when she glanced at her reflection in the phone. She threw the device on the bed and grabbed Khan's jumper to pull him closer before trapping his neck into a tight hug.

Khan didn't expect that sudden gesture. He was still thinking about the Harbor when he found himself immersed in a passionate kiss. Monica was out of breath when their mouths separated, but she didn't hesitate to reach for his lips again.

A few short kisses followed before Monica let go of Khan's neck and reached for his hair and right cheek. She appeared conflicted and sorry, so Khan revealed an understanding smile.

"Sorry if I sounded mean," Monica whimpered. "Trust me for now. I really need to call my mother before rumors start to spread."

Khan sensed Monica's honesty, so he put the matter aside. "Alright."

"Out of my bed now," Monica ordered, raising her voice again. "Don't try anything funny while my mother is on the phone."

"It might be my chance to know her," Khan teased, but Monica pushed him out of the bed before he could wear his smirk.

"Not a sound," Monica warned before going over her clothes again and finally starting on the call.

Holograms came out of the phone to create a small screen. The quality wasn't the best due to the poor connection, but the images were stable. A ringing noise started to resound inside the tent, and Monica's anxiety intensified whenever she heard it.

The ringing eventually stopped, and a beautiful woman who looked to be in her thirties appeared on the screen. She had Monica's hair and the same dark skin, but her eyes were brown, and her face radiated evident aloofness.

"Monica, dear, what is it?" The woman asked before her voice gained scolding tones. "Don't tell me that you show yourself around in that state."

"I'm fine, Mom," Monica snorted. "Thank you for asking."

"Being in a medical bay doesn't justify your appearance," The woman pressed on. "You are a woman of the Solodrey family. You should know better."

"Everything is a mess around here," Monica explained. "Avoiding dust is the best I can do."

"At least do something for your hair," The mother complained. "How can you hope to get Luke otherwise?"

"I don't plan on getting anyone," Monica coldly stated. "I've been clear about that."

"So stubborn," The mother sighed. "Francis might be a strange kid, but you had Luke Cobsend and Bruce Eerly within your reach. How could you not consider them?"

"I won't get a boyfriend just because you say so," Monica declared.

"I hope you made a good impression on Mister Raymond, at least," The woman voiced.

"Mom, he is three times my age!" Monica complained.

"He is still in his prime," The woman pointed out. "You shouldn't miss these opportunities. You won't be young and beautiful forever."

"Can we avoid this topic?" Monica questioned.

"Sure, dear," The mother agreed. "So, why did you call me?"

"I wanted to ask," Monica announced, "How are our connections with the Harbor?"

"The Harbor?" The mother repeated. "Did you finally gain some interest in interplanetary politics?"

"Sort of," Monica kept it vague.

"Well, finding a spot for you won't be a problem," The woman revealed. "I just need to make a call."

"It's not only for me," Monica uttered. "There is this soldier, Lieutenant Khan. I want to bring him with me."

"The kid from Onia's tournament?" The mother asked. "Why would you need my help? You can hire him as part of your guards."

"I want him to become a trainee on the Harbor," Monica explained.

"What?!" The mother exclaimed. "Why?"

"You should see him, Mom," Monica replied. "He is a natural with alien species. We might groom an ambassador if we give him this chance."

"He has no qualifications," The mother contradicted. "He wouldn't know what to do in the Harbor."

"That's why trainee," Monica argued. "He'll go there to learn the job."

"He'll be behind everyone else," The mother stated, "And no one knows whether he will catch up. Also, we can't be sure he'll work for our family after getting our help."

"Mom, you know me," Monica exclaimed. "I wouldn't ask if I wasn't sure."

Monica's mother remained silent for a few seconds before heaving a deep sigh and giving her answer. "You have never shown any interest in anyone. Are you sure there isn't something more with this Lieutenant Khan?"

"Please," Monica sneered. "I admit that he is cute, but he is nothing more than a soldier. We are in different leagues."

"At least you still remember your place," The mother stated. "Well, Luke Cobsend holds him in high regard, and new rumors about his feats are coming in. It's never bad to gamble on these talents."

"So, will you help me?" Monica asked as her eyes lit up.

"You can give him the good news already," The mother declared. "Still, he won't get any privileged treatment. His superior might very well kick him out before the end of the term if he isn't up to the task."

"Thank you, Mom," Monica said, ignoring the warning. "I think I'll rest now. I want my injury to heal so I can get a bath."

"There should be beauty salons on the second asteroid," The woman revealed. "I'll send you a few names."

"Sure," Monica kept her replies short. "Bye, Mom."

"And wear something decent," The mother resumed the scolding. "You should be able to find-."

Khan never heard the rest of the scolding since Monica closed the call and threw her phone toward the pillow. A helpless sigh left her mouth, and a worried expression appeared on her face when she turned toward Khan.

"I know you had to say those things," Khan reassured while straightening his position. "Though I must admit that your mother looks great."

"I don't want to hear it," Monica complained as she lay down and covered her ears.

"Her comments on the Harbor are also quite reassuring," Khan continued while approaching the bed. "That place sounds great."

"So, it's fine when my mother says it," Monica scolded.

"You heard me then," Khan smirked as he climbed on the bed to place himself on top of Monica. "What was that talk about Luke and Bruce?"

"What?" Monica asked. "Are you jealous?"

"Yes," Khan admitted without showing any shame. "I want you to show off only for me."

Monica couldn't oppose Khan when he was so straightforward. She reached for his hair, and the two kissed. Khan's exhaustion and Monica's injury seemed to disappear as the intimate moment went on, but reason eventually prevailed and made them stop.

"Your mother doesn't understand anything," Khan whispered when the kiss ended. "Your hair looks amazing."

"You are saying this only to make me lower my guard," Monica giggled. "I know your scoundrel mind."

"Someone should also tell your mother that you look better without clothes," Khan teased, and Monica delivered a soft slap to his cheek.

"Don't put my mother in those lines," Monica pouted.

"You sure like slapping me," Khan chuckled.

"You always deserve them," Monica claimed.

"Because you say so?" Khan wondered.

"Exactly," Monica replied before diverting her gaze and deciding to address the previous topic. "Anyway, I had no intention of getting close to Luke or Bruce. My mother simply has her own plans."

"I didn't doubt you," Khan reassured while carefully lying down to place his head on Monica's chest. "I only wish we could be honest about our relationship. I trust you, but jealousy isn't exactly reasonable."

Khan wasn't speaking about that feeling from a human perspective. His irritation had grown stronger when Monica's mother talked about Luke, and similar reactions were bound to happen in the future. Khan didn't even want to imagine what he could do if he saw someone hitting on Monica in the open.

"Jenna knows," Monica pointed out while caressing Khan's head. "Martha is on our side too. We must keep our relationship a secret, but we can be honest with them."

"I'm starting to get tired of secrets," Khan exclaimed while rubbing his face on Monica's chest.

Monica giggled and lightly pulled Khan's hair to stop him, but the gesture only made him climb back to her face to deliver another kiss. The two seemed unable to stay away from each other, and they both couldn't wait to get better.

"Still, it's annoying," Monica announced when the two took a break from their intimate moment.

"What is?" Khan asked.

"The only trustworthy people are women," Monica continued, "Women who like you a lot. It's not fair at all."

"I might be able to fix that," Khan revealed. "I can add one man to the bunch."

"Wait," Monica uttered, slightly pushing Khan away to stare at his entire expression. "Are you talking about telling someone else about us?"

"Yes," Khan confirmed and supported himself on one arm to pick up his phone with the other. "I actually planned to call him once the mission ended."

"Wait, wait!" Monica called. "Can you really trust him?"

"With my life," Khan declared, and a serious expression made its way to his face.

Monica didn't expect such a strong reaction, and curiosity inevitably formed inside her. She remained a bit hesitant, but Khan's seriousness also captivated her. She wanted to know the person who could make Khan behave like that.

"Don't feel forced to accept," Khan added, understanding that Monica could have a hard time in the matter. "It was just an idea."

"No," Monica promptly exclaimed as a trace of shyness enveloped her face. "I want to know the important people in your life."

Khan's seriousness melted before Monica's honesty. He couldn't refrain from reaching for the pillow and taking Monica into his arms. Her pure intentions fueled his affection in ways he didn't expect.

"Can I adjust my hair first?" Monica asked. "I want to make a good impression."

"You have never looked more beautiful," Khan praised.

"Liar," Monica whispered before gaining a pleading tone. "Don't tease me about this."

Khan didn't answer. His intense gaze was enough to trigger an affectionate kiss. The two remained locked in that intimate gesture for a while, and Khan started a call when it ended.

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