Chaos' Heir

Chapter 427 Birthday

Chapter 427 Birthday

427 Birthday

The first night of sleep after the transformation put Khan into a strange version of the nightmare. His consciousness was awake the whole time, and he could think, but he also felt the same deep emotions experienced when he absorbed the Nak's hand.

Those differences didn't worry Khan. The nightmare didn't actually change. It had only gained a new perspective that matched his current state.

The only meaningful new details Khan could find came from the outside world. His senses had improved even further, and his sensitivity had fused with them, so he could keep better track of his surroundings while asleep.

Those sensations and inputs were faint and muffled, but they gave Khan a vague idea of what was happening. Of course, he couldn't understand much about the areas outside the tent, but he could confirm that the warm figure sleeping with him was still on his chest.

A cracked ceiling welcomed Khan when he opened his eyes, but he quickly glanced at his chest to inspect the mess of curly hair. Monica had slept through his tremors, sweat, and general movements caused by the nightmares, and some snores even escaped her mouth from time to time.

'Such heavy sleep,' Khan smirked. 'Maybe it's for the best.'

Monica voiced a short whimper when Khan caressed her hair, but his careful touch allowed her to remain asleep. She actually grew more relaxed under his cuddles, and he couldn't help but enjoy her reaction.

'Years, huh,' Khan thought while picking up his phone to check the time. His sleep had been far shorter than expected. He had barely been out for six hours but felt full of energy.

The check-up technique confirmed that everything was okay. Khan was completely rested. He had recovered from four days of work in a matter of hours, and his new state was obviously to blame for that.

That realization was good news, and Khan had to push aside the bitterness caused by its source to appreciate it. His new resilience came from a Nak, but he could use that strength to improve faster than ordinary humans, which was ideal considering his goals.

'Raymond fucking Cobsend,' Khan instinctively repeated in his mind. 'He must have many answers, but reaching him is a problem. I can't even force him to tell the truth.'

Khan's problems went beyond that. Even in the remote chance he could reach Raymond and receive answers, he wouldn't be able to confirm their legitimacy. Raymond could lie to his face, and he wouldn't notice it.

That created additional dangers. Khan would risk falling into another ploy if he exposed himself, and Milia 222's crisis had already proven that he couldn't beat Raymond in that field. Going to him would be akin to willingly turning himself into a pawn.

Nevertheless, Khan couldn't give up on his goal. Raymond couldn't offer a viable path, but he had confirmed something that Khan had suspected since his time in Ylaco's training camp.

The higher-ups of the Global Army were bound to know something about the Nak. Maybe many of them were in the dark, but someone had to be part of that conspiracy. Raymond couldn't be the only one.

Those thoughts led Khan to the network. The connection was unstable, but his phone still loaded news if he waited long enough, and various descriptions of the Harbor eventually appeared on the screen.

'This might be a turning point,' Khan thought as information landed in his eyes.

The Harbor was as important as everyone made it out to be. It was an embassy that taught interplanetary politics to wealthy and promising students, but it was also the home to some ambassadors. Moreover, important figures flew by from time to time.

Khan couldn't only push his career further in the Harbor. He could also get the chance to establish meaningful connections. Since most people there came from wealthy families, he might meet someone who knew the truth about the Nak.

'Teachers, ambassadors, and superiors in general,' Khan planned. 'I need to get close to them to learn their secrets. If that fails, I can only hope that promotions will arrive quickly.'

Truth be told, Khan was conflicted about his new destination. On one side, he liked the idea of learning more about interplanetary politics. He had always been curious about the universe, and the embassy was bound to give him a general view of many species.

However, the Harbor featured a major problem that Khan couldn't ignore. He didn't get any worse at lies and pretenses, but he had grown tired of them. He had opted for a new stance even before the transformation, so things didn't look too good.

The idea of spending months and possibly longer wearing a façade was troubling, especially since Monica was involved. Khan would have to hold back constantly, and the strict regulations found on the network didn't reassure him.

'I'm getting kicked out for sure,' Khan cursed. 'Unless I can make myself indispensable.'

According to the network, most of the Harbor was closed to the public, which made sense. Khan couldn't even imagine the number of secrets it held. His experience on Milia 222 also made him predict the presence of factions and illegal activities.

That secrecy prevented Khan from coming up with plans, but his rank gave him access to a list of courses and jobs he could join. The Harbor didn't only have academics. It also featured various positions suitable for warriors, which better matched Khan's experience and stance.

Wealth went a long way, but Khan had learnt that military merits could compensate for lack of money or background. His fame could grant him some leeway that he planned to expand after reaching the Harbor. His new senses could help him fortify his position. He only needed to find something that his superiors valued a lot.

Sadly enough, the network didn't describe the Harbor's priorities, and Khan couldn't find them on the general list acquired through his rank. He would have to study the situation after his arrival, but he wasn't worried. After all, he had spent the last months diving into secrets. Milia 222 had been the perfect training camp for his new mission.

'I only need to depart then,' Khan exclaimed in his mind once he stored his phone.

Of course, Khan couldn't simply leave. Luke would surely need to talk to him, and a proper conversation with his other companions sounded necessary. His goal required that.

Khan also wanted to have another heartfelt talk with Martha since their separation was inevitable. The same went for Jenna and the Nele in general, and Khan wouldn't refuse another meeting with the other species.

Moreover, the fourth asteroid was still in a poor state, and Khan wanted to keep helping until things started to improve. If it were for him, he would probably spend a few more months on Milia 222, but something told him that his departure would arrive sooner.

'I guess I can leave that part to Monica,' Khan concluded. 'I should focus on everything else in the meantime.'

A tremor in the synthetic mana eventually reached Khan's senses and forced him to snap out of his thoughts. He turned in time to see Monica opening her eyes and wearing a timid smile. Warmth spread everywhere inside the tent, and it didn't take long before the two fell into an intimate moment.

Milia 222 rarely faced crises, but that didn't make it unprepared. The soldiers in the central pillar couldn't often show their teamwork, but the disaster caused by the Nak's hand gave them a chance that they didn't waste.

Most illegal factions wanted to prioritize the dock to restore the smuggling channels, but the asteroid's layout went against them. Milia 222's soldiers had to start from the intermediate floor due to the danger posed by the debris, and that was only the first step in the clearing operation.

Luckily for the illegal factions, Milia 222's soldiers worked quickly and relentlessly. They also employed various ships that accelerated the clearing operation and built multiple structures to reinforce the intermediate floor.

The city followed. Many buildings had crumbled, destroying the goods in their insides. However, their materials could save a lot of time and money, so the soldiers began to gather everything they could before some criminals stole too many of them.

The illegal factions helped in salvaging those materials. Quickening the restoration of the fourth asteroid would accelerate the reopening of the dock, so they put their differences aside for Milia 222's greater good.

The looting mostly ended after the major criminals added their efforts to the cause, and the restoration sped up again. Khan saw first-hand how areas previously occupied by piles of debris transformed into pillars or actual buildings in a matter of days.

Reconstructing the hole in such a short time was impossible, so the fourth asteroid split into two. Part of its population went on the first floor or used the short-distance teleports once they became fully operational. Instead, the others remained on the intermediate floor to continue to work on the damage.

Raymond didn't show his face again, and Luke went up and down the asteroid to handle various tasks. Soon, more news appeared on the network, including Khan's involvement in defeating the Nak's hand.

Khan kept doing what he did best. His senses were a powerful weapon that many factions learnt to use as the days passed. He helped a lot while debris still occupied the intermediate floor, but his presence became unnecessary as the clearing operations moved to other areas.

'He is still here,' Khan cursed in his mind when he saw Monica discussing something with Francis in the distance.

Almost three weeks had passed since the disaster. By then, the clearing operation had moved deeper into the asteroid, and only the people involved with different factions had remained behind. Khan could justify his presence through the Nele, but Monica and Francis were an exception.

Monica's injury was no more. She could have moved to the first floor to reach the rest of the group long ago, but she had chosen to remain behind to stay with Khan. Her social skills had allowed her to devise a reasonable excuse, and Luke and the others didn't ask too many questions since they sort of knew about Khan.

However, Monica's decision pushed Francis to remain behind too. The man didn't lack money, so he had easily obtained a simple habitation to watch over Monica and question her about the Harbor.

Needless to say, Francis' presence had prevented Khan and Monica from seeing each other. They had shared random moments in those weeks, but nothing more than that, and their patience was running dry.

Khan saw Monica picking up her phone, so he imitated her and waited patiently. A message promptly arrived, and a smile appeared on his face when he read its contents.

'He is back at asking me to talk with his father!' Monica said through the message.

'That guy,' Khan cursed again.

Apparently, Francis' parents knew about his obsession with Monica, which played in Khan's favor since they were ignoring his requests to gain access to the Harbor. Still, that wasn't enough to make Francis give up, which left the couple in that stalemate.

'Tell him that we have a date on my bed,' Khan texted before enjoying seeing Monica remaining speechless at his message.

Similar situations had happened multiple times during the previous weeks, so Khan knew that his joke wouldn't go anywhere. He could only tease Monica from afar while waiting for the inevitable departure.

Monica and Francis eventually stopped fighting and retreated to their respective habitations. Monica had also purchased something for herself, and she wasn't the only one. Khan was leaning on the wall of the small flat Luke had gotten for him. He would usually go inside at that point, but the arrival of a familiar presence made him wait outside.

"Still busy brooding?" Luke asked when he crossed the habitation's corner and noticed Khan.

"I don't brood," Khan responded. "I'm simply annoyed."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Luke questioned as he leaned in a spot to Khan's right. "Wealthy women are my field."

"I don't know what you are talking about," Khan lied before changing the topic. "It's getting boring here."

The second line wasn't exactly a lie. Francis' presence had given Khan a lot of free time, which he had occupied by meeting members of other species. However, he only knew the Nele well, and everyone remained busy, so his attempts to build more connections had been short-lived.

"You won't have to worry about that once you reach the Harbor," Luke exclaimed. "I'd be surprised if you could still go on with your personal business there, but you always find a way. I'm sure it won't be any different this time too."

"What are you doing here?" Khan asked, ignoring the obvious hint that Luke had thrown. "I thought you had business to attend to on the second asteroid."

"I attended it," Luke revealed. "I just came back to deliver the news personally."

"News?" Khan repeated while eyeing Luke.

"I've talked with my father," Luke explained. "The mission is over. It's time to go back."

"When?" Khan asked.

"Tomorrow," Luke stated. "The ship is ready and waiting for us on the first asteroid."

"Oh," Khan voiced as his gaze returned to the environment. "It's over then."

"I've already prepared payments and bonuses," Luke declared. "They will go out once we reach Neo Station. If I understand correctly, we'll split ways there."

"Monica knows the details," Khan replied. "I didn't care too much about them."

"Monica?" Luke teased.

"Miss Solodrey," Khan corrected himself. "She is handling the trip to the Harbor. Well, her family is."

"I was joking," Luke chuckled.

Khan didn't need to inspect the synthetic mana to know that Luke's mood was excellent. He had completed the mission and improved his image in his father's mind. Nothing else mattered to him.

"Do you have a mission for Martha yet?" Khan wondered.

"She'll work alongside Master Ivor until I find something more specific," Luke explained. "I still don't know my next move. I'm thinking Earth, but my family might have something else for me."

"Hopefully, it will be safer than this," Khan sighed.

"That's not hard to find," Luke laughed.

Khan nodded, but his face grew cold when he looked at Luke again. The latter sensed that something was off, and he immediately understood the reason for that tension.

"I won't put her in danger," Luke promised, "Not this kind of danger, at least."

"Martha has her path to tread," Khan uttered, "But this doesn't mean that I'd forgive you if something happens to her."

"Do you want me to give her fake jobs?" Luke asked. "We can discuss that."

"I expect you to be loyal," Khan responded. "Treat her with the same respect you use with me."

"I planned to do that in the first place," Luke revealed. "I know my record with her isn't clean, but she remains a good soldier and an old friend. Besides, her debt still exists, and I need her alive and well to get my money back."

'And you want her around to get to me in the future,' Khan thought while moving his gaze back to the environment. Luke wasn't exactly trustworthy, but he remained Martha's best option for now.

"I wish we could have had time for a celebratory dinner or something," Luke announced since Khan remained silent. "Your birthday is also close, isn't it? I seem to remember it was in this period."

"It's in a few days," Khan revealed.

"I can plan something in the ship," Luke suggested. "A small party is easy to organize."

"Don't bother," Khan refused. "I have something in mind already, but I need your gift in advance."

"Sure, what is it?" Luke asked. "Anything you want."

"Get Francis off this floor," Khan requested.

"Ah!" Luke exclaimed as a smile made its way onto his face. "It's better if I don't ask, am I right?"

"You know it," Khan replied.

"Give me a few minutes," Luke stated while leaving the wall. "I promise you won't see his face until tomorrow."

Khan watched Luke heading for Francis' habitation before focusing on his mana. A tinge of energy gathered in his palm, and he blew on it while thinking about a simple request. He had yet to master the Nele's communication method, but Jenna would understand him anyway.

A few hours after the conversation with Luke, Khan found himself in front of a tense scene. He was sitting inside his habitation, and two women stood before him. Jenna wore her teasing smile while Monica appeared beyond pissed, but they remained silent to wait for Khan's explanation.

"We are leaving tomorrow," Khan announced after sorting out his thoughts.josei

"It arrived," Jenna sighed before sitting on the floor and approaching Khan.

"Where do you think you are going?" Monica snapped, also jumping on the floor to grab Jenna's stretched arm.

Jenna was wearing her spray since the intermediate floor was still a neutral area, and she didn't mind Monica's touch. Yet, the situation involved Khan's departure, so she wouldn't limit herself to jokes.

"I let you touch me because I respect your feelings," Jenna stated, "But Khan is leaving, and we have yet to say goodbye."

"Go ahead," Monica snorted while letting Jenna go. "Hug him and leave."

"We are far past hugs," Jenna sneered. "Such an important event deserves something special, and I know exactly what."

"Don't even think about it," Monica warned.

"Why not?" Jenna wondered. "You aren't giving it to him anyway. I can fill in until you are ready."

"How would?!" Monica shouted before turning toward Khan. "Did you give her strange ideas?"

"Trust me," Khan sighed. "She has always been like this."

"You are so quick on asking for his help," Jenna teased as she approached Monica and slowly placed a hand at the center of her chest. "Let me deal with these insecurities."

"Stop!" Monica retreated. "And I don't have insecurities. I made up my mind already."

"Oh?" Jenna voiced while glancing at Khan. "Did I interrupt something?"

Khan didn't bother to reply since he knew Monica's shout was about to arrive, and she didn't disappoint. "That's none of your business!"

"Khan's well-being is my business," Jenna declared. "Though, if you are ready, I can suggest something together. He likes that fantasy anyway."

"Toge-!" Monica stuttered. "I won't share my man with a witch!"

"What's a witch?" Jenna asked Khan.

"It's her replacement for slut," Khan explained.

"So, you can convince her," Jenna pointed out. "Did you call us here for that?"

"Convince her to do what?" Monica questioned. "Khan?"

"Calm down, you two," Khan requested. "I didn't decide anything. I can't. It won't be fair that way."

Jenna and Monica fell silent and waited for Khan's continuation. Still, they didn't forget to shoot another glare at each other in the meantime.

"Monica, you know how important Jenna is to me," Khan began. "I can't leave like this. Even if it's just talking, I want our goodbyes to be meaningful."

Jenna's face lit up, and she began to turn to show her smug smile, but Khan interrupted her.

"Jenna, you know I'm with Monica," Khan continued. "Our friendship has hurt her more than she lets out. I can't ask for another day from her. Even a minute would be too much."

Jenna and Monica didn't know what to say. Khan's words made perfect sense, but they didn't lead anywhere. Waiting for him to continue also turned out to be pointless since he fell silent.

"So?" Monica and Jenna ended up asking at the same time.

"So, talk it out!" Khan cursed. "Reach a compromise or something. If the decision comes from me, I can't avoid hurting one of you, so find something that you can both accept."

The statement surprised both women, but they soon revealed frowns. They stood on opposite sides and reaching a compromise sounded impossible. Only Khan could put an end to their fight.

"Do you expect to put this on me?" Monica asked without hiding her anger. "Does being your girlfriend mean so little?"

"Monica, you liked my overprotective side," Khan stated. "What would you think of me if I had no problem hurting Jenna?"

Monica opened her mouth to respond, but no words came out. The situation annoyed her, but Khan was right. As much as she wanted Khan to pick her, it would go against his character to directly ignore Jenna's feelings, especially after everything they went through.

"You are leaving tomorrow," Jenna exclaimed. "I won't be able to see you for a long time. How can you not give me one last night?"

Khan noticed how Jenna's affection was growing unstable. She would have never spoken like that otherwise. Yet, he had a suitable answer for her too.

"Jenna, choosing you might compromise my relationship with Monica," Khan explained. "Do you really want to become a threat to my potential happiness?"

The unstable affection immediately went quiet. Jenna's feelings for Khan always put his happiness in first place, even if that meant sacrificing herself. Guilt-tripping him into having another night together went against that.

Silence fell inside the habitation again. Monica had her gaze on the floor since the last line had made her blush, while Jenna was deep into her thoughts in the hope of finding a loophole. Yet, it soon became clear that Khan was right. Only they could find a path that wouldn't hurt anyone.

"Monica," Jenna eventually called while turning toward Monica.

"Witch," Monica exclaimed before correcting herself when she looked at Jenna. "[Jenna]."

"We know how unfair your man is," Jenna announced.

"Indeed," Monica found it easy to agree since Jenna labeled Khan as her man, "But we knew what we were getting into."

"So, how does this work?" Jenna asked.

"Do you have ideas that don't involve sex?" Monica questioned.

"Very few," Jenna teased.

"How surprising," Monica mocked.

"I'm surprised you are so against them," Jenna responded.

"I'm not a sl-," Monica stated before rephrasing her line. "I'm not a witch."

"You wish you were as bold as me," Jenna sneered.

"You wish Khan chose you," Monica rebuked.

"Don't forget who pushed him into your arms," Jenna scolded.

"He would have come to me on his own," Monica claimed.

"Not if I kept him between my legs," Jenna dared. "I still have time for that."

Monica mustered the entirety of her resolve to push away her shyness and deliver her next line. "I can do that too."

"Khan prefers my legs," Jenna declared.

"But he holds mine," Monica continued.

The bickering was tense. It resembled a bomb ready to explode, and Khan only wanted to remain outside of it. He didn't dare to move out of fear of bringing the focus on him. However, the buzzing of his phone betrayed him.

Two intense gazes snapped at Khan and followed his movements while he reached for his phone. People would kill to have those two pairs of beautiful eyes for themselves, but Khan felt that his life was in danger during the process.

"Don't worry," Khan reassured after checking the message. "It's just Luke with questions for my birthday."

"Birthday?" Monica and Jenna repeated at the same time.

"Right, you don't know," Khan realized. "It's in a few days, so Luke is pestering me about a party on the ship."

Jenna and Monica opened their mouths in surprise before glancing at each other. A meaningful stare unfolded. The two women seemed able to speak without uttering any word, and they even reached a silent understanding in those seconds.

"You got lucky," Monica stated.

"Naked?" Jenna asked.

"No," Monica promptly rejected.

"How pure," Jenna mocked.

"Underwear," Monica snorted.

"Bra?" Jenna wondered.

"On," Monica replied.

"He has done more than seeing them," Jenna pointed out.

"On," Monica remained firm.

"I guess I'll have to hug him tightly," Jenna sighed.

"I decide where your hands go," Monica uttered.

"We'll see about that," Jenna challenged.

Khan felt in danger again. His eyes darted left and right as the bickering went on, but he soon found those intense gazes on him again. Jenna and Monica even began to approach him, and the tension intensified during their crawling.

"What is happening?" Khan asked.

"Take off your clothes," Jenna giggled.

"I'll let this go only this once," Monica warned.

Khan didn't dare to oppose the two women, and it didn't take long before he ended up on his bed. His arms had stopped belonging to him by then since Jenna had taken his left and Monica had claimed his right.

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