Chaos' Heir

Chapter 429 Present

Chapter 429 Present

429 Present

Spaceships weren't exceptional when it came to privacy, but Luke had booked something that could solve the issue. Still, the amount of space and comfort offered by the vehicle couldn't prevent Khan from facing a few social events.

Luke held a meal to celebrate the mission's success, and another party followed due to Khan's birthday. The ship didn't lack food and drinks, and everyone wanted to relieve the stress accumulated in the previous months, so those events saw the team exaggerating a few times.

Luckily for Khan, the general respect that the group had for him had deepened. His methods during the mission had been unusual, but his achievements were undeniable, so no one dared to criticize him openly or even hint at insubordination.

Francis mostly remained silent, and the four first-level warriors limited themselves to asking random questions during the stories. Khan didn't have the best relationship with them, but his teacher instinct often kicked in to make him explain a few details. Those soldiers might find his advice useful one day, so he didn't mind sharing his experience.

As for Khan, he couldn't help but compare those joyful occasions to his time on Nitis. The parties on the ship had great booze, food, and seats, but they lacked something important. The absence of true friends who could talk about anything often made Khan distance himself and fall into his thoughts.

Of course, Khan had people close to him on the ship, but Monica wasn't an option. The two could only perform their polite flirting or share a couch when they had the chance.

Things with Luke and Bruce had also improved, but the former was often busy with his phone, and the latter already had his meaningful talk with Khan. They didn't have anything important to say now that the mission was over.

Martha was Khan's only valid option, but she was busy preparing for her next task. Khan helped her when possible, but being on her own was the whole point of her new path, so there was a limit to how much he could do.

Nine days weren't a long time, but they felt endless for Khan since he didn't have much to do. He kept himself busy with studies and other matters, but his boredom eventually forced him to resume training.

The transformation brought changes to Khan's overall strength, and his martial arts reflected those improvements. Everything also felt strangely natural, so Khan didn't have to get used to his new power. He was simply better from the get-go, and his growth didn't apply only to his moves.

Khan didn't know if the transformation was to blame, but he found the execution of the "simulated mental battle" far easier than before. He could almost come up with complex battles, and immersing himself inside them soon became addicting.

It wasn't long before Khan fell prey to a new packed training routine. His new resilience extended the time he could spend immersed in his exercises, and he didn't hesitate to push himself. He still held back on the meditative sessions, but everything else returned stronger than ever.

The nine days went by in a blink afterward. Khan almost missed the pilot announcing the beginning of the landing, and he had to skip the shower to gather near the exit with his group.

"Usual Khan," Luke commented at the sight of the sweaty and slightly smelly Khan. His line triggered a series of laughs, and Khan could only shrug his shoulders to join the joke.

The exit opened right afterward, and the group descended through it to reach the hangar. Khan and Monica exchanged a meaningful gaze when no one looked, but the different environment soon captured his attention.

Neo Station's hangar had a lot in common with Milia 222. The synthetic mana and the vehicles were nothing new for Khan, but he could smell the difference. The symphony was very human, which described the small number of aliens in the area.

"Alright!" Luke announced once everyone left the ship. "I guess this is where we split."

"You are going straight for the teleport, right?" Khan recalled.

"Yes," Luke exclaimed. "I don't plan on staying on Earth, but that's a mandatory stop."

"Good luck with everything then," Khan smiled. "Don't forget to keep me updated on future job opportunities."

"I have twelve ready if you like," Luke teased.

"Come on, Luke," Khan chuckled while stepping to his right to get closer to Monica. "Miss Solodrey has me booked for a while."

"It's time to admit defeat, Luke," Monica joked before placing a hand on Khan's elbow. "Didn't we agree on dropping these formalities?"

"I remember refusing to avoid problems in the Harbor," Khan pointed out.

"Are you implying that someone might get jealous of you?" Monica faked surprise before showing a smile. "Lieutenant Khan, you know you can praise me openly."

"Give it up, Khan," Bruce laughed. "You can't win this one."

"Ivor, help me out here," Khan requested.

"I'm afraid you are on your own, Lieutenant Khan," Master Ivor chuckled. "You should know that Miss Solodrey isn't the type to let the matter slide."

"I give up," Khan sighed while glancing at Monica. "Do you need help unloading, Monica?"

"I've already hired someone for that, Khan," Monica voiced an elegant laugh. "Now, shall we go? We have a few shops to visit."

"I guess this is goodbye," Luke declared while stretching his arm forward. "It was a pleasure, Khan, Monica. Thank you for everything, and good luck in the Harbor."

"Good luck," Bruce added while also stretching his arm forward.

Khan shook the men's hands before nodding at the rest of the group. Francis avoided his gaze while the four first-level warriors performed military salutes. As for Master Ivor, he smiled back at him.

"I'll see you around," Khan uttered when his eyes fell on Martha.

"Same here," Martha replied. "Don't do anything stupid out there."

"And you be safe," Khan added before glancing at Luke. "Take good care of her."

"Khan!" Martha complained due to how embarrassing that comment was, but her shout made the group laugh. Only Luke remained serious enough to nod back at Khan.

"Goodbye then," Khan exclaimed before stepping back to wait for Monica.

Monica performed an elegant bow before turning to lead the way. Khan didn't hesitate to follow her, and a sigh escaped his mouth once his sensitivity confirmed that his companions had stopped looking at them.

"We are alone," Khan whispered. "Well, sort of."

Monica was rather famous, and the hangar had multiple wealthy figures who recognized her. Her elegant clothes didn't help disguise her identity, so many groups looked in her direction in an attempt to understand what was happening.

"I think some of them are for you," Monica revealed since she also noticed those looks. "Your profile has become quite the topic in the last few days."

"I feared as much," Khan sighed. "Things will probably worsen in the Harbor, especially if I use your name in public."

"We have faced Milia 222's disaster together," Monica rebuked. "It would be strange to remain so formal."

"It will cause me a lot of problems," Khan uttered. "There must be more people like Francis there."

"Am I not worth the hassle?" Monica asked, even if she kept her gaze straight.

"I know how to answer," Khan voiced, "But not through words."

Monica fell silent and covered her mouth to hide her shy smile. Meanwhile, her emotions ran wild. She was finally alone with Khan, and some privacy was bound to arrive soon.

"Hey," Monica eventually called. "You have yet to tell me what you want for your birthday."

"I thought I already received my gift," Khan replied. "You and Jenna made me the luckiest nineteen-year-old in the universe."

"Don't talk about that," Monica snapped, raising her voice before lowering it. "Actually, forget it already."

"Impossible," Khan stated. "I can see the scene whenever I close my eyes."

"Should I dig them out for you?" Monica threatened as a blush made its way onto her face.

"I would still recall the sensations of that night," Khan joked. "So much softness."

Monica forced herself to cough to suppress the shout rising through her throat. She couldn't lose her composure in public, but remaining silent only intensified her embarrassment. Still, she ended up smiling when she saw Khan's dreamy face.

The two fell silent, and a middle-aged man with a star on each shoulder eventually approached them to lead the way. Monica had matters to attend to on Neo Station's upper floors, and she needed a guide to help her out.

Khan finally got a chance to inspect Neo Station's true face, but its casinos, shops, and other activities were nothing special compared to Milia 222. He had already seen similar scenes on a far bigger scale, and the mostly human population made everything even plainer.

Still, Monica didn't let that trip be too peaceful. It turned out that her tasks mostly involved the purchase of new clothes, and Khan had the complicated role of giving his opinion.

"The red one," Khan calmly voiced.

"Technically, it's called candy," Monica corrected.

"Pink," Khan stated.

"It's crepe," Monica corrected again.

"The plaid skirt," Khan chose.

"I think I'll buy both," Monica considered while shooting a meaningful glance at Khan. "I really like skirts."

Those and more interactions went by in the hours after the landing. Monica visited six different shops, and Khan had to pretend to remain indifferent while giving his opinions under the middle-aged man's cold stare.

"Are you sure the teleport can handle so many clothes?" Khan whispered once Monica's shopping spree finally came to an end.

"I also lost a lot during the disaster," Monica replied in an equally faint tone before lowering her voice even more, "Including some of your favorite skirts."

"You know I prefer you without them," Khan commented.

"Miss Solodrey," The middle-aged man leading the two suddenly called as he halted his steps. "We are here."

The man lifted his arm to point at the big shop on his right. The place was a beauty salon that handled various activities, and multiple long lines stretched from its entrances.

"This place should do," Monica confirmed. "Let's go, Khan. I've already warned them about our arrival."

"Wait, our?" Khan wondered.

"The messy outlook suits you," Monica joked, "But the Harbor has some of the wealthiest members of our generation. You need to look the part."

"I'll tell them you have arrived," The man stated before ignoring the lines to peek past one of the entrances and summon a waiter.

"What did you get me into?" Khan whispered now that he and Monica were alone.

"Bath, new clothes, and a haircut," Monica explained before glaring at Khan. "Don't you dare to request for women during your bath."

"Wait, can I?" Khan honestly asked, and the anger expanding inside Monica gave him the answer he sought. A smirk tried to follow, but the man returned and interrupted that interaction.

"They are ready for you," The man announced. "You can enter."

"Thank you," Monica said while performing a half-bow and stepping forward.

Khan could only follow Monica and ignore the glares or curious looks from the people in the lines. He expected some complaints, but no one dared to speak.

"Welcome to the Daily Delights," A beautiful woman greeted the two as soon as they entered the shop. "Miss Solodrey, you can follow Carla. She will fulfill all your requests."

A younger woman approached the first and pointed toward a different area of the shop before adding something. "Miss Solodrey, we can begin if you wish."

"I'll be in your hands, Carla," Monica thanked before following the second woman into a deeper area of the shop. The two even crossed a sliding door that prevented Khan from keeping track of them.

"Lieutenant Khan, am I right?" The first woman asked once she and Khan remained alone.

"Indeed," Khan responded while inspecting the place. The room was vast, but it didn't have much. He could only see a few seats and a long transparent desk filled with various beauty products.

"Is this your first time in a beauty salon?" The woman continued.

"Right again," Khan revealed.

"I hope we can give you a memorable experience then," The woman exclaimed. "It would be unbefitting of your feats if we mistreated you."

"I believe Miss Solodrey has already planned everything," Khan changed the topic.

"Yes!" The woman confirmed. "Please, follow me."

The woman led Khan deeper into the shop, in a room full of lockers and doors. The temperature was far higher there, and many young women handed out towels or similar items to the men sitting on various benches.

"You can use an empty locker to store your belongings," The woman explained, "But we'll take your uniform to clean it up. There are baths behind each of these doors. Just choose an empty one."

"Sure," Khan voiced while unbuttoning the upper parts of his uniform.

"Wait!" The woman shouted once she realized what Khan was up to.

"What is it?" Khan asked while turning, uncaring that half of his chest was already in the open.

"There are changing rooms inside the baths," The woman quickly explained while the azure scar captured her attention. "You don't need to undress here."

"But you need my uniform, don't you?" Khan asked.

"There is a drawer inside the changing room that we can open from outside," The woman revealed.

"Oh," Khan exclaimed. "Well, I'm done anyway."

Khan finished removing the upper part of his uniform before moving to his pants. He hung them up in a specific spot on a nearby locker before storing his sheath, knife, phone, and fake ID card. The container asked him to create a temporary password, and he quickly complied.

"How long do I have?" Khan wondered.

"A-" The woman gulped while her eyes traced Khan's firm muscles, "You can stay as long you want."

"I won't take long," Khan stated before heading for one of the doors. He wore nothing but underwear, so his walk attracted a lot of attention, especially from the waitresses. As for the men on the benches, they mostly looked at his azure scar.

Khan ignored everything to enter one of the baths. The luxury waiting for him inside was nothing surprising or spectacular after the trip on Luke's ship. He actually found fewer beauty products there, but he still knew how to use only one.

The changing room turned out to be the big surprise of the place. The area already had a clean uniform with two stars on each shoulder waiting for Khan, and the various drawers offered a wide variety of socks and underwear.

Khan had seen similar stuff on Reebfell and Milia 222, and the sight didn't interest him. He cleaned himself and picked up simple boxers before donning the military uniform and leaving the bath.

The surprises arrived after leaving the bath too. Many waitresses had gathered in front of the door, and a few men had also joined them. Yet, the disappointed expressions followed and pushed Khan to find a way out of the situation.

"Is something the matter?" Khan calmly asked, pretending not to understand what was happening.

"No, no," The woman who had taken care of Khan until now replied while her companions either blushed or diverted their gazes. "Let's move on."

Khan retrieved his stuff and followed the woman into another room that featured multiple clothes. According to her, Monica had already given some instructions, which Khan appreciated since he didn't understand the field.

The woman's eager expression pushed Khan to use the changing room at that time. He tried a few sets of clothes at the waitress' request, but he bought only the bare minimum. The shopping session ended after he purchased two tracksuits and a pair of elegant garments.

"We'll deliver them to the destination appointed by Miss Solodrey," The woman explained before leading Khan into another room.

The last room had a series of seats attended by barbers accompanied by automated carts. The latter had mirrors, scissors, and far more to help with the task, and happy chats enveloped everything to create a joyful scene.

"Miss Solodrey gave her inputs on possible hairstyles," The woman announced while accompanying Khan to his seat. "Do you want to hear them?"

"Sure," Khan casually replied.

"Fringe up, undercut, faux hawk," The woman began to list, but Khan quickly realized how pointless that was.

"Wait, wait," Khan interrupted. "I don't know what those names mean."

"I can show you pictures," The woman suggested.

"Look, you are the expert," Khan stated. "Choose for me."

The woman remained surprised, but she was a professional at her core. She reached for Khan's chin and lifted his head to get a good look at his features.

"Miss Solodrey has good taste," The woman praised. "Undercut it is."

Khan let the woman handle everything. She summoned a barber, and the haircut began. The latter tried to be friendly, but he felt a bit tense, and Khan's short answers eventually killed any conversation.

'I've seen a few people with this hairstyle,' Khan thought while inspecting his hair on his phone's screen.

A short fade had taken control of the sides of Khan's head, and a slightly longer fringe left his forehead uncovered. The hairstyle looked good on him, but he expected it to lose that shape in a matter of weeks.

'Do they expect me to get a haircut every month?' Khan wondered before glancing at the people in the lines.

Khan had already left the shop, but Monica was still inside, which wasn't surprising. He was waiting for her with the middle-aged man, and the situation gave him the time to inspect what the world saw as ordinary people.

Neo Station had a relatively wealthy population, and Khan couldn't find a single messy outfit or hairstyle among the people in line. He couldn't understand why such clean and tidy individuals would need to visit a beauty salon, but there they were.

'Maybe I should step it up in the Harbor,' Khan wondered while storing his phone. 'I need to put alarms for this stuff.'

Khan and the man ended up waiting two entire hours outside the shop, but the latter didn't dare to show his annoyance. He actually seemed used to that treatment. As for Khan, he fought against the instinct of sitting on the floor and let his mind wander through the symphony to kill time.

"Welcome back, Miss Solodrey!" The middle-aged man announced as soon as Monica left the shop. Khan had sensed her arrival and had even prepared a joke for when they would be alone, but he forgot it once he looked at her.

Monica had changed into her military uniform, but her face and hair showed the results of the beauty treatment. Her curls had enlarged and softened, and her skin appeared far smoother.

The partially warrior-like appearance fused with Monica's enhanced beauty left Khan stunned. He found himself staring at Monica while wild thoughts tried to take control of his mind. His state told him that his imminent mission wasn't starting in the best way.

"I didn't think I'd be in there for so long," Monica politely justified herself, "But they had so many interesting services. I couldn't resist."

"It's no problem at all, Miss Solodrey," The man exclaimed. "Do you want another tour? There are other shops on the upper floors."

"No, it's fine," Monica responded. "I've wasted enough of your time already."

"It was a pleasure," The middle-aged man stated.

"You are too kind," Monica giggled. "Still, I must refuse. Lieutenant Khan and I have a ship to get to."

"Of course," The man exclaimed, turning to show a cold expression to Khan. "I'll lead the way."

The guide didn't hesitate to step ahead, leaving Monica and Khan slightly behind. The former could still hear them, but they resorted to whispers to avoid the issue.

"What is it?" Monica asked since she noticed something in Khan's expression. "Did something happen in the salon?"

"No," Khan reassured. "Something happened afterward."

"Afterward?" Monica repeated.

"Let's say they did a good job with you," Khan vaguely explained.

Monica couldn't help but smile and lower her gaze. The urge to grab Khan's hand ran through her, but she held back for obvious reasons, and anger soon replaced those warm feelings.

Khan sensed the changes inside Monica, but he couldn't do much about it. He was also in a difficult situation. His state almost felt nostalgic since he had experienced something similar with Liiza.

The guide led Monica and Khan back to Neo Station's lower areas, and the scanners that often preceded teleports soon unfolded past them. The middle-aged man remained behind while Khan and Monica went through them, and surprising results appeared on the screens once everything ended.

"There must be a mistake," Monica exclaimed when she looked at the screen.

"We can check again, ma'am," The soldier in charge of recording the results responded.

"No need," Khan intervened in an aloof tone. "They are correct."

Monica snapped toward Khan, but his expression spoke clearly. He had expected something similar to happen.

'Sixty-nine percent attunement with mana,' Khan read on the screen. 'I'm almost a third-level warrior.'

The soldier was confused to see that reaction, but he understood the reason behind it when he looked at other information on his device. His eyes widened in shock when he read Khan's age. Those results were truly unbelievable.

"Is the teleport ready?" Khan asked since he sensed the changes happening inside the soldier.

"Y-," The soldier stuttered. "Yes! Everything is ready."

"We should go then," Khan announced, and Monica nodded in agreement when he looked at her.

The walk toward the familiar oval room was silent, and the same went for the accumulation of synthetic mana in the machine. The teleport activated, and the scenery instantly changed.

"Welcome to Aegis Station, Miss Monica," A woman in her forties shouted as soon as Monica opened her eyes. "Lieutenant Khan, it's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard many good things about you."

Khan only needed a glance to gain a complete view of the woman. She was a slender and tall third-level warrior with long brown hair and dark skin. Her eyes were also dark, and her stance reminded him of Master Ivor.

"Master Amelia!" Monica exclaimed while stepping out of the teleport to greet the woman. "I didn't know you'd receive us."

"Your mother insisted when she heard you wanted to fly to the Harbor," Master Amelia explained. "Miss Monica, why didn't you teleport directly there?"

"My mother should have read the reports about my mission," Monica politely replied. "A relaxing trip is necessary after such a mandatory assignment."

"I understand," Master Amelia stated.

"The academic year isn't due for another month either," Monica added. "I thought it was wise to prepare accordingly before reaching the Harbor."

"I expected nothing less from you," Master Amelia smiled. "I've already loaded the ship with books and files suitable for the Harbor. I'm sure you have already memorized those topics, but reviewing them can't hurt."

"Thank you," Monica voiced. "Part of my luggage is also on its way. I believe it should arrive within the hour."

"I already have a team ready to pick it up," Master Amelia stated.

"Perfect," Monica uttered before stepping to her left to make room for Khan.

"Master Amelia," Khan announced after stepping out of the teleport and performing a military salute. "It's nice to meet you."

"You are surprisingly young," Master Amelia commented, "And good-looking."

"Ma'am?" Khan wondered.

"I hope you don't mind this old woman," Master Amelia teased. "I dreamed of meeting a man like you when I was Miss Monica's age."

Khan showed a polite smile, but coldness spread inside his mind. He could sense that Master Amelia had ill intentions. She didn't want to hurt him, but her jokes had deeper meanings.

"Master Amelia, be polite," Monica scolded. "Lieutenant Khan isn't only a war hero. He is also my guest."

"About that," Master Amelia said. "Lieutenant Khan must feel very lucky about this chance. I hope he understands what it means to receive the help of the Solodrey family."

"Master Amelia!" Monica raised her voice. "This behavior is unacceptable."

Master Amelia's eyes darted left and right to search for twitches in Khan's smiling expression, but his pretense remained perfect. She eventually gave up on that probing, but she didn't hold back from voicing one last comment.

"I hope you don't mind my protective behavior, Lieutenant Khan," Master Amelia announced while turning to leave the teleport area. "Miss Monica is like a daughter to me, but she is too kind. She might convey the wrong idea, especially to men beneath her."

"Master Amelia, you are dismissed," Monica coldly ordered. "I also forbid you access to the ship. If my mother has complaints, she can call me."

"As you wish, Miss Monica," Master Amelia halted her steps and turned again. "Lieutenant Khan, it was a pleasure."

Master Amelia left the teleport area afterward, and an awkward tension fell on the scene. The scientists and soldiers behind the consoles pretended to have missed the drama, but they couldn't avoid peeking at Khan and Monica from time to time.

"The Solodrey family's hospitality has worsened in the last years," Monica exclaimed, trying to hide the irritation in her tone.

"She was nice," Khan commented. "I hope my fellow trainees will be as kind as her."

Monica tried to find the truth in Khan's expression, but he limited himself to his polite smile. His poker face was as perfect as ever, which pushed Monica to hurry in the following tasks to obtain some privacy as soon as possible.

Aegis Station was nothing like Neo Station. It was far smaller since the quadrant didn't have any major destination that lacked teleports. It only featured a few hangars, a couple of training halls, and multiple habitations meant for the soldiers stationed there.

Master Amelia had already left, but a team of soldiers had remained behind to guide Khan and Monica through the space station. The two quickly reached the hangar, and it didn't take long before they arrived at a relatively big ship.

Khan recognized the vehicle. It was another comfort-oriented ship similar to what Luke had booked for Milia 222. It was smaller, but that made sense considering the lower number of crew members.

"Departure is in a few hours, Miss Solodrey," One of the soldiers revealed while the rest of the team glared at Khan. "You can enter to check whether the ship suits your needs."

"I'm sure it will be fine," Monica almost dropped her elegant behavior since her patience was reaching its limits. The soldiers had glared at Khan the whole time, and that behavior was getting on her nerves.

A door on the ship's side opened, and a metal staircase came out of it. Monica didn't hesitate to approach it, and a soldier stepped forward to hinder Khan's path when he tried to follow her.

"Miss Solodrey can inspect the ship," The soldier warned. "You don't have clearance."josei

Khan's face felt stiff. His polite smile had never left his expression, and that didn't change even after the soldier's rude warning. Still, Monica wasn't the type to let the matter slide.

"Alan, am I right?" Monica called from the first step of the staircase.

"Yes, Miss Solodrey," The soldier confirmed.

"Leave right now," Monica ordered. "This ship will fly without you."

"Miss Solodrey, your mother-," Alan tried to explain.

"I'll bring the topic directly to my mother," Monica interrupted. "You are dismissed."

"Yes, ma'am," Alan nodded and began to turn, but Monica called for him again.

"One last thing," Monica said. "How many people does this ship need to fly?"

"The pilot, co-pilot, and three more soldiers for safety measures," Alan revealed.

"I suspect the safety measures are for Lieutenant Khan," Monica said gently. "Let's make it two since you have been so rude."

"Miss Solodrey," Alan tried to complain, but Monica interrupted him once again.

"Alan, you have served my family for many years," Monica announced without dropping her smile. "I'm sure you can explain my decision to my mother. Now that I think about it, I don't want to talk to her."

"But," Alan attempted again, but Monica didn't want to hear reasons.

"That's an order, Alan," Monica declared as her smile finally vanished. "And don't bother choosing your best soldiers. Lieutenant Khan has defeated a third-level warrior. You simply aren't up to the task."

The team only had first and second-level warriors who showed disbelief at Monica's words. It didn't help that Khan continued to wear his fake smile. The scene went from tense to chilling, forcing Alan to agree to Monica's requests.

Khan eventually followed Monica inside the ship, which featured everything it promised. Its seats were comfortable, its rooms relatively spacious, and its services up to the highest standards.

"Eric and Stacy, do I recall correctly?" Monica asked when the two soldiers that would accompany her on the trip entered the ship.

"Correct, Miss Solodrey," The two soldiers said simultaneously.

"I believe you have orders from my mother," Monica guessed. "I'm sorry to say that you aren't as important as Alan or Master Amelia. I can get you fired if I want."

The two soldiers couldn't help but gulp under that blatant threat. Monica was right. They had orders to keep track of Khan, but Monica's mother wasn't there to confirm whether they did their job.

"We understand each other then," Monica stated before checking her surroundings. The group was in the ship's central corridor, which divided the vehicle into two parts.

"There are rooms on both sides of the ship," Monica announced as she reached one of the seats behind her. "You will take the rooms near the pilot's cabin while Lieutenant Khan and I will settle on the other side. This corridor will be a neutral zone, but you can't cross this seat."

Monica's requests were unreasonable, but she had already made herself clear, so the two soldiers could only nod in agreement.

"Excellent," Monica exclaimed while revealing one of her elegant expressions. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have matters to handle with Lieutenant Khan."

Monica didn't hesitate to head for the back of the ship, and Khan followed her closely. Truth be told, he had also been on the verge of snapping, but seeing Monica so annoyed dispersed his anger and made him eager to have some time alone with her.

The two crossed the corridor, and Monica waited until the door closed to launch a loud curse. "Those bastards! How can they treat you like that?!"

Monica's venting didn't stop there. She turned toward the closed door and threw a kick at it. The metal endured the blow, but she didn't try to break it in the first place.

"My mother this, my mother that," Monica continued. "Even Master Amelia insulted you. I'm so pissed!"

Monica began to walk up and down the short corridor that led to the remaining room until she grew calm enough to focus on Khan.

"I'm so sorry," Monica almost cried as she reached for Khan's arms. "I had no idea they would-! Is everything okay?"

Due to Monica's annoyance, Khan's fake smile wanted to turn into one of his usual smirks, but the arrival of some privacy transformed his feelings once again. She was there, more beautiful than ever, and her concern was genuine. An explosion was almost inevitable.

"Khan?" Monica called again once Khan's expression grew entranced.

Khan lifted his right arm to reach for Monica's cheek, and she instinctively gripped her hand around his wrist. He also lowered his head to make their foreheads touch, and her anger dispersed during that affectionate gesture.

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?" Khan whispered. "I also can't get enough of seeing you all worked up."

"They mistreated you because of me," Monica complained.

"You are totally worth the hassle," Khan replied before delivering a quick kiss.

"I'm sorry I told them about the third-level warrior," Monica whimpered before another kiss landed on her lips.

"I don't care," Khan managed to say among the kisses, and the two immediately abandoned the topic.

Soon, Monica found herself on Khan. Her arms were on his neck, and her legs were on his waist. She could barely hold back after the day they had, and Khan was in far worse condition.

"It's safer to wait until they deliver our luggage," Monica pointed out, but Khan ignored the warning.

The rooms on the ship had beds dug inside the metal walls, which didn't suit two people who wanted to do more than sleep. Khan had to settle for a relatively spacious couch nearby, and the kisses took a break when he placed Monica on it.

The couple exchanged a long, meaningful gaze. Monica and Khan knew a change in their relationship was imminent, but they let that moment last as long as possible to savor it in its entirety and confirm that they were sure about their decision.

Monica was also too timid to make the first step, but her face said enough, and Khan had the perfect line ready. "I think there is no kicking me out today."

The phrase would typically bring out Monica's timid side, but she was too into the moment to even think about being shy or refusing. She could only muster one line before letting her feelings take over. "I think I found your birthday present."

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