Chaos' Heir

Chapter 432 Party

Chapter 432 Party

432 Party

Professor Nickton nodded a few times before turning toward the interactive desk. Multiple menus popped on its surface as he tinkered with different settings. Khan couldn't understand much about the process, but the curse that followed explained a lot.

"It's pointless," Professor Nickton muttered. "I can't pull out data they didn't record."

"I can help replicate the process," Khan suggested.

"No, you have done enough," Professor Nickton exclaimed while waving his hand to dismiss Khan.

Random words left Professor Nickton's mouth while his attention remained on the menus. He clearly didn't give up on the matter, but Khan's job was over, which left him with nothing to do inside the lab.

"The mana is alive," Professor Nickton scoffed. "Incorrect."

Khan initially believed that the Professor was speaking to him, but those words turned out to be a random comment made while brainstorming. Professor Nickton seemed to have forgotten that Khan was in the lab, and the situation grew more awkward as the minutes passed.

"Sir?" Khan eventually called to remind the Professor of his presence.

"Right," Professor Nickton exclaimed when he glanced behind his shoulder. "I'll award you some merit points."

"Merit points?" Khan wondered.

"It's a currency here," Professor Nickton briefly explained while looking back at the interactive desk. "You can use them to purchase goods or access certain courses."

'Like in the training camps,' Khan understood.

"You can leave now," Professor Nickton announced since Khan remained behind him. "I have work to do."

"I don't know where I am," Khan pointed out.

Professor Nickton completely turned and looked at Khan's helpless expression before voicing another comment. "I'll give you a map of the Harbor. Pull out your phone."

Khan complied, and Professor Nickton also picked up his phone before performing a flicking motion. The gesture sent a file to Khan's device, which turned out to be an interactive map of the Harbor full of valuable details.

"You'll hear from me again if I ever need another second opinion," Professor Nickton stated as the desk reclaimed his attention.

Khan could see that the map described various means of transportation and routes that could bring him back to the seventh district. Still, the Professor wasn't giving him time to study it. It sounded like he wanted him out right away.

"How should I leave?" Khan felt forced to ask.

"Use whatever you want," Professor Nickton responded without bothering to turn.

"Can I take the ship to go back?" Khan tried his chances since Professor Nickton appeared quite easygoing.

"Yes, yes," Professor Nickton said in a dismissive tone before turning to show a frown at Khan's shameless smile. "No, that's my ship."

Khan shrugged his shoulders, and Professor Nickton heaved a sigh before picking up his phone again. He tapped on it to send a message, and his hand pointed at one of the doors when the process ended.

"I've called a cab for you," Professor Nickton explained. "Go past that door and use the elevator on your left. Your ride will be here by the time you leave the building."

"Thank you, sir," Khan dropped the shameless attitude to perform a military salute.

"Yeah, yeah," Professor Nickton voiced as he faced the interactive desk once again. "Leave now."

The Professor didn't give Khan many options, so he hesitated for a few seconds before heading for the appointed door. Following Professor Nickton's instructions led him into an elevator, which brought Khan to the bottom of the building in a matter of seconds.

The building's main hall was empty. It had couches, tables, and various seats, but the symphony there lacked the marks people would usually leave. The place felt abandoned, but it remained clean and well-kept.

A quick inspection of the interactive map cleared part of Khan's doubts. The district mainly featured labs and other research facilities, and only specific personnel had access to them. The place had meeting areas and similar rooms, but the Harbor's citizens probably didn't use them since other domes offered better services.

The street outside the building was empty. The cab mentioned by Professor Nickton wasn't there yet, so Khan studied the map a bit longer while sending a message to Monica and going through the recent events.

Getting merit points on the first day was great, but Khan preferred to see the situation from a different perspective. Professor Nickton didn't have biases. Khan might be able to rely on him in the future as long as he worked on their relationship.

'He can't be the only one,' Khan considered as the scope of the Harbor grew cleared in his mind.

The Harbor was big enough to contain all kinds of people. Professor Nickton's presence proved how there had to be more soldiers who didn't care about status and background. Finding them was the only issue.

'I can't stick to professors either,' Khan thought as multiple possible scenarios unfolded in his vision.

The professors would probably have an easier time disregarding Khan's poor background, but he needed actual friends, and Monica's connections weren't the best way to get them. Lucian and his group had been polite, but a clear wall existed between them and Khan.

'I knew it wouldn't have been easy,' Khan sighed.

The biases against Khan were no significant problem for him. They were annoying, but he could deal with them as long as they didn't cross a specific line.

However, Monica's presence remained a big issue. The previous meeting had given Khan a taste of the flirtatious interactions the wealthy soldiers could exchange, and he couldn't do anything about them.

The situation was completely different from Milia 222. Monica could handle Francis easily there, and the rest of the group didn't get in Khan's way. Yet, the Harbor was a complicated environment, and Monica was an appealing prize many wanted to get.

'It was actually easier with Liiza,' Khan mocked himself as the arrival of a cab attracted his attention.

Liiza and Khan had to keep their relationship a secret for multiple reasons, but they could mark each other. They could show the world that they had someone. Instead, merely remaining alone with Monica might be a problem in the Harbor.

"Lieutenant Khan?" The driver asked from behind her lowered window once the cab stopped near the sidewalk.

"That's me," Khan confirmed.

"I have orders to drive you wherever you want," The woman explained, and Khan didn't hesitate to make himself comfortable in the passenger's seat.

"Where to?" The driver asked through a speaker placed on the metal layer that divided her from Khan's seat.

"Seventh district," Khan replied while reading Monica's message. "Building 34A."

"We'll be there in thirty minutes," The driver revealed as the cab accelerated.

The cab didn't fly, so it obviously went slower than a ship, but that gave Khan a chance to inspect the Harbor from the first floor. He even checked the interactive map to keep track of his movements, but his thoughts often wandered due to the many issues waiting for him.

Nevertheless, the drive back to the seventh district ended up being quite pleasant. The cab's turns and speed changes barely affected its insides, so nothing hindered Khan's comfort or thoughts.

The cab had to cross a few districts before reaching the residential area, but the driver's estimate turned out to be on point. Khan returned to the sidewalk after exactly thirty minutes, and one glance at the interactive map told him that he had arrived in front of Building 34A.

'She is inside,' Khan understood after reading Monica's next message.

Crossing the building's entrance put Khan inside a vast hall, where he immediately noticed that he wasn't alone. A long desk stood past the luxurious couches, tables, and carpets, and a middle-aged man sat behind it.

"Hello?" Khan called as he approached the desk.

"I'll need your identification," The middle-aged man announced as his wary eyes followed Khan's every move.

Khan didn't mind that wary behavior. He placed his hand on the scanner on the desk's surface, and his profile appeared before the middle-aged man.

"Oh, Lieutenant Khan," The man exclaimed as his expression grew gentler. "Miss Solodrey informed me about your arrival. She is waiting for you on the fourth floor."

"Thank you," Khan nodded while glancing at the desk's sides. There were four elevators there, and they all looked empty.

"Lieutenant Khan?" The middle-aged man called while Khan headed for the elevators.

"Yes?" Khan asked while stopping in his tracks.

"I had a nephew on Istrone," The middle-aged man stated without hiding the sadness blooming inside him. "Thank you for your service."

That gratitude wasn't fake. Khan could sense that the nephew's fate had been grim, but the middle-aged man still respected his efforts.

"I wish I could have done more," Khan admitted.

"We all do," The middle-aged man smiled before pressing a key on his desk. One of the elevators opened after the command, and the doorman followed with polite goodbyes. "I hope your stay in the Harbor will be pleasant."

Khan nodded before entering the elevator. Pressing on a key activated the machine, and sadness spread when its doors closed. Istrone felt like a lifetime ago for Khan, but some still carried scars from that terrible event.

The sadness kept Khan company through the short trip inside the elevator, but a warmer feeling replaced it once the doors opened. A vast hall connected to multiple flats unfolded in his vision, and he could spot Monica at its end.

Monica wasn't alone. Lucian and his group were with her and sounded busy exchanging casual chats. Monica even resorted to her fake giggles. Khan didn't like seeing her pretend, but he had to admit that her elegant façade was enchanting.

'I do always get the best ones,' Khan laughed in his mind, recalling one of George's comments.

The warm feeling didn't last long. Khan couldn't hear the conversation from his position, but it seemed that Lucian wanted to show Monica a portrait hung on the wall. However, he didn't limit himself to pointing at it. He also placed a hand on Monica's lower back to make her turn in that direction.

Khan's mind instantly went blank. His mana moved on his own as he stepped forward and performed a short sprint. He was ready to reach Lucian in the next second, but Monica showed her complete control over the situation.

Monica couldn't be rude, but she knew how to handle those interactions. She stepped forward to separate herself from Lucian and turned toward him to change the topic.

The gesture's meaning was evident, and the entire group understood it. No matter how polite the touch was, Monica didn't appreciate it, and Lucian feigned ignorance when he retracted his arm. The interaction was friendly and didn't involve any scolding, but the vibe changed once everyone noticed Khan.

Khan had stopped sprinting after seeing Monica dealing with the situation. He had crossed half of the hall by then, and the tense and confused looks shot in his direction revealed the group's worry.

Those looks eventually fell on Khan's knife and made him realize that he was holding its handle. The weapon was still in the sheath, but his stance remained far from friendly.

Khan's experience allowed him to recover quickly. He drew the knife and waved it to his left while wearing a fake smile that tried to hide his cold tone. "Does the Harbor have blacksmiths? My weapon needs fixing after Milia 222."

The partial lie didn't convince the group, but Lucian opted against calling Khan out and stuck to a polite reply. "Yes, but weapons aren't allowed in the embassy."

"Pity," Khan sighed while sheathing the knife. "I feel naked without this."

"How was the meeting?" Monica promptly changed the topic. "What did Professor Nickton want?"

"He needed someone with a different perspective on mana," Khan explained shortly. "He is an interesting person."

"Professor Nickton doesn't do much teaching," Lucian explained as the situation relaxed, "But everyone praises his efforts in the lab."

"He seemed competent," Khan admitted.

"Everyone in the Harbor is," Lucian pointed out.

Silence fell after that comment, and the tension returned. Khan was getting closer to the group, and Lucian's companions couldn't help but remain wary of his presence. After all, he had appeared unstable just a few seconds ago.

"I think it's time for me to go over my luggage," Monica exclaimed to distract the group from the awkward moment. "Khan, yours also arrived. I took the liberty of choosing a flat for you."

"So, you made up your mind," Lucian guessed.

"I did," Monica confirmed before addressing Khan's curious gaze. "Renting something closer to the embassy would suit my status, but the seventh district hosts many social aspects. It's my job to be part of them."

The group couldn't argue, but Monica didn't end things there. She approached Khan and placed a hand on his elbow before voicing one of her flirtatious jokes. "Besides, after everything we have been through, I feel safer with Khan nearby."

"Monica likes to exaggerate," Khan played along. "She has proven herself able to hold her ground multiple times."

"Lieutenant Khan, was that a compliment?" Monica giggled. "You'll make me blush."

"I was just speaking the truth," Khan gave a collected answer.

The cheerful scene sent a message that the group didn't miss. Monica had avoided Lucian's touch, but she had no problem with Khan. The interaction didn't prove anything, but it felt like a clear statement.

"Your luggage is in my flat," Monica eventually revealed while retracting her arm. "You won't be able to deny me a drink today."

"It's still a bit improper," Khan declared.

"Khan, you'll give them the wrong idea," Monica laughed. "Though I don't really mind that."

"She likes to joke around," Khan explained to the group.

"Oh, I know," Lucian claimed. "That side of her never changed."

Monica and Lucian exchanged a polite smile that made Khan's thoughts go cold. He could force himself to wear a calm expression, but his stance added tension to the synthetic mana that even Lucian's companions managed to feel.

"That reminds me," Lucian soon continued. "I'll host a party in my accommodation during the night, and your presence is mandatory."

"How could I refuse?" Monica promptly agreed before involving Khan in that matter. "We'll be there."

A series of surprised glances fell on Khan, but he pretended not to notice them. The invitation clearly didn't extend to him, but Monica had taken care of the matter, and refusing him would be too rude now.

"I'll wait for you then," Lucian said to Monica before facing Khan. "I'm sure your stories will entertain many of my guests."

Khan smiled without adding anything and followed Monica once she headed for her flat. The door opened at her touch, but the cold emotions that spread in the hall made Khan turn to give one last glance at the group.

Lucian and his companions had dropped their friendly faces now that Monica wasn't looking, and they didn't hide their detachment. Someone showed proper contempt, while others experienced some fear. Only Lucian contained himself, even if his mana reeked of darkness.

'I've fucked up,' Khan understood as he crossed the entrance and let the door interrupt those stares.

"He is annoying," Monica cursed as soon as the flat granted some privacy. "I tried to leave so many times, but he always managed to change the topic."

Khan slowly turned, and the sight of the vast flat distracted him from the raging Monica. The entrance led to a big living room connected to three more areas. Luke's buildings on Milia 222 were luxurious and comfortable, but the Harbor seemed to surpass them in that field.

"Don't worry about him," Monica eventually reassured. "Lucian is a bit pushy, but he knows his place. He won't try anything strange."

Monica was heading deeper into the living room, but the lack of answers from Khan made her turn toward him. His lost gaze confused her a bit, and she pouted when he focused on her.

"What?" Monica asked as she began playing with her curls. She couldn't help but feel weak when Khan showed his intensity.

Khan knew that he had made a mistake. He would have typically managed to hold back, but the sudden sight of another man touching Monica had been too much.

Of course, Khan also knew that he couldn't allow himself to explode like that. Still, those problems only existed in the outside world. He could be honest in the privacy of Monica's flat.

"I'll cut his arm off if he touches you again," Khan warned before leaning on the door and rubbing the corners of his eyes. He had expected things to be tough, but he might have underestimated how much he could withstand.

Monica blushed. She didn't enjoy seeing Khan struggle, but she liked to be at the center of his emotional conflict. It proved how much he cared about her.

"Are you jealous, perhaps?" Monica teased as she approached Khan.

"Jealousy is one thing," Khan explained as he lowered his hand to inspect Monica. "Having to watch others hitting on you without being able to stop them is worse."

"Khan," Monica called after reaching Khan and taking his left hand. "I can handle the likes of Lucian. You must trust me on this."

"I do trust you," Khan sighed while lowering his head to make their foreheads touch, "But I still want to cut their arms."

"Why is that?" Monica joked.

Khan reached for Monica's back and patted the spot where Lucian had touched her before pulling her close. Monica laughed and let go of his hand to wrap her arms around his neck.

Monica pulled Khan's face closer but tightened her grip on Khan's hair before their lips could touch. Her warm breath fell on Khan's mouth and drew him toward her, but she stopped him from delivering the kiss.

"Say it," Monica requested.

"Because you are mine," Khan stated, "And only I can touch you."josei

"Who is needy now?" Monica teased while finally allowing Khan to kiss her.

Monica's firm stance melted during the kiss. She liked when she could have some authority over Khan, but her feelings always grew honest once their intimate interactions began.

"I only want you to touch me," Monica cutely admitted once the kiss ended.

The admission added fuel to their passion and made another kiss follow. Khan also reached for the edge of Monica's uniform, which warned her about what was about to come.

"Khan," Monica muttered among the kisses. "We have just done-."

"I need to fill your head with me before the party," Khan explained.

"Scoundrel," Monica complained, but her emotions went in the opposite direction. She found herself tightening her hug and jumping to cling to Khan's waist. That action had become so normal to her that she even took off her shoes while Khan carried her inside the flat.

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