Chaos' Heir

Chapter 435 Leash

Chapter 435 Leash

The open challenge made the room fall silent. Murmurs even spread past it since many were peeking from the entrance. Soon, the entire flat learnt about the conversation, but Lucian still held back from answering.

Most groups also stood still to wait for a development, but Khan wasn't one of them. He shared George's irritation since Lucian's statements had partially insulted him, and the bold challenge made him let out a short laugh. His reaction didn't hint at anything specific, but he hid it anyway by bringing his drink to his mouth.

Of course, the audience saw Khan's laugh differently. He was George's friend, so his gesture seemed to disregard Lucian's point.

Khan had drunk a lot, but his senses were strangely clear. His mind was also perfectly stable, so he could keep track of the room's emotional state. He immediately understood what his laugh had caused, but it was too late to do anything about it.

At first, Khan regretted his reaction since causing drama wasn't ideal in his situation. However, his laugh had been genuine, and there was more than simple politeness at stake. Also, it was fun to have an almost-drunk George next to him.

"George," Lucian eventually felt forced to address the situation. "We are all tipsy, drunk even. Let's drop this before things get serious."

"Backing off already?" George scoffed.

"It's a simple matter of safety," Lucian argued. "Mana is dangerous. Incidents can happen."

Lucian was perfectly right, and many agreed with him. Yet, Khan already knew that George wasn't done.

"So," George announced, "A bit of booze would make any tactic unreliable, right? Imagine what would happen in the chaos of the battlefield."

George's answer hit the mark. The people in the room had chosen to drink, but that was only one variable. A proper war would have far more, which made Lucian's stance inaccurate.

The situation grew tense. Refusing the challenge was the smart move, but reputation went a long way, and the room didn't lack important figures. Lucian would appear as a coward, especially after his previous claims. There were too many eyes on him. He had to accept.

"Alright," Lucian exclaimed. "This district has a set of training halls. We can use them."

"Perfect!" George shouted while gulping down his drink.

"However," Lucian continued. "You need to sober up a bit. It wouldn't be fair otherwise."

"I think I'll keep drinking while you read my file," George stated in defiance.

"I don't need to read it," Lucian revealed. "Some of my relatives had suggested a sparring session with you but ultimately changed their minds. Still, I prepared just in case."

Khan didn't hide his surprise when he glanced at George. He knew that his friend had become a sought sparring partner among wealthy families, but that was the first proof of his fame. Until now, the rumors about George had come from women, and they weren't too good.

"Surprised?" George sneered after noticing Khan's glance.

"You actually did some work in these years," Khan commented.

"Did you expect so little from me?" George wondered.

"George, I expect the world from you," Khan declared.

George didn't expect such a straightforward answer, but a joke quickly left his mouth anyway. "That's how you get your girls. Even my heart fluttered a bit."

"Shut up," Khan scoffed.

"He is so unfair at times," Monica whispered before realizing she had committed a mistake. "Anyway, is this fight happening? I'm mildly curious now."

"George isn't at his best," Lucian pointed out. "The battlefield might have many variables, but we should avoid them now."

"A bit of booze won't change anything," George fought back.josei

"You aren't thinking clearly," Lucian rebuked. "You simply can't after all your drinks."

"The Niqols would disagree," George snickered while poking Khan's side.

"He can fight," Khan confirmed. "Booze won't get in the way."

The stalemate returned, but the attention fell on Lucian. Khan's statement didn't prove anything, but everyone understood that it was Lucian's time to make a move, and his choice seemed obvious.

"We can't bring everyone into the training hall," Lucian eventually declared. "The people in this room should be enough."

A series of excited murmurs exploded while Lucian picked up his phone. The battle was happening. The people in the room were in for a show.

"I've called enough cabs to bring us to the training hall," Lucian announced before storing his phone. "George, do you need a sword?"

"No, my fingers will be enough," George proudly exclaimed, and the confidence reeking out of him made a few women bite their lower lips.

Lucian had given up on trying to reason with George, so he nodded and began leaving the room. The audience opened a path for George and Khan, and the two didn't hesitate to tread it. Everyone else followed behind them afterward.

Envy and curiosity filled the flat, but the people heading toward the training hall paid them no heed. Someone exchanged chats with the groups remaining behind, but those interactions never lasted too long.

The elevator was too small to bring everyone down in a single trip, so the group split into many teams. Lucian, Khan, George, Monica, and Anita ended up in the lift together, but no one spoke. George smirked teasingly, but everyone pretended not to notice him.

Leaving the elevator didn't change the silence. The group waited on the sidewalk while the elevator brought more people down, and long cars eventually arrived. Lucian and Khan's team instinctively split up, and Monica did the same to avoid arousing suspicion.

"Ignorant kids," George snorted when he and Khan settled inside a car. "They have no idea how the real world works."

"They really don't," Khan sighed before showing his palm.

"What do you want me to do with that?" George asked while looking at Khan's hand.

"Take it out," Khan ordered. "I'm thirsty."

George smirked before pulling out a bottle from behind his back. He had sneaked it out while leaving the flat, and Khan had obviously noticed him.

"I wanted it to be a surprise," George claimed while putting the bottle in Khan's hand.

"You managed to find booze on the space station above Nitis," Khan reminded. "Stealing a bottle from a flat full of them is hardly a surprise."

"The power of a driven man," George laughed.

Khan shook his head before taking a sip from the bottle and handing it back to George. The latter didn't hesitate to drink, and that exchange continued for the entire trip.

"Hey, George," Khan called once the car stopped, "Let's avoid killing him."

"Don't worry about that," George reassured. "I've gotten better at holding back."

The two didn't need to say anything else. George and Khan left the car only to find Lucian already waiting for them. The other cabs soon arrived, and the entirety of the audience gathered on the sidewalk.

Lucian didn't hesitate to lead the way, and Khan took that chance to inspect the area. The car had brought him to a vast building that stretched for a few districts. The structure wasn't tall, and its black metal walls didn't reveal anything, but that style usually hinted at training halls.

A mere flick from Lucian's phone unlocked the vast entrance and allowed the group inside. A long corridor with numbered doors unfolded in everyone's vision, and Khan recognized that familiar style. Each passage probably led to a different training hall.

Lucian didn't bother to choose a specific hall. He reached for the closest one and unlocked it through his phone before leading everyone in. A big and empty hangar-like room unfolded at that point, and multiple interactive menus lit up on the floor and followed Lucian.

The group didn't need directions. Lucian and George headed for the hall's center while the others reached one of its walls. Khan showed no surprise when he found Monica next to him, and the two only exchanged a meaningful glance before focusing on the contestants.

"Do we need to set rules?" Lucian wondered while tinkering with the menus under his feet.

"What rules do we need?" George scoffed. "We will know once someone wins."

"Alright," Lucian agreed while completing the hall's settings. Khan wasn't too close, but he could see the many glowing labels. Lucian prevented the area from recording the battle and slightly increased the overall illumination.

"Is this really fine?" Monica couldn't help but whisper now that the battle was imminent, but the change in George's stance reassured her completely.

The audience experienced a similar surprise. Everyone had gotten a precise idea of George by then, but the arrival of the battle shattered those beliefs. George's happy and drunken expression vanished as a coldness filled his face. Even his stance grew firmer, adding heavy tension to the hall.

The sharp change left many stunned. George seemed a completely different person now, but the situation was different for Khan. That was George's true face. It actually felt nostalgic to see it again.

"Very well," Lucian announced while taking a step back to put some distance from George.

Khan couldn't help but nod in approval, and George also accepted that Lucian knew his stuff. As a swordsman, George had the advantage in close range, so staying away was the intelligent approach. However, that alone wouldn't ensure Lucian's victory.

George's right foot slowly slid forward, and Lucian took another step back. His immediate reaction spoke for his concentration, but George's offensive had yet to begin.

George brought his right hand to his chest and stretched two fingers before placing his other palm on them. Dark-silver light gathered on them and gave birth to a sword when he lifted his left arm. His ethereal weapon was long, thin, and stable.

The beauty of George's spell gave birth to many suppressed praises. Some even voiced their surprise. The booze didn't get in the way of George's concentration, which was incredible after everything he had drunk.

As for Khan, his attention went deeper. He had kept track of George's mana, and its flow had been smooth. George had improved greatly since their last meeting, and he wasn't even showing his full power.

On the other hand, Lucian had yet to muster his mana. He didn't prepare any spell or attack. He was simply waiting for George to come, which didn't make much sense.

Khan knew the best way to defeat George. The latter's spell required firm concentration, so destabilizing him would leave him weaponless. Still, Lucian's element was a mystery, and the same went for his fighting style.

"I'm coming," George warned while mana gathered inside his legs.

Lucian leaned a bit back to prepare for the assault, and George didn't make him wait long. George shot forward, closing the distance from Lucian in a few steps before thrusting his ethereal sword toward the man's left shoulder.

A sidestep to the right allowed Lucian to dodge the incoming sword, but George was faster than him. His fingers followed Lucian and threatened to leave a deep cut on his chest, but the latter promptly jumped backward.

George's offensive didn't end there. Lucian was retreating, but George was as fast as him, and a step forward put him back in the sword's range.

Lucian was at a disadvantage. He had yet to restore his balance, and the same went for George, but the sword didn't need a stable foothold. George had already lunged ahead, and Lucian would only fall if he tried to dodge again.

That outcome was predictable. Lucian had made a tactical mistake with his simple retreat. He should have launched something back to stop George's assault, but his passive response had left him open.

Nevertheless, Khan noticed how Lucian remained perfectly calm. The sword was rushing toward his chest, but he didn't flinch. His mana finally started to move in those seconds, and a high-pitched noise resounded in the hall when he clapped his hands.

The audience couldn't experience the full might of the high-pitched noise, but Khan saw it clearly. The amount of mana released during the clap was significant, and George had to bear its entire power.

The dark-silver blade shook while George closed his eyes and stomped his feet to retrieve his balance. The noise had messed up his senses, and Lucian didn't waste that opportunity.

Lucian stopped retreating and shot forward, raising his right palm and moving his mana toward it to prepare an attack. However, George's senses stabilized in those seconds, and the sword regained its stability while he waved it at the incoming threat.

Lucian had to interrupt his palm strike to jump on his left and dodge the incoming blade. He retreated just outside the sword's range to prepare another sound attack, but fear filled his face when George pointed his fingers at him.

The sword stretched as soon as Lucian completely stopped. He was at his weakest now, and George knew that, so he poured more mana into his spell to increase its range.

Lucian could only throw himself to his left, but even that wasn't enough to avoid the blade completely. The ethereal sword touched his cheek and dug a deep wound into it before returning into the air.

George swung his hand to follow Lucian, but the latter clapped his hands once his back hit the floor. The high-pitched noise resounded again, and the sword lost enough stability to shatter when Lucian punched it.

Lucian didn't bother to retreat. He straightened his back to throw a palm toward George's waist, but the latter was ready. George recovered in time to kick Lucian away and make his attack miss.

George jumped after Lucian while another ethereal blade grew from his stretched fingers. Yet, Lucian rolled on the floor and snapped back on his feet through a long leap. By the time George landed, Lucian had already put a few meters between them.

"You are annoying," George exclaimed while waving his sword through the air. "I give you that."

During those short exchanges, many gasps, suppressed cries, and comments resounded among the audience. The battle was exciting, but Khan didn't show any reaction. He remained perfectly still as his sensitivity gave birth to various thoughts.

'He isn't using his element,' Khan realized after the second sound attack.

An ordinary soldier would think that the high-pitched noises came from Lucian's element, but Khan knew the truth. The man was using a lot of mana in his attacks, but their effects were relatively weak. A proper spell would have deafened George by then.

'He is holding back,' Khan understood. 'Well, so is George.'

George used his free hand to scratch his ear, but his blade never wavered. He kept it pointed at Lucian while studying the distance between them. Somehow, he knew that the battle would end with his next offensive.

Lucian ignored the wound on his cheek and kept his hands ready. He didn't even try to hide his strategy. He would rely on the sound attack again, and George's expression grew colder at that sight.

George didn't have Khan's senses, but his sensitivity stood far above ordinary humans. He also noticed that Lucian wasn't using his element, and the obvious stance seemed to mock his prowess.

Some killing intent started to join George's presence. He wasn't losing his cool, but part of him wanted to get serious to teach Lucian a lesson. Yet, Khan wouldn't let him go too far.

"George!" Khan shouted to interrupt the intensifying killing intent. "This is a sparring match."

The shout surprised the audience since no one noticed the killing intent, but George understood what Khan meant. He didn't say anything, but his mindset slightly changed. The coldness retreated as some resolve took its place.

A tremor ran through Lucian when George shot toward him. The assault was no different from the previous, so Lucian deployed the same tactic. When the sword swung in his direction, he dodged and clapped his hands, and a louder high-pitched noise filled the hall.

George had to stop and close his eyes to get rid of the noise ringing in his ears, and Lucian seized the change to deliver a palm strike. Still, George seemed unable to recover at that time. He could only bend to his right to make the attack land on his left shoulder.

Lucian's palm strike wasn't too powerful, but creaking noises resounded from George's shoulder anyway. The attack would typically mark the end of the battle, but George suddenly opened his eyes and grabbed Lucian's wrist.

Surprise spread through the audience, but Khan knew exactly what was happening. George had faked his instability to catch Lucian unprepared. The battle could only go in one direction now.

Lucian tried to deliver a palm strike with his free hand, but George swept his legs before he could do anything. Lucian could only fall to the floor while George pulled him, and a dark-silver sword soon filled his vision.

Gasps resounded. George stood above Lucian, firmly holding his wrist while keeping the sword a few centimeters from his forehead. The weapon would pierce Lucian if he tried to move. That was checkmate.

"Never underestimate the power of a sacrificial play," George announced as he dispersed his sword and let go of the wrist before showing his hand to Lucian. "A desperate opponent is all it takes to make any tactic useless."

George's cold face broke into a smile when Lucian took his hand. The two even exchanged a respectful nod when George helped Lucian to his feet. Meanwhile, the audience began to cheer, and some women even launched bold praises for George.

Khan was no stranger to those celebrations. He felt happy seeing George getting the praise he deserved, but the sudden movement of a light strand of mana made his feelings go silent and pushed him forward.

George let go of Lucian's hand to wave at the audience, but Khan suddenly landed between the two. His arrival surprised the men, but he gave no explanation when he grabbed George's hand.

The trace of mana grew clearer in Khan's senses while he held George's hand. A foreign strand of energy had entered his palm and had settled right under his skin, but its presence was too faint for George's sensitivity.

George was confused, but Khan's serious face kept him silent. He trusted the man from the bottom of his heart, so he didn't get in his way.

"This will hurt a bit," Khan whispered while glancing at George, and the latter promptly nodded.

Khan closed his eyes and let his sensitivity take over. The symphony became clearer than ever, allowing him to see the black spot hidden inside George's palm.

A strand of mana left Khan's hand and entered George's arm before flowing toward the black spot. George could oppose the process, but he let Khan do as he wished, ultimately leading to his energy enveloping that foreign mass.

Khan kept his mana in that position for a while, but the chaos element's innate destructivity appeared unable to remove that black mass. So, he made his energy condense that foreign shade before forcing everything to come out.

A chunk of George's skin broke while Khan's mana pushed out the black mass. Khan opened his eyes at that point, and the strand of foreign energy became clear among the minor injury. That dark mana left George's palm and rose through the air before dispersing into the hall.

Khan didn't sense any ill feeling in that dark mana. He couldn't understand its purpose, but he knew its source, and George also realized that. His cold gaze didn't hesitate to fall on Lucian, who appeared surprised about that development.

"I'll handle it," Khan stated while his eyes inspected the ceiling to study the faint remains of that dark mana.

The inspection didn't lead anywhere, forcing Khan to lower his gaze. He planned to talk to Lucian immediately, but the audience's strange confusion ended up claiming his attention first.

Khan looked at Monica and the others only to find some scouring the ceiling with their eyes. Many wore frowns since they didn't understand what Khan had looked for, and the scene brought a sad realization.

The audience had imitated Khan, but none saw the world as he did. Only he could notice the dark mana with his bare eyes since his vision didn't belong to humanity anymore.

That sadness was short-lived. Khan disregarded the audience to turn toward Lucian, who welcomed his gesture with a cold face. Only the two of them knew what was happening, and the lack of proof prevented open accusations.

"Can we talk?" Khan asked, making sure not to hint at anything.

"Why not," Lucian vaguely replied before heading toward the hall's exit.

"Get patched up," Khan whispered to George before following Lucian. The wound on the palm was nothing serious, but his shoulder needed care.

George didn't say anything and followed Khan's departure with his eyes before rejoining the audience. Meanwhile, Khan and Lucian left the training hall and walked a few steps through the corridor until the latter stopped.

"What's your deal?" Khan asked while Lucian turned to face him.

"Your profile speaks greatly about your senses," Lucian exclaimed through a straight face. "I admit I underestimated them until now."

"My senses have nothing to do with the matter," Khan revealed. "I met a similar cloaking technique in the past, so I prepared accordingly."

Khan was speaking the truth. The dark mana inside George was faint, but he would have normally sensed it. However, that energy had cloaking properties that Khan had uncovered due to his past studies.

"Oh, I thought the technique was alien," Lucian stated. "No one noticed my seeds in the past."

"Seeds?" Khan wondered.

"They aren't harmful," Lucian announced while raising his arms to reassure Khan. "They only gather information. Mister Ildoo turned out to be stronger than expected, so I thought to keep track of him."

Khan's glare remained cold. Lucian had sounded honest, but he didn't trust the darkness inside him. There was something off about him, and Khan couldn't explain what.

"Am I that untrustworthy?" Lucian chuckled. "Don't you have some alien techniques to check whether I'm speaking the truth?"

The offer had sounded honest again, but Khan didn't have anything specific for the task. Yet, an idea eventually popped into his mind, and his gaze fell on his palm while nostalgic memories unfolded.

"So?" Lucian asked.

"Stay still," Khan ordered as he approached Lucian and raised his hand.

Lucian let Khan do as he wished, and a palm soon landed at the center of his chest. Khan closed his eyes as understanding dawned upon him. He finally realized why Jenna and Liiza were so fond of that practice. He could hear the entirety of Lucian with his hand there.

"What are those seeds?" Khan asked while keeping his eyes closed.

"They help me keep track of certain soldiers," Lucian explained. "There is nothing harmful about them, and they even dissolve in a matter of weeks."

Khan confirmed that Lucian was speaking the truth, but the explanation revealed more details about his character. The darkness wasn't evil. It didn't carry any ill intention. It merely expressed detachment.

"What about you?" Lucian asked when Khan removed his hand and opened his eyes. "What's your deal?"

"I'm simply looking out for a friend," Khan replied.

"I'm not talking about that," Lucian said while wearing a meaningful grin. "What's the deal between you and Monica?"

"There is no deal," Khan scoffed.

"I've seen Monica flirt around many times," Lucian revealed. "She always faked it, obviously, but it's different with you. She actually loses her cool with you around."

Khan hesitated as he inspected Lucian's grin. The desire to come clean ran through his mind and grew stronger with each passing second, but he managed to ignore it. Telling the truth would only cause problems for Monica, and the fear of that outcome beat his other feelings.

"I'm not dumb," Khan mustered one of his perfect pretenses when clarity descended on him. "She might like me, but we live in different worlds. I wouldn't dare to touch her."

"Really?" Lucian wondered. "So, no nasty affairs in Milia 222?"

"We both had work to do there," Khan pressed on.

"What a waste," Lucian sighed. "You won't get another chance like this."

"Why do you care so much about it?" Khan questioned. "If you are interested in her, you should just ask her out."

"I admit we would be a perfect couple," Lucian declared, "But only on a political field. Still, she is too difficult to approach. I can find a better match who doesn't have the same issues."

"So, you are all about politics," Khan commented.

"Look, you said it yourself," Lucian scoffed while spreading his arms. "You live in a different world. Don't pretend to understand mine."

"And how does yours work?" Khan wondered.

"Don't take this as an insult," Lucian warned. "You seem an incredible soldier, but I'll eventually become the leader of one of the wealthiest families. I play a different game, and you aren't in it."

Those words expanded on the detachment felt before. Lucian simply didn't care. His career was his only interest.

"On this topic," Lucian continued, "You are someone worthy of his fame. I wouldn't mind having you on my payroll."

"I'm not that kind of soldier," Khan immediately refused.

"Mister Cobsend managed to hire you for Milia 222," Lucian pointed out. "Are you sure you aren't on his payroll?"

"If you have a mission for me," Khan announced, "I'll give it a look. I might even accept if the payment is right, but you can't buy my loyalty."

"Everyone has a price," Lucian grinned. "Maybe money isn't yours, but what if I could give you Monica instead?"

"As far as I know," Khan said, holding back the flicker trying to run through his eyes, "Her family is as wealthy as yours."

"Sort of," Lucian admitted. "Yet, my plan would involve you. I can grant you the status required to be with her."

Khan couldn't help but fall silent. He wasn't speechless, but he couldn't find a proper answer. Refusing Lucian would cut a potential political path while accepting wasn't even an option.

In the end, Khan decided not to address the matter. He straight-up turned while giving one last comment. "Don't try anything funny with my friends."

"I promise I'll stay away," Lucian declared. "Don't take too long to get to advanced classes."

Khan ignored the comment and returned inside the training hall only to find a funny scene. George had taken off his jumper, and his muscular body had become the focus of most of the women. Giggles and praises also resounded, and George often laughed with them.

"Oh, you are back!" George shouted when Khan entered the hall. Lucian soon followed, and the two eventually reunited with the audience.

"Well, that was a good diversion," Lucian laughed once he reached the group. "Mister Ildoo's fame is well-earned. I wouldn't have lasted a single exchange if he had a real sword."

Lucian's comment garnered the respect of his peers. He had lost the battle, but acknowledging his defeat enveloped him in a mature vibe.

George wasn't in the mood to accept Lucian's praises, especially after what had happened. Still, the alluring gazes that flew in his direction improved his temperament and made him wear a proud expression.

"Now, my party is still going," Lucian continued. "Shall we go back to it?"

The audience seemed to agree with the offer, but Khan had a different idea. George was also injured, so he didn't hesitate to use him to justify his decision.

"I think I'll call it a day," Khan stated. "I even have to accompany George to a medical bay. His shoulder is making strange noises."

"I'm also beat," Monica didn't waste that opportunity. "Lucian, I hope you don't mind if I leave early."

"Of course," Lucian replied. "You didn't have the time to settle properly either. Don't worry. There will be other chances."

"Thank you," Monica performed one of her elegant bows.

"It wouldn't be fair if I left you alone now," Anita ended up scoffing while inspecting the reddening patch on George's shoulder. "Besides, Lieutenant Khan doesn't know the Harbor. I'll escort you to the medical bay before taking my leave."

"Did my performance surprise you so much?" George teased.

"You are a long way from earning my forgiveness," Anita snorted.

"George, I'll come too," One of the women in the group exclaimed.

"He needs all the help he can get, doesn't he?" Another woman announced.

More women tried to join the trip to the medical bay, and George inevitably gloated at that attention. Yet, looking at Anita's glare made him decide to refuse those offers.

"Ladies, I think it's better to split up tonight," George declared. "I don't want you to miss the party because of me. Don't worry. You'll see me around soon enough."

"It's settled then," Anita suddenly exclaimed. "Monica, will you ride with us?"

"How could I refuse?" Monica smiled, and the four quickly left the group to approach the exit.

The four didn't speak during the walk. Only George let out a groan when he tried to wear his jumper before giving up on the task. His shoulder had started to hurt too much, so he avoided getting dressed.

The street past the large building still had many cabs parked by the sidewalk, and the drivers only needed one look at Monica to open their doors. The group chose a random car, and a short discussion unfolded as soon as they settled inside.

"To the medical bay," Anita ordered through the speaker.

"No, let's go to my flat," George contradicted. "The fight sobered me up. I don't want to sleep like this."

"You need to get your shoulder checked," Anita pointed out.

"It's fine," George stated while slightly shrugging his shoulder. The process hurt, but nothing seemed broken.

"What do you say, Khan?" Monica wondered.

Khan already knew the state of George's shoulder. The injury wasn't too bad. The medical bay would help a lot, but George would probably heal on his own in a week. In theory, he didn't need a doctor right away.

"I'll bring him to the medical bay in the morning," Khan sighed. "We can celebrate tonight. After all, he won against Lucian."

"See?" George laughed.

"Fine," Anita gave up. "Do you have guest rooms in your flat? Hopefully, you won't mind if I crash there tonight."

"I thought I had to work harder for that," George admitted.

"Lieutenant Khan still doesn't know where the medical bay is," Anita explained, "And who knows if you'll even go there once you wake up. You need a responsible person around."

"Sleeping in the same flat with two men is improper," Monica joined the conversation. "I'll also stay. It might be fun to have some company."

"Oh, Monica, you are the best," Anita exclaimed while taking Monica's hands. "We can share the same bed and exchange gossip all night. You also have to tell me everything about Lieutenant Khan."

"I'm still here," Khan coughed.

"It would be hard to miss you," Anita giggled before bringing her focus back to Monica. "I know you are hiding something, girl. Is the hottie here involved?"

Monica and Anita fell prey to their gossip, and Khan and George could only exchange a helpless gaze in the meantime. Still, the atmosphere remained cheerful, and the trip felt short because of that.

The four eventually left the cab and headed for the closest building. They crossed an interactive desk and used an elevator before finding themselves in a big flat similar to Lucian's. The place wasn't as spacious, but it remained immense nonetheless.

"Well, we'll be on our way to bed," Anita exclaimed once the group reached the living room. "Lieutenant Khan, don't keep him up for too long."

"We'll sleep in no time," Khan promised. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Miss Wildon."

"Oh, call me Anita," Anita giggled. "Goodnight then."

"Have a good night, George, Khan," Monica said in her usual elegant tone while exchanging a meaningful glance with Khan that Anita's pull cut short.

George and Khan waited until the two women disappeared behind a door before throwing themselves onto two different couches. The short table between them already had bottles, and they didn't hesitate to open them.

"So, how did it go with Lucian?" George asked while placing his legs on the table.

"I can't understand his kind," Khan sighed as he lay on the couch and used the armrest as a pillow. "He's all about his career."

"Maybe it's for the best," George suggested. "He won't try anything anymore now."

"Hopefully," Khan agreed. "Though he has good eyes. He suspected Monica and me."

"She didn't exactly hold back," George joked. "She must have fallen hard for you."

"I don't know how long we'll last at this pace," Khan cursed. "I can deal with my instabilities, sort of, but her mood is unpredictable."

"Maybe try to say that without smiling," George mocked, and Khan voiced another curse when he noticed his own grin.

"You sure like her too," George stated. "I haven't seen you so happy in a while."

"It might be just me being tired of moping around," Khan guessed. "Still, yes, she is definitely good for me."

"How's the sex?" George wondered.

"Shut up," Khan laughed. "Should I ask about Anita instead? She is into you, and she is far from ugly."

Anita wasn't as beautiful as Monica, and she lacked some elegance, but her long blonde hair and deep dark eyes added a lot to her delicate features. Her figure was also quite sensual, which made her gorgeous.

"I don't know," George groaned. "She might be too much work. I have many easier women at my disposal."

"Man, you need a leash," Khan joked, and both men ended up laughing.

"You are the one to talk," George eventually snorted. "I've read the reports, and I know you. That Nele woman wasn't just a friend, right?"

"Jenna," Khan sighed. "She helped me a lot on Milia 222. She reminded me of Liiza."

"Damn," George exclaimed. "How did you not end up with her?"

"I didn't want her to be a replacement," Khan revealed. "It wouldn't have been fair to either of us."

"So, not even a quickie?" George wondered.

"The Nele's love doesn't work like that," Khan laughed. "We literally couldn't. Though there have been strange situations."

"Like?" George asked.

"Well, for my birthday," Khan began to tell before opting to hold back. "Actually, it's better if I keep that for myself. Monica would kill me otherwise."

"Wait, don't tell me," George gasped. "You got them together!"

"Not in the way you think," Khan corrected, but George had already fallen into complete disbelief.

"You are my hero," George revealed.

"It's not what you think!" Khan chuckled. "And not a word with Monica. She will really kill me."

"I need details," George almost begged.

"They will remain forever in my mind," Khan stated, "And only in my mind."

"Damned, scoundrel," George snorted. "You couldn't settle for one."

"I settled for one," Khan claimed, but his idiotic smile remained, and George could only join him in that reaction.

The conversation went silent at that point, and the two men limited themselves to drinking. Still, George's focus eventually fell on Khan's hair, and a question soon followed.

"I read about the disaster," George revealed. "That was the hand of a Nak, wasn't it?"

"It was," Khan admitted. "It's lucky I could absorb it."

"Lucky?" George repeated. "I thought you'd kill yourself rather than accept the Nak's help."

"I do hate my new hair," Khan declared while placing a hand on his chest, "Just like I hate my scar, but I can't decide how to obtain power."

The mature answer surprised George, even if he sensed some helplessness in it. Khan obviously didn't like that outcome, but he was doing better than George expected.

"Besides," Khan continued, "This is better than benefitting from many deaths. I'll be the only one to suffer like this."

"Maybe you don't have to suffer at all," George commented. "What am I even saying? We both know you are a masochist."

"I remember you telling me to leave the peace and search for war," Khan pointed out.

"There is something wrong in our heads," George uttered. "That's not a surprise."

"It would be strange otherwise after everything we've seen," Khan added.

"At least we are together in this," George exclaimed.

Overwhelming affection invaded Khan. He still needed to address the matter adequately, and that was a perfect time. "Hey, thank you for coming. I needed a friend."

"Don't even mention it," George scoffed. "I needed to get out of home anyway. You gave me the right excuse."

"Really, George," Khan pressed on while glancing at his friend. "Thank you."

"My heart fluttered again," George joked. "You are dangerous even for a straight man."

"I'll give Anita a leash for you," Khan replied, and both men laughed again.

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