Chaos' Heir

Chapter 439 Future

Chapter 439 Future

'Flying courses?!' Khan shouted in his mind as both his hands went on the screen.

The letter went on to explain how to redeem those lessons. Khan only needed to reach a hangar controlled by the Global Army, and the soldiers there would handle the rest. The device worked as an official permit, so he was good to go right away.

'Flying courses,' Khan repeated while browsing through the letter once more. 'It's actually happening.'

Flying had been in Khan's mind since his departure from Nitis, but learning about the various issues involved had forced him to postpone that interest.

Becoming an official pilot would cut Khan from a big part of the Global Army, which went against his main goal. As for paying for flying classes, he didn't have the necessary money. Even if he did, he never stayed in one place for too long, which would make any course pointless.

However, the letter couldn't have come at a better time. Khan was on a moon. The Harbor didn't lack spaceships, and he had even just arrived. Months of classes were waiting for him, so he could find the time to focus on that project. The free-of-charge part only added more benefits to the offer.

Excitement built up inside Khan. He couldn't express how much he liked flying, and seeing that idea becoming a reality made his blood boil. He wanted to get to a hangar immediately, but his reasonable side made him aware of his priorities.

'Classes, food, celebration,' Khan repeated. 'I'm probably not even close to affording a ship. I need to take it one step at a time.'

Khan couldn't help but look at the metal target. He had decided to handle his other priorities, but the ship remained a loud thought, and he knew exactly what he lacked to get it. He needed Credits, and his experience told him that working wasn't always the shortest path.

'I'm already here,' Khan smirked as he put away the letter and picked up the bottle.

A captivating scent spread through the hall as soon as Khan opened the bottle. The booze smelled amazing, and taking a sip confirmed that sensation. That was the best thing Khan had ever drunk, and he made sure to taste it again before standing up.

Khan knew his profile would offer incredible jobs once his breakthrough became official. He was also sure that he could find something worthwhile in the Harbor. Yet, he could get money through achievements, and turning into a third-level mage was bound to attract valuable attention.

The next classes were in the afternoon, so Khan had time to kill, and training felt mandatory now that flying had become a real possibility. His spells needed to be up to par to get the additional star, and testing his new power sounded reasonable.

Khan went over his entire arsenal, grinding through metal puppets and reinforced targets. He took breaks to drink, order food, and exchange messages with the most valuable people in his life, but training remained his main task.

Testing out the limits of the new body turned out to be more than necessary. The transformation and the breakthrough had given Khan far more power than he initially realized, but the hours spent inside the training hall solidified his understanding.

Being a third-level warrior was amazing. Khan could perform many techniques in a row without even getting close to feeling tired, but the power they expressed remained their most surprising aspect, and he didn't know how much of it came from the transformation.

Of course, Khan couldn't separate the two things, so he limited himself to testing his limits. Everything felt normal, but seeing his new power in action left him stunned multiple times. He had vague comparisons due to his experience, and they told him that he was far stronger than he should be.

The spells gave similar results. They weren't as straightforward as the martial arts since they often strived for unstable forms, but their power was undeniable. Khan walked on a path that stood above humans, and his prowess reflected that feature.

Eventually, a message that warned Khan about the change in schedule reached his phone. Colonel Norrett had stayed true to his word and had given Khan access to the advanced classes, which excluded him from his afternoon tasks.

Khan took the news happily since the training had long since captured his full attention, but the second part of the message hinted at troublesome consequences. Colonel Norrett had pushed for an update of Khan's profile again, and he felt no surprise when his phone resumed its crazy ringing.

"Yes," Khan said through his munching, holding his phone between his ear and shoulder, "The Colonel scanned me. I'm a third-level warrior."

"And when did you plan on telling me?!" Monica shouted, seemingly attempting to deafen Khan.

"I told you I would talk to you later," Khan reminded while gulping down the last bits of food left in his tray.

"I'd still like to learn this stuff from you instead of reading it from your profile," Monica complained.

"Did you check my profile the whole time?" Khan teased.

"Idiot," Monica pouted. "Another article about you came out. I simply got a message."

"What do they say about me now?" Khan wondered.

"They say that you learnt some secret training technique through your alien girlfriends," Monica scoffed. "What girlfriends? Why do they always include Jenna there?"

"They are not wrong," Khan chuckled before moving to serious topics. "Hey, they canceled my afternoon classes, so I'll remain in the training hall. I'll see you once I come out, okay?"

"Someone should tell them that Jenna wasn't your girlfriend," Monica whispered.

"Are you still hiding in the bathroom?" Khan joked.

"It's a different bathroom!" Monica shouted before gasping and opting for another whisper. "Yes, I'll come to your flat once I'm done with classes. Tell George to come before me."

"Of course," Khan reassured. "Later then."

The call ended, and Khan couldn't resist the temptation to check the new article about him. It turned out that Monica had gone easy on him. The piece even considered the possibility of a betrayal on Khan's side, and the comments weren't any better.

'Wow,' Khan thought. 'When did people become jealous of my life?'

Khan didn't waste too long on the article. Milia 222 had made him used to the attention, so he quickly disregarded his new fame to focus on his training.

Hours went by until another message from Colonel Norrett put an end to Khan's training. The soldier had finally sent the details about the meeting, and time was relatively tight.

Khan hurried outside the training hall, but a surprising sight welcomed his arrival on the street. A crowd had gathered on the sidewalk, and the excited faces that spread through the audience told Khan that they were waiting for him.

"Captain Khan!" A middle-aged man at the top of the crowd shouted. "I'm Carl, from the training district. I'd be honored to make your stay in the Harbor more comfortable."

"Don't mind him!" A middle-aged woman next to the first speaker cried. "I'm Clara, from the PR department of the embassy. I'd gladly take care of your job offers from now on."

"You are here because you suck at your job," The first speaker rebuked, and a third one seized that chance to throw another request at Khan.

'Right,' Khan recalled as the crowd overwhelmed him with offers. 'The benefits of a Captain.'

Khan's new rank came with benefits that he had barely begun to read. Discounts and other free or cheaper services were obvious, but being a Captain also allowed him to hire soldiers under his payroll.

As a captain, Khan could request a team directly from the Global Army, even if that often involved actual missions. Still, he could hire caretakers, drivers, and many more workers to make his life in the Harbor easier. Yet, he had no interest in those benefits.

'Another minor infraction can't hurt,' Khan sighed as he jumped over the crowd and stepped on heads and shoulders to sprint past that blockade.

In theory, the Harbor forbade techniques and spells in its streets, but Khan felt sure that no one would punish him, especially after what he did that morning. His sprint brought him past the crowd and around a corner a few blocks away, where he felt forced to stop to call a cab. He would run all the way home, but time wasn't on his side.

Luckily for Khan, the cab that came to pick him up didn't seem to have any interest in requesting a job. He could hop in and watch the scenery while the car brought him back to the seventh district.

Truth be told, Khan had barely used his flat. George's apartment always had free beds, so Khan had never bothered to return to the seventh district.

However, the flat in the seventh district carried Khan's name, so any delivery would go there. Colonel Norrett's message said that a new uniform had arrived, so Khan knew that he had to go back home to get it.

The situation in front of Khan's building was no different from what he had seen outside the training hall, but the Harbor had luckily done something about it.

A crowd had gathered, but soldiers stood on the sidewalk to create a safe passage toward the building. Khan could jump off the car and tread that path to get inside without meeting any hindrance, but he still agreed to exchange a few words with the doorman once he called.

"Congratulation on the promotion, Captain Khan," Perry announced once Khan got close enough to the main desk.

"Thank you, Perry," Khan smiled. "Any chance you can drop the captain?"

"Not even one," Perry politely replied.

"News sure spreads fast," Khan sighed. "I didn't expect the crowd."

"It will quiet down," Perry reassured. "Give it a couple of weeks."

"That's a couple of weeks too long," Khan joked as he reached the elevator.

"At least, the fame is well-deserved for once," Perry praised before moving to the updates. "Mister Ildoo is waiting for you upstairs, and a package came in earlier."

"The Harbor moves quickly," Khan threw another joke as the elevator opened.

"Have a good night, Captain Khan," Perry exclaimed.

"The night is still long," Khan cursed while entering the elevator. "Way too long."

The elevator brought Khan to the fourth floor, where he found George sitting in front of his door. The man didn't hesitate to jump to his feet, and a curse immediately followed.

"You sure took your time," George cursed.

"Have mercy," Khan laughed while lifting the rectangular container. "I bring goods."

"Ooh?" George exclaimed as his eyes lit up. "You might not be an awful friend."

"I did drink most of it," Khan revealed once he reached George and unlocked his flat's door.

"I won't bail you out anymore," George scoffed as he followed Khan inside.

The corridor had a package at its center, and Khan handed the container to George to check it out. A series of new military uniforms filled his view, and they all featured three stars on their right shoulders.

"So," George announced as he jumped on the bed and began to open the container. "Did your fans do that?"

"Fans?" Khan repeated before understanding what George meant when he inspected his uniform.

The martial arts didn't do much, but testing spells had ruined the military uniform. Khan found holes all around his chest area, and his sleeves had also turned into torn rags.

"Hey!" George shouted while Khan was still busy studying the damage done by his spells. "Did you really drink this?"

"Why?" Khan asked.

"This bottle is for collection!" George revealed while taking out the booze from the container. "You are not supposed to drink it unless it's a special occasion."

"What's the point of booze that you can't drink?" Khan frowned.

"I have no idea," George stated as he opened the bottle and took a sip.

"Don't you have thousands of those in your holiday house?" Khan wondered as he also reached the bed.

"My parents would kill me if I opened one of these," George said, handing the bottle to Khan.

"I'm sure they won't say anything if you get promoted," Khan suggested. "Why don't you take the test? You are more than qualified to be a lieutenant."

"Ranks are useless in my case," George explained, "At least the lower ones. I'd have to make it to major or higher to expand my family's wealth."

"Is that what you want?" Khan questioned. George could rely on his family for his future, but it seemed that he had yet to make up his mind.

"I don't know what I want," George groaned while lying on the bed. "I'm young and full of opportunities. I can think about that stuff later."

"The life of a wealthy descendant sure is nice," Khan joked.

"Sometimes I envy you," George admitted. "Having a purpose sounds nice, but then I remember how shitty you have it. Though, I'd take your luck with women."

"Leave my women alone," Khan laughed. "Well, you'll get somewhere anyway. I can't imagine you being a simple soldier."

"Graduating from the Harbor will prevent that," George stated. "Right, you skipped the afternoon classes. Was it wise in your situation?"

"I gained access to the advanced classes," Khan revealed before rolling his eyes. "I sort of requested it for my promotion."

"What?!" George cursed. "Are you leaving me alone in the normal classes?"

"I know you were there only to keep me company," Khan snorted. "How long will it take you to get to the advanced?"

"A week," George declared. "And here I thought I could take it easy for a while."

"How long did you think it would have taken me to advance?" Khan sneered.

"More than a day!" George exclaimed, and both men ended up laughing.

The bottle ended in no time, and Khan and George killed some time talking and joking around. Still, the meeting was about to start, so Khan began to prepare to leave, but someone knocked on his door once he finished wearing a new uniform.

"It must be Monica," Khan voiced as he pressed a menu on the wall to unlock the entrance.

The door opened, and Khan peeked into the corridor to welcome his girlfriend. Yet, the words remained stuck in his throat when he laid his eyes on that enchanting sight.

Monica had dropped the military uniform to wear an exquisite brownish sheath dress. The clothing only revealed her arms and half of her legs, but it was tight on the waist, highlighting her fabulous figure. It also fit her perfectly, giving her a mature and formal aura.

The door closed behind Monica as soon as she entered the flat, and Khan stepped into the corridor to get a better sight of the scene. His expression described his thoughts, and Monica revealed a shy smile under his intense gaze, but she still walked toward him.

"You are stunning," Khan whispered when Monica reached him, and she performed an elegant bow before placing her hands on his shoulders.

"Do you like it?" Monica asked while her eyes remained glued to Khan's. "I took longer than expected to choose a dress for the occasion."

"It was worth it," Khan said without shame. "Come here."

Monica didn't dare to refuse. The two fell into a kiss that Monica felt forced to interrupt when things became too dangerous. Khan didn't hide his disappointment at their separation, but he still smiled when Monica began to adjust his uniform.

"That new star suits you," Monica whispered while her expression carried tempting meanings.

"I'll make sure to add another soon," Khan uttered before recalling the meeting. "Now I feel bad. I should have warned you. I have to join a celebration for my promotion tonight."

"I know, stupid," Monica giggled. "It's customary with promotions to captain and above. Besides, I've been invited."

"Invited?" Khan repeated. "But they told me that the uniform was mandatory."

"Only if you go as a soldier," Monica explained. "I've been invited as a member of the Solodrey family. Showing my best dresses is almost mandatory for me."

The news was surprising, but Khan rejoiced nonetheless. He would have an ally that night. He only had a minor gripe about the matter.

"What is it?" Monica whispered.

"Part of me doesn't want anyone else to see you wearing this," Khan revealed. "More than a part."

"Don't you want to show off your girlfriend?" Monica teased.

"Not at all," Khan replied while laying his forehead on Monica's. "I want to be the only one to know how beautiful you are."

"The others get the dresses," Monica showed her bold side. "You get everything else."josei

Khan and Monica were on the verge of kissing again, but George's complaint interrupted them. "Can't you do this in my flat, where I can be three rooms away from this?"

Monica pouted and hid her face in Khan's chest while he voiced a joke. "I remember a different George on Nitis."

"I had more booze there," George snorted. "Still, Monica, you are bolder than I expected."

"What are you implying?!" Monica shouted as she tried to peek past Khan's chest, but he kept her in his hug.

"Feisty as always," George laughed.

Monica wanted to respond, but her and Khan's phones rang simultaneously. The two picked them up only to discover that their rides had arrived, so the time for jokes ended.

"I'll see you there," Monica whispered before adjusting Khan's uniform again and giving him a kiss.

"I'll call you whenever I need saving," Khan declared.

"You'll do great," Monica reassured, giving Khan another kiss. "Bye, lost cause."

"I think we are starting to bond," George laughed, and Monica snorted before hurrying out of the flat.

Khan let the door close and checked the hour on his phone. It was safer to wait a few minutes so the cameras wouldn't pick up anything suspicious, and George used that time to throw more comments.

"She is so into you," George declared as he left the bed. "When is the marriage?"

Khan leaned his back on the wall and lightly bumped the back of his head a few times. His expression said words George could read, which added some seriousness to his following comment.

"I know that face," George sighed. "You love the problematic ones, don't you?"

"It's too early to say," Khan responded.

"That's not what the Niqols taught us," George pointed out. "You know that better than me."

"I'm," Khan hesitated. "I'm not sure."

"That's reasonable," George agreed. "Just don't hesitate out of fear. It doesn't suit you."

"Do you have any idea how I'll act if I truly fall for her?" Khan asked.

"You have already assaulted a student and threatened a professor," George exclaimed. "Getting one or two families against you isn't such a long jump."

"It's not like I can lie to myself anyway," Khan continued.

"Remind me," George sneered. "How many days did you last with Liiza after Paul's warning? Or was it hours?"

"Paul," Khan chuckled. "I wonder if he ever made it to Lieutenant."

"He did," George confirmed. "He is doing something somewhere now. I don't really remember."

"Good for him," Khan claimed while leaving the wall. "Time for a political meeting."

"Do you have any booze here?" George wondered.

"I barely used this flat," Khan shook his head as he approached the exit. "Warn me if you invite someone."

"Good luck," George stated, and Khan waved his hand while the door closed behind him.

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