Chaos' Heir

Chapter 447 Revelation

Chapter 447 Revelation

The Princess' greed was boundless, and her bottomless finances allowed her to give free rein to her desires. Monica didn't hold back either, and Khan inevitably fell prey to that endless shopping spree.

The few sets of clothes Monica had bought for Khan in Neo Station paled before that night's purchases. He didn't get nearly as many things as the two women, but his wardrobe still reached unprecedented levels.

Of course, the shopping spree didn't lack random arguments or embarrassing comments. Khan had dropped the act, so teasing Ron became the norm, and Princess Edna's unrestrained statements often made Monica blush.

However, none of those issues led to real problems. The group handled everything casually due to the new silent agreement they had reached, so the night went smoothly. Princess Edna even held back from revealing Khan and Monica's secret for the rest of the date.

The shopping dome was big, but Khan felt that the group had crossed most of it before the ship finally headed toward the second district. Usually, that practice would drain him mentally, but he felt strangely lively as George's building appeared on the transparent surface.

The sidewalk was a mess. No one knew the Princess' plans, but everyone saw Khan and Monica leaving with her. The fact that the couple spent time in George's flat was common knowledge, so a crowd of people had tried their chances and had waited there.

Soldiers kept the situation orderly, so the ship could land on the sidewalk without meeting any problems. Shouts resounded as soon as Khan and Monica showed their faces, and the whole area grew completely chaotic when Princess Edna and her guards followed.

The presence of such a lofty figure forced the crowd to fall silent shortly after, but everyone kept track of her movements. To their surprise, Princess Edna, Jack, and Ron followed Khan and Monica inside the building.

No words flew among the group. Khan directly approached the elevator, and Monica timidly followed behind. The remaining three joined them in no time, and the lift soon brought everyone inside George's flat.

Khan was ready to throw himself on a couch, but the symphony that welcomed him caused some hesitation. A specific warmth filled the air with feelings he knew far too well.

'What strange timing,' Khan laughed internally while turning toward the group to announce something meant to slow them down. "Are you sure you want to drink with us? We don't have the best booze."

"I've already called someone," Ron scoffed.

"Ron, Captain Khan is buying time," Princess Edna giggled. "I'm curious."

Princess Edna strode forward, and Khan gave up on his attempt. Monica tried to find answers on his face, but he only shook his head as he proceeded deeper into the flat with the rest of the group.

When the main hall unfolded in Khan's vision, he found Princess Edna curiously inspecting the two people at its center. George was on his feet, with the upper part of his uniform hanging from his shoulders. He had begun to close it, but the Princess' arrival had made that effort pointless.

The second person was Anita, who didn't stop moving even after noticing the Princess. Her uniform only had a few buttons open, but she quickly closed them and adjusted herself to perform a military salute.

George promptly imitated Anita, but his exposed torso made the scene funny, and Khan didn't refrain from smirking. His smile even widened when he noticed George trying to glare at him while keeping his attention on the Princess.

"George Ildoo and Anita Wildon," Ron explained while the Princess remained silent.

"Princess Edna," Anita exclaimed. "It's an honor to meet you."

"It's an honor, Princess Edna," George added.

"Is he your friend?" Princess Edna questioned while glancing in Khan and Monica's direction.

"They are both our friends," Khan responded. "Still, yes, George is the owner of this flat."

Anita couldn't help but panic. George's appearance was unbefitting of a Princess, and she couldn't speak highly of herself either. The Princess' uncaring expression only worsened that feeling. Anita wasn't ready for that meeting, so she opted for a tactical retreat.

"Please, excuse me," Anita declared in the politest tone she could muster in her panic. "A personal matter is waiting for me, and I'm already late. Princess Edna, I'll gladly make up for my disrespectful behavior with a dinner in one of my family's estates."

"You'll have to set an appointment," Princess Edna casually replied before resuming her inspection of George. She didn't even look at Anita hurrying out of the flat.

Monica wanted to say something but eventually held back. Too much had happened since the previous night, and adding Anita to the current situation would only create more problems. As for Khan, he nodded at Anita before showing his meaningful smirk to George again.

Once the elevator closed with Anita inside, Khan heaved a tired sigh and headed for one of the couches. He even unbuttoned his collar and picked up one of the bottles lying around while making himself comfortable on the pillows.

George couldn't understand what was happening but recognized Khan's unrestrained behavior. A frown appeared on his face when he realized something was up, but the Princess beat him to it.

"Jack, how is he?" Princess Edna asked.

Jack glanced at George, and the latter experienced something similar to what Khan had gone through during his promotion. His face went cold as his mind prepared for battle, but the presence of the Princess and Khan's relaxed stance forced him to remain still.

"He knows death," Jack spoke familiar words. "He might surpass me in seven years."

"Truly a gem among descendants," Ron praised.

"Hey, you insulted me last time," Khan complained.

"Mister Ildoo is a respectable member of the Ildoo family," Ron explained. "I can only be happy that the Global Army has produced such a promising soldier."

"Respectable," Khan joked.

"Jack gave seven years to me too," Princess Edna commented. "How curious."

Princess Edna quickly lost interest in George and headed for a couch in front of Khan. George didn't dare to break his military salute, but his confusion intensified once Jack and Ron sat next to the noble descendant.

That sudden development surpassed George's wildest expectations. A noble descendant and two fourth-level warriors were in his flat, sitting mere meters from him, and Khan didn't seem to care about them. Nothing made sense anymore, but Khan pulled George next to him before his mind could explode.

"What did I miss?" George eventually asked since Khan's casual mood reassured him.

"She is peculiar," Khan described while nodding toward the Princess and moving to the others on her couch, "He is uptight, and he is like us."

"The Princess' permission doesn't give you any right to speak about her like this," Ron complained.

"It's called permission for a reason," Khan muttered while eyeing Monica. She was still unclear on how to behave, but that look gave her the confidence to sit next to him.

The situation reached a stalemate. Ron, Princess Edna, and Jack sat on one couch while Monica, Khan, and George occupied another. The two groups faced each other, and neither appeared interested in speaking.josei

Monica and Princess Edna ended up being the ones to break that stalemate. The Princess reached for another bottle lying around and handed it to Ron before taking it back once he checked that everything was okay.

As for Monica, she remained tense until her pleading eyes fell on Khan. He immediately embraced her at that point, and she cuddled under his arm while he took sips from the bottle.

Needless to say, George's confusion skyrocketed. The Princess wasn't behaving like a noble descendant, and Monica was being intimate with Khan in the open. Something had definitely happened that night, and George couldn't understand what.

"Alright, scoundrel," George eventually grunted while pointing his forefinger at Khan. "What did you do?"

"I'm completely innocent this time," Khan promised.

"As innocent as a death convict," Monica whispered.

"You know I didn't do anything," Khan complained.

"I can count nine different infractions that could get you kicked out of the Global Army," Ron pointed out. "Ten if we add your latest lack of respect toward the Princess."

"He secretly likes me," Khan joked.

"Explain," George almost threatened.

Khan scratched the side of his head with the bottle before coming up with a simple summary. "The Princess was insightful enough to find out about us. We agreed on dropping any pretense after that, at least while there aren't outsiders."

"How did she even guess that?" George asked.

"Well, Monica was all-!" Khan began to say, but Monica promptly slapped a hand over his mouth to shut him up. The two fell prey to a cute scuffle that ended with Monica wearing a pissed expression and sitting between Khan's legs.

"She is cute when you tease her," Princess Edna's eyes lit up. "Captain, do it again."

"Edna, please," Monica pouted. "Khan already has enough fun as it is."

"Didn't you know that before forcing yourself on him?" Princess Edna wondered.

"I didn't!" Monica snapped. "That's a complete misunderstanding!"

"I was only an innocent boy back then," Khan sighed. "I couldn't even try to fight back."

"You?!" Monica cursed as she turned to resume the scuffle, but Princess Edna's loud laugh interrupted it before it went too far.

"Wow," George gasped after finally gaining insights into the situation. "You really are women's greatest weakness."

"You can't talk," Khan responded. "Do you think we'll forget about Anita so easily? I guess she forgave you in the end."

"We were simply studying," George snorted, "And it was hot."

"Behave with her," Monica warned while her arms were still locked in Khan's grasp. "You'll hear from me otherwise."

George opened his mouth to reply but closed it right after to glance at the other couch. He had yet to accept that situation, and his following whisper expressed his doubts. "Can we really talk so openly?"

"The Princess doesn't mind," Khan confirmed. "I think she will actually enjoy herself more like this."

"Do not speak for the Princess," Ron scolded.

"Ron, let the Captain speak," Princess Edna ordered. "It's fun not being treated as a princess."

Ron sighed, but the Princess' excited face made him drop any attempt to control the situation. Among the trio, only Monica wielded enough influence to create problems for Princess Edna, but her secret relationship made her the weakest link. Ron didn't need to worry about the possible consequences of those casual interactions.

George could barely believe his eyes, but he couldn't deny what was happening. Still, he didn't immediately switch to his honest mood. He was a wealthy descendant, so he had to take proper precautions.

"Princess Edna," George announced while standing up and performing a military salute, "I want to point out that my behavior during my private life doesn't speak for my job ethic or family. I hope you won't think less of me as a soldier and member of the Ildoo family due to actions performed during my free time."

Khan revealed a happy smile. He knew George had matured in the past years, but that was the first true demonstration of his growth. He didn't change, but that side of him had improved in ways that even Ron had to acknowledge.

"I have no secret agenda, Mister Ildoo," Princess Edna stated. "Act as you see fit."

"Thank you," George nodded before returning to his seat.

"You should learn from George," Khan didn't miss the chance to tease Monica.

"Alright, enough!" Monica snorted while standing up and pulling Khan with her. "Edna, I need to have a talk with this idiot. Please, excuse us."

Princess Edna merely nodded at the couple before losing herself in the inspection of the flat. She held the bottle with both hands and studied every corner of the hall, uncaring that Monica was pulling Khan into separate areas.

"Stop that!" Monica shouted as soon as the bedroom's door closed behind the couple. "I feel that I'm going crazy already as it is, and you are only making things worse!"

Khan initially smiled. He liked seeing Monica's mood swings, but she radiated genuine anger now. Still, most of that feeling came from lingering anxiety.

"Is this about the children thing?" Khan wondered.

"No!" Monica cried. "Yes! I don't know! What were you even thinking back then? You would have really died!"

Monica's voice broke near the end of her statement. Her anxiety took over and transformed her anger into a hysterical cry. Tears also started to arrive, dispersing any desire Khan still had to tease her.

"Shit," Monica cursed while immersing her hands in her curls and fondling them violently. "I'm going crazy."

Monica's reaction was quite extreme. The recent events weighed on her mental stability, but everything had ended well. In theory, she had no reason to be so upset.

Yet, Khan knew that things weren't as simple as they looked. Seeing an example of how harsh the wealthy upbringing could be added value to Monica's decision to be with Khan. She had chosen to face many risks, and her response to Princess Edna's revelation had highlighted how much he mattered to her.

Khan hated seeing Monica cry, but some happiness still arrived. His senses could confirm many things, but seeing Monica trying to shield him from eventual punishments had been undeniable proof. Some hesitation remained inside her, but her stance was clear. She was completely on Khan's side, and he wanted to take responsibility for that.

"I didn't realize how hard it was for you," Khan admitted while reaching for Monica's hair, but she retreated and turned to get deeper into the room.

"It's not you," Monica sniffed as she approached the bed to sit in its corner. "I'm the one losing control."

Khan walked toward Monica, but she kept her head lowered. Her curls hid her face even when Khan sat on the floor, and she had no intentions of showing herself.

"What are you doing?" Khan whispered while taking Monica's knee and moving it left and right. "Blame me already."

"What?" Monica questioned while peeking through her messy hair.

"I'm the reason you are losing control," Khan replied. "I'm guilty because you say so. Isn't this what we do?"

"This isn't a joking matter!" Monica snapped, lifting her head to reveal her teary face. "The fucking Princess found out about us! What's next? Anita? Lucian? Should we put out banners saying that we are together?"

"Sure," Khan agreed. "Let's do it."

"You are not being serious," Monica scoffed. "Do you have any idea of what would happen?"

"No," Khan admitted. He had accepted that the world of the wealthy descendants still had many secrets, so he didn't dare to claim otherwise. However, his intentions had nothing to do with that, and he made sure to convey them. "But you are struggling, right? Let's stop hiding then."

Monica lifted her head completely and stopped messing with her hair to reach for Khan's left cheek. She caressed him, and he softly bit her thumb when it entered his mouth's range.

"Idiot," Monica giggled. "You just want to tease me in public."

"Tease," Khan muttered while letting go of Monica's thumb to snuggle in her palm, "Hold, kiss."

"Such a scoundrel," Monica whispered as some shyness appeared on her face. "I'm not ready to have children, so get that idea out of your mind."

"It wasn't about that," Khan chuckled. "I was worried about the mutations. I don't want to pass them down."

"Your new hair looks fine," Monica reassured. "Besides, the Global Army has experience dealing with mutations. They won't be a problem."

Khan smiled but lowered his gaze. Some hesitation appeared in his mind but quickly went away. Somehow, he had already made a decision on the matter.

"I have nightmares," Khan revealed while keeping his gaze lowered. "I see the Second Impact whenever I fall asleep. It's mana-related, so there is no real solution."

"What?" Monica gasped. "What are you saying?"

"My mutations cursed me," Khan continued. "I don't know what the nightmares mean, but I keep having them. They probably have something to do with the true reason behind the First Impact, and the Global Army might have the answers."

"That's why you want to become an ambassador," Monica realized.

"It's a suitable career," Khan nodded. "It will allow me to learn more about mana while climbing the political ladder."

Monica didn't know what to say. That revelation was too big for her to accept right away. Suddenly, most of Khan's current personality and behavior made sense. He was basically trapped, and getting stronger was the only available path.

"I had no idea," Monica whispered.

"Only a handful of people know about this," Khan added. "I'm pretty sure Raymond and some higher-ups of the Global Army have some answers, but I can't just ask them."

"No wonder you hate sleeping so much," Monica commented. "It makes sense. You don't want your children to have nightmares."

"Yes," Khan sighed as he finally lifted his gaze. "It wasn't about you or anything. Professor Nickton's lesson simply awakened old worries."

Monica was lost. She needed time to process the revelation, and more questions piled up as she kept thinking about it. Yet, the situation didn't work in her favor, and she had different priorities now.

"You have this immense burden," Monica stated as she left the bed to sit on the floor with Khan, "And I'm here complaining about getting teased. Sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

"Hey, you didn't know," Khan smirked while pulling Monica onto his lap. "You also have it hard. Being with me is no easy task, especially with your family and everything."

"Nonsense," Monica scoffed. "Tease me all you want. Joke and have fun with me whenever you feel like it. Use me as you see fit as long as it keeps you away from the nightmares."

"Use you?" Khan repeated. "You sure utter bold words from time to time."

"I won't go back on them," Monica pouted. "I meant what I said."

"I wonder," Khan teased while pulling Monica even closer and sealing his grip on her waist. "How should I use you? I might have a few ideas."

​ "What helpless scoundrel," Monica complained before lowering her voice. "Just do all of them. I'm yours, remember?"

Khan's heart almost burst with affection. He kissed Monica, and she let out a cute moan while falling prey to that intimate gesture. They both knew what was about to happen, but the buzz of their phones forced them to take a break.

'George?' Khan wondered when unlocking his phone's screen to read the message. 'If you leave me alone, I'll stop giving you condoms.'

Khan and Monica exchanged a glance before exploding into a laugh. They kissed again but soon stood up to leave the bedroom.

The situation in the main hall didn't change during the couple's short departure. Princess Edna was still lost in her inspection of the area, and her two guards didn't leave her side.

"Oh, Captain," Princess Edna exclaimed when Khan and Monica approached George's couch. "So, is this it? Do you just drink to kill time?"

"We also joke or tell stories," Khan explained as Monica cuddled under his arm. "George and I have gone through a lot together, so we have many interesting tales."

"I want to hear them," Princess Edna stated.

"Of course," Khan nodded. "Still, most of them aren't happy. I'm afraid they might ruin the mood."

"Captain, don't bore me," Princess Edna ordered. "There is nothing I hate more than boredom."

"As you wish," Khan sighed while glancing at George. The two men found a silent understanding that pushed Khan to begin his story. "I guess we should start from when we first met. Are you aware of the Istrone's rebellion?"


Author's notes: Sorry for the long delay. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

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