Chaos' Heir

Chapter 450 Purchases

Chapter 450 Purchases

The huge sum left Khan speechless. He had departed from Reebfell with sixty thousand Credits, but Milia 222's rewards had multiplied that number in ways he didn't expect.

'I can build a home with cans of spicy chicken now!' Khan ended up shouting in his mind before serious thoughts took over.

The console had all the details Khan could desire. The huge sum wasn't the result of a single payment. Luke was the biggest benefactor, but multiple parties had joined their forces to create that half a million Credits.

The families involved with the secret factory had handed out bonuses. Even Monica and Francis' families didn't shy away from that task. Also, the Global Army provided additional Credits for Khan's heroic feat and promotion, ultimately leading to that huge sum.

Many past conversations ran through Khan's mind. He wasn't a clueless boy from the Slums anymore, but his understanding of Credits remained vague, especially when it came to those huge quantities. He could only try to recall everything he had learnt and experienced on Reebfell to give actual value to the number on the console.

'Monica,' Khan inevitably thought before rejecting the idea. Monica was busy with the Princess and the Headmistress now. He would ask for her advice, but only later on.

George also came to Khan's mind, and the idea of sending him a message grew stronger as the seconds passed. However, Khan's phone ended up buzzing before he could take it, and the text on its screen ruined his plans.

'Give me some hours alone,' George wrote.

'He must have waited for this chance,' Khan laughed before typing a reply. 'The condoms are in my room.'

'I obviously have mine,' George replied.

'Good luck then,' Khan wrote before adding something. 'Say hello to Anita from me.'

George didn't answer, but Khan could easily imagine his expression, which led to a chuckle. Truth be told, George deserved some fun time after having to deal with the consequences of Khan's fame. Khan could only be happy for him.

Nevertheless, George's unavailability kept the issue alive. Khan had just gotten his hands on an insane amount of money which he didn't know how to use. Moreover, he had the Colonel's words to address.

'Don't put your rank away,' Khan repeated. 'You are Captain Khan.'

Captains had many benefits. They got better discounts and a higher salary, but Khan knew the Colonel wasn't talking about that. The latter wanted Khan to use the other advantages to be more than an ordinary student.

'Something that money can't buy,' Khan eventually thought as he proceeded with the withdrawal.

A Captain could start missions and ask the Global Army to pay for eventual teammates. In theory, Khan could join or create jobs in the Harbor. He only had to study its environment and market to understand what could work.

However, Khan's schedule was hellish. The Colonel had told him to make time, but that topic involved political events. Even if the Princess left him alone, he still wouldn't be able to fit actual missions into his daily life.

'What does he even want me to do?' Khan sighed. 'Studying is enough to keep me awake every night.'

Khan couldn't find a correct answer, and blaming his partial ignorance didn't feel right. He knew what a Captain could do. Even some of his recent lessons had gone over the subject. Time was the main problem unless he was truly missing something.

It quickly became clear that the aimless pondering wouldn't lead anywhere. Khan simply decided to mention the issue to trusted friends. Still, in the meantime, he could deal with other matters, especially now that George's flat was off-limits.

Khan left the private room and checked the interactive map on his phone. The shopping district was nearby, and some of its buildings became interesting now that half a million Credits were in his pocket. Of course, he wasn't thinking about clothes.

A cab came to pick Khan up in a few minutes, and he jumped inside without taking his eyes off the phone. He had three main targets, but finding the most suitable shops turned out to be quite challenging due to their sheer quantity.

'Where are the descendants when I need them?' Khan cursed while browsing through the many shops' descriptions, reviews, and general prices.

Ideally, the most expensive shops would have the best merch, but that wasn't always the case. Khan had learnt on Reebfell that brands could make prices skyrocket even if the goods were barely up to par. He really needed the help of someone knowledgeable of the Harbor, but his instinct had to do for now.

The car left Khan before his first target. The building in front of him was tall and slightly large, with a decent number of customers noticeable from the transparent windows on the first floor. It wasn't crowded, but it looked popular.

Countless eyes turned in Khan's direction as soon as his azure hair entered the shop. He ignored the customers to head for the main desks at the center of the first floor, but a waiter intercepted him.

"Captain Khan!" The waiter almost shouted, showing her big smile. "You honor us with your presence. What can the Elite's Refuge do for you?"

"I'd like a catalog of your non-elemental spells," Khan went straight to the point.

"Right away!" The waiter responded while pointing at deeper parts of the first floor. "If you would be so kind as to follow me. We have waiting areas that are a tad more private."

The waiter even glanced at the interested crowd of customers to highlight her statement, and Khan didn't dare to refuse. He followed the woman inside a small room on the other side of the shop and occupied one of the two couches.

"I'll be right back," The waiter declared before leaving the room.

Khan made himself comfortable, but the metal door slid open only a few seconds later to reveal a second waiter carrying a cup of booze that she promptly left on the couch. The woman even performed a half-bow before leaving in a hurry.

'The Colonel probably didn't mean this,' Khan smirked while picking up the cup, 'But who am I to refuse?'

The booze tasted good, and Khan savored it while waiting for the catalog to arrive. The Elite's Refuge was an all-around shop, so he didn't expect to find the best non-elemental spells, but it was a good starting point. Also, the warm welcome told him that the waiters would probably answer his questions honestly.

A white line eventually lit up between the two couches and created a series of holograms that matched Khan's request. A long list of non-elemental spells accompanied by suitable descriptions appeared in his vision, and discounted prices also hovered next to them.

Khan took his time to study the list. The holograms had more than a hundred labels, but he cut them down to thirty by applying a few filters. Still, he had to spend minutes reading and considering everything.

Truth be told, Khan didn't know what he was looking for. He wanted to fill gaps in his knowledge while hoping to find something interesting, but nothing caught his eye.

Khan eventually used the holograms to summon a waiter, and the metal door soon opened to show the woman from before.

"How can I help, sir?" The waiter asked.

Khan could see many prying eyes behind the woman. His presence had become a popular topic among the customers, and the other waiters also paid attention to the scene. He couldn't get honesty in that situation, so he opted for a different approach.

"Can you come here for a second?" Khan questioned while gesturing to the waiter to enter the room.

The woman was quite young. She didn't have dazzling beauty, but no one would call her ugly, and Khan's request made her blush. Her mana even radiated some excitement as she stepped forward to let the door close behind her.

Khan understood what was happening but ignored that reaction to stand up and show a polite smile. His action intensified the woman's excitement, who almost failed to hear the following question.

"Do you know where I can find better stuff?" Khan asked.

"What?" The woman gasped, but Khan continued before a frown could appear on her face.

"I don't know how all of this works," Khan partially feigned innocence while retaining a friendly face. "I want to purchase high-end goods, but I don't know where to start."

The waiter's eyes widened in understanding, and some internal conflict soon followed. She even glanced at the closed door behind her while thoughts ran through her mind. She wanted to make a good impression, but speaking about the shop's competitors wasn't ideal.

"Is it too much?" Khan continued before the woman's work ethic could ruin his plan. "I don't want to put your job at risk, so don't overthink it. I'm just trying my chances."

The waiter found Khan's honesty heartwarming. He was a captain, but his rank had never joined that conversation. He treated the woman as his equal, which rekindled her excitement.

The woman glanced at the door again before whispering. "Do you have a map of the Harbor?"

Khan's smile widened as he took out his phone and opened the map. He even leaned toward the waiter to show the screen, and she carefully imitated him while her blush intensified.

"How high-end do you want it?" The woman wondered.

"Ideally, the best the Harbor can offer," Khan explained.

"Non-elemental spells, right?" The woman continued.

"Correct," Khan confirmed. He had other targets, but they probably were too specific for the waiter since she was only a first-level warrior.

"You shouldn't look for a shop then," The woman revealed. "I can point you toward something that has what you need, but getting in might be a problem."

"You are already doing enough," Khan reassured through his friendly face. "Leave that part to me."

Khan's words added more fuel to the woman's excitement and made her lower her eyes to continue the conversation without feeling too embarrassed. "You must look for an exclusive club. Go here and ask for Pandora."

The woman pointed at a building on the screen even if the map had no descriptions attached to it. Khan marked it before storing his phone and straightening his back. The waiter imitated him, leaving the two awkwardly close.

'Is she expecting a kiss?' Khan mocked himself while inspecting the waiter's eager face. Her eyes often fell on his mouth, which said a lot about her intentions when paired with her emotions.

"I should leave now," Khan said in the politest tone he could muster.

"Of course," The woman gasped while stepping aside.

Khan headed for the door, which opened as soon as he touched it. Still, the waiter made sure to claim his attention one last time.

"Captain," The waiter called while gently running a hand through her long brown hair to uncover her right ear. "I'm Marion. I hope you'll visit us again."

The entire floor noticed that interaction, and Khan could only smile before hurrying outside the shop. The car booked before was still there, and he almost jumped inside it while giving the new destination.

'Monica is going to kill me,' Khan smirked when he thought about the rumors that would spread, but the matter quickly ended in the back of his mind. He had found something promising, and some eagerness inevitably built up.

The club was inside the shopping district, and the car only needed a few minutes to reach the anonymous building. Khan crossed the sidewalk to enter what looked like a residential structure, but the powerful middle-aged man standing behind the main desk hinted at its secret purposes.

"How can I help you, Captain Khan?" The middle-aged man announced while Khan was still crossing the hall. The doorman was a third-level warrior who remained strangely calm in Khan's presence.

"I'm looking for Pandora," Khan exclaimed, finally triggering some surprise in the doorman's expression.

"Last floor," The doorman recovered quickly and activated one of the elevators. "Though, your journey might be short."

Khan nodded before heading toward the elevator. The doorman had already set the commands, so the lift closed and climbed to the last floor on its own.

From the outside, the building was nothing special. It appeared able to contain spacious flats, but that was it. Yet, the scene that welcomed Khan as soon as the elevator opened showed surprising details.

Khan didn't end in a flat. The elevator brought him into a dim, short corridor connected to a small desk dug into the metal wall. A third-level warrior, a middle-aged woman, stood behind it and showed her emotionless smile at Khan's arrival.

"Hello," Khan announced since the woman didn't say anything. "I'm looking for Pandora."

"Of course you are, sir," The woman stated. "Anyone who ends up here is looking for it."

"So?" Khan continued. "Am I in the right place?"

"We'll see," The woman replied. "Excuse me for a moment."

The woman left through a door behind her desk, leaving Khan alone in the corridor. He could only wait in that situation, but that didn't bother him.

A few minutes had to pass before the door reopened and the woman returned to her desk. Her expression appeared kinder now, which acted as a good omen.

"Someone inside will explain how Pandora works," The woman stated while pressing a key under her desk to open a hidden door on Khan's left. "Welcome."

Khan wanted to nod at the woman, but the intriguing symphony coming out of the new passage distracted him. Some dizziness tried to spread in his mind due to the captivating scents and sensations leaking from the door. A dim environment had unfolded in his vision, and he fell prey to his curiosity while diving into it.

The door closed as soon as Khan crossed it, leaving him in an open space as big as George's flat. The place had various luxurious couches, armchairs, and tables arrayed to create different seating areas. Four desks occupied the center of the hall, forming a square location meant for employees, and waiters roamed the place to attend to the various customers.

Khan's arrival attracted some attention, but nothing as loud as his previous experience. The customers and attendants merely glanced at him before going on with their days.

As for Khan, he recognized some of the customers. He didn't know everyone's names, but he had seen those faces in the embassy. A few were his fellow students, while others seemed to be professors or workers encountered after his classes.

The inspection couldn't last long since an attendant quickly approached Khan. The man was a burly second-level warrior carrying the presence of an experienced soldier, but his smile remained kind while talking to Khan.

"Captain Khan," The man exclaimed. "It's an honor to have you at Pandora."

"Thank you," Khan nodded.

"I must inform you that your acceptance is unusual," The man continued. "Pandora is usually out of reach for figures with lacking background, but the boss made an exception in your case."

"I'm grateful," Khan thanked again. "Can I rely on you to learn how Pandora works?"

"Certainly, sir," The waiter stated. "Please, follow me to the central desks."

Khan complied, and the man promptly activated the menus on the desk once the two reached it. A series of labels went by before a waiter delivered a drink to mark the beginning of the explanation.

"Pandora is an exclusive club, sir," The man explained while Khan was immersed in the drink's pleasant taste. "As such, members are required to pay a monthly subscription fee, which has been greatly lowered in your case."

"What are the benefits?" Khan wondered as the drink kept pampering his tongue and throat.

"Access to goods that have yet to hit the market," The man revealed, "Including but not limited to items with an alien origin, compelling auctions, and services of various kinds."

Khan didn't need to ask what kind of services. He knew what wealthy people could do in their free time, and the topic didn't interest him. However, the early access to alien goods captured his attention.

"Do the goods involve non-elemental spells?" Khan wondered.

"Obviously," The man confirmed. "The list is quite long, and some items on it have yet to receive official authorizations. A few might never get them due to how dangerous they are."

The revelation didn't come as a surprise. Khan had already seen non-elemental spells with foreign origins. His "enhanced reading" came from the Guko and had compatibility issues, so it felt only natural that similar problems could appear with other techniques.

"Is that it?" Khan decided to say. Milia 222's dock basically offered similar things, and he had lived there for a while. Pandora's services barely matched that environment for now.

"Sir, with all due respect," The man announced, "Only the best goods end up in Pandora. You might have collected and encountered amazing things during your missions, but Pandora can top all of them."

The man wasn't lying, or at least, he truly believed his words. His confidence even managed to affect Khan. Pandora truly sounded like a box of wonders.

"Additionally," The man continued, "Being a member grants you access to exclusive places. We also have branches in many space stations and cities. Still, the services in those locations might differ."

Khan didn't care about most of the explanation. Adding a new drinking area to his list was intriguing but unnecessary. Yet, the high-end goods remained an appealing topic, especially now that he had the money to purchase them.

"Can I take a look at your inventory?" Khan asked.

"I'm sorry, sir," The man uttered. "Only members have access to it."

"I see," Khan sighed. "How much is the subscription fee?"

"For you, sir," The man exclaimed, "Ten thousand Credits."

Khan wanted to choke on the drink but remained calm on the outside. The price sounded absurd, and it had probably gone through a severe discount due to his relationship with the Princess. Amber had stated that thirty thousand Credits were enough to purchase a small house in Reebfell, but Pandora wanted a third of that every month.

'Is this a scam?' Khan couldn't help but wonder before rejecting that thought. The waiter in the Elite's Refuge and the man in front of him had told the truth. There had to be good stuff in Pandora.

"I need to think about it," Khan admitted. "I wonder, would it be possible to subscribe for only a month?"

"Yes," The man replied. "However, canceling the subscription might lead to higher fees in the future. Pandora likes loyal customers."

"Understood," Khan sighed before pointing at the drink. "Can I remain here and maybe get another in the meantime?"

"You are a guest, sir," The man smiled. "Tonight, Pandora is making an exception."

Khan smiled back and followed the departing man with his eyes for a few seconds before focusing on the desk. The waiter had already prepared the menus for a subscription. Khan only needed to add his genetic signature and pay to become a member.

'Ten thousand for a single month is insane,' Khan cursed while taking sips from his drink. 'The actual goods will probably be as expensive too. There is no way I can afford a lasting subscription.'

The high price was a problem, but Khan could accept it. He wouldn't remain updated on Pandora's various services, but a month was more than enough to get a general idea and decide what to purchase.

'These drinks are also delicious,' Khan joked as he gestured toward one of the barmen behind the desk. The latter only had to see him pointing at his cup to prepare another drink.

The elevator opened while Khan was still immersed in his thoughts, and a familiar presence claimed his attention. He peeked past his shoulder, and surprise appeared on his expression when he noticed Anita stepping in.

Anita shared Khan's surprise but showed a bright smile while approaching him. She even gestured at the same barman while taking a spot next to him.

"I knew Pandora would have recruited you sooner or later," Anita exclaimed. "Who can blame them?"

"I actually came here by myself," Khan revealed. "I wanted better shops, and someone pointed me in this direction."

"That someone was right," Anita stated. "Pandora is the best in many ways."

"I didn't know you were a member," Khan voiced.

"I'm legacy," Anita replied, "Just like Monica and many other students. Though, I mostly come here to relax and have actual drinks."

Anita tried to be as natural as always, but her mana didn't lie. Khan and Anita had only seen each other during the lessons after the awkward moment in George's flat, and they had yet to talk about it.

"Something on your mind?" Khan probed.

Anita pretended not to hear Khan, but a sigh left her mouth when the new drinks arrived. Her gaze wandered over the tasty booze before she finally muttered words. "Capt-. Khan, you know that lost cause better than anyone. Tell me, am I wasting time?"

"If you like it," Khan announced, "It's not wasted time. That's what the Niqols would say."

"But I'm not a Niqols," Anita pointed out, "And neither is he. I know Nitis left a deep mark on him, but I need to know."

Khan glanced at Anita. She was still looking at her drink, but her internal struggle was real. She was also a wealthy descendant faced with an important choice.

"George might sound and act like an idiot," Khan revealed, "But he is the most trustworthy person I know."

"Is he now?" Anita whispered.

"Do you want my advice?" Khan asked. "The more you hold back, the farther he'll get."

"I'm not completely lost like my girl," Anita teased before diverting her gaze and playing with her blonde hair. "Though, he does look good with his uniform open."

"He is a true soldier," Khan smirked, ignoring the comment about Monica. "Any woman would be lucky to be with him."

"And yet it seems that any woman can have him," Anita continued, "Differently from you. Monica sure is lucky."

"George has found his peace," Khan explained. "He only jokes most of the time. Just hit him when it becomes too much."

"The idea has crossed my mind," Anita admitted.

"Don't hold back then," Khan uttered, "And put a leash on him since you are at it."

"That would be a nice sight," Anita giggled. "Still, you are on his side. You don't have my best interest in mind."

"I would have told you to stay away if I thought you couldn't make him happy," Khan claimed in a serious tone.

Anita felt forced to look at Khan. His seriousness was more than evident. He didn't refute her previous statement, but it was clear that he had accepted her.

"Your looks are only part of your charm," Anita stated. "No wonder you could catch my girl."

"That remains a misunderstanding," Khan dismissed the claim. "Besides, shouldn't you be in his flat already?"

"Being late is the least I could do," Anita scoffed. "He still has to prove himself."josei

"I won't go to his flat tonight," Khan reassured. "You'll have all the time you want."

"I'm not that shameless, Captain," Anita chuckled.

"I know," Khan declared. "You pretend to be superficial, but you actually care deeply. You didn't hesitate to stay with him when he was injured. I'm sure he also noticed that."

Anita had to lower her gaze to hide her surprise. Khan had seen through her political persona in mere weeks, and talking about it in the open embarrassed her.

"It's fine," Khan continued. "I'm glad he found someone like you."

"Thank you," Anita muttered. "I should probably go."

"Have fun," Khan chuckled as his focus returned to his drink.

"That reminds me," Anita exclaimed once she lifted her head. "I forgot to thank you. Calling me a friend in front of the Princess was kind of you."

"Anita, you are my friend," Khan smiled, and Anita smiled back as she began to leave the desk.

"Wait!" Khan suddenly called when he recalled something.

"What is it?" Anita questioned.

"Do you know where I can get the best techniques connected to the pilot's training?" Khan asked, revealing his second target. "I know the Global Army will give me some, but I don't want to settle for freebies."

"Oh," Anita gasped before approaching Khan again. "I'm not a pilot, but I heard good things about one shop."

Khan pulled out his phone to show the interactive map of the Harbor, and Anita browsed through it before marking a shop. The place's name was "Ace High", and glowing reviews spread under it.

"Good luck," Anita exclaimed once Khan retrieved his phone.

"You too," Khan replied.

"Right," Anita giggled while lowering her voice. "I don't believe you two for even a second. I know you are hiding something."

Anita stormed off before Khan could say anything, but a smile remained on his face. He had been honest with her. Khan really thought she would be good for George. He only hoped the two of them could see that too.

That casual encounter had been pleasant and had also given something important to Khan. Anita had confirmed that Pandora was everything it claimed to be and more. Spending ten thousand Credits to look at its goods sounded worth it now.

Khan returned to his drink and filled the subscription to the club. His phone began to buzz after he added his genetic signature to the interactive desk, and a new menu appeared. The name "Pandora" now shone among the magical items' list, and clicking on it revealed dozens of labels that would require time to study.

"Congratulations," The barman closest to Khan stated as soon as the procedure ended. "New members have discounts on high-end drinks. Do you want to try some?"

"I'll have to refuse today," Khan politely denied. "Sadly, time isn't on my side."

Khan emptied the drink and exchanged a smile with the barman before approaching the elevator. His curiosity was deafening, but it was getting late, and he still had two shops to visit.

The car brought Khan to Ace High, where he confirmed Anita's praises. Everyone was as professional as possible there, and it only took Khan a few questions to gain access to more private areas where he could purchase better pilot-related techniques.

After leaving Ace High, Khan headed for his third target. He had to get a new knife since his old one was damaged and unsuitable for his current level, and his previous inspection had highlighted one of the biggest shops in the district.

"Captain Khan!" A male waiter behind the main desk on the first floor almost shouted. "You honor the Steel Manticore with your presence."

Khan was starting to feel the weight of his sleepless nights, and the previous drinks didn't help. Thinking about all the matters he still had to attend also worsened his mood, so he opted to go straight to the point.

"I have a question," Khan stated. "Compared to a city on Earth, how does your shop fare?"

"Pardon?" The waiter asked in surprise.

"I need a third-grade knife resistant to the chaos element," Khan explained. "Price is not an issue, but the quality is mandatory. Is your shop on par with Earth's cities?"

The waiter felt tense under the spotlight, and having Khan in front of him basically put all the eyes in the shop on him. Telling the truth might hurt the Steel Manticore, but lying to one of the most famous figures in the Harbor sounded crazy.

"The Steel Manticore has the best blacksmiths in the Harbor, sir," The waiter declared. "They are envied even on Earth. However, some shops in the big cities surpass them while retaining a lower price."

"Thank you for your honesty," Khan sighed before deciding to reward that gesture. "What's your name?"

"Kyle, sir," The waiter exclaimed in excitement.

"Kyle," Khan muttered. "Have a good night."

Khan left the shop without adding anything else. He didn't do anything, but that acknowledgment was bound to pass down some of his fame. Kyle would probably have a few lucky opportunities in the following days.

"To the seventh district," Khan ordered once he returned inside his car. It was time to go home, but he couldn't relax during the trip. He still had to handle the issue of his knife.

It was late, but not too late. Dinnertime had ended by a few hours, so the shops on Reebfell were probably closed. Yet, he could rely on someone to deliver his request.

Khan sent a message to Amber, and a long conversation followed. The two updated each other and joked before moving to the matter at hand. Amber obviously agreed to contact the Divine Architects for him, and inevitable goodbyes eventually arrived.

A tired sigh escaped Khan's mouth when his building appeared in his vision. He had yet to hear from Monica or George, but that probably was for the best. He still had so much to do, and his exhaustion was quickly building up.

Khan exchanged a polite salute with Perry before heading toward his flat. He immediately threw himself on his bed, and the desire to sleep started to creep in. Yet, looking at the phone reminded him of his duties, so he forced himself to sit and inspect his purchases.

Nevertheless, a call arrived before Khan could open Pandora's menus. The name "Divine Architects" shone on the screen while his phone buzzed, and he quickly answered it.

"Hello?" Khan exclaimed.

"Captain Khan," A familiar voice came out of the phone. "I'm glad you remember our humble shop."

"Master Cansend!" Khan recalled. "I didn't expect you to answer Amber's request so quickly."

"You are too humble," Master Cansend replied. "The Divine Architects will obviously warn me when such a high-profile customer arrives."

"You are as kind as ever," Khan praised.

"So, I'm guessing you are in need of a new weapon," Master Cansend announced.

"That's right," Khan confirmed. "A chaos-resistant third-grade knife."

"Curtis can't handle such a difficult project," Master Cansend warned.

"My finances have greatly improved since we first met," Khan reassured.

"That's great," Master Cansend declared. "However, I'm afraid the project will remain expensive. I can apply a discount to my services, but the chaos-resistant materials have seen a sharp rise in price after Milia 222's disaster."

"Can you give me an estimate?" Khan wondered.

"Is the project any different from Curtis' creation?" Master Cansend wondered.

"No," Khan uttered. "It only needs to be a grade higher."

"I need to check a few things to give you an exact price," Master Cansend declared. "However, it won't be less than eighty thousand Credits, shipment included."

Khan's mind went blank for a second. That was almost one-fifth of his finances. However, he wouldn't hold back when it came to life-saving tools. Having the best weapon on the market could make a big difference during crises.

"Can I give you my answer once you know the actual price?" Khan wondered.

"Anything for you, Captain," Master Cansend agreed. "Still, if possible, can you send a 3D scan of your hands to this contact? I have Curtis' notes, but you are young. You might have grown."

"I'll get to it right away," Khan promised.

"I'll hear from you soon then," Master Cansend said. "Have a good night, Captain Khan."

"Thank you again for the quick call," Khan saluted, and the call ended.

Khan cleared Master Cansend's request right away. The phone could perform those simple scans, so he did a few of them of both his hands before sending them to the Divine Architects' contact. Master Cansend even send a message to confirm their arrival, so Khan put the matter in the back of his mind.

The time to check Pandora's goods finally arrived, but the universe had other plans. Khan's phone started to buzz again, but the calls and messages were unrelated to his shopping spree, and a quick look at them revealed their purpose.

'Already?' Khan cursed before ignoring all the people contacting him to check the network. The label "third-level mage" had appeared next to his profile, confirming that the Colonel had officially acknowledged the test.

The news had filled Khan's phone with curious people, and he was in no mood to mind them. The buzzing also distracted him, so he threw the device toward a pillow before lying down.

'This day is endless,' Khan cursed again, but the universe had one last surprise. A knocking noise resounded from the door, and opening it revealed a furious Monica.

"You didn't waste any fucking time!" Monica shouted while storming inside the flat. "You couldn't wait to get rid of me to be all sweet with that waiter!"

"Wait, Monica," Khan tried to call, but his attempt was pointless.

"Shut up!" Monica shouted again while waving the bag in her hand. "You stay there. I'll get to you in a minute."

After the warning, Monica entered the bathroom and closed the door behind her. In theory, being inside Khan's flat without George was problematic, but he couldn't care now. Also, the lessons were a perfect excuse.

'I knew it,' Khan mocked himself while returning to the comfort of the bed. He wasn't worried since the matter was a complete fabrication, but his phone continued to buzz, which annoyed him to no end.

Khan kept his head lowered when he heard the bathroom door opening, but the strange sensations flowing into the symphony eventually made him peek past the bed. All his exhaustion vanished at that point.

Monica was showing a timid face that broke into a smile under Khan's captivated gaze. She was wearing sensual, half-transparent lingerie that barely hid the skin underneath. The outfit even came with tights that made Khan forget to blink.

"Congratulations on your promotion," Monica whispered. "I hope you like your gift."

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