Chaos' Heir

Chapter 458 First Love

Chapter 458 First Love

Monica let Khan do as he wished. His obvious gesture was bound to create more annoying rumors, but she didn't care. She simply couldn't when so many bandages filled her vision.

Khan sealed the tent and went straight for the bed inside. Pain and mental exhaustion fought to get a monopoly over his mind, but he remained full of energy. He wouldn't be able to sleep even if he tried.

Monica wanted to reach for Khan, but the many bandages scared her. She couldn't see the full extent of his injuries, so she decided to stay away altogether.

Khan had far different intentions. He stretched his hand as soon as he sat on the bed, and Monica obediently took it. Khan pulled her onto his lap, and her careful fingers began to trace the edges of his bandages.

"Look what they did to you," Monica muttered. "I'll get the infusion and help you the nex-."

Monica couldn't finish her line since Khan seized her nose and pulled her closer. Monica's mood immediately improved due to the gesture, but not in a good way.

"I was so worried," Monica pouted while her nose remained between Khan's fingers. "Tell me where it doesn't hurt so I can hit you."

"What about a kiss instead?" Khan chuckled, and Monica didn't dare to refuse. She carefully wrapped her arms around Khan's neck, and her lips fell on him when he let go of her nose.

A groan soon escaped Khan's mouth. His face was scraped all over, and kissing rekindled those injuries. He wanted to explain his situation to avoid getting Monica worried, but she pulled him on her chest before he could speak.

"My tired, injured Captain," Monica cuddled Khan with as much care as possible. "What even happened out there?"

"I got the Princess," Khan explained, "But she asked me to chase after the ships. It was messy."

"She will hear from me," Monica snorted before doubts forced her to ask questions. "How did you reach her? Did you hijack a ship?"

"My martial art reached the next proficiency level," Khan summarized. "I can fly now."

Monica felt the urge to tighten her hug but held back at the last second. She was ecstatic. Khan didn't only perform an incredible feat. He had also gotten stronger, and she was happy for him.

However, an idea appeared in Monica's mind when she pictured Khan flying toward the ships. She could guess what had happened, and jealousy arrived.

"Wait," Monica gasped as her voice grew louder. "Did you carry the Princess? Did you have your first flight with her?"

"She literally jumped on me," Khan laughed. "I couldn't let her fall into the canyon."

"You went out of your way to fly with another woman!" Monica almost shouted.

"I'll fly with you once I get better," Khan promised while leaving Monica's chest to look into her eyes. "We can even go now if you want."

Monica couldn't remain angry in front of that honesty. She pouted again and tried to divert her eyes, but Khan's gaze kept making her turn toward him.

"You'll have to work hard to earn my forgiveness," Monica eventually scoffed but still accepted the incoming kiss.

"I should meditate for a bit," Khan whispered once the kiss ended.

"Yes," Monica agreed. "You need to recover."

"No, I just want to kiss you without hurting," Khan half-joked, but Monica went full girlfriend mode at those words.

"Get better quickly," Monica voiced as her warm breath blew on Khan's face, "And I'll give you another gift."

Those words awakened memories that fueled Khan's desires. He suddenly stopped hurting, and his mouth reached for Monica, but she placed a finger on his lips before they could kiss.

"Get better first," Monica smirked. "I'll make it worth the wait."

"You have gotten so naughty," Khan teased while diving back into her chest.

"It's your fault," Monica complained, and warmth joined her voice once she resumed cuddling Khan. "So, take responsibility when you get better."




A few hours went by. The Harbor's forces expanded the encampment until they had guards alongside the entire perimeter. Meanwhile, the doctors attended to the various injured, even sending the most critical ones back to the moon to get better medication.

Khan spent those hours meditating inside Monica's tent, and she remained by his side the whole time. No one disturbed them either, so they could preserve their intimacy as long as they liked.

Still, as lunchtime approached, the couple felt the need to get something to eat. Monica offered to take care of the task for Khan, but they eventually decided to leave together to start addressing the rumors.

"It sounds strange," Khan commented while approaching the tent's exit.

"You know how much I hate lies," Monica scolded. "I never heard about the Hive."

"Your family should know," Khan pointed out.

"Definitely," Monica agreed. "They might be forced to update me now."

Nippe 2's orange illumination shone on Khan's almost intact face as soon as he left the tent. His shallow injuries had healed in the past hours, leaving only the bandages on his right hand and shoulder on him. He was still hurting, but the annoying part had passed.

"It was about time," George exclaimed when Khan and Monica appeared in his vision. He was sitting next to the ship before the two tents, and a smiling Anita was at his side.

Anita's smile vanished as soon as she noticed the couple, and some embarrassment arrived. She couldn't help but think about the previous scene and the conversation inside the Princess' ship. Still, something else also fueled that feeling.

"I told you he is trustworthy," Khan smirked. Anita had finally gotten a piece of serious George, and her mana said how much she liked it.

"So," Khan announced. "What did we miss?"

"The Princess and a few ships went to the factory," George revealed. "She got a private tour."

"Do we have orders?" Khan wondered.

"No," George stated. "Only sand and food. It's a pity they didn't bring anything to drink down here."

Anita glared at George but remained silent since Monica laughed at her reaction. They even exchanged a meaningful glance, and Khan didn't ignore those clues.

"George, let's get something to eat," Khan suggested. "We'll bring something for the girls too."

"Sure," George stood up and eyed Anita. "I'll see you in a bit."

Anita nodded, and words remained stuck in her throat again when Monica sat next to her. It was clear that they needed to talk, and Khan quickly brought George out of their way.

A stupid smile appeared on George's face as soon as he and Khan crossed the ship. Pride leaked out of his mana, and an old line eventually left his mouth. "We are the luckiest men in the universe."

Khan coughed and half-turned to show his state. His recovery had been quick, but his right hand and shoulder were still a mess.

"Hey, you are getting laid," George stated. "Don't complain."

"Anita looked pretty caught too," Khan pointed out.

"What can I say?" George sighed. "My charm was bound to get to her at some point."

"You could have just tried harder from the beginning," Khan suggested.

"Khan, Khan," George shook his head and patted an intact part of Khan's back. "You have your married man approach, and I have my tactics."

"You are an idiot," Khan laughed.

"But I'm right," George exclaimed. "By the way, is Anita about to know?"

"I'll let Monica decide that," Khan replied.

"Do you trust her?" George questioned.

"You should tell me that," Khan rebuked.

"I'll believe anything she says as long as I get my sweet time," George proudly declared.

"No wonder they get so angry at you," Khan chuckled before returning to the serious topic. "It should be fine. If it isn't, we'll find a solution."

"I can't imagine her going against Monica's interests," George claimed and reassured Khan. "It will be fine."

The encampment had been quite active in the past hours. The reinforcements had taken away the many corpses, and Nippe 2's winds had dealt with the puddles of blood. The area was by no means clean, but it didn't resemble a battlefield anymore.

George shot glares left and right whenever Khan's presence attracted the soldiers' attention. He wasn't trying to send warnings, but Khan's injuries put him in a protective stance.

The two crossed the encampment until they arrived at a big ship with large open doors. Various goods rested inside, and Khan's eyes lit up when he recognized one of them.

"I can't believe it," Khan muttered as he shot toward the ship and grabbed two cans.

The general attention attracted by Khan made many descendants leave their tents to inspect the scene. They found him sitting next to the ship and gulping down one of the cans, which barely survived a few seconds.

Khan immediately grabbed the second can, and George joined him on the ground. By then, a few descendants were heading toward them, and Khan felt no surprise when he sensed Lucian's presence.

"You have an appetite," Lucian exclaimed while reaching Khan with Zoe and other familiar faces. "That's a good sign."

"You never forget your first love," Khan joked before emptying the can and poking George to get another.

"First love?" Lucian frowned.

"Spicy chicken!" Khan laughed and held the new can high as soon as George handed it to him.

Some laughs resounded, especially from George. As for Khan, he barely lifted his gaze since the food captured most of his attention.

"Then, is Monica your second love?" Zoe couldn't help but ask since Khan had mentioned the topic.

"Training halls," Khan corrected and emptied the third can. George already had a new one ready for him by then.

The answer left everyone speechless, especially since they wanted to hear more about Monica and Khan. Yet, the descendants couldn't push Khan too much there. It wouldn't be polite, and his injured state would worsen everything.

However, someone with the ability to enforce her authority on Khan existed in the encampment, and her presence soon entered his senses' range.

"Captain Khan, "Professor Leelli called from behind the group around Khan. "A word?"josei

Khan emptied his fourth can and stood up. The descendants opened a path for him, allowing him to leave with the Professor and reach an isolated area behind a tent.

"Mister Ron updated me," Professor Leelli revealed. "Captain, words can't express how proud the Harbor is to have you as a student. Even the Headmistress wished to praise you in person, but problems are keeping her on the moon."

"Thank you, ma'am," Khan replied, performing a military salute with a single arm.

"We received orders to keep the attack a secret for now," Professor Leelli continued. "The Harbor will make an official announcement, but only after completing the investigation on Nippe 2."

Khan nodded. He had already told Monica everything, but the Professor didn't need to know that.

"Lastly," Professor Leelli exclaimed, "The Harbor will provide suitable rewards for your feats. The Headmistress is also willing to sit with you to discuss specific matters."

Khan couldn't pretend to be surprised. He had expected something similar to happen. It seemed that money wouldn't be a problem in the imminent future.

"Is this all, ma'am?" Khan asked in front of the Professor's silence.

"There is one matter with no connection to the Harbor," Professor Leelli stated. "The Virrai family expressed the desire to meet you after learning about your feats."

Surprise finally arrived. Khan knew his feat had incredible political relevance, but meeting with a noble family still felt too much.

"You would only meet a representative," Professor Leelli explained to clear Khan's surprise. "Princess Edna would still be more important."

"Oh," Khan gasped. That was good news, especially if he could get the Princess to attend the meeting.

"When is the meeting?" Khan asked.

Professor Leelli's expression grew complicated, and her green eyes fell on Khan's remaining bandages. She appeared hesitant, but her duty eventually made her speak.

"Tonight," Professor Leelli revealed. "The representative is already on her way."

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