Chaos' Heir

Chapter 461 Auction

Chapter 461 Auction

A group of soldiers accompanied Khan to his flat once the meeting ended. They helped him gather his stuff and load it into a ship before heading for the second district.

Khan gave his goodbyes to Perry and used the flight to warn Monica about his recent gains. Needless to say, congratulations reached his phone, and Monica also took care of giving him enough time to settle.

George's building had a few flats available, and the Headmistress assigned one to Khan. He didn't have much, so a single trip through the elevators was enough to bring all his belongings to his new home. The soldiers simply performed salutes and left afterward.

Khan explored the flat for a few minutes before disregarding the matter. The area was almost identical to George's place anyway. It only felt emptier since he was alone, but that was about to change.

The decision to get a better flat had nothing to do with comfort. Khan would barely notice that. He had simply opted for something that could make being with Monica easier.

Moreover, the Solodrey family was paying for the other flat, so taking away that expense was bound to speak in Khan's favor. Being closer to the embassy was another advantage, especially when his schedule was so tight.

A sigh escaped Khan's mouth when he lay on a couch in the living room. It was already late. He had wasted a lot of time with the Princess, the Headmistress, and the trips across the Harbor, but the following day wouldn't have lessons due to the recent crisis. In theory, he could rest and focus on healing, but studying came first.

The flat warned Khan about the arrival of an elevator, and the symphony revealed the newcomers' identity. Monica, George, and Anita entered the habitation and reached the living room, but Khan didn't bother to lift his head.

"Khan, this is a well-deserved improvement," Anita praised while politely waiting at the room's edge.

"I'll finally have my flat for myself," George announced while approaching the couch in front of Khan and dropping a bottle on the floor. "I figured you didn't have this yet."

Monica remained silent and happily hopped toward Khan's couch. She carefully sat on him before leaning forward, and a cute "hey" left her mouth once their eyes met.

"Hey you," Khan smiled as his left hand dug into Monica's curls to pull her closer.

Anita felt the need to divert her gaze in front of the kiss, but her eyes always returned to the couple. A curious smile fused with a gasp to create a strange face. She had learnt the truth about Monica and Khan, but seeing them openly express their affection hit her differently.

"I know that look," Monica whispered when the kiss ended. "You need your girlfriend's knowledge."

"I do," Khan groaned while pulling Monica onto his chest, "But later."

"Not a chance," Monica refused to fall on Khan's chest and pulled herself upward to take Khan's head into her arms. "I'm taking care of you today."

"You sure like it when I'm injured," Khan teased.

"I like when you are completely in my power," Monica corrected.

"Am I not always like that?" Khan joked.

"Sweet talks won't get you anywhere," Monica replied, "But keep them coming."

Anita remained stunned. Khan was snuggling on Monica's chest, and she wasn't showing the slightest embarrassment. The two appeared completely comfortable with each other, which revealed how far they had gone.

George opened the bottle and took a loud sip as if nothing strange was happening, forcing Anita to divert her attention. She joined him on the couch, which gave her a better look at the loving couple. Anita didn't know Khan too well, but seeing Monica's true character was almost mesmerizing.

Anita had known Monica for a long time, enough to get used to her elegant and polite manners. Personas were common among descendants, but Monica had always worn that role perfectly. However, the scene unfolding in Anita's vision went far beyond that. For a second, she almost believed to have someone else in front of her.

Affectionate and relaxed gestures had replaced Monica's elegance. She was lying on Khan, uncaring of how shameful that position was, and a bright smile shone on her face while she played with his head.

As for Khan, he was utterly captivated by Monica's affection. His eyes remained glued to any trace of her brimming happiness. Her smile, her fingers running over his face or through his hair, and the meaningful glances she shot from time to time entranced him. He almost couldn't believe how beautiful she was.

"You are thinking about something nasty," Monica pouted when an instinctive smile made its way onto Khan's face.

Khan shook his head. "I just wished I could keep you this happy all the time."

Monica almost froze. She suddenly became aware of Anita and George, and embarrassment crept in. Part of her wanted to hide, but Khan's words made her unable to react.

Khan began to straighten his back, and Monica slid onto his abdomen to sit on his lap. She glanced at the other couch, but Khan's intense gaze brought her attention back to him.

Heightened senses and inhumane sensitivity were pointless in that situation. Khan knew how weak Monica became whenever he got serious. He had memorized most aspects of her personality, and they all felt beyond cute.

The abrupt shifts in Monica's mood, unreasonable threats, surprising courage, wits, and genuine affection were clear in Khan's mind. He knew her well, and she had even proven herself. Somehow, he was sure he was with the right person.

"Khan," Monica almost begged, but Khan didn't stop looking at her. Something had clicked inside him, and ignoring it was impossible.

Anita had covered her mouth to suppress her gasps. That scene was too romantic for her, especially since it involved Monica. She had never seen her in that state, but her evident happiness warmed her heart.

As for George, he kept his bottle nearby while nodding in approval. He had already reached conclusions about Khan and Monica, and that scene only confirmed them. Of course, he was happy for his friend since he knew how much that mattered to him.

Monica had to resort to the entirety of her political training to handle the situation. She mustered enough strength to hop off the couch, but her eyes never left Khan's, and the same went for her hand. She pulled him toward her before finding an excuse for their friends.

"I need to change his bandages," Monica explained, trying to keep her voice straight, "And I promised I'd help him study tonight."

Monica didn't give Anita and George the time to reply. She immediately headed for one of the corridors, pulling Khan with her.

"Wow," Anita couldn't help but exclaim once she felt sure the couple had left.

"Khan has that effect on women," George smirked, reaching for Anita's shoulder to pull her to his side. "I'm glad he found someone like Monica. They look good together."

Anita nodded and let George caress her arm. She even relaxed on his shoulder while her mind did its best to accept the previous scene. Yet, she pushed herself away once she realized where she was.

"What?" George asked since he found himself in front of Anita's glare.

"We are in Khan's flat!" Anita scoffed.

"So?" George questioned, revealing how clueless he was about the issue.

"Unbelievable," Anita cursed, and a quarrel started as soon as George spoke again.




Monica and Khan studied, but only after dealing with more pressing urges. They basically had an entire flat for themselves, and the morning wouldn't feature lessons either, so they stopped holding back and took their time to enjoy their feelings.

The time for serious talks also arrived. Monica was the perfect advisor when it came to secrets that might involve the Global Army's upper echelon, so Khan didn't keep any secrets from her.

Sadly, Monica couldn't provide definitive answers. She had no clue about the Nak's location or whether the Princess had told the truth.

The same went for the noble guard's issue. Khan's insane idea made sense, but there could be other explanations. Still, even Monica had to admit that Ella's words were suspicious.

Khan's serious problems ended up delaying the complete blooming of the couple's emotions, and the insane amount of homework further got in the way. By the time they had some free time, the morning of the second day had arrived, marking the resumption of the lessons.

Khan expected to find a gloomy atmosphere when he joined Professor Boatbell's lesson with Monica and George. Instead, the descendants already inside welcomed him with a cheerful applause that the Professor echoed. Nippe 2's events had gone public, and the class was showing its appreciation.

Similar scenes happened in the following days. Professors, soldiers, and workers inside the embassy stopped Khan to offer genuine congratulations. Countless articles about him flooded the network, and many reporters tried to contact him.

Khan used his injured state to deflect most of that attention. He knew he would have to address it at some point, but studying came first. His social tasks would have to wait a bit longer, especially since he had an important appointment the night before the two free days.

"Help me with this zipper," Monica called. "It always gets caught in my hair."

The request made Khan snap back to reality. He was in his flat, in a bedroom with Monica, and they were getting ready for Pandora's auction. Yet, his thoughts had wandered when Monica had started trying out dresses.

"Khan?" Monica called again, diverting her gaze from the interactive mirror to peek at the bed behind her.

Khan left the bed and reached Monica, grabbing her waist to make a cute laugh escape her mouth. She didn't let the gesture distract her and tied her many curls into a ponytail before lifting it, but the kiss that landed on her nape broke her concentration.

"Come on," Monica giggled while reaching for the back of Khan's head to pull him onto her shoulder. "We'll be late."

"I'm not the one who took one hour to choose what to wear," Khan teased before leaving a kiss on Monica's exposed shoulder.

"I thought you enjoyed the spectacle," Monica whispered to Khan's ear.

"Definitely," Khan muttered while his mouth was still on Monica's skin. "I could look at you all day."

Monica melted. She kissed Khan's cheek and felt the urge to turn, but one look at the interactive mirror confirmed that they were truly late, and she wouldn't allow him to miss the auction.

"The zipper," Monica reminded while doing her best to keep her hair lifted with one hand. "I want to show you how I look."

Khan played along and left Monica's waist to reach for the zipper on her back. His right hand and shoulder had yet to heal fully, so he fastened the dress slowly, prioritizing saving Monica's curls over completing the process.

Another kiss landed on Monica's nape when Khan was done with the zipper, and she finally turned to show her appearance. She was wearing a yellow drop waist dress ending in a relatively long skirt that aimed for elegance rather than sensuality. Still, Khan found both in that scene.

"How do I look?" Monica asked, wrapping her arms behind her back to show the entirety of herself.

"This might be the first dress I wouldn't tear apart," Khan teased.

"Really?" Monica wondered.

"No," Khan laughed while approaching Monica, forcing her to lean on the mirror, "But you do look beautiful."

"Scoundrel," Monica giggled. "You can take it away later, but don't you ruin it."

"As if you'd care once we are at it," Khan joked. Monica prepared a slap, but Khan's injured state made her hold back and opt for a passionate kiss.

The couple left the flat in the following minutes since Khan had already worn his tight black suit. Those clothes were truly too elegant for him, but Monica didn't accept any compromise. She even made him keep the brace to appeal to the audience's better side.

A hovering limousine was already waiting for the couple on the other side of the building's sidewalk, and the absence of crowds made the trip into it peaceful. The Headmistress had stayed true to her word, granting Khan some privacy even in the open.

Monica used the flight to review the auction's regulations and procedures with Khan. She made sure he recalled all the hand gestures and signals necessary to be part of those lofty events, and he proved himself ready.

Surprisingly enough, the limousine flew toward the embassy's district and headed for one of the top blocks of the pyramidal structure. The vehicle quickly landed, and two guards dressed in white tuxes showed their scanners when Khan and Monica walked toward them.

The scanners confirmed Khan and Monica's membership to Pandora and opened the way inside a dim environment covered in dark-red carpets. A long and vast staircase unfolded in the couple's vision and descended many floors to reach an illuminated stage, and hundreds of seats filled its sides.

The entrance closed behind the couple before they could understand where they were, and a cozy warmth immediately enveloped them. Captivating scents also reached their nostrils, and a few heads turned to look at them. The white tux standing on the first step even approached them to express his greetings.

"Miss Solodrey, Captain Khan," The middle-aged man politely called while performing a bow as soon as he reached the couple. "Pandora is glad you joined tonight's auction."

"We couldn't possibly miss it," Monica showed her elegant manners while clinging to Khan's left elbow.

"Ma'am, sir, did you already choose your seats?" The middle-aged man asked, making sure to address Monica first every time.

"We were hoping to find a few empty seats among the stands," Monica explained.

"Ma'am, Pandora will find you a place in the gallery if you wish," The man revealed. "It would be disrespectful toward you and Captain Khan to offer any less."

"Please pardon my rudeness," Monica lowered her head in shame. "I planned to give Captain Khan a complete experience of the auction. I didn't foresee this kindness from Pandora."

"Oh, it's no rudeness at all, ma'am," The man immediately smiled. "Your decision to introduce Captain Khan to this world speaks for your manners. Pandora hopes it can do the same in the future."

"I'll make sure of it," Monica promised.

The man nodded and turned toward the stands. His expert eyes quickly found empty spots the couple could occupy, and a glance at his phone helped him find the best ones.

"Please, ma'am, sir," The man addressed the couple again once his search was over, "At least allow me to escort you to your seats."

"With pleasure," Monica replied, and the man began to descend the enormous staircase to lead the way.

Monica and Khan followed slowly behind the man, smiling and nodding whenever someone in the audience did the same. They both recognized many faces but only exchanged quick salutes.

The white tux eventually opened a passage in the staircase's handrail to lead the couple into a relatively spacious path among the stands. Khan and Monica didn't disturb anyone while following the man, and they soon found themselves in front of multiple empty seats.

"Enjoy your night, ma'am, sir," The man saluted before leaving toward the staircase.

Monica took the lead at that point. She could choose seats near other people, but privacy was a luxury in the stands, so she opted for two comfortable armchairs in the middle of the empty area.

Khan had already inspected the area. He had seats in every direction, but they were empty for many meters. Moreover, multiple groups all over the stands were in a similar situation. Almost everyone opted for that kind of privacy.

A screen came out of the seat's right arm once Khan sat down, and multiple menus lit up. A list of the items on auction and many more goods filled his vision, but he had other questions to address before that.

"Why didn't we choose the gallery?" Khan whispered, and his voice didn't travel far since many murmurs filled the area.

"People might fail to see you up there," Monica explained while eyeing a long balcony stretching from the tall ceiling. Khan could see silhouettes from his position but nothing more.

"We'll have to come again and take those gallery seats," Monica sighed while connecting her phone to her seat's screen.

"Is this about earlier?" Khan wondered.

"We can't refuse an open act of kindness," Monica explained. "It's rude among these circles. We must reassure them by accepting their offer."

"Sure," Khan immediately agreed. Monica was the master there, so he didn't dare to object.

"So, we must buy something now, right?" Khan checked. The entrance to the auction was free, but it was customary to order food or drinks to cover multiple expenses.

"A few drinks each should be enough," Monica confirmed. "Spending more would usually grant us a better profile, but I'm legacy, and you are you, so we don't need to."

"Doesn't the Harbor take a percentage?" Khan recalled.

"How much do you have now?" Monica asked.

"Around eight hundred thousand," Khan revealed.

"Then, we can get more," Monica approved, "And don't hesitate to ask me for money if needed."

Khan connected his phone to the screen and began scrolling through the various menus. Everything was overpriced there, with drinks going for as much as tens of thousands of Credits, but Monica had prepared Khan for something like that.

In the end, Monica and Khan ordered a couple of drinks for a few thousand Credits each, and a waiter in a white tux promptly delivered them. The latter even brought a small table with ice and other refreshments, so those glasses didn't become a bother.

"So," Khan announced once the waiter left, "How much can I tease you here?"

"Shut it," Monica scolded. "I bet everyone is looking at us already."

"They are," Khan confirmed. It wasn't everyone, but many in the audience didn't miss the chance to shoot glances in his direction.josei

"You are about to make Pandora lose millions," Monica cursed. "Try to behave for a few hours."

"You had this idea," Khan chuckled. "What does it say about you?"

"That I'd do anything for my man," Monica responded, and the couple fell into an intense stare. Monica even enjoyed it more than Khan since he had to limit himself to look at her in that situation.

A few more groups entered the hall, and the auction started when almost ninety people had taken their seats. A trapdoor opened on the stage, and a platform rose to bring a man and a woman into everyone's view.

Khan quickly lost interest in the loud speeches and polite greetings shouted by the couple on the stage. The screen on his armchair took note of their words, so he only needed to look at it to keep track of every item.

Truth be told, Pandora was offering fascinating goods. Booze and food cooked through special procedures involving mana, rejuvenating ointments from extinct species, weapons carrying the same power as spells, and much more reached the stage. In another life, Khan would have liked to take a look at all of that, but his position limited him to a single chance.

Monica bidding on a bag made from the skin of a rare alien creature managed to distract Khan, but she gave up after raising the price two more times. The item ended up selling for eleven million, and the customary applauses that followed gave Monica a chance to explain herself.

"Vrans' bags always sell for more than five million," Monica revealed. "They would have never let me get away with my offers."

"Did you play just to raise the price?" Khan questioned.

"We need to participate," Monica stated, "Or at least pretend. Also, I had to show you how to bid properly."

Monica showed another happy face when she saw Khan struggling to hold back. He couldn't really help himself. She was doing so much for him, and her reactions remained too cute.

"You are killing me," Khan cursed.

"You deserve it," Monica giggled.

The couple exchanged more jokes and ordered another round of drinks as the auction continued. It would take a while to reach Khan's target, so he let Monica handle the pretenses. She proved herself perfect for the role, sometimes even managing to back out of a bid right before her competitors ran out of money.

"Won't this get many families mad at you?" Khan wondered when Monica made another competitor spend three additional million due to her constant bids.

"Yes and no," Monica tried to explain. "These Credits will still go to the Harbor and Pandora, which will provide better services to the families. Besides, anyone here can afford to lose a few million."

"Anyone but me," Khan snickered.

"You are a special case," Monica declared as annoyance seeped into her voice. "I'm sure some slut here would happily act as your benefactor. No one should try after tonight."

"Are you marking your territory?" Khan teased.

"Yes," Monica scoffed. "You better not have a problem with that."

"I wouldn't dare," Khan joked. "Mark away, ma'am."

The glare that followed made Khan laugh, and the atmosphere remained cheerful. Yet, it tensed up once Khan's target became close, and a nod from Monica forced him to prepare.

"Our next item consists of a partial spell copied by a rare species of Tainted animals," The male announcer declared through the microphone on his mouth's side.

"The spell's range and efficiency can make it a trump defensive card against any incoming attack," The female announcer continued. "It might need some tweaks and the right element to make it work, but Pandora strongly believes in its potential."

A series of holograms rose from behind the announcers to show simulations of the non-elemental spell. Of course, those images depicted an impenetrable spherical shield that could envelop any caster, but more knowledgeable people knew it would take a while to reach that level.

"Pandora sets its starting price at one hundred thousand Credits," The male announcer resumed once the holograms went dark.

"Who offers one hundred and fifty thousand?" The female announcer followed.

Khan had received precise instructions from Monica in the previous days. Bidding alone wasn't enough. Matching the minimum price would appear as an open insult to Pandora, so he had to pretend to try.

The screen was already on the right menu, so Khan only had to put his left hand above it and perform the corresponding gesture. The scanner in the device recognized it, and a notification reached the announcers.

"We have Captain Khan for two hundred and fifty thousand Credits!" The male announcer shouted.

"Congratulations on Captain Khan for his first bid tonight," The female announcer continued while triggering general applause. "Pandora hopes you are enjoying the night."

Khan nodded left and right, showing a fake smile to the many hands clapping for him. He even stood up at some point to perform a half-bow, and the gesture highlighted his brace.

The tension grew stronger once Khan returned to his seat. The announcers began to ask for higher bids, which he could theoretically still match. Yet, he would probably decide to keep his money if the price became too insane.

"No one?" The male announcer asked once a few silent minutes went by. "Pandora hasn't seen so much goodwill since the last visit from a noble."

Laughs resounded, but the female announcer began the countdown. "Two hundred and fifty thousand and one, two hundred and fifty thousand and two, two hundred and fifty thousand and three!"

A round of applause started while the male announcer conveyed his congratulations. "Captain Khan wins! Pandora wishes you good luck with the spell!"

Khan had to stand up again to address the applause and could sit only after a few minutes. The screen drained his Credits in the meantime, and waiters soon arrived with his prize inside a luxurious casket.

Monica and Khan exchanged a knowing smile once the waiter left, and her genuine happiness almost pushed him over the edge. However, they both had to stay still a little longer since the auction had yet to end.

Another hour had to pass before the announcers went through the remaining items. Khan and Monica had a few more drinks and decided to leave only once most groups had reached the exit. That was another planned move since departing as soon as the auction ended could be seen as impolite.

Still, the two announcers climbed the staircase and intercepted the couple when they were about to leave the passage among the seats. The two were all smiles, and their mana felt fine too, so Khan decided to pull Monica forward for once.

"Miss Solodrey, we hope you enjoyed this night," The male announcer stated through a bow.

"Captain Khan, congratulations on your purchase again," The female announcer continued while also performing a bow. "Pandora won't consider it a loss since it arrived to you."

"You are too kind," Khan did his best to sound polite.

"You truly are," Monica added. "Though, Captain Khan might have something that could repay your generosity."

Khan and Monica had prepared for that eventuality earlier, so he didn't falter. He pretended to recall something and feigned some embarrassment when explaining the matter. "I have this knife. It's a second-grade weapon, but it's damaged, and I'd just destroy it in a training hall. I wonder if Pandora can help."

"A second-grade weapon?" The male announcer questioned.

"It's the same knife he used to kill the Nak's hand," Monica partially lied. "Its cracks actually come from that battle."

"Ooh?" Both announcers gasped before exchanging a look.

"I have no real use for it," Khan continued. "If Pandora agrees, I can sell it through your channels. I'd even take a lower share since you have been so good to me."

"Captain Khan, don't even mention it," The male announcer promptly exclaimed.

"Pandora will happily make it a part of the next auction," The female announcer stated.

"And don't worry about this night," The male announcer added. "You'll get the share you deserve. It would be shameful for Pandora to gain from your services and refuse to give you a fair share."

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