Chaos' Heir

Chapter 476 Leak

Chapter 476 Leak

"Your ribs took a good hit," The doctor said while scanners rotated around the bed to inspect Khan, "But there is no internal bleeding. Though, you have many burns. You should get an ointment for them."

"I'm used to burns by now," Khan reassured as his eyes darted left and right. The outpost's insides were simple but functional, featuring a single open space split into different areas. A corner had the medical bay, while the others had equipment, supplies, and other useful items.

"We do have something for them here, Captain," The doctor pressed on.

"Leave it," Khan shook his head. "The burns will heal soon enough."josei

"Then, I can only advise you to rest," The doctor exclaimed. "Sleep a lot, and don't forget to eat. I'd skip the lessons for a few days to stay in bed."

"I'll see about that," Khan chuckled, and a grunt followed when he stretched his legs to leave the bed. With the adrenaline gone, he felt how stiff his torso was, and bending it caused some pain.

The doctor could only nod and leave the bed, and another soldier reached for Khan. The latter had a clean tracksuit in her arms and kept her gaze lowered to avoid looking at Khan's messy state.

"Captain," The young woman called, "Mister Hencus apologizes for the outpost's state. The bathroom needs another hour to be operational."

"It's fine," Khan replied, seizing the tracksuit to change on the spot. He couldn't return to the Harbor with a tattered uniform full of blood and Radola's insides.

"We-!" The woman gasped and covered her eyes when Khan started undressing. "We can set up a changing area!"

Khan ignored the soldier and proceeded to get changed anyway. His burns stung a bit during the process, but the situation didn't look too bad. Nothing was broken for once.

The soldier had peeked at Khan through her fingers, so she noticed when he nodded at her and walked toward the exit. Another gasp escaped her mouth as she performed a military salute, but Khan waved his hand without turning and ended that interaction.

The rest of the personnel in the outpost lowered their heads or performed military salutes at Khan's passage. He left the outpost without encountering any resistance and found Lucian giving orders to a small team busy setting up metal tents.

One of the soldiers noticed Khan and warned Lucian, who turned to welcome his return outside. "Already on your feet, Captain? I was under the impression you needed rest."

"I'll rest in the Harbor," Khan stated. "I believe the leviathan class' teleport is still online."

"Of course," Lucian responded. "It will remain online for the next weeks due to all the resources and structures this outpost needs."

"I'll take my leave then," Khan revealed.

"You can rest here for a while," Lucian suggested. "There is no hurry. You can sleep, take a bath, and maybe exchange a few words with me afterward."

"I have homework to do," Khan laughed. "I also have reports and other bureaucratic stuff to handle. I'm sure you understand."

"Certainly," Lucian confirmed. "I guess we'll have our talk another time."

"Sure," Khan nodded. "As for-."

"Professor Nickton will get his Radola by midnight," Lucian interrupted, "And I've already requested special equipment for your specimen. I'll text you its location once it reaches the Harbor."

"Perfect," Khan stated. "Thank you, Lucian."

"This is the least I can do for a friend," Lucian replied with words full of hidden meanings. "I'll contact Boss Edcoll to get you a more comfortable ride."

"No need," Khan reassured while pointing at the ship far above the island. "I want to have a briefing anyway."

"I guess I'll see you in the Harbor then," Lucian smiled. "Once again, wonderful job, Captain Khan."

Khan granted Lucian a similar friendly smile before jumping upward. He returned to his playground, and the soldiers busy with the tents couldn't help but stare in awe as he flew higher and higher.

The flight highlighted the doctor's diagnosis. Khan's face burned when the wind blew on it, and the blood covering his skin only made things worse. The same went with his torso, which hurt whenever he performed wider moves, but his thoughts wandered elsewhere.

The fight with the Radola had revealed details that the training halls couldn't provide. It was painfully clear that Khan couldn't handle Maban's technique perfectly. His skin needed conditioning, even after the transformation.

Moreover, the Divine Reaper had finally shown its limits. The Radola's beak was the hardest part of its body, but Khan had been confident in his skills, especially with his new knife. Yet, reality had turned out to be very different.

As for everything else, Khan could consider himself pretty satisfied. His new defensive spell had performed well, and his overall battle prowess had been incredible. He was leagues above ordinary third-level warriors. He only needed to perfect a few details.

The ship with Lieutenant Clayman and the others had remained in its original position, and gossip had filled the wait. Still, silence fell as soon as the scanners noticed Khan, and the Lieutenant didn't hesitate to open the side doors afterward.

Khan took his time to reach the ship, and cheerful voices landed on his ears as soon as he stepped on its entrance. Praises flew from all his teammates, and even Lieutenant Clayman showed a rare smile.

"Alright, calm down," Khan ordered through a laugh. "I need to go back to the Harbor."

"You heard the Captain!" Lieutenant Clayman shouted. "Enable manual control."

The ship's robotic voice confirmed Lieutenant Clayman's order while he exchanged a meaningful glance with Khan. He only needed that to understand that the pilot had messed up.

"Bring us back to the ship, Tyler," Khan stated while closing the door behind him. "Lieutenant, I expect a full report by tomorrow."

"You'll receive it this afternoon, sir," Lieutenant Clayman declared.

Khan glanced at the Lieutenant's stern face once again. He wanted to talk openly about what had happened while he was away, but that wasn't the right time.

The ship began to rise, and Khan reached for one of the seats before fastening his belt. The mission was over, so he didn't owe anything else to the team, but a short speech sounded mandatory with all those glowing eyes on him.

"I didn't set anything with Mister Hencus," Khan announced, "But I'm sure the crew on the leviathan class will treat you nicely. If you don't have anything urgent, you can take advantage of their hospitality."

"Boss, we should go out drinking to celebrate," Manuel laughed.

"I'm not going anywhere," Khan rejected in a happy tone. "Doctor's orders."

"Sir," Lieutenant Clayman called while bringing his seat next to Khan to hand him a wet handkerchief. Khan took it and used his phone as a mirror to remove the blood on his face.

"I'll write individual evaluations once I get the Lieutenant's report," Khan revealed while throwing the handkerchief in a trash bin at his side. "Anyway, gunners, you did well. The tech part went smoothly too, Seth. I just wish you took fewer pictures of me."

Khan's happy tone softened that revelation, but Seth's eyes widened in surprise anyway. He experienced some fear but still mustered an apology. "I'm sorry, Captain. Disrespecting you wasn't my intention."

"I let it slide because it didn't affect the mission," Khan continued, "But I expect some privacy next time. If there will ever be a next time."

Seth went from scared to grateful. He had pursued a personal agenda, but Khan didn't only forgive him. He also expressed his willingness to work together in the future.

Truth be told, Khan was mainly testing Seth's reaction. If he felt any darkness, he would have blacklisted Seth from his potential tech experts.

"Sir," Leona called before Seth could add anything. "I'm sorry for firing so soon. I-."

"It's fine," Khan interrupted. "Actually, it's my fault. I withheld information, so you couldn't possibly know I could reach that Radola."

"No, sir, you have been incredible," Leona couldn't bear to see Khan taking part of the blame.

"She is right, boss," Manuel added. "You kicked some bird's asses down there. Even fourth-level warriors can't stop you."

"I would be dead if I had to face a fourth-level warrior," Khan snickered. "Trust me on that."

"Still, boss," Manuel continued, "If you even need someone to fire for you, I'm your man."

"Same here, sir," Leona stated. "And you know who aims better."

"I thought we were on the same team!" Manuel complained, and Leona scoffed before ignoring him.

Khan smiled at those interactions but didn't add anything. Building a trustworthy team was an important task for a Captain, but he had to look at the reports first. For now, he would limit himself to public evaluations, at least for those who performed well.

The team wanted to exchange more words with Khan. Their excitement was palpable, but he wasn't in the mood for frivolous talks. He closed his eyes to meditate, and his companions respected his need to rest.

Tyler couldn't do much damage in that part of the mission since the autopilot kicked in when the landing became imminent. The ship entered the leviathan class' hangar safely, and a welcoming party approached the team once they reached the metal floor.

Viola and a group of good-looking men and women dressed in revealing clothes smiled at Khan's team. A cart with a few refreshments stood behind them, and the alluring gazes they shot said a lot about their intentions.

"Master Lucian wishes to congratulate you," Viola announced while her group opened a path for the cart. "We have already prepared a room with more refreshments. You can rest there if you wish."

Refusing official invitations was always problematic when they involved important families, but Khan had the perfect words for the occasion. "I'm afraid the Harbor is waiting for me, but my team is more than willing to accept Mister Hencus' generosity in my place."

The statement granted Khan a few surprised looks from his team, but he ignored them to focus on Viola, and she didn't disappoint.

"Of course, Captain," Viola responded. "I'll personally escort you to the teleport while my companions take care of your team."

"I'm sure they'll enjoy your hospitality," Khan stated, finally glancing at his companions to deliver a wink.

Manuel couldn't hold back from grinning, and the others had similar but more polite reactions. Khan had used them to get out of those political obligations, but they didn't dare to contradict him since the event wasn't exactly a punishment.

The two groups split, and something curious happened. Leona, Manuel, Seth, and Tyler followed Viola's companions, but Lieutenant Clayman remained at Khan's side.

Viola wore a questioning expression that transformed into a polite smile as soon as Khan nodded in approval. She began to lead the two men across the ship at that point, and a silent march eventually brought them to the teleport area.

"Farewell, Captain Khan, Lieutenant Clayman," Viola exclaimed once the two men were on the teleport. "Until our next meeting."

Lieutenant Clayman performed a military salute, and Khan limited himself to a nod. Synthetic mana soon filled the platform, and the teleport activated, bringing them back to the Harbor's hangar.

The soldiers on the various consoles voiced loud salutes as soon as Khan and Lieutenant Clayman appeared, but the two didn't linger in the area. Khan even refused an escort as he led his companion into the many corridors past the room.

"So, what do you have to report?" Khan asked once the corridors granted some privacy.

"Sir, the team engaged in slightly disrespectful gossip after you jumped," Lieutenant Clayman explained.

"What was that about?" Khan casually questioned.

"Rumors, sir," Lieutenant Clayman revealed. "Rumors about you."

"Bad rumors?" Khan wondered.

"Depends on the perspective, sir," Lieutenant Clayman responded.

"I understand," Khan sighed. "What about their performance?"

"The gossip didn't hinder the mission, sir," Lieutenant Clayman declared. "Both gunners and the tech expert performed well."

"But not Tyler, right?" Khan asked.

"The pilot tried to provide unauthorized air support, sir," Lieutenant Clayman summarized. "I had to activate one of the protocols."

"You did the right thing," Khan reassured. "I guess I won't praise everyone in the evaluations."

The conversation ended on those words, and the two crossed corridors until they arrived at a hangar. Khan had already sent orders, so he found two cars waiting for him in the area, but Lieutenant Clayman decided to add something before the inevitable separation.

"Sir, what I witnessed today was the most breathtaking battle of my life," Lieutenant Clayman said while performing a military salute. "I'm honored to have received the rare chance to see you in action."

"Thank you, Lieutenant," Khan nodded. "Now, get some rest. Don't stress too much about those reports."

"They'll be ready in the afternoon, sir," Lieutenant Clayman repeated.

"Alright," Khan chuckled. "By the way, good job back there."

At that point, Khan headed for one of the cars, and an annoyed grunt left his mouth when he sat. He needed to rest, but sleeping was out of the question. Still, his injuries made it hard for him to attend the pilot's lessons, theoretically freeing him of most duties.

'I guess I'll study today,' Khan thought before sending a message to Monica to warn her about his imminent return. After that, he was about to store his phone, but another idea popped into his mind and made him search for a different contact.

'What should I even say?' Khan wondered while staring at Colonel Norrett's contact. He couldn't think of anything specific, so he limited his text to short and honest words. 'Lieutenant Joe Clayman is good.'

Khan didn't know if his message would do anything, but his influence ended there. His eyes also closed as his mind slipped into a meditative state, and the long drive transformed into mere minutes in his perspective.

Seeing the familiar building rekindled some of the feelings experienced during the battle. The previous anger didn't return, but its intensity was there, even if applied to a different emotion.

Leaving the elevator reinforced that emotion. Khan found Monica waiting for him at the end of the room, and the mixture of worry and happiness on her face made her figure irresistible.

"Khan!" Monica cried and almost jumped on Khan, but the sight of the tracksuit made her stop at the last second. She knew he had gone out with his uniform, and its absence could mean only one thing.

"Are you injured?" Monica questioned, refraining from placing her hands on Khan's chest. Yet, a better view of his face told her everything she needed to know. Khan still had red marks on him, which answered Monica's doubts.

"Kha-," Monica tried to call, but Khan's intense gaze interrupted her words. She lost herself in the complete attention she was receiving and didn't oppose the kiss that landed on her lips.

A muffled moan left Monica's mouth when Khan gently pushed her into the wall without interrupting the kiss. She had countless questions, but the intimate moment made her mind blank.

Someone eventually cleared his throat to claim the couple's attention. Khan calmed down, leaving a last quick kiss on Monica's lips before turning toward the room's entrance. George and Anita were standing there, and the two wore very different expressions.

"Sorry to interrupt," George grinned.

"Girl, show some self-restraint," Anita scolded before mustering some politeness. "Khan, welcome back."

Monica was almost ready to leave the wall, but Khan pulled her closer. The gesture hinted at his mood, and she didn't even try to oppose it. She reached for his neck, and her warm breath spread on his skin while she rubbed her nose on it.

"Another time," Khan said to his friends without even trying to sound apologetic. "We need to take a bath now."

Anita blushed and prepared a glare for George, but he wrapped an arm around her waist and spoke before she could do anything. "We'll postpone the celebratory drink."

Khan couldn't find the strength to nod at George. Monica was so impossible to resist in his current state that he turned toward her without saying goodbye. Of course, George had countless jokes for the occasion, but he held them back while pushing Anita into the elevator.

"You stink," Monica complained once privacy arrived, but the comment didn't stop her affection. She didn't even notice that her hands got dirty when she ran her fingers through Khan's hair.

"And I need help in the bathtub," Khan whispered when he managed to stop assaulting Monica's lips.

Usually, Monica would take that as another hint about Khan's condition, but she was powerless in that situation. Khan was dictating the rhythm, and she felt trapped in it.

Some actual realization arrived when Monica was on the verge of jumping on Khan. He stopped her before she could attempt the leap, which told her how bad it was. Still, she didn't have the time to ask questions since Khan's passion soon overwhelmed her again.

Needless to say, reaching the bathroom ended up being problematic. Khan was at his wildest, and Monica indulged his every move. The only break happened when the two ended up naked in the bathtub and Monica could see the extent of his injuries, but even that did little to quell their mood.

Minutes turned into hours, and the bathroom rarely fell silent. The two weren't even trying to clean each other up, but that happened anyway due to how much they moved.

It took a while, but the couple eventually calmed down. Khan found himself at the edge of his large bathtub with Monica sitting on his lap. His arms were wrapped around her waist, and she often turned her head to request kisses.

"Again?" Monica giggled when she felt a reaction under her. "I thought you were wounded."

"A few cracked ribs and some burns aren't a big deal," Khan teased. "They stop hurting as soon as I look at you."

"Then, don't you dare to look elsewhere," Monica used her tempting tone. "I'll help."

Monica left Khan's lap and turned to show the entirety of her beauty, but buzzing noises resounded in the bathroom. The couple's pants were near the bathtub, and both phones were going crazy.

Khan groaned and stretched his arm to seize his phone. Meanwhile, Monica crawled back to Khan's chest, planting her lips on his cheek and reaching for his crotch. She knew mere messages wouldn't stop them that day.

The urge to get rid of the phone as quickly as possible filled Khan when he felt Monica's hand, but the nature of the notification made him frown. George was telling him to check the network.

Khan connected the phone to the wall to use more comfortable menus and opening the network immediately told him what George meant. He didn't need to apply any filter or keyword. His name was on top of the news with a video attached to it.

Monica also focused on the screen on the wall when she saw Khan playing the video. Surprisingly enough, a recording of the mission had reached the network, and skimming through it told Khan that the images covered most of the turrets' descent and activation.

"What the fuck?" Khan couldn't help but curse. The video featured all his battles, but that wasn't its most surprising feature.

The excellent angle, high definition, and clear sound weren't details Seth could capture with the ship's scanners or his phone. That quality required better equipment, which only the leviathan class had. It seemed that Lucian had recorded Khan's battles only to release them anonymously on the network.

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