Chaos' Heir

Chapter 482 Reaction

Chapter 482 Reaction

The unexpected meeting with Mister Chares upset Khan but also gave birth to worries that couldn't be ignored.josei

The Headmistress had great power inside the Harbor, but Mister Chares had still managed to enter it and meet Khan. That was no easy feat, especially for someone without a massive political influence. His apparent anonymity only worsened that problem, adding a layer of suspicion that forced Khan to consider him a real threat.

However, the study that unfolded once Khan returned to his flat didn't lead anywhere. Even involving Monica and George didn't change that situation. According to the network, Mister Chares was no different from the average political figure. He wasn't even a Patriarch, which made everything more suspicious.

It didn't help that Mister Chares' motivations were relatively shallow. A recommendation for his nephew wasn't worth Khan's enmity, especially after the recent events. Eventual overprotectiveness could explain that behavior, but nothing in Mister Chares' history matched that pattern.

The lack of available information eventually forced Khan to give up on the matter. He simply couldn't do much about it, and there still was a chance that he was overthinking the issue. For all he knew, Mister Chares could be one of the inevitable crazy consequences of his fame.

Of course, the issue never left Khan's mind, but the peace that followed the meeting helped him ignore it. The video had made him more than a celebrity in the Harbor. Smiles broadened anywhere he looked, and every door opened for him. His status seemed impossible to affect, but trouble hit sooner than he expected.

A week after meeting Mister Chares, during lunchtime, Khan left his classroom with the rest of his peers. More lessons would follow in the afternoon, but everyone chose to use that break to rest or handle common political interactions.

"You must do my family next, Captain," Zoe whined. "My parents will disown me if I can't get you to come to dinner."

"I was already planning on doing that," Khan laughed. "Is next week fine with you?"

"Don't let Zoe trick you so easily," Anita sighed. "She will say anything to get you."

"Anita, don't take his side," Zoe complained. "You are already spending enough time with the Captain as it is. Leave something for us."

"Trust me," Anita exclaimed while eyeing Monica walking closely at Khan's side. "I have a hard time talking to him too."

Zoe turned to look at Monica, and the classmates around them imitated her. Those glances didn't carry anything serious. They were mostly playful gestures belonging to what had become a reoccurring joke, and Monica's stance only added fuel to them.

"I might have become possessive," Monica claimed while seizing Khan's elbow.

"Anita, it's fine," Khan reassured. "I planned to meet Zoe's family anyway."

"We'll finally get some privacy that night," Zoe giggled.

"I'll come too," Monica promptly stated.

"I'm sorry, Monica," Zoe responded. "My parents have family-related matters to discuss with him. I'll make it up to you another time."

Zoe's sly smile revealed a different truth that everyone noticed. She had probably used that lie to get Khan to come alone, and no one could call her out publicly. It would simply be disrespectful.

"I guess I'll go alone," Khan voiced.

"No, you aren't," Monica responded as a tinge of jealousy joined her tone. "Zoe, I'll contact your parents. I'm sure your mother can't wait to hear from me."

"I guess I won't go alone," Khan exclaimed, and a wave of laughs filled the group once Zoe's eyes widened, marking her defeat.

"The best third-level in history sure looks hopeless," George joked.

"Aren't you supposed to help me?" Khan played along.

"I'm not getting anywhere close to your women's problems," George shook his head. "It's way too much trouble."

"George, what women?" Monica asked. She had worn a smile the whole time, but a scary vibe had joined her expression now.

"It's unbelievable, really," George sighed. "Every time we are on the streets, he gets hordes of-."

"Anita, you should come over tonight," Monica interrupted. "I miss our girl talks."

"Of course, Khan never looks at them!" George coughed. "I actually think we should use the cabs more often. You know, privacy reasons."

"You must teach me that move," Anita uttered.

"What move?" Monica feigned innocence. "I only wanted to catch up with you."

"Way too much trouble," George whispered before turning to focus on the corridor to ignore Monica's glare.

Khan couldn't help but laugh at those cheerful interactions. He couldn't express the entirety of himself yet, but his social life had reached a good spot. He couldn't consider his classmates as true friends, but none of them had ill intentions toward him, and that was enough.

"Hello?" A loud voice eventually resounded in the corridor, forcing the big group to turn. Usually, no one approached the members of the advanced classes due to the many important figures among them, so discovering that a young man was behind the call added some confusion.

Nevertheless, the man's surprising good looks eased that reaction and put the group in a positive mood. He was tall, handsome, and with flowy black hair that reached his shoulders. His innocent face also added some charm to his figure.

"Are you from the advanced classes?" The man shouted again while approaching the group. Everyone became able to see the three pairs of stars on his military uniform at that point, which deepened their interest in that seemingly casual encounter.

"We are," Lucian stated, jumping on the group's lead. "And you are?"

"Wayne," The man stated, stopping when he reached Lucian, "Wayne Mauder. I should have joined your class but got lost along the way."

Wayne finished his line with a carefree laugh, but no one joined him. Everyone in the group had undergone thorough political training, which kicked in and led to more confusion. The Mauder family wasn't wealthy, so Wayne's presence in the Harbor was suspicious, and he looked too young to be a specialist of some kind.

"Mister Mauder," Lucian quickly decided to investigate further, "What do you mean by that? Are you a student?"

"Oh, yes!" Wayne exclaimed. "I just transferred here. You are Lucian Hencus, right? It's a pleasure to meet you."

Wayne stretched his hand, and Lucian hesitated for only a second before shaking it. That short explanation obviously didn't convince him, but he still behaved impeccably since he was in the open.

"And you must be George Ildoo!" Wayne voiced another excited line when he spotted George. "I heard your swordplay is incredible!"

George couldn't muster the same fake face as Lucian. His expression remained cold when he shook Wayne's hand, but the latter didn't seem to mind.

"And that's Captain Khan!" Wayne continued, almost jumping to approach Khan. "I'm your greatest fan, sir."

Khan had developed the habit of inspecting everyone's mana, and the events with Mister Chares had even intensified his social paranoia. However, he sensed nothing odd about Wayne. His energy was heavy but warm. The man seemed filled with nothing but happiness and excitement.

"Pleasure to meet you," Khan muttered, accepting Wayne's hand.

"Wow!" Wayne gasped when his eyes fell on Monica. "You are Monica Solodrey, right? I read you were beautiful, but those shallow praises don't do you justice."

"Thank you, Mister Mauder," Monica engaged in her elegant manners while shaking Wayne's hand. "I'm glad I can bring praises to the Solodrey name."

Wayne proceeded to salute every member of the advanced class, taking a minute to name all of them and add praises to those casual introductions. It was rare to see such straightforward manners in those circles, but that apparent honesty felt refreshing, and no one dared to refuse free compliments.

"I'm so glad I could find you," Wayne exploded into another laugh once his round of salutes ended. "I would have spent the entire day wandering through the embassy otherwise."

"Why didn't you ask the soldiers for directions?" Lucian questioned. "They would have been happy to help a member of the advanced classes."

"I'm shy," Wayne explained with a bright smile.

No one would ever describe Wayne as shy after seeing how quickly he had approached the group, but his expression was more than honest. He seemed to believe in his words.

"Well, we were heading for lunch," Lucian revealed. "Do you want to join us?"

"Certainly!" Wayne exclaimed, rushing through the group to reach its lead. He stopped when he reached Monica and put his arm around her shoulders before using his innocent voice again. "Let's go!"

Wayne's arm remained on Monica for less than a second. Khan's hand had instinctively snapped to grab Wayne's wrist and lift it, inevitably attracting the entire group's attention.

Of course, Khan's reaction wasn't the only reason behind that attention. Wayne's gesture had been improper and disrespectful. Even Monica's close friends didn't dare to act like that with her, especially in the open.

Khan's expression had grown cold, but he found himself unable to focus on Wayne since another event claimed his attention. The mana in Monica's hand shook a bit, and tiny red marks appeared on her dark skin. That reaction wasn't harmful, but Zoe gasped in shock when she followed Khan's eyes and noticed it.

"Monica, isn't that," Zoe voiced before recalling to lower her voice. "Are you on birth control?"

Zoe had tried to whisper, but the entire group heard her anyway. Monica's hand became popular, and more gasps resounded. Every female descendant and many men seemed able to recognize those red marks and connect them to birth control topics.

"That's my fault," Wayne laughed, uncaring that Khan was still holding his wrist. "Things tend to go bad when I'm around."

"Monica, why would you-?" Zoe began to ask, but looking at Khan was enough to clear her confusion. Everyone liked to joke about Khan and Monica, but that still sounded unrealistic. However, they had tangible proof now.

Khan's mana boiled, but a surprising realization dawned upon him while Wayne's wrist remained in his grasp. He could get a better idea of Wayne's presence while touching him, and his senses made him aware of the immense raw strength running through that arm.

"You said you were the strongest third-level warrior, right?" Wayne asked, almost as if he felt Khan's thoughts. "I always believed that to be me."

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