Chaos' Heir

Chapter 484 Doubts

Chapter 484 Doubts

The Headmistress and Khan reached a silent understanding and interrupted their conversation to read the article. Khan headed for a seat while picking up his phone, and the words that appeared in his eyes after opening the network left him stunned.

Monica didn't limit herself to simple answers. She had performed a video call with a reporter to add value to her revelations, which were far from harmless.

In the interview, Monica placed the beginning of her relationship with Khan during the trip to the Harbor. She also claimed to have been the one to push for it, highlighting how Khan tried to refuse her multiple times before falling prey to her romantic advances.

Monica even added spicy details. She never openly admitted how far the two had gone, but it was easy to read between the lines. Somehow, she also managed to praise Khan's performance without being explicit.

Of course, Monica mixed lies to most of her revelations to keep Khan's private businesses outside the interview. She wanted the entire network to focus on her, and her finishing lines expressed part of her plan.

'I think I initially took it as a challenge,' Khan read on the video's subtitles, 'But the more I learnt about Captain Khan, the more my heart ached. He looked past my status and family, making me feel like my own woman. I couldn't help but fall for him, and now I only wish to protect him.'

Monica ended that statement with a sob and even hid her face to deepen the emotional impact that gesture would have. She was doing anything in her power to sell that performance, but Khan knew that her tears were genuine.

Khan understood Monica's approach. She wanted to play on the positive PR that her revelations would generate. Audiences loved gossip, and a relationship between a commoner and a wealthy descendant always put many people on the couple's side.

Monica and Khan were also famous figures with many fans, so it would make sense for them to gain the public's general approval. The birth control issue even played in their favor since it revealed how the Solodrey family was aware of their relationship. Going back on that decision wouldn't be the best political move.

That obviously was only one of the possible scenarios. The Solodrey family was powerful enough to disregard bad PR. They could go against the public's will and focus on their benefits. Even if other families banded together to support the couple, they had the wealth to silence them.

Khan kept staring at his phone long after the video ended. His thoughts were so messy that he didn't even bother to check the comments. Monica's move had left him speechless, and the love he felt for her couldn't cover his other negative emotions.

That negativity intensified when a familiar name appeared on the screen. Amber was calling, reminding Khan of other problems. He had been so focused on Monica that he didn't even consider how Cora would take that revelation.

"I need to take this," Khan whispered before bringing his phone to his ear. "Hey."

"Khan, is it true?" Amber directly asked.

"Yes," Khan didn't hide anything but still lowered his gaze before asking a specific question. "How did Cora take it?"

"She'll be fine," Amber promised.

"I'm glad she has you," Khan sighed.

"Don't sound so sad," Amber exclaimed. "Though you really stepped it up. I guess even Miss Solodrey couldn't survive your silver tongue."

"Amber, I'm sorry," Khan stated. "I never planned to move on so soon."

"Stop it," Amber ordered. "We only want you to be happy. Are you happy, Khan?"

"I'm working on it," Khan admitted.

"That's good," Amber replied. "Cora and I will cheer for you, but don't forget to call."

"I'll do my best," Khan uttered.

"I'll leave you to it now," Amber said. "Good luck."

"Thanks," Khan voiced, and the call ended.

"Just like Norrett," Headmistress Holwen scoffed when Khan lowered his phone. "Rascals and womanizers."

Headmistress Holwen didn't use her scolding tone. She was merely commenting on the situation while her mind did her best to process Monica's interview. However, Khan saw her words differently.

Amber had tried to reassure Khan, but he knew how Cora would react to the interview. He could almost hear her cries, which made him feel despicable. He had pushed people he cared about to tears on his path toward happiness.

It didn't help that the current issue was far from over. Khan's problems had just begun. He would have had an easier time accepting Cora's tears if things with Monica had ended well, but his relationship had gone back to the starting point with a single troublesome event.

A burst of anger made Khan throw his phone away. The device remained intact when it crashed on the wall and floor, and the gesture told the Headmistress that something was wrong. Seeing Khan taking his head into his hands even confirmed that belief.

"I wonder if I should just stop," Khan muttered while keeping his head lowered. "I should just give up and focus on fighting."

The Headmistress remained silent since she knew more words were about to reach her ears, and Khan didn't disappoint.

"The battlefield is simpler," Khan continued. "We hurt each other until someone wins, but people are different. No matter what I do, everybody loses."

Khan had already reached conclusions about those problems. He had come to terms with his desire to be happy and the difficulties of the social environment. His words were only complaints triggered by how powerless he felt.

A realization dawned upon Headmistress Holwen when she saw Khan in that state. His level, rank, feats, and general maturity always made him look older than he was. Yet, in a few ways, he was still a young man going through the same struggles as people of a similar age.

"Many lost their way in the dreadful wars that fill the universe," Headmistress Holwen exclaimed. "Still, seeing someone so young preferring bloodshed remains sad."

Headmistress Holwen couldn't put Khan above the Harbor, but his mindset affected her a bit. She was aware of his challenging life, but seeing how far it had pushed him made her waver. She couldn't believe someone would opt for the battlefield to avoid spreading suffering among his loved ones.

"So," Headmistress Holwen continued. "Will you give up?"

"Headmistress," Khan called, finally lifting his face to show a strange smile, "Giving up has never been among my options."

The statement sounded arrogant, but the Headmistress couldn't see any trace of that feeling in Khan's smile. The expression carried a sad and lonely vibe that she couldn't explain.

"What then?" Headmistress Holwen questioned.

"My girlfriend went through all this trouble to protect me," Khan exclaimed, standing up to retrieve his phone. "Being with her is the least I can do while I think about my next move."

Headmistress Holwen's eyes flickered. Khan had already adjusted his mindset to the recent interview, openly calling Monica his girlfriend. Even descendants as wealthy as Lucian would add more weight to the matter, so Khan's casual approach felt surprising.

"You won't get far on your own," Headmistress Holwen stated when Khan began to turn toward the exit. "They will eat you alive."

"Ma'am, just move to your offer," Khan chuckled, showing his knowing expression to the Headmistress. "You have an idea, so say it."

The vague disrespect in Khan's attitude tried to affect Headmistress Holwen's patience, but another realization reached her. She was finally in front of the true Khan, the Khan who didn't care about politics, ranks, or families. All his cards were in the open, so he didn't bother to hide anything.

"You said you wanted to play the bait," Headmistress Holwen decided to go to the previous topic.

"That or any other plan you can think of," Khan responded, returning to his seat.

"During normal circumstances," Headmistress Holwen announced, "I'd never consider such ploys. You wouldn't even be my first choice since your interest in the matter has nothing to do with the Harbor."

Khan didn't even try to refute that claim. He knew the Headmistress was about to open a path for him, so he showed pure confidence while waiting for her following words.

"However," The Headmistress continued, and her tone grew colder due to Khan's stance, "Someone is making fun of my authority, and I can't allow it to continue. I want these people identified and punished."

"Anything you desire, ma'am," Khan voiced.

"Silence," Headmistress Holwen scoffed. "You talk big, but you'll only be able to attract small fish right now. I need a bait who can uncover the true culprits behind these events."

Khan wanted to challenge Headmistress Holwen's order but eventually decided to remain silent. That wasn't the time to test her patience.

"To do that," Headmistress Holwen continued, "You need to become larger than life. You must become so untouchable that any threat to you will cause tall waves."

"But, ma'am," Khan couldn't help but frown, "I'm already doing that. If there were a way to accelerate the process, I would have already pursued it."

"Will you take your pilot's test this week?" The Headmistress asked.

"If the Harbor allows it," Khan nodded. He only needed one last flight to meet the test's requirements. He could handle both on the weekend if Lieutenant Shurpard cleared him.josei

"So, you'll be able to attend to Professor Parver's tasks on your own starting next week," Headmistress Holwen commented. "According to my understanding, that was your original plan."

"I was still keeping other options open," Khan revealed, "But, yes. Working for the Global Army keeps me neutral among the families, so I was planning to accept the Professor's offer."

"Stick to that," Headmistress Holwen ordered. "I'll contact Professor Parver in the meantime. He initially wanted to give you easier tasks, but we don't have time for that."

"It sounds perfect, ma'am," Khan stated. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me," Headmistress Holwen snorted. "You won't feel any gratitude inside Honides' storms or Abora's poisonous swamps."

Those names belonged to planets inside the Harbor's system, which Khan had already studied. The Headmistress had mentioned dangerous environments, but Khan only felt curiosity toward them, and Monica's interview added resolve to all of that.

"Also, remember that I'm using you for the Harbor's sake," Headmistress Holwen added. "If you fail to meet my expectations, I'll throw you to the families."

"Did you grow emotional on me already?" Khan teased. The Headmistress didn't need to remind Khan about his position, but her gesture revealed some hope. Maybe, she wanted him to succeed and become a valuable figure in the Global Army.

"Get out of my office before I change my mind," Headmistress Holwen ordered.

"As you wish, ma'am," Khan held back a laugh while standing up and performing a military salute. "I won't disappoint you."

The Headmistress felt annoyed, but seeing Khan approaching the exit made her put away her rank and position for a bit. Truth be told, she didn't doubt Khan's value as a warrior. His mental and emotional state was her main worry.

"Captain," Headmistress Holwen called before Khan could reach the exit, "Getting away from everything might be an appealing solution, but you can't control people's feelings. You can't stop others from trying to save you."

"I'd be happy if I could save others from what I experienced," Khan admitted as his hand stopped right before the metal door.

"That's noble," Headmistress Holwen praised, "But others will be noble too at times. You have someone who brought the entirety of the network on herself to keep it away from you. I wouldn't waste time in doubts if I were you."

"I know," Khan couldn't help but smile. "With your permission, I'll go be a good boyfriend now."

"Permission granted, Captain," Headmistress Holwen stated.

"Also, can we talk about my promotion since we are being so honest?" Khan wondered. "I'd also accept a ship to celebrate our new bond."

"Get out of my office already!" Headmistress Holwen shouted, leaving her seat to slam her hands on the interactive desk.

Khan laughed and hurried out of the office, and the Headmistress heaved a tired sigh when the metal door closed. She felt the urge to curse when she returned to her seat, but her tone gained different properties when she glanced at the countless notifications on her desk.

"A ship might be doable," Headmistress Holwen muttered before disregarding the idea and focusing on her desk. That political crisis had just begun, and she needed to get on top of it.

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