Chaos' Heir

Chapter 498 Open

Chapter 498 Open

"Tense?" Monica asked while her fingers remained tightly entangled with Khan's.

"I should be the one to ask that question," Khan pointed out.

"I am," Monica didn't even try to pretend, "But I also feel-."

"Happy?" Khan interrupted, and the two exchanged an excited smile.

"I've dreamed about this for months," Monica revealed, sliding on the cab's seat to snuggle closer to Khan.

"I know," Khan stated. "Don't lose your cool."

"I should be the one to say that," Monica giggled.

"I wouldn't worry about that," Khan responded. "I can't be jealous when you can be at my side."

"The same goes for me," Monica voiced, but Khan rolled his eyes.

"What?" Monica scowled.

"Just try not to kill anyone," Khan coughed. "They are allowed to invite me to dinner, even if they are women."

"It's only proper to ask the girlfriend first," Monica declared.

"You will definitely kill someone," Khan sighed.

"It might be within my rights," Monica snorted before calming down and resting on Khan's shoulder. "It's a pity we can't be all lovely-dovely in public."

"Your mother wants us to show manners proper of the Solodrey family," Khan exclaimed, reviewing the many obligations memorized the previous night. "I can wait for the lessons to end to kiss you."

"Can you?" Monica questioned.

"Probably not," Khan admitted. "But it's either that or my testicles."

"Technically," Monica wore a playful smile, "Those are officially mine now."

"George said that happens only after marriage," Khan recalled. "Knowing you, I'm actually a bit scared."

"What do you mean knowing you?!" Monica shouted.

"Oh, we arrived," Khan announced, and the two glanced at the window in front of them, which showed one of the embassy's roofs.

The cab landed, dispersing the playful mood and bringing back some tension. That was only the second day of lessons, but a monumental event was about to unfold. Monica and Khan were about to appear in the open as an official couple for the first time.

Monica tightened her grip on Khan's hand, and he pulled her to make her turn. The couple didn't need words. They instinctively exchanged a passionate kiss that had to be enough for the rest of the morning.

"I love you," Monica whispered when the kiss ended.

"I love you," Khan repeated before delivering another kiss. The two then looked at the door's handle for a few seconds before deciding to open it.

The Headmistress had opened a private route inside the embassy for the couple, but Monica remained a respected member of the Solodrey family. A few soldiers wouldn't do as a welcoming party. A whole team was waiting on the roof, and none dared to lower their gazes to look at the newcomers.

Khan could sense the difference from his usual welcoming party in the symphony. The roof carried more than respect. Fear and tension that surpassed what the couple was experiencing filled the area, adding value to the event.

Monica had already worn an elegant smile to keep up with the political façade, while Khan went completely cold. He was the one being tested, so his behavior couldn't convey any hesitation or tension. He had to look the part of a man worthy of the Solodrey name.

The change in status became more evident once the team of soldiers allowed the couple inside. Khan had always attracted a lot of attention, but that gained a different nature now. The corridor had workers, Professors, and other students, but no murmurs resounded while Khan and Monica crossed them, walking hand in hand.

The audience seemed to hold their breath to avoid disturbing the couple's passage. Monica and Khan had never managed to generate that reaction on their own. Yet, everything had changed now.

'Madam Solodrey only said that her family was always aware and in favor of our relationship,' Khan thought. 'Imagine if she actually made me Monica's fiancé.'

Of course, things were complicated at that level of the political environment, and Khan knew it far too well. Someone with Monica's status getting into a public relationship was a big deal that usually led to marriage and other important benefits.

Khan could obtain untold riches and assets if his relationship went well, which was likely to happen in the public eye since the Solodrey family had given their official approval. It would actually be hard for the couple to break up after the event.

The wall that usually separated Khan from ordinary soldiers and students had grown even taller, and it took two elevators to reach an environment that didn't have a similar tension. Soon, many polite smiles broadened before the couple, and excited cries and questions followed.

"Monica, congratulations!" Zoe was the first to leave the group of students to approach the couple, but everyone else soon followed her.

"Monica, we want to know every detail," A couple of women announced as soon as they reached Monica.

"Count me in," A fourth woman stated.

"How did you get your parents' approval?" A fifth woman questioned. "I'm asking for a friend."

Anita was also among that female group but remained slightly behind to let her companions have fun. That process was a mandatory political procedure, and she didn't need to wait her turn due to how easily she could meet Monica.

Khan couldn't remain outside that procedure, but it took a different shape for him. The group of students had split into two parts, and he got all the men, who mostly shook his hand and offered polite congratulations.

"Thank you, Mark," Khan smiled. "John, thank you, thank you."

The different nature of those congratulations forced the couple to split. Khan and Monica ended up on opposite sides of the corridor to attend to unique conversations.

"To gain the Solodrey family's approval truly shows your worth, Captain," Mark, one of the students, exclaimed once the round of congratulations ended. "I now understand why none of us could ever hope to get close to Miss Solodrey."

"You haven't been paying attention, Mark," John, another student, stated. "Miss Solodrey chose the Captain. Though I can also see why."

"Indeed," Mark laughed. "Well, celebrations are in order. Why don't we gather at Pandora tonight? My treat."

"It is a good chance to discuss the recent scarcity of Asnian," John agreed. "Captain, what do you think about that?"

'What the fuck is an Asnian?' Khan cursed in his mind, but someone intervened to help him.

"Don't bore Khan with your financial issues already," Lucian announced, stepping into the frontlines to join the conversation. "Let's stick to wishing him good luck."

"I agreed when I heard drinks at Pandora," George also joined the conversation.

"Mark, it seems Lucian wants to keep all the financial talk for himself," John complained.

"It's our fault for not recognizing the Captain's value soon enough," Mark pointed out.

The interaction wouldn't look special to an outsider, but Khan noticed stark differences from his previous treatment. His classmates had always been polite to him, but that was the first time anyone ever mentioned financial investments and similar topics.

'I see,' Khan realized. 'I've entered the inner circle.'

Khan's official status as Monica's boyfriend didn't only give him access to the Solodrey family's wealth. It also made him able to affect certain markets since his girlfriend's assets encompassed an immense array of transactions.

The group even arranged themselves according to their status. Lucian, Mark, and John could interact with Khan directly since their families were close to the Solodrey family in terms of wealth and influence. Instead, anyone behind them could only hope to become part of the social events they organized.

Of course, the public was unaware of Khan's actual situation, but he had to play along to match the Solodrey family's standards. He was unprepared for anything beyond simple dinners and other specific topics, but fixing that issue had become a priority. In the meantime, he would have to rely on George and Lucian.

"I think I'm free tonight," Khan revealed. "Though I'm still recovering from my trip on Abora, and I only have war stories. I hope that's not a problem."

"Oh, the Captain thinks we want to hear about that," John chuckled. "How cute."

"John, those are talks for after we are properly wasted," Mark scolded.

"Don't think you'll get this one drunk so easily," George commented, pointing his forefinger at Khan.

"George, can't you help your brothers out?" John complained. "We are young men in desperate need of advice from the best Casanova on the market."

"How come no one asked me?" George snorted.

"Anita terrifies us," Mark admitted, and John nodded behind his shoulder.

"Guys," Khan called, lowering his head and voice to make the conversation more private. "Please, keep these jokes for yourselves. Monica doesn't enjoy how popular I am."

"I feel the sudden urge to punch you," George commented.

"Khan could have phrased it better," Lucian laughed.

"He is the chosen one," John gasped.

"Man," Mark exclaimed before coughing to correct his words. "Captain, you really need to have a drink with us."

"Only if you stop calling me Captain," Khan played along, and the group reached a silent understanding.

On the other side of the corridor, Monica was going through very different questions, and the many voices coming in her direction had already turned into whispers.

"Is it true what they say about the Captain?" One of the women around Monica asked. "That he has inhumane stamina?"

"Lucy!" Anita scolded. "That's not proper at all!"

"But Monica kept him for herself all this time," Lucy complained. "We deserve details."

"I'm with Lucy here," Zoe nodded. "And, Anita, don't lie. We know you are keeping your secrets."

"I'm more interested in another part of the topic," Another woman in the group announced. "Miss-, Monica, I was planning to talk to my mother about something, but I don't know how to mention it to her."

"Oh, more gossip," Zoe gasped. "Tell us, Marcia. Tell us."

"Your enthusiasm is heartwarming," Monica decided to speak through her elegant persona. "To tell the truth, I was worried you might judge me poorly."

"Don't even joke about it," Zoe stated. "We can't imagine what you had to go through."

"That's right," Lucy added. "We are happy for you."

"As long as you are happy," Marcia continued.

"Yes, I am," Monica confirmed, showing an embarrassed smile and playing with her curls. "Everything still feels like a wonderful dream."

"My girl is so lost," Anita teased.

"I can't help it," Monica did her best shy-girl performance. "It's my first time feeling like this. Please, go easy on me."

Monica's pretense was so perfect that even her ill-intentioned companions melted a bit. She was the embodiment of an innocent woman struggling with her first love, and her classmates wanted to cheer for her.

"Don't worry!" Zoe announced, taking Monica's hands. "We'll take care of you properly. In exchange, you'll give us a few secrets."

"I don't know what you are talking about," Monica giggled.

"Oh, don't play dumb," Zoe complained. "Don't think you can escape after that interview."

"Is Khan okay?" Monica pretended not to hear Zoe's line as she hurried toward Khan.

Khan was still busy with the chit-chat when he felt Monica getting close. He turned in time to grab her hand, and she didn't hesitate to hold the entirety of his arm before addressing the other classmates. "I hope you are treating my man well."

"We wouldn't dare to do otherwise," Mark promptly said. "By the way, congratulations, Miss Solodrey. You found a great partner."

Similar congratulations followed as the two groups became one again, but Khan and Monica soon focused on each other. She had actually pulled him to get his attention, and a question escaped her mouth when she grabbed his uniform's edges. "Are you already making plans without me?"

"The guys invited me out tonight," Khan explained. "We are going to Pandora."

"But we had that thing tonight," Monica played it vague, pulling the edges of Khan's uniform again without adding anything. She only wore a fake pleading expression that Khan could easily unmask.

'Needy girl,' Khan thought. He didn't have anything planned for that night, but Monica seemed set on making a statement.

"It seems I won't be able to join tonight," Khan apologized to his classmates, stretching his arm behind Monica's back to reach the other side of her waist. "Shall we postpone to tomorrow?"

"You do you, Cap-, Khan," John stated. "We wouldn't dare to get in the way of… anything you need to do."

Monica wore an obvious triumphant expression and began to pull Khan away. He could only show another apologetic face at his companion while heading for the classroom, creating a scene that made the audience reach the same conclusion. Khan truly seemed the embodiment of helplessness.

However, Lucian was interested in any matter related to Khan and couldn't leave that vague topic alone. "Is this a thing I should know about?"

"Oh, no," Khan exclaimed, turning to face Lucian. "Monica just wanted you to see that she is my priority."

"Khan," Monica pouted, but Khan broke her expression by pinching her cheek.

"But you are my priority," Khan confirmed, and Monica gave up in front of that honesty. She lowered her gaze to hide her smile and let Khan guide her inside the classroom. She was simply walking, but everyone imagined her hopping happily.

"Did he just pinch Monica Solodrey?" Mark gasped.

"And she liked it," Zoe commented.

"Don't tell me he won her over," Lucy wondered, "Not the other way around."

"The chosen one," John announced.josei

Lucian could only shake his head. He was a master of social interactions but still needed time to accept Monica's true face. He couldn't see through her, and his classmates didn't help.

Khan and Monica took their seats, and the other classmates followed. George, Anita, and Lucian sat near the couple, and a small group formed behind them. Only one exception existed in that arrangement.

"I'm sorry I couldn't join the congratulations," Wayne announced, reaching for the seat on Khan's left that he had left empty on purpose. "I got lost again."

"How did you get lost after attending classes for two weeks?" Khan asked, pretending that everything was normal.

"One elevator brought me to the wrong floor," Wayne laughed, "And it took me a bit to find the way back here."

The sole idea that an elevator could malfunction was unrealistic, but Khan had seen similar small issues around Wayne in the past weeks. They were mostly minor technical problems that had become an odd pattern since Wayne continued to be at their center.

"Also, I wish to apologize, Miss Solodrey," Wayne stated, peeking past Khan to look at Monica. "I will never touch you without your permission again."

The conversation didn't go unnoticed. After all, Khan wasn't the only one with doubts about Wayne's identity. The events with Monica had made most students reach out to their families to investigate, but no one came back with answers.

"I thought you would have apologized for exposing my birth control," Monica directly uttered, uncaring of the implications that her words could have.

"Was that me?" Wayne wondered. "I guess it's possible. I'll apologize for that if you feel it's needed."

"No need," Monica disregarded the matter. "Besides, you have only exposed the obvious. You might have actually brought Khan and me in the open faster."

Khan had a hand on the interactive table, and Monica took it since the Professor had yet to arrive. The two even exchanged a glance at that point, but that cute gesture couldn't distract the audience from other topics.

Many students had suspected that Wayne had something to do with the birth control's strange reaction. The lack of proof had delayed eventual investigations, but Monica appeared convinced of his involvement, and her classmates noted that down.

"Oh, Captain," Wayne exclaimed. "You became a pilot and even got the woman of your dreams. Is there anything you can't achieve?"

"Are you jealous now?" Khan performed a fake laugh.

"Maybe," Wayne wondered, lifting his gaze to browse his thoughts. "I don't really have those feelings, but you might be able to trigger them."

"Do you want me to?" Khan questioned.

"I don't know," Wayne shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just curious. I like everything, and bad things still happen. I wonder how I would react to someone I envy."

Khan tried to look into Wayne's innocent face but found the usual honesty. The man knew something, but that secret was immersed in genuine feelings that depicted him as a simple student.

A message suddenly reached Khan and forced him to interrupt the inspection. He pulled out his phone only to see that the Headmistress had sent a briefing for his next mission.

"Let me guess," Wayne spoke while Khan opened the message. "They are sending you to Induna this weekend."

Khan's gaze tried to flicker, but he kept it on the phone. He knew Wayne couldn't look at the screen from his position, but the name on the message didn't lie. The next mission was on Induna.

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