Chaos' Heir

Chapter 521 Blackmail

Chapter 521 Blackmail

Khan froze, keeping his phone lifted even after the video ended. Instead, Monica leaned forward, crawling over Khan's lap to touch the screen and make the interview start again.

The couple rewatched the footage from start to finish without uttering a single word. The interview didn't have much. The many generic questions and answers barely carried any detail, with Rick's last statement being the only exception.

Monica would open her mouth in surprise if she weren't supporting her chin with her hand. The video was shocking for multiple reasons, and she couldn't even begin to list them in terms of relevance.

The engagement was extraordinary news bound to fill the network for the next few weeks or months. A noble holding an interview was also unusual, especially since the matter didn't involve the Global Army. Rick had merely announced his relationship through public channels, which didn't play well with his status.

At last, mentioning Khan and involving him in such a high-profile event would improve his image by leaps and bounds. The interview had made his relationship with Rick public, bringing to two the number of noble families in his social array. That was unheard of for a simple Captain.

"So," Monica voiced, letting go of her chin to point at the screen. "That's the Rick you told me about."

"That's him," Khan nodded.

"What exactly did you do to him?" Monica questioned. She knew that Khan had trained Rick, but that reward sounded too much.

"I had him beaten up," Khan revealed.

"What?!" Monica gasped, placing both hands on Khan's right thigh to slightly lift her torso.

"By her," Khan continued, pointing at Lucille on the screen.

"Wha-?" Monica gasped again but couldn't finish her sentence. She froze, and her eyes darted between Rick and Lucille, hoping to make sense of that situation.

"Did I break you?" Khan asked, half-turning to caress Monica's head.

"You can't tell anyone," Monica warned, fixing her serious eyes on Khan. "Who knows about this?"

"The beating?" Khan wondered. "A few soldiers from my time on Ecoruta, a Captain, and my ex."

"We must kill your ex," Monica nodded.

"Did you just ignore the others?" Khan asked.

"Your ex is more important," Monica replied. "We must get rid of all the sluts in your life."

"What about you?" Khan questioned, sliding his hand across Monica's hair to pinch her cheek. "My lovely, favorite slut."

Monica pouted and seeing Khan's teasing smile made her roll her eyes. Yet, she still crawled forward to straighten her position and sit beside him.

"Scoundrel," Monica muttered.

Khan chuckled and pulled Monica closer. Usually, she would play hard to get, but his braced foot made her quite cooperative. A giggle even left her mouth when Khan put her between his legs and kissed her nape.

"Stop it," Monica happily whined, forcing herself to keep her arms crossed even when Khan hugged her from behind. "We have to talk about this first."josei

Khan groaned, rubbing his face on Monica's neck before bringing it to her left shoulder. She didn't hesitate to wrap an arm around it and kiss his cheek a few times, but the two eventually turned toward the still-lifted phone.

"Is this a problem?" Khan questioned, looking at Rick's pure face. "Can nobles get engaged so freely?"

"Not at all," Monica replied. "They usually host many secret meetings with the involved families before holding an exclusive event for the official announcement."

Monica didn't know the details about Rick's relationship but added another comment before Khan could speak. "It's rare for people of our generation to hear about it until the deed is done. Few of us can even attend those events."

"Did you?" Khan questioned.

"Never," Monica uttered, "But my family prepared me for the eventuality. I've also had to study these subjects since the nobles might have been interested in me."

Khan didn't need to ask for details. Monica was beautiful, talented, and from an extremely wealthy family. She was a perfect candidate outside of the nobles.

"Can you even refuse if a noble wants you?" Khan wondered.

"It wouldn't depend on me," Monica explained. "My family would have the last word on the matter."

"Wouldn't they accept right away?" Khan asked.

"It's not as straightforward as it seems," Monica sighed. "Marrying into the nobles improves relationships but sacrifices a descendant. Instead, a union with a similarly wealthy family will provide riches and more profitable alliances."

"And I bet many families want to avoid giving more power to the nobles," Khan added.

"Indeed," Monica nodded. "On the surface, everyone respects and obeys the nobles, but schemes are always in motion."

Khan wrapped his right arm tightly around Monica's waist and tilted his head toward hers. He didn't say anything, but that gesture spoke words Monica could hear. She knew he was glad he had found her before those ploys could reach her.

"I'm sure these two didn't even kiss before last night," Khan commented as the screen claimed his attention, "And now they are engaged."

"Really?" Monica frowned. "You told me the Rassec family didn't acknowledge him as a Prince, but this remains hasty."

"Do you think they went through the proper channels?" Khan asked.

"You don't have different options at that level," Monica explained. "Besides, getting an interview requires authorization. The Rassec family probably allowed this to exclude him from the main family."

"I hope he didn't do it for me," Khan sighed. "Though, being his best man is bound to make everyone worried about getting in my way. I wonder if I can accept already."

Khan closed the network to check his messages but couldn't find anything from Rick or Lucille. He didn't get any official communication either.

"It's not something you accept or refuse," Monica stated. "The Rassec family will contact you when the time is ready."

"You mean us," Khan corrected. "They must allow me to bring someone, and you are on top of my list for now."

"For now?" Monica grimaced, slightly retracting her head to look at Khan.

Khan didn't show his usual teasing smile. Different thoughts occupied his mind, and he voiced them when his eyes met Monica's. "Say, are we taking it too slow?"

"What do you mean?" Monica questioned.

"Those two have barely been together but are already engaged," Khan responded. "We are approaching one year."

"Should we get married, dear?" Monica teased.

"I don't know," Khan remained serious. "Should we? What's the proper timing in your world?"

"Wait," Monica instantly blushed. "You are not being serious."

"Am I?" Khan wondered. "I don't know what to think."

Monica couldn't keep her eyes on Khan anymore. She took her head in her hands and shook it a bit before peeking at Khan again. That had sounded like a proposal, and Monica felt overwhelmed by the thoughts it caused.

"We've barely dated at all," Monica whispered, diverting her gaze again. "I mean, if you really wanted to, I could think about-. No! It's too soon! But if you asked me properly-."

"I really broke you now," Khan commented, leaving his phone on his thigh to tilt Monica's head toward him.

"I'm not even twenty-three," Monica panicked. "I can't get pregnant so soon."

"How far did you even go?" Khan scolded.

"We should have two kids at most," Monica continued. "The birth control treatment will take a few months to wear off, so if we keep track of my ovulati-."

Khan sealed Monica's mouth with his hand, but she kept saying words that his palm blocked. He had never seen her so caught in her thoughts, but the scene looked cute.

"Calm down," Khan eventually stated. "I was just confused. I don't know how long people with your status take to get married."

Monica tried to say something, but Khan kept her mouth sealed. He also gave a silent order with his expression, so she took a deep breath and began to calm down.

"That's it," Khan praised, slowly retracting his hand. "That's my cute girlfriend."

"It usually takes years," Monica explained, wearing a pout. "The engagement can come first, but the couple doesn't marry until it has a stable footing, like jobs or political positions. They can also make that step to claim businesses or assets."

"So, Rick is the strange one," Khan nodded, putting his worries in the back of his mind. Still, he was the only one to do that. Monica wasn't ready to let go of the topic so soon.

"Then," Monica sniffed. "You weren't proposing. You don't want me as your wife."

"Monica, we agreed on waiting," Khan reminded.

"What about our children?" Monica whined.

"What children?!" Khan cried before exploding into a laugh and pulling Monica closer. Confusion still filled the room, but the two found stability in their kisses.

"Your mother also wants me to get a better status," Khan sighed while Monica half-turned to let him lie his head on her chest. "And your father thinks I owe him a fortune. They'll never accept me now."

"Let's ask them," Monica stated, seizing Khan's hand to place it on the phone resting on his thigh. Many calls were still coming, and Monica answered the one carrying her mother's name.

"Mon-!" Khan tried to warn, but Monica had already answered the call, and only a second had to pass for Madam Solodrey's voice to come out of the phone.

"Captain, you finally answered," Madam Solodrey declared. "You owe me an update on the recent events, and get my daughter to look at her phone."

"I'm here, mother," Monica spoke before Khan could say anything.

"Monica, dear," Madam Solodrey exclaimed. "Not keeping up with your calls is a bad habit. I hope it doesn't happen again."

"Mother, can I marry Khan?" Monica went straight to the point, completely ignoring her mother's scolding.

"What?" Madam Solodrey gasped. "Where does this come from? You know Captain Khan is in no position to enter our family, and you can't be a wife yet."

"But you didn't mind setting me up," Monica pointed out. "Were you hoping I'd leave with Francis quietly?"

"I prepared you for the political life," Madam Solodrey uttered. "You should have known that my public statement wouldn't have been enough to protect you."

"I know you didn't even try," Monica replied.

"These accusations are unfounded and disrespectful," Madam Solodrey scolded. "Did Captain Khan put you up to this?"

"My Captain spent the last two days fixing this mess," Monica explained, "And he did, didn't he?"

"Monica, dear," Madam Solodrey opted for calmer tones. "If you could let me speak with Captain Khan for a second."

"He will speak to you," Monica declared, letting a silent second pass before continuing, "After meeting the involved factions in our family."

"I will not bargain with my daughter," Madam Solodrey scoffed.

"I'll opt for blackmail then," Monica uttered. "Make the involved factions step forward or prepare yourself to become a grandmother."

"What?" Madam Solodrey raised her voice. "Monica, are you pregnant?"

"Get the involved factions," Monica repeated, "Make them apply pressure to the Alstair family, and we'll talk."

"Monica!" Madam Solodrey shouted, but Monica closed the call and crossed her arms to wear a firm stance.

"I can say goodbye to my testicles," Khan commented, "But it was nice seeing you standing up to your mother."

"I was protecting our family," Monica scoffed.

"What family?" Khan asked before giving up on the matter. Madam Solodrey had been nicer than usual, showing the effects of Rick's announcement. Khan probably had the upper hand now, so he could allow himself to joke a bit.

Monica glanced at Khan's phone. Calls were still flowing, and the same went for messages. A noble had gotten involved, and everyone wanted a piece of the news. Her man's popularity had skyrocketed again, and she couldn't even attempt to control herself after the recent outburst.

Khan watched as Monica threw his phone away before placing a hand on his chest. Her curls hid her face, but she applied some pressure, and Khan let her push him down.

Monica slowly escaped Khan's legs to sit on him and slide toward his chest. She didn't say anything, but Khan could feel everything without relying on his senses.

"I thought it was time for cuddles," Khan announced.

"That was before my Captain resorted to a noble to protect our relationship," Monica replied, sliding a bit further.

"My, my," Khan played along. "Don't tell me that my girlfriend only cares about status."

"Shh," Monica whispered, placing a finger on Khan's mouth. He smirked, and Monica took that as the signal to keep sliding until her waist reached his head.

Needless to say, the couple remained unavailable for the rest of the morning, and their studies took over after they managed to rest. Meanwhile, the political world shook. Rick had forced everyone's hand, and more public statements in Khan's favor arrived, ultimately making the meeting mandatory and giving it a date.

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