Chaos' Heir

Chapter 539 Return

Chapter 539 Return

Needless to say, sharing Wayne's revelation caused deep shock, especially to someone with reverence toward the nobles. Monica had received special education in that field, so learning that Khan probably was one of them left her more than speechless.

Of course, the surprise wasn't Monica's sole reaction, but Khan's injuries and her own emotional state prevented her from exploring that revelation any further. The couple could only talk about it for a bit before forcing themselves to sleep.

More peaceful hours went by. Khan wasn't fond of resting, but being emotional support for Monica allowed him to sleep for a long time. That was the longest break he had taken in recent weeks, and his tired body rejoiced at it.

The couple woke up by dinnertime since soldiers knocked on their door to deliver food and new orders. The Headmistress was recalling everyone to the Harbor to get better medications and eventually provide updates. She didn't expect the team to meet her immediately, but getting them out of Lauter was a priority.

"She'll need a cape," Khan ordered as soldiers began to move Monica's bed, "Or anything that can cover her face. She can't be seen like this."

"Yes, sir!" The soldier in charge of the team appointed with the Headmistress' task stated. "However, the doctors wish you to be in bed too."

"I have matters to attend to," Khan stated, nodding as the soldiers entered the room and hid Monica under a blanket.

"We have a ship ready outside the outpost," The soldier in charge continued. "Can you find your way on your own, sir?"

"I'll be there shortly," Khan confirmed, leaving the room and crossing the team to dive deeper into the medical bay.

Similar scenes unfolded in Khan's vision as he explored the medical bay. He saw a team moving George's bed to bring him to the ship. The latter noticed Khan and the two exchanged a simple nod before going their separate ways.

Khan continued his exploration with a precise goal in mind. Raymond's call had added doubts while creating a new problem that Khan had yet to decide how to handle.

The medical bay didn't have the person Khan wanted to meet, but that matched his orders. He had to approach the outpost's exit to find it, but that area showed problems too.

Lauter's outposts had hangars near their entrances for utility reasons, and a messy scene welcomed Khan when he stepped into it. Ships and teams filled his view, and anyone who noticed him performed tense military salutes. His bandages made looking at him in the eyes difficult, but those soldiers showed nothing but respect.

That attention didn't surprise Khan. He had long since gotten used to it. The problems stood past the vast and tall entrance. Khan saw more teams and ships, and the symphony told him the sky above them was even messier.

Khan held back a sigh and ignored the saluting soldiers on his way to reach the exit. Lauter's dark sky tried to welcome him, but it was hard to focus on it with all the ships hovering above. Khan counted at least fifteen vehicles in the air, waiting for their chance to reach the surface.

The ships' classes and shapes revealed their nature. Khan could easily differentiate between military vehicles and those with different purposes. He couldn't be sure, but the current arrangement gave him reasonable ideas.

'Reporters,' Khan concluded, seeing how the military vehicles had formed a barrier that blocked the other ships' path.

That development wasn't surprising. It only took one leak to stir many reporters. Some probably were already on Lauter, and they didn't hesitate to fly toward the area, hoping to be the first to report the news.

Khan quickly lost interest in the crowded sky after finding his target. Andrew was standing a few meters past the entrance with his arms crossed and his eyes fixed on a group farther away. Francis and multiple soldiers were there, busy interrogating him about the recent events.

'He looks happy,' Khan thought when he noticed Francis, but Andrew remained his first target.

"Andrew," Khan called when he reached the guard.

"Sir!" Andrew exclaimed, facing Khan and performing a military salute. "I've kept track of Mister Alstair, sir."

"Good job," Khan praised. "Now, you told me you saw Francis defusing the bomb."

"Yes, sir," Andrew confirmed. "We were together after the teleport, and I looked after him just like you ordered me to, sir."

"Come here for a moment," Khan requested, nodding toward a relatively private spot alongside the outpost's wall. "I want a full briefing about the mission."

Andrew complied, following Khan and telling his story once they obtained some privacy. Khan stared coldly at the many soldiers glancing in his direction while words reached his ears. He quickly became aware of everything Andrew and Francis had faced, gaining the last required details.

"You did well out there," Khan announced once the story ended. "I need to speak with Francis alone now. Summon him for me."

"Yes, sir!" Andrew stated, performing his usual military salute.

"If someone tries to complain," Khan added, "Mention my name."

"It will be done, sir," Andrew declared, leaving the isolated spot to head for the group of soldiers interrogating Francis.

Khan allowed himself to appreciate the scenery during the wait. Lauter was beautiful at night. Soft winds blew on his face, and the sound of distant waves massaged his ears. Artificial lights disturbed its perfect darkness but created an equally enchanting scenery that Khan couldn't help but love.

'I've spent too long on a space station,' Khan admitted, and Francis' arrival brought new focus to his gaze.

"Khan," Francis exclaimed, a broad smile filling his face. "I mean, Captain Khan. Did you ask for me?"

"I did," Khan nodded. "I heard what you did out there. That was good."

"Thank you!" Francis uttered. Anyone could see how happy he was, and for a good reason. He had gone from being almost discarded by his own family to accomplishing a major feat during a mission, at least in theory.

Khan didn't need his senses to confirm Francis' happiness. The man didn't even flinch before his bandages. He felt too ecstatic to address them. Still, Khan would have to destroy that emotion now.

"A reliable source told me that the bomb wouldn't have exploded in the first place," Khan directly announced.

"What?" Francis gasped, his broad smile showing traces of disbelief.

"You heard me," Khan stated. "The bomb wasn't a threat."

Those few words were enough to destroy Francis' happiness and transform it. Intense anger replaced it, filling Francis and raising his voice to a dangerous level.

"I see how it is!" Francis snorted. "Only Captain Khan can accomplish commendable feats. Everyone else has to shut up and follow."

"Lower your voice," Khan warned.

"Why would I?" Francis shouted. "I bet that wasn't even the truth. You are simply jealous someone stole your spotlight!"

"Francis," Khan called, the symphony around him gaining a cold, terrifying vibe. "Saying this gives me no pleasure."

Francis wanted to complain, but Khan's aura kept his mouth shut and forced him to think. Even if the situation felt unfair, Khan wasn't that petty. Francis wouldn't be alive otherwise.

"Differently from your family or our superiors," Khan continued, "I won't lie to you. You can always expect the truth from me."

Francis mustered a nod, but his insecurities took over, and he conveyed them. "So, I didn't do anything valuable again."

"On the contrary," Khan declared. "You tried to defuse it, didn't you?"

"Yes, but," Francis muttered.

"Trying is everything," Khan interrupted. "You saw a chance, and you took it. That's more I can say for most of the Global Army."

Francis nodded again but didn't appear convinced. Nice words didn't change the truth. He believed himself to have taken a step forward, but the reality was different.

"Do you understand why I decided to tell you this?" Khan questioned.

"Because you tell the truth?" Francis wondered, lost in his thoughts.

"To show you that you aren't the only puppet," Khan announced. "Luckily, everything went well."

Francis frowned. Khan was nothing short of a mummy but had sounded genuinely relieved. No one in his condition would say the same, but Francis quickly connected the dots. Monica was alive and well. That was enough for Khan.

"Keep at it," Khan exclaimed. "Maybe you'll really defuse a bomb next time."

"Next time?!" Francis gasped, but Khan chuckled, ignoring the question to walk past him.

"Right," Khan uttered, stopping to turn toward Francis. "Let's stick to the story that you defused the bomb. It's better for everyone."

"But," Francis tried to speak, but Khan interrupted him again.

"You will get fame," Khan explained, "Which will extend to me since you are in my care. Everybody wins."

"Even if it's a lie?" Francis questioned.

"I wish there were another way," Khan admitted. "Still, to stop being puppets, we must accept compromises."

Francis lowered his gaze to think about the matter, but Khan kept speaking. "Can you do it?"

"I-," Francis gulped, "I think I can."

"Good," Khan voiced. "Your family might want you back once the news spreads. You'll have the chance to leave at that point."

"Should I?" Francis asked. His insecurity was evident, but Khan couldn't make that decision for him.

"If you think what we did is enough," Khan stated. "If you want to keep improving, you should stay."

"I'll stay," Francis promptly responded. "I'll stay."

"Then, take care of the political side for now," Khan ordered. "We'll resume training once we recover."

Khan didn't wait for Francis' answer. He left the isolated area to approach the first soldier on his way, and the latter gave directions for the imminent departure.

The Global Army had prepared a big ship under the Headmistress' orders. The vehicle was as large as a flat, containing multiple private rooms for doctors and patients. A team tasked with escorting the injured was already on board, and Khan also had a bed reserved for him.

Khan watched as soldiers brought everyone inside and gave the okay once the process was over. He also kept track of the set-off before heading for Monica's room and resuming their cuddly rest. The ship was relatively slow, so the two had the chance to stretch their break by a lot.

Lauter was close to the Harbor, but the ship flew slowly to make the trip comfortable for everyone, so the group approached their home on the morning of the new week.

The day had lessons, but none of the soldiers mentioned them. Medical teams equipped with special vehicles picked up Khan and the others to fly them to specific hospitals, where doctors changed bandages and medications.

At that point, the group split. George remained in the hospital since he had no reason to leave. Francis returned to his flat, and Khan assigned Andrew to Monica and Wayne since they had to get back to more private areas for political reasons.

Khan would have happily followed Monica to continue their rest, but the Headmistress summoned him as soon as his new set of bandages was done. She had also prepared a private ride for him, which flew to the embassy to land on one of the roofs connected to her office.

"Ma'am," Khan announced as soon as he stepped into the Headmistress' office and saw her behind her desk.

"Captain, sit," Headmistress Holwen ordered, standing up to point at a chair before her desk.

"I'm fine like this," Khan reassured.

"I'm not going to repeat myself," Headmistress Holwen uttered, her hand still pointed at the chair.

'She is pissed,' Khan understood, complying with the Headmistress' orders, 'But not to me.'

"I want a complete update," Headmistress Holwen ordered, returning to her seat as soon as Khan sat down, "Including details about your mysterious source."

"I think it's better to keep that a secret," Khan declared.

"Captain," Headmistress Holwen called, her voice growing colder. "A criminal organization delivered a weapon capable of blowing up moons into one of the Harbor's most important locations. This is terrorism."

"I understand, ma'am," Khan spoke the truth. "However, revealing my source's identity would force you to pursue it, which wouldn't be good for the Harbor."

There wasn't a single lie in Khan's statement. That act of terrorism required thorough investigations and heavy punishments. Raymond could easily pass for an accomplice since he knew about the bomb, but the Harbor didn't have the power to incriminate him. His family alone was enough to stop the Headmistress.

"I see," Headmistress Holwen exclaimed. "It seems you finally understood our delicate position."

"I do," Khan nodded, but the Headmistress suddenly stood up, slamming her palms on the desk.

"Then, why did you spare Wayne Mauder?!" Headmistress Holwen shouted. "Do you know how many trackers they found inside him?"

"The doctor wouldn't tell me," Khan casually replied.

"You brought an unknown threat to the Harbor," The Headmistress continued, "And I heard you plan to hire him. Are you out of your mind, Captain?"

"I need him for personal reasons, ma'am," Khan stated. "I also plan to get rid of any psychological training he went through before granting him some freedom."

"What happens when someone comes to question him?" Headmistress Holwen asked. "He is a criminal. He should be handed to the Global Army."

"Technically," Khan voiced, but the Headmistress slammed her palms again. She knew the last video had blurred Wayne's face, but rumors had already spread. Anyone would label him as a criminal.

"He won't stay here for long, ma'am," Khan promised. "I only need you to cover for him until I find a better solution."

"You are asking a lot from me lately," Headmistress Holwen snorted.

"I found the bomb, didn't I?" Khan questioned. "I had to put my friends and girlfriend at risk to clean this mess. I think I deserve some help."

Headmistress Holwen fell silent. Truth be told, Khan had stayed true to his word, getting to the bottom of the matter and paying the price with his own body. The Headmistress wished to clean everything up and never talk about it again, but Khan had earned some leeway.josei

"I still expect a complete update," Headmistress Holwen scoffed, returning to her seat. "We both need to be ready for what's coming."

"What do you mean, ma'am?" Khan asked.

"I had to notify the specific offices when I learnt about the bomb's origin," Headmistress Holwen explained, "Which in turn notified our alien friends. The Thilku are a proud species, so they sent a team to join the investigation."

"The Thilku are coming here?" Khan gasped.

"This is a political incident even if the bomb didn't explode," Headmistress Holwen revealed. "I'd learn some Thilku. As the commanding officer of your mission, you have to be there to meet them."

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