Chaos' Heir

Chapter 541 Strong

Chapter 541 Strong

Khan's statement had been an obvious challenge. Some might find it insulting, but his choice of words had been precise and specific for the current situation.

Passing as weak wasn't an option. Khan wouldn't only lose face if he let those statements go. The Global Army would also have a problem since the Thilku wouldn't have a reason to take the matter too seriously.

Still, words were pointless, especially if spoken by Khan. He held no political relevance in that field, so fighting was his only option, and openly challenging a Thilku was bound to lead there.

Silence spread in the hall. Many weaker soldiers widened their eyes in shock, but the more experienced ones remained calm. The Headmistress and her fellow higher-ups even held back approving nods. They knew what Khan was up to and agreed to that path.

Instead, the Thilku showed different reactions. The third-level warrior that had insulted Khan appeared livid, and a couple of his companions shared that emotion. As for the man in charge, he looked amused.

"Why don't you see Captain Khan's prowess by yourself," Headmistress Holwen suggested before the situation could degenerate. "We could arrange a fight."

The Thilku in charge had to stop looking at Khan. He could ignore a comment from a simple soldier, but the Headmistress held too much authority. Besides, a response was necessary now that the offer was in the open.

Refusing wasn't an option for the Thilku. After all, they were famously proud, and the alien group made that clear with their reaction. Soon, all the Thilku glanced at their leader, eager for him to accept the offer.

The alien leader turned toward Khan. His dark-red eyes inspected him from head to toe before lingering on his metal brace. Clearly, Khan was still injured, but his expression conveyed pure confidence.

"[Beat him]," The alien leader eventually uttered, and the third-level warrior exploded into a laugh before pointing his eager gaze at Khan. He appeared ready to kill him, but Khan didn't flinch.

"Clear the room," Headmistress Holwen ordered. "The fight will happen here."

"Yes, ma'am!" Many soldiers shouted, performing military salutes before heading for the exit. The hall regained its partial emptiness, leaving only the original teams behind.

"This way, please," The Headmistress eventually ordered, pointing at one of the walls. "The two contestants can go to the center and await further orders."

The Thilku and the Headmistress' companions complied, approaching the wall to give Khan and the third-level warrior some room. Meanwhile, the latter stared at each other for a few seconds, one conveying pure coldness while the other as burning as possible.

Khan shot a bored look at his opponent before heading for the hall's center. The Thilku didn't like that, but one glance at his leader told him he had to hold back for now. The alien eventually followed Khan, and the two faced each other once they reached their destination.

"There will be no killing on Harbor ground," Headmistress Holwen warned. "Is that clear?"

"Yes, ma'am," Khan exclaimed while the alien limited himself to a loud scoff.

Silence fell. Khan pretended to inspect the alien while various thoughts filled his mind. He had a precise plan which required his lying skills to implement. Yet, first, he had to make the Thilku understand the difference between their strength.

"You can start!" Headmistress Holwen shouted, and the third-level warrior exploded into another laugh while spreading his muscular arms.

"Come, blue hair," The Thilku announced, clearly wanting Khan to make the first move. "Attack Thilku!"

Khan decided to remain silent for a few more seconds, conveying disregard for the threat posed by the alien. That made the Thilku angrier, but Khan spoke before he could break that stalemate.


"Remove your cape," Khan said, nodding at the alien's thick mantle.

"Thilku don't need to," The third-level warrior laughed. "Thilku strong!"

"As you wish," Khan sighed. "Help my legs."

"Wha-?" The Thilku began to ask, but his voice transformed into a grunt before he could finish his line. His red eyes even widened in surprise. He had lost track of Khan, and something heavy had landed at the center of his torso.

The Thilku lowered his gaze only to find Khan under him. He had delivered a precise kick to his belly, and his leg was still in the air. The alien wanted to grab it, but his body opposed that gesture and tried to crouch forward.

Khan didn't know much about Thilku's anatomy, but the mana told him that his attack had dealt enough damage. He could probably finish the fight with his next move, but a simple victory wouldn't be enough. He had to destroy his opponent to claim respect.

The leg in the air surged upward, hitting the descending alien's chin and straightening his position. However, Khan didn't stop there. He immediately lowered his limb and crouched forward before delivering another kick.

Khan focused on pushing rather than destroying. His kick landed on the alien's abdomen, lifting him from the ground. Another attack followed, sending him upward. The Thilku escaped Khan's range at that point, but he jumped and continued his offensive.

A series of kicks unfolded. Khan focused on the Thilku's abdomen and chest to push him higher and higher. The alien's back eventually hit the ceiling, but Khan kept going.

Needless to say, that overwhelming performance left the Thilku on the floor speechless. They were a proud species, but no one could blame them for that performance. Khan was simply too strong, especially in the eyes of the fourth-level warriors who had kept up with his speed.

The human side had opposite reactions. Those higher-ups couldn't help but feel proud before such an overwhelming display of skills. Khan's performance surprised them too, but they preferred to focus on the political benefits that would arrive.

Khan kicked and kicked until the metal behind the Thilku bent. He had damaged the ceiling, which was enough to prove his strength.

'The ending now,' Khan thought, tapping on the air to spin on himself and deliver a kick that sent the Thilku toward the floor.

That round kick wasn't random. Khan didn't only plan it. He had also aimed it with a precise purpose in mind. The Thilku flew directly toward his alien companions, who moved away and made him crash into the wall.

No one helped the third-level warrior. The aliens stood still since the battle had yet to end, and the fourth-level warriors among them soon found something else to watch. Khan had immediately landed among them to stand before his opponent.

Khan didn't deign the other aliens with a single look. His attention remained on his opponent. The third-level warrior had slid on the floor, unable to stand in time for his arrival. One of his arms was also on his abdomen, hinting at his pain. Yet, his eyes were still clear and ready for battle.

'I went easy on him,' Khan thought without showing any reaction, 'But he is tougher than I expected.'

Khan wanted the Thilku to look a bit more roughed up, but that part of the plan didn't work his way. His offensive had hurt the alien but didn't break his resolve. It had actually intensified it.

'Time for the finale,' Khan thought, and the coldness on his face vanished, replaced by a genuine smile and a tinge of excitement. He had learnt how to deal with the Ef'i long ago, so he hoped similar behavior could work with the Thilku.

"Wow," Khan exclaimed, stretching his hand forward and clearing his throat. "[Thilku strong]!"

The sudden switch in behavior left the Thilku surprised but slightly pleased. Khan had every right to make the third-level warrior pay for his previous insults but had opted for respect. The praise didn't fit the battle's outcome but had great value in that political environment.

The third-level warrior seemed inclined to take Khan's hand right away, but his broadening smile froze when he recalled something. He glanced at his leader and resumed that gesture only when he nodded in approval.

"Blue hair strong too," The third-level warrior eventually announced, taking Khan's hand and letting him help with the standing process. The alien even followed with a formal bow to show respect.

"I trust this demonstration proves Captain Khan's worth," Headmistress Holwen exclaimed, reaching the Thilku group with her companions.

"He is an exceptional soldier," The alien leader praised, facing the Headmistress to perform a customary bow. "The Global Army is lucky to have him."

"It is," Headmistress Holwen nodded. "I believe we can put the previous topic aside."

"Indeed," The alien leader confirmed. "However, checking the bomb will become necessary at some point. A Thilku opinion can only help."

The conversation's vibe had completely changed. The alien leader was basically making the same request as before, but his words had gotten far politer, and he didn't add any veiled insult or praise to them.

"Of course," Headmistress Holwen agreed. "Cooperation is mandatory in this investigation. That's the foundation of our alliance."

"And friendship," The alien leader continued. "With our forces combined, this investigation will be short and easy."

Smiles broadened on both sides, but facial expressions couldn't blind Khan. He saw beyond those political gestures to look directly at the mana, and the auras from both aliens and humans told him that no one believed in that statement.

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