Chaos' Heir

Chapter 544 Shy

Chapter 544 Shy

"Are you sure?" Khan couldn't help but ask. "I'd rather not cause problems for your family."

"I don't see other trustworthy options," George pointed out. "As far as we know, any family might have criminals."

"Even yours," Khan added.

"Yes," George nodded, "But my father would offer genuine support without cost or ploys."

"That's one of the reasons why I'd avoid it," Khan explained. "It's impossible to transfer Wayne secretly, and accepting him can create many enemies, not only among criminals."

"I've been on many missions!" Wayne laughed. "If they leak information about me, many families would request my presence."

"We can't be sure they'll expose themselves so much," Monica exclaimed.

"I should have died on Lauter," Wayne laughed again. "Exposing my activities might lead to the same result."

Wayne had a point. He had already infiltrated an environment filled with descendants. The criminals only had to release sensitive information about him to force the families' hand. That ploy would also make sense since Wayne probably knew too much for his own good.

"It's too dangerous," Khan shook his head. He preferred to make a bad deal with the Solodrey family rather than involve George.

"Oh, stop being so stubborn," George snorted. "You are not alone in this, and I have tons of debts to repay."

"Having you here solved all of that," Khan announced.

"Please," George snickered. "I came here to laze around and relax."

"Let's not do this now," Khan cursed before that blatant lie.

"Khan," Monica called, tightening her grip on Khan's leg. "Let him help. Let us help."

Khan's eyes darted between Monica's pleading expression and George's firm face. He didn't care about the Solodrey family, but George was his friend. Ideally, Khan would keep his problems away from him, but that was his selfless side speaking.

"I'll entrust him to you," Khan eventually gave up, "But notify me if something happens. I'll step in right away."

"We'll see about that," George teased.

"George," Khan called in a scolding tone.

"What?" George smirked. "I thought you trusted me."

Khan opened his mouth, but George's statement didn't allow replies. The latter was aware of that, and his smirk broadened when he noticed that Khan remained silent.

"You should be wary, Mister Ildoo," Wayne announced, breaking the silence. "Things go bad around me."

"Khan told me everything about your element," George stated, waving his hand dismissively. "I'm bringing a woman back home. Things have already gone bad."

"I thought that was a good thing," Wayne exclaimed. "Miss Wildon's family outclasses yours. Isn't that called a nice catch?"

"It is," Khan confirmed. "George is just shy."

"I see!" Wayne declared. "I have to adjust my idea of Mister Ildoo too!"

"Don't put strange ideas in his mind," George cursed.

"And you make sure to treat Anita properly," Monica warned. "You'll hear from me otherwise."

"She is just meeting my mother," George casually said. "It's nothing serious."

Khan and Monica pointed their smirks at George, and Wayne joined them. He wasn't trying to tease George, but his face revealed that he was aware of that lie.

"My father has already annoyed me to no end about this," George snorted, standing up. "I'm not staying here to hear the same things all over again."

"Come on, George," Khan laughed. "Don't be shy."

"A responsible man has a superior charm," Monica praised. "Maybe you are ready for my teachings."

"I have also been trained in these arts!" Wayne joined the conversation. "I can help, Mister Ildoo."

"Fuck all of you," George cried, hurrying toward the elevator room before peeking at his friends and speaking in a far calmer tone. "Is the meeting with the descendants still happening?"

"We have to reappear in public sooner or later," Khan explained. "It's better if we deal with that first."

"Alright," George exclaimed. "Just let me know when."

"Can we trust you to pass the news to Anita?" Monica teased.

"You'll marry before me anyway," George cursed, hurrying toward the elevator to leave the flat.

Khan and Monica exploded into a laugh once George left, and Wayne echoed it out of habit. The couple felt forced to turn toward him, and some sadness returned as they thought about his situation.

As much as Khan wanted to help, he lacked the expertise, knowledge, and tools to help Wayne. The latter needed professionals to deal with his traumatic training before slowly pushing him back into society. Khan could only make the period before that as pleasant as possible.

Yet, Khan couldn't drop everything for Wayne. His days had just gotten busier now that he had to add the Thilku's subjects to his studies. He couldn't abandon Francis either, and his political life remained a big problem.

"Wayne," Khan eventually called, "You know you can drop the Mister and Miss with us, right? I told you that."


"I'm sure I'll drop it in a few days!" Wayne laughed.

"Is it part of your training?" Monica questioned.

"Social studies say that acquaintances turn into friends after ninety hours spent together," Wayne explained. "It's safer to assume double of that with descendants and political figures."

"But we gave you explicit permission," Monica pointed out.

"It's fine," Khan intervened, letting Monica go to stand up. "Wayne, come with me a little."

Wayne's eyes lit up as he shot to his feet. He eagerly followed Khan to the edges of a corridor as if expecting something incredible to happen.

"Look," Khan voiced, stopping at the corridor's edges and facing Wayne. "I wish I could spend more time with you, but my studies are calling me, and Monica has priority over you."

"I understand!" Wayne exclaimed. "Fiancées come before friends in the political array."

"Yes, well," Khan sighed. "It's not that strict, but that rule works in his case."

"The Harbor's flats offer a great deal of privacy," Wayne revealed. "You can lock me up too."

"I'm not locking you up," Khan scolded. "You are not my prisoner."

"I told you," Wayne chuckled. "You should have killed me when you had the chance."

"Shut up," Khan scoffed. "Don't think about that anymore. Actually, I want you to focus on yourself."

Wayne kept smiling but remained silent. He didn't know what Khan meant by that but understood that he was about to explain himself.

"I know you can feel envy toward me," Khan stated. "You don't have to hold it back."

"If I let myself experience that," Wayne announced.

"Yes, bad things will happen," Khan interrupted, "But I've defeated you anyway, didn't I?"

"You keep reminding me," Wayne laughed. "Brother, you are petty."

"Just trust me on this," Khan uttered. "We won't be able to be together for too long. I don't want you to hold back in this period."

"I can do that," Wayne nodded, "But now you want me to leave, right?"

"I have to talk with Monica in private," Khan confirmed.

"Is that code for sex too?" Wayne exclaimed.

"Most likely," Khan stated.

"I can hear you!" Monica shouted from the couches, making Khan laugh.

"Go now," Khan ordered. "I'll call you for dinner."

"Sure!" Wayne exclaimed, diving into the corridor to enter his bedroom. Still, when the entrance tried to close, it remained stuck mid-way.

"Khan!" Wayne called, peeking past the half-closed entrance.

"It's fine," Khan reassured, waving his hand. "Leave it like that."

"Alright!" Wayne shouted, disappearing into his room again.

Khan heaved a helpless sigh as he returned to the array of couches. Monica wanted to wear a pout, but seeing his tired expression made her give up on that playful anger.

"Hey," Monica called, welcoming Khan on her lap. He laid his head on her thighs and closed his eyes to sort out his thoughts, but the caresses that reached his hair made him reopen them.

"You are not abandoning him," Monica reassured when that tired gaze fell on her. "He needs to do this to live a normal life."

"What kind of normal can he even experience?" Khan sighed. "I wish I could do more for him after dragging him all the way here."

"He is among people working for his well-being," Monica stated. "That's more he has ever gotten in his whole life."

"I don't know," Khan uttered. "It doesn't feel like much."

"You just can't settle when it comes to others," Monica giggled. "You even promised an entire planet to Jenna. I hope you won't get moody about that too."

"I'm surprised you can mention her without getting jealous," Khan teased.

"I've more than made up for that," Monica replied, "And I still have time."

"We do," Khan nodded, reaching for his head to take one of Monica's hands. "So, what are your plans after the Harbor?"

"I could stay here and be the good housewife," Monica joked, blushing a little since the idea formed in her mind.

"Monica," Khan lovingly scolded.

"I don't know," Monica sighed, playing with Khan's fingers. "My parents will want me to appear in some social gatherings. I might also have to close a few deals for them."

"Will there be suitors there?" Khan questioned.

"Of course," Monica stated. "Are you jealous?"

"Immensely," Khan groaned.

"Don't be," Monica reassured, letting go of Khan's hand to show her ring. "You put this on me for a reason."

"I should buy you another before your mother complains," Khan suggested.

"No!" Monica snapped, bringing her left hand to her chest. "This is my treasure. You can replace it only once we get engaged."

"Would you let me replace it at all?" Khan asked.

"Probably not," Monica pouted.

"I knew it," Khan chuckled. "Still, I'll miss you."

"Don't be so unfair," Monica complained.

"Alright," Khan feigned ignorance, pulling his phone to place it before his gaze. "I guess I'll start studying then."

Only a few seconds had to pass before familiar fingers wrapped themselves around the screen and pushed it aside. Monica looked a Khan wearing an expression he knew far too well, and he didn't hesitate to let go of the phone altogether.

"Should I still plan the meeting?" Monica whispered.

"Yes," Khan confirmed, "But make them come late."

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