Chaos' Heir

Chapter 547 Ambassador

Chapter 547 Ambassador

Khan wasn't the only one to receive good news. The results showed a change in the top five, finally rewarding Anita for her efforts. She had claimed the fifth spot, making Marcia lose two positions due to Khan's equally incredible achievements.

The other positions didn't change. Monica was always first, with Lucian, Mark, and Lucy following behind in that precise order. As for George, he got tenth, breaking his previous record, but his interest in the topic vanished as soon as he read it.

Needless to say, the following days featured celebrations that included Lucian and the other descendants in a few instances. The Harbor also issued official certificates, which didn't hesitate to appear on the network. Still, the parties were short-lived since the imminent departures required preparations.

On a lazy morning in the middle of the week, Khan rested on a messy bed with his right hand supporting his slightly lifted head. His elbow dug into one of the pillows, the comfortable mattress massaged his naked side, and his attentive eyes never left the enchanting figure rummaging through the furniture.

"When did I even buy all this stuff?" Monica cried since every drawer she opened showed more clothes. Even the wardrobe was packed, and she still had another room to inspect.

Khan had long since lost himself in the scene. When Monica left the bed, she had worn underwear and a bra, but her figure remained too captivating. That disorder also annoyed her, and Khan could only like her more when she was in that state.

"A single ship will never be enough," Monica cursed, stomping her feet and placing her hands on her waist to inspect all the clothes still stuck inside the open drawers and wardrobe.

"Don't you have guards for this?" Khan wondered.

"I can't let the guards see these," Monica snorted, diving a hand into a drawer to take out a pair of fancy lace underwear.josei

"I remember those," Khan chuckled.

"I'd be angry if you didn't," Monica giggled, peeking behind her shoulder to look at Khan. The latter was under a blanket that had almost abandoned him, but Monica only focused on his intense gaze. She couldn't get enough of his undivided attention.

"You could always help," Monica suggested, throwing the lace underwear into the open luggage near the bedroom's entrance. "Unless looking at me stuns you."

Monica turned toward Khan to show herself, and his expression conveyed all the compliments he could think of. He couldn't describe how beautiful she was, and the idea of losing that routine soured the happiness of the interaction.

"You'll be ready sooner if I help you," Khan sighed, lying on his back and crossing his arms behind his head to stare at the ceiling. "You won't if I don't."

Both Khan and Monica knew that wasn't relevant. Her departure was set in stone, so it didn't matter how ready she was. Still, Monica liked the sound of those lines and felt drawn to the lying figure on the mattress.

The rustling of sheets reached Khan's ears and made him lower his gaze. Monica sat at his side, placing a hand on his uncovered abdomen. Her fingers traced the spaces among his defined muscles, but her eyes looked into his.

"No suitor will dare to approach me," Monica reassured. "I'm not sure I can call them suitors anymore since my family supports us."

"I thought you'd be the one to need reassurance," Khan admitted. "I expected you to make more of a fuss."

"I did," Monica stated, blushing a little when she spotted traces of their passion still lingering on the bed, "And I'm not leaving just yet, not until I cry, complain, and cry some more."

"Which is my responsibility," Khan added.

"You know it," Monica whispered, sliding closer to Khan's head as her fingers reached his chest. "You chose this noisy mess and even made her happy. Nothing can save you now."

"I remember the noisy mess assaulting me," Khan teased. "Twice."

"You deserved it for all your fooling around," Monica scoffed.

"I didn't even know you," Khan laughed.

"You should have predicted the arrival of the best girlfriend in the world and prepared accordingly," Monica claimed.

"Is that so?" Khan wondered.

"Yes," Monica nodded. "You should have loved me even before knowing me."

"Well," Khan voiced, grabbing the hand on his chest. "I love you now."

Monica melted and dived forward to kiss Khan. The two cuddled for a few seconds, and another whisper left Monica's mouth when her lips became free. "I forgive you."

Khan snickered and welcomed Monica on his left shoulder. She lay on his torso, and Khan reached for her waist to secure her position.

"When do you have to go to the embassy?" Monica asked, closing her eyes to immerse herself in Khan's scent and warmth.

"After lunch," Khan revealed. "A cab will come in a couple of hours."

"Did you put the alarm?" Monica questioned.

"I did," Khan confirmed. "The clean uniform is also somewhere in the main hall."

Monica softly moaned in approval, rubbing her cheek on Khan's shoulder. He began to caress her side, and his eyes closed as Monica's scent and presence invaded his senses. The two seemed about to fall asleep, but Monica had more to say.

"I considered giving you a ring," Monica revealed, "But you'd destroy it or worse."

"What's worse?" Khan wondered.

"You'd hurt yourself to protect it," Monica replied. "I don't want you to have that burden during a fight."

"I'm sure the Thilku won't let us have a say in those parts," Khan reassured.

"You always end up in fights," Monica sighed. "A tattoo would have the same problems. It's a pity humans can't do something as lasting as the one on your shoulder."

"I'll learn the next time I fly to Nitis," Khan uttered.

Silence unfolded. The couple had talked about the mission and had revealed their last thoughts. Khan had told Monica everything, including the parts that might hurt her.

"Do you miss her?" Monica asked.

"I don't think I can stop missing her," Khan admitted, "But she would be happy for me."

"What about your happiness?" Monica timidly asked, the hand in Khan's grip shaking lightly.

"That's why she would be happy," Khan explained. "She loved me, so she would approve of how happy you are making me."

"Scoundrel," Monica softly complained while relaxing. She knew she was different from Liiza. That was the whole point behind Khan's refusal of Jenna. Yet, her insecurities flared at times and required reassurance.

"Better?" Khan asked, even if Monica's mana had already answered.

"For now," Monica unleashed her needy tone. "Also, since you'd destroy anything I give you, I'll settle for a call every hour, and I'm being merciful."

"That's impossible," Khan laughed. "They'd fire me in no time."

"Fine," Monica sighed. "Only a call a day, but it must last at least twelve hours."

"How is that any better?" Khan wondered.

"It is because I say so," Monica stated.

"Of course," Khan snickered, turning his caresses into a tight hug. "What do you think about calling you whenever I'm free?"

"I hate it!" Monica declared before lowering her voice. "But, it might be enough if you make those calls really worthwhile."

"Any call with me is worthwhile," Khan joked.

"Screw you," Monica snorted, opening her eyes and pushing herself away to sit on Khan's abdomen.

"Is there something you want to ask?" Khan feigned innocence, also opening his eyes to stare at the beautiful face hanging closely above him.

"Not ask," Monica shook her head, her tone growing affectionate. "I just want to say how much I love my noble Captain."

"Are you worried I might forget that while you are away?" Khan wondered, his hands sliding over Monica's legs to return to her waist.

"I'm unforgettable," Monica pouted. "Still, if I can't mark your body, I'll be sure to imprint myself in your mind forever."

Messy hours went by as Khan and Monica kept themselves busy with what they did best. A cuddly and romantic lunch also happened in the privacy of the bedroom, but Khan eventually left to attend to his duties.

A cab flew Khan directly to the embassy, and a team of soldiers led him inside, guiding him into areas he had never seen. He could guess he was in one of the building's upper sections, but that information did little to help his sense of direction.

Nevertheless, Khan didn't need to know where he was. That probably was still classified for him, but the long march among vast corridors, multiple staircases, and a few elevators granted some clues. The labels on the many offices he crossed told him he was in a section focused on interspecies politics, and his destination matched his conclusions.

The soldiers stopped when they reached the end of an oddly narrow corridor. The place was bustling with people going in and out of a large room featuring interactive desks, cubicles, and more Khan couldn't see from his position. That clearly was an office, and the Headmistress' barely visible figure from the entrance vouched for the place's relevance.

"Headmistress, ma'am," Khan announced, entering the office as soon as the soldiers opened a path.

The place revealed more of the furniture Khan had spotted from outside. The room had twenty interactive desks equipped with simple chairs, headphones, and other tools useful for concentrating. Two rows of cubicles stood on opposite sides of the area, and a door in the back led to a spacious private office meant for the commanding officer.

"Captain, you are here," Headmistress Holwen welcomed, barely paying attention to Khan's military salute. "This will be your base of operations. You'll handle all the bureaucratic side of the investigation from here and according to your superior's directives."

"Is the superior here?" Khan questioned, even if he could guess the answer from the symphony. He only sensed first and second-level warriors in the area. None of them could have authority over him.

"He is coming," Headmistress Holwen revealed. "You'll know the entire team in the following days, but your position forced this initial meeting. I expect exemplary behavior."

"Of course, ma'am," Khan promised. "Might I know more of my superior in the meantime?"

Khan barely had the time to finish his question. A powerful presence suddenly attracted his attention, making him turn toward the entrance. The Headmistress noticed that gesture and held back her reply. She had learned enough about Khan to know what was happening.

The area was loud due to all the working soldiers. Thudding noises also filled it since the personnel was moving heavy furniture inside and outside the office. Yet, Khan managed to isolate a specific sound from that mess. He could hear firm and confident steps getting closer to the entrance.

Khan performed a military salute that matched the arrival of those steps to the entrance. A slightly slender and tall figure appeared at the center of the spacious door and stopped at its edges to inspect the area. His green eyes darted left and right to catch every detail, but seeing the Headmistress and Khan made them flicker in surprise.

"Headmistress Holwen," The man announced, crossing the entrance to perform a military salute before the Headmistress. "I'm glad we could meet again. Sadly, the circumstances aren't the happiest."

"Ambassador Abores," Headmistress Holwen exclaimed. "You have done well in these past years. Even Mister Cirvags praised you."

Khan used that chance to inspect the relatively young man more in detail. Ambassador Abores had short blonde hair arranged in a perfect haircut, and his military uniform didn't feature a single crease. His appearance was spotless, which matched his role. After all, he had to be humankind's face.

"I doubt it, ma'am," Ambassador Abores said, lowering his head in respect. "Mister Cirvags' compliments are rarer than promotions."

"They indeed are," Headmistress Holwen stated, pointing at Khan. "This is Captain Khan. He is the appointed scout for the team."

"I heard a lot about you, Captain," Ambassador Abores exclaimed, wearing a sterner tone. "I hope you understand interspecies politics aren't the place for reckless behavior or solitary actions."

'Is he scolding me already?' Khan wondered, forcing himself to keep his eyes on the Ambassador. He didn't even look at the four stars on his shoulders before mustering a polite reply. "I do, but I probably lack experience. I hope I can rely on your guidance in the future."

"Our roles are very different," Ambassador Abores declared.

An awkward silence spread. Ambassador Abores seemed to have something against Khan, and he couldn't understand what. Even reading the man's mana only showed a tinge of arrogance and a sense of superiority.

"I must leave now," The Headmistress quickly broke the silence. "Other matters require my presence. I'm confident you can take it from here, Ambassador."

"Of course, ma'am," Ambassador Abores confirmed. "Have a safe trip."

The Headmistress nodded at Khan and the Ambassador before leaving the office. The latter followed her departure with his eyes but eventually faced Khan again, rekindling the previous awkwardness.

"Don't misunderstand my hesitation, Captain," Ambassador Abores exclaimed. "I respect your services for the Global Army and find your rise to fame inspiring. I simply wouldn't have chosen an inexperienced scout for such an important investigation."

That surprising politeness didn't feel too honest, but Khan forced himself to appreciate it. Truth be told, Ambassador Abores was right. Khan had experience with multiple alien species, but none of his jobs had ever featured something so official.

"I'll do my best to match your expectations, sir," Khan promised.

"You will get no preferential treatment from me," Ambassador Abores continued. "Do your job and do it well. I'll ask for a replacement otherwise."

"I understand, sir," Khan stated. "If I may, what is my first task?"

"My secretary will update you," Ambassador Abores declared, turning toward the entrance. "Clarissa, bring the files."

A woman who looked to be in her twenties crossed the entrance, carrying a series of screens in her crossed arms. Khan had sensed her arrival but had disregarded it since she was a second-level warrior. Still, her stern icy-blue eyes and shining, long golden hair made her stand out from the other soldiers, granting her a serious but magnetic figure.

"Update Captain Khan on his duties," Ambassador Abores ordered. "I'll be in my office in the meantime."

The Ambassador didn't deign Khan with a single glance as he headed for the separate office in the back. Meanwhile, Clarissa approached Khan and handed him one of the screens.

"The mission's details are listed here," Clarissa stated, her calm voice embodying professionality. "Every information is classified, so spreading it will lead to punishments described at the end of the contract."

Khan seized the device and unlocked it with his genetic signature. He had already read the terms of his contract, so that explanation didn't add anything new.

"Where should I start?" Khan wondered, skimming past the initial menus shown by the device.

"The Global Army has already isolated seventeen potential destinations for our first meeting with the Thilku delegation," Clarissa explained. "The device contains any information you might need, so memorizing it is mandatory."

"Should I prioritize any of these destinations?" Khan questioned, hiding his surprise at that huge number.

"All of them," Clarissa responded. "Your position also allows you to have a secretary. If you have yet to choose one, I can name a few suggestions."

"Francis Alstair will be my secretary," Khan casually said, immersing himself in the device's information. The screen seemed to have a lot, and the Ambassador probably wanted him to memorize everything by the next week.

"I'll handle the paperwork," Clarissa uttered, performing a polite bow. "Until our next meeting, Captain Khan."

Clarissa headed for the Ambassador's office before Khan could lift his gaze. The two had left him in the middle of that busy office without adding any directive. He was on his own there, which matched his role. His preparation was the only problem.

'I better start studying,' Khan cursed, approaching one of the interactive desks to connect the device. 'Again.'


Author's notes: The fifth volume will end here!

I know this part of the story has been controversial for various reasons. Still, I hope I managed to convey its importance for Khan's career and, most importantly, that you enjoyed reading it.

As always, thank you for your support. The story will continue tomorrow in the sixth volume!

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