Chaos' Heir

Chapter 56 - Wolf

Chapter 56 - Wolf

The nurses ended up applying some stitches on Khan's shoulder and a few lotions on the various contusions that afflicted his body. They even left him with clear orders. He couldn't do any physical training that night if he wanted to heal by the next morning.

The medical bay gave him a new uniform before ordering him to return to his dormitory. Khan unwillingly followed those directives, but surprise filled his expression when he saw a cheerful horde of recruits waiting for him near his rooms.

It seemed that everyone wanted to celebrate his victory in the tournament, and Khan decided to play along. He wouldn't refuse the additional food that his companions were throwing at him, but he didn't forget that most of them were unable to look at him just a few minutes ago.

Khan often searched for Martha with his gaze, but he always found her busy talking with her friends. Khan never found the opportunity to free himself from the constant attention that the other recruits were shooting toward him, so he accepted that the chance to talk with Martha would never come that night.

The other recruits threw a storm of questions toward him. They wanted to know the secret behind his power or eventual tricks to perform during their training. However, Khan couldn't give them anything. His ability came from constant exercise and a good mindset built in the Slums.

The desperation caused by his nightmares had played a crucial role in his training, but Khan wasn't willing to reveal that. He limited himself to give vague answers until he found a way to return to his flat and seal the entrance. action

A heavy sigh escaped his mouth when the silence of his flat filled his ears. He had finally managed to leave the crowd. His mind could take care of reviewing the last battle and sort his emotions while he prepared to start his usual training.

His belly was full, and he barely felt his wounds. His condition was perfect for his mental training and meditations, and he still had many hours left in front of him. Khan could make full use of the additional time without sacrificing his sleep.

The eighth mental training was still a challenging opponent. Khan had made some progress in that exercise during those two weeks, but he had yet to feel confident in clearing it.

Still, he felt glad to discover that each aspect of his training seemed to benefit his overall growth. His battles against the puppets helped him gain a firmer grip on his emotions, which subsequently improved his execution of the eighth mental exercise.

The same happened backward, and everything eventually flowed into his meditations. Khan's ability would take a step forward as a whole whenever one part of his training experienced improvements. Even his recent execution of a proper technique with mana came from the convergence of his various feats.

The alarm rang, and Khan stopped draining his mind over the eighth mental exercise. He felt tired, but he still had many hours available for his meditation, so he didn't hesitate to switch to his second training.

However, Khan noticed that Martha had sent a message when he unlocked the phone to set the next alarm.

'Where did you get those muscles?!' Khan read on his phone before wearing a smile.

Khan had finally understood why Martha had been so strange for the entire afternoon, and the explanation left him laughing on his bed for a whole minute.

'Did you like what you saw?' Khan wrote and sent before continuing to laugh.

Martha's answer was almost immediate and left Khan's speechless. He almost couldn't believe his eyes when he read the simple "yes" written on his screen.

'What do I even answer now?' Khan wondered as a faint blush appeared on his face.

He didn't expect such a direct answer. His knowledge in matters related to love and relationships was non-existent, and having to handle that situation through the phone was even slightly annoying.

Khan stared at the screen in silence, unclear about what to answer. The desire to see Martha made its way inside his mind. Still, she sent another message before his thoughts could explore the topic any further.

'Don't overthink it and finish your daily routine quickly. We have the semestral missions tomorrow.' Khan read on the phone before heaving a deep sigh.

'I think I can confirm that she likes me, right?' Khan thought while lying on the bed and closing his eyes.

He couldn't ignore the happiness that had appeared in his mind, but that feeling struggled to find enough room to exist among his other thoughts. The matters with the Global Army, his nightmares, and his training were already too heavy. Khan didn't know if he could add a potential relationship to his life, but he would definitely try to do it.

'Don't tell me that dad was right,' Khan laughed in his mind. 'Do I really need to find condoms?!'




A siren sounded through the entire dormitory early in the morning. Lieutenant Unchai's orders quickly followed that noise and forced all the recruits to pack up and gather in front of the building.

The Lieutenant was already waiting for them, and he quickly led the group toward the camp's exit.

Khan didn't miss the chance to approach Martha, who was yawning in the corner of the group. The girl wore a complicated expression at that sight, but she eventually showed a slight smile.

"What's with those eyebags?" Martha asked as she suppressed a faint laugh. "You went to sleep late."

"The meds are to blame," Khan snorted. "I didn't think my body would naturally absorb the stitches. I actually had to search it up in the network before being able to sleep."

"Look at you," Martha laughed. "You can use the network on your own now. I'm so proud."

"You don't look too rested either," Khan tried to go on the offensive. "Did you think about something in particular?"

Khan uncovered his abdomen to use his uniform as a fan. He pretended to be hot, but he was clearly teasing the girl next to him.

"Cover yourself before the Lieutenant sees you," Martha laughed while covering his mouth. "I'm not like that, okay? You just took me by surprise."

"What if I were like that?" Khan asked.

"Do you lust after muscular bodies?" Martha asked. "No wonder you spend so much time with Lieutenant Dyester."

"You know what I meant," Khan smiled while adjusting his uniform and making sure that Martha watched the scene. "And you also know that one of us had to say it."

"Shut up," Martha whispered. "We would need to live on a planet where the days last fifty hours just to consider that."

"I'm considering it anyway," Khan announced.

"You are an idiot who needs a phone to rule the length of his training sessions," Martha rebuked.

"We can use the phone for that too!" Khan exclaimed.

"We won't use a phone for that," Martha quickly refuted Khan's idea.

"Something is there then," Khan smiled.

"The whole training camp can't be completely wrong, can it?" Martha said before a faint blush appeared on her cheek. "Focus now. The semestral missions are here."

"Can we talk about this properly once we are back?" Khan asked.

"No," Martha immediately replied before lowering her head. "Maybe."

"Maybe is enough," Khan announced before continuing to walk next to her in silence.

Luke and Bruce had noticed that interaction by then, but they didn't dare to approach the duo. The two boys had been with Khan and Martha far longer than the other recruits of the special class, so they could sense that something was off.

Martha and Khan had always spent a lot of time together, and they had clearly shared a few secrets. However, they had never obtained the romantic aura that new couples usually had.

Still, that feeling was surrounding the duo now. Luke and Bruce could almost sense that their relationship had taken a step forward. Something had changed during the two weeks on Onia, but the two boys couldn't understand the reason behind that event.

A long truck and a jeep were waiting for the recruits at the exit of the training camp. Lieutenant Unchai quickly ordered everyone to jump in, but the class of Ef'i suddenly appeared in the distance and delayed their departure.

Khan felt happy to see that Eztli was among them. He needed the help of one of his companions to stand up, and his waist had many green patches, but he was alive.

Teco forced his students to form a line in front of the human class and perform a military salute. Then, Lieutenant Unchai's voice roared behind Khan and the others and ordered them to reply with a similar gesture.

The two groups exchanged their polite salutations, and Khan didn't miss how Eztli's gaze never left him. Khan couldn't help but smile at that sight, but the Lieutenant soon made them break the ranks and go toward the truck.

"It's hard to believe that we have been on another planet," Khan sighed as he kept his eyes on the openings of the trucks to memorize Onia's desolate environment.

"Your body will remind you of the difference once we go back on Earth," Martha laughed, and her gaze often fell on Khan's curious expression.

The truck didn't take much to get back to the camp that held the teleport. Lieutenant Unchai made all the recruits jump off the vehicle before leading them toward a familiar structure.

Scanners and green floors unfolded in Khan's vision as he returned to the first alien building seen during that travel. It was time to leave, but the recruits had yet to learn about their destination, and Lieutenant Unchai had no intention to reveal it to them.

"I won't follow you there," Lieutenant Unchai announced once everyone gained access to the circular area with the teleport. "A different Lieutenant will take care of handling the semestral missions. Be sure to use the valuable battle experience you have gathered here to make your training camp shine. Bring honor to Ylaco."

"Do you mean that we'll have to fight against other training camps?" Khan asked, and everyone fell silent before turning toward Lieutenant Unchai.

The soldier didn't say anything else. He showed a wide smile before giving the order to the scientists. The teleport activated, and all the recruits jumped on the oval platform.

Khan could feel the area of synthetic mana gathering around him again, but another sensation suddenly spread through his arm. His eyes went on that spot and noticed that Martha was holding his hand.

"The first time wasn't too nice," Martha briefly explained.

Khan limited himself to tighten his grasp on Martha's hand and nod. No one could see their gesture since everyone was busy worrying about the side effects of the teleport. Yet, the machine activated before any of them could even think about preparing their minds.

Everything went dark before a few sensations appeared among that darkness. Khan felt cold spreading from his knees, but his left hand was warm. His vision then returned and allowed him to see that he was kneeling on a white platform surrounded by glowing blue plants.

Martha was crouching at his side, and the other recruits were in a similar situation. Some of them still puked, but the white surface of the teleport took care of that waste.

Khan wanted to help Martha, but a huge figure suddenly filled his vision. A more than two meters tall humanoid creature walked toward the group of recruits and showed a displeased expression when it noticed their state.

'Isn't that a Kred?' Khan wondered when he inspected the creature.

The alien was massive. Its furry skin didn't manage to hide the tight array of bulging muscles. The creature had the face of a wolf that had inherited a few human features, and its fingers ended with sharp claws.

"You are another disappointing bunch," A female human voice came out of the Kred. "Welcome to Istrone. I will be your Lieutenant for the semestral missions."


Author's notes: I'm back.

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