Chaos' Heir

Chapter 569 Deal

Chapter 569 Deal

With Lord Exr convinced, the meeting continued in a happier tone. Everyone drank, ate, and exchanged casual chats until the time to leave arrived.

Khan and Ambassador Abores remained silent during the trip inside the ship. They both had things to say, but the location didn't allow them to disclose their thoughts, so they waited for the right opportunity to arrive.

The ship eventually landed on the sidewalk before the political building, letting the two humans free to return home. They crossed the main hall and headed straight for one elevator, and neither said anything when the Ambassador pressed the key for his floor.

Khan and the Ambassador were on the same page. They crossed the corridor and entered the office without exchanging military salutes or pleasantries. They remained silent even when they reached opposite sides of the main desk, but the time to speak arrived at that point.

"You surprised me out there," Ambassador Abores announced, sitting behind the desk. "Mentioning your girlfriend. That was a good move."

Khan didn't answer. The Thilku weren't the sentimental type but respected values like personal honor and loyalty. The fact that the bomb had endangered Khan's partner wasn't something Lord Exr could ignore or dismiss for the sake of politics.

"Though, I wonder," Ambassador Abores continued. "Was it necessary? That was your chance to deepen your relationship with Lord Exr."

"Political relationships are pointless if we don't complete the mission," Khan explained, "And having me on the field is our best bet."

"That it is," Ambassador Abores sighed. "Still, I didn't expect you to use your girlfriend like this. The network had me believe you weren't that type of man."

"Just because it's useful to the mission," Khan stated, "It doesn't make it a lie. My anger for how things unfolded on Lauter is very real."

Khan was speaking the truth. He had almost lost Monica and died on Lauter. He couldn't help but take the matter personally, even if the Thilku didn't necessarily matter.

The Thilku were involved in the delivery, but Khan mostly blamed the human criminals. The Hive and Mister Chares' organization were the targets of his anger. Using that feeling to his advantage simply was an approach he had planned in the past weeks with the knowledge acquired from Amox.

Of course, Khan didn't feel good using Monica in that way. He didn't want to be that kind of person. He even hated himself a bit for resorting to such a move. Yet, Khan knew Monica wouldn't mind it. It was more of a personal gripe toward his integrity rather than an insult to his girlfriend.

"Well," Ambassador Abores uttered, spreading his arms. "The mission is in your hands now. Don't mess it up."

"On that topic," Khan voiced. "I need my recommendation letter."

"I'll write it when the time is right," Ambassador Abores stated.

"No," Khan firmly refused. "I need it now. I won't handle anything otherwise."

"Are you saying you will compromise the mission without the letter?" Ambassador Abores asked. "I hope I misunderstood you, Captain."

"Lord Exr can still contact the Global Army on his own," Khan reminded. "Your deal with him works only if I play my part, which I won't without some insurance."

"And how is a single letter going to provide that?" Ambassador Abores wondered. "If something happens, it would be your word against mine, which doesn't look good."

"I don't care if the public doesn't learn about this," Khan declared, "But the upper echelon must know. These additional risks must bring benefits."

"And they will arrive," Ambassador Abores responded. "After the mission is over."

"Insurance," Khan repeated.

"It will come when I decide so," Ambassador Abores stated. "Don't forget who is the commanding officer here."

"I don't understand, sir," Khan revealed. "I thought we had a deal."

"And we still do," Ambassador Abores confirmed.

"Why this delay, then?" Khan asked. "Why change the terms when we both got what we wanted?"

"Chain of command," Ambassador Abores explained. "You are a wild card, Captain. You need to be controlled."

"I've done nothing but follow your orders," Khan pointed out. "I haven't been out of line even once."

"And yet," Ambassador Abores said, raising his voice, "Here we are. Never once in my career I've been asked to be replaced. It's insulting."

'He took it personally,' Khan thought. Truth be told, he couldn't blame the Ambassador for feeling like that, but his safety came first.

"Sir, you received an opportunity you would have taken years to build," Khan exclaimed.

"I didn't receive anything," Ambassador Abores snorted. "I requested it, making the best out of an unexpected development."

"It's the same outcome," Khan replied.

"It is," Ambassador Abores agreed. "I'm only limiting your agency. I warned you about reckless behavior under my watch, Captain."

That treatment was far from fair from Khan's perspective. He was truly innocent there, but the Ambassador didn't care. In a way, Khan was simply a victim of Lord Exr's whims.

"I'm not getting that letter, aren't I?" Khan asked.

"If you mess things up," Ambassador Abores announced, "The responsibility is on me. I can't give you that kind of power."

"You are setting me up if something goes wrong," Khan summarized.

"I am," Ambassador Abores confirmed. "However, do your job properly, and the upper echelon will learn about your efforts. I'll even praise you publicly in front of my superiors."

"And the letter?" Khan asked.

"Same with the letter," Ambassador Abores said. "You have my word."

That outcome wasn't ideal for Khan. He actually didn't like it at all. Yet, complaining to Lord Exr was his only alternative, which would end up hurting him in the long run.

Lord Exr would help Khan with Ambassador Abores, but that wasn't a move he could take back. He risked destroying that agreement and getting nothing in return.

Nevertheless, a positive side to the story existed. Ambassador Abores would probably stay true to his word if everything went as planned. Someone in his position couldn't lose face in an agreement that benefitted him, and Khan had connections that prevented him from getting screwed over.josei

"I'm willing to wait on the letter," Khan eventually accepted defeat, "But I expect the same amount of preparation on your side. I'm not jumping into this job without your support."

"It's my job to continue studying the issue," Ambassador Abores declared, "And I will share it with you to allow you to perform your new role properly."

Khan and the Ambassador fell into a contest of stares. Their discussion had ended, but leaving like this didn't feel right. Yet, Khan couldn't see other options. He had no leverage worth exploring to improve his position.

"Thank you, sir," Khan eventually stated. "Permission to get back to my studies."

"Granted," Ambassador Abores said. "Don't forget your job either. If the investigation on the stations happens, the team needs to be ready."

"It will be," Khan promised. "I'll make sure of that."

"Good," Ambassador Abores voiced. "Dismissed."

Khan performed a military salute but lingered on it for only a second before leaving the office. The meeting didn't go as planned, and the matter burned him a bit, but he was too busy to worry about his mood.

Returning to the flat didn't change anything. Khan actually found himself busier than before. He didn't only need to finish studying Ambassador Abores' notes now. He also had to write reports for his companions to prepare them for an eventual inspection of the stations.

'If I do this right,' Khan thought, settling behind his interactive desk, 'The mission will come to an end, and I'll be able to return to the Harbor.'

Khan generally despised being stuck on a glorified space station, but the recent development made him yearn for that home. He didn't miss Andrew or Francis, but the lack of freedom in Neuria was starting to get to him.

Hanging out with Amox was fun, and Khan loved being immersed in an alien environment. However, depending on Ambassador Abores' whims wasn't ideal, especially due to his lack of connections with his best allies.

Being unable to contact Monica didn't help either. Khan was already suffering from their distance, and that isolation worsened his situation. He missed her and calls alone couldn't quell that urge. He wanted his girlfriend back and escape his current working environment.

'I wonder what they'll make me do once this is over,' Khan thought, preparing himself for a long studying session. 'Maybe they'll keep me close to the Thilku since I'm already briefed on them.'

Khan also considered other aspects of the matter. Ambassador Abores was right. Khan had left a positive impression on the Thilku with just a handful of missions. That was an impressive achievement the Headmistress and other higher-ups had to acknowledge.

'No point worrying about the future now,' Khan cursed as the interactive desk reminded him how much he had to study. 'I need to focus on the matter at hand. I can't lose sight of the goal now.'

The worries ended on those thoughts. Khan immersed himself in his studies and job, doing his best to fulfill his promises to the Ambassador. That trend went on for days and weeks until the official announcement arrived. Lord Exr had agreed to open up one of the sea stations.

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