Chaos' Heir

Chapter 588 Deals

Chapter 588 Deals

The threat didn't evolve into anything specific. The scientists didn't have the authority to fulfill that request, and Khan couldn't barge into the scientific division either. He could only let the man go and wait for his superiors to review the matter.

After that, Khan dropped the sedated wolf on the floor and left the warehouse to return to the trench. Nothing had changed during the short trip, so he resumed his position beside Caspar and prepared for another meditative session.

"Did you meet any problem?" Caspar couldn't help but ask since Khan had yet to close his eyes.

"The car handled everything," Khan reassured. "What do you think the scientists will do with that creature anyway?"

"No idea," Caspar responded. "It's probably better not to know."

"Aren't you curious?" Khan wondered.

"A bit," Caspar admitted, "But knowing my fate if I get infected is scarier."

Khan didn't probe any further. That feeling belonged to the battlefield, and he respected it. He even understood why Caspar preferred to remain in the dark.

"You are quite easy to talk to," Khan commented, changing the topic. "I thought families forbid that."

"They do," Caspar laughed. "Well, I come from the poorer side of the Chaunac family. I had to back up my privilege with a few results."

"You made it to Captain and this job," Khan pointed out. "That's more than a few."

"I already told you my family helped," Caspar dismissed the praise, "And I was lucky enough to find good soldiers while serving."

Caspar couldn't hide his mana from Khan, so his genuine traits were evident. The man had received political training but also appeared quite honest. He seemed to be the kind of soldier Khan could go along with.

"You aren't lying to me just to make a good impression, right?" Khan joked, even if he already knew the answer to his question.

"I wouldn't dare," Caspar promised. "I'll annoy you with politics in exactly one week."

"Alright," Khan snickered. "I'll get back to meditating now if you don't mind."

"Feel free to do so," Caspar exclaimed. "The way I see it, you are in charge, Captain."

Khan limited himself to a polite nod before closing his eyes and starting a meditative session. Most of his attention obviously remained on the symphony and odd sensation, but he still managed to get some work done.

Sadly enough, hours went by without showing any change. The illuminated area remained peaceful, and boredom filled the trench due to the uneventful period. That trend continued until dawn approached, marking the end of the shift.josei

Returning to the building after achieving so little left Khan restless, but the peace of his accommodation allowed him to review the matter clearly. He had fought a Tainted animal and declared his stance toward the scientific department. He couldn't expect much more from his first day on Cegnore.

Nevertheless, even if the day had officially ended, Khan's tasks didn't. No orders were waiting for him, but a ringing noise resounded in his office mere minutes after he returned inside it.

When Khan opened his door, three long white coats unfolded in his vision. A middle-aged man stood before the entrance with two relatively young women at his sides. The three wore stern faces, and their mana conveyed similar emotions.

The corridor's symphony also reached Khan, revealing the presence of onlookers. He even sensed Caspar, who added confusion and tension to the area. That meeting clearly was unusual for the soldiers, but Khan welcomed it with a smile.

"May I help you?" Khan asked, pretending not to know the reason behind that event.

"We'd like to have a talk with you," The man declared. "In private."

"Please," Khan exclaimed, moving aside to open the path for his office. "Come in."

The three scientists walked inside without adding polite remarks or gratitude. They behaved like they were in charge of the place, which wasn't far from the truth. However, Khan only saw three third-level warriors, so he couldn't feel threatened.

"I'm sorry I can't offer you much," Khan announced, sealing the door. "I have yet to grab anything from the cafeteria."

"Those pleasantries won't be necessary," The man stated, turning to face Khan. "This meeting won't be long."

The two women turned with the man, and Khan found three pairs of cold eyes fixed on him. The scientists were doing their best to convey their superior rank in the building, but nothing could affect Khan's carefree attitude.

"Sit, at least," Khan uttered, pointing at the single couch in the office. "I'll grab a chair in the meantime."

"That won't be necessary either," The man declared, trying to stop Khan.

"I hope you won't mind me taking the couch then," Khan chuckled, heading for that comfortable seat. "It has been a long night."

The women grew slightly uncomfortable before Khan seemingly uncaring behavior, but the man retained his sternness. That reaction described their internal hierarchy, which Khan had already established.

"Captain Khan," The man cleared his throat while occupying a spot in front of the couch. "We are aware of your exploits and political relevance. However, that doesn't give you any right to break the building's regulations."

"I simply requested a report," Khan shrugged his shoulders. "I can't do my job if I'm not privy to all relevant information."

"You exposed one of my scientists to the risk of infection," The man continued. "That behavior is intolerable."

"He could have talked through the speaker," Khan pointed out, still showing a smile to those stern faces.

"That doesn't matter," The man stated. "We'll ignore your transgression this time, but you'll force us to send a complaint to the Harbor if this happens again."

"Can I at least know who I am speaking to?" Khan wondered since the scientists had yet to introduce themselves.

The man disliked how Khan ignored the gravity of the situation, and his question didn't help. The scientist actually hesitated, but an answer eventually left his mouth. "I'm Winston Wulfo, second in command of Cegnore's scientific department. You can confirm my credentials with Captain Chaunac."

"I'm honored my stunt could bring out the second in command," Khan laughed. "You must take me very seriously."

"This is no joking matter," Winston scolded. "You put the entire building at risk."

"I guess I did," Khan sighed, leaning deeper into the couch. "You all must be pretty on edge. I bet getting only leftovers doesn't help."

"We aren't here to make conversation," Winston declared. "We delivered our message, so we'll take our leave now."

Winston suddenly turned, and his companions imitated him. However, before they could step toward the door, Khan said something that tingled their interest. "I could get you better guinea pigs. Maybe even intelligent beings."

Something changed inside Winston, and his companions noticed that. The two women shot a meaningful glance at his face before he turned to look at Khan.

"On what basis do you make such claims?" Winston asked, but Khan didn't reply. His smile disappeared as his eyes moved between the two women.

"Leave us," Winston ordered, understanding that silent message. The two women felt surprised but still complied.

"Do you want to sit now, Mister Wulfo?" Khan questioned as soon as the two women left.

"Was your claim a lie to remain alone with me?" Winston asked. "I hope you don't expect me to fall for empty threats like my underling."

"I stand by my words," Khan stated. "I can bring more enemies to the human trench. As for the intelligent beings, that's a matter of luck."

Winston tried to find the truth in Khan's emotionless face, but the effort didn't pay off. Khan was simply too good at hiding his intentions.

"I," Winston hesitated. "I'll accept the seat, Captain."

"Take the couch," Khan smiled, standing up. "I know better than mistreating a guest."

Winston could only comply with Khan's request, occupying the couch while he retrieved the chair behind the interactive desk. Soon, both sat down, facing each other, and Khan let the scientist have the first line.

"So, Captain," Winston announced, showing far more politeness than before. "How would you bring more specimens to the trench?"

"That's my issue to handle, Mister Wulfo," Khan replied, using the same politeness, "And I won't share the specifics. I'm sure you understand."

"Then," Winston continued, "What do you ask in return?"

"Complete access to all the information gathered by the scientific department," Khan went straight to the point. "I also want what you obtained from the Thilku."

"That's preposterous!" Winston shouted, standing up. "The scientific department can't reveal classified information."

"I'm not asking the scientific department," Khan calmly explained. "I'm asking you."

Winston's eyes widened in surprise when he understood what Khan meant. He was actually suggesting breaking rules to reap benefits.

"I think you are mistaking Cegnore for the Harbor, Captain," Winston smirked, returning to the couch. "My word is heavier than yours here. I could get you deported for merely speaking about breaking regulations."

"But you are still here," Khan sighed. "Why don't we skip the part where you pretend to be loyal and get to the point?"

Winston couldn't help but hate how that conversation was going. He had partially lied with his previous statement, but Khan didn't take the bait. Khan appeared in complete control of the meeting.

"Sharing classified information is a grave crime," Winston commented.

"It will be our secret," Khan responded. "I'll dispose of any device you deliver to me if that's what you need to feel safer."

"I can't trust you so blindly," Winston refused. "You must give me leverage on you for this deal to be equal."

"It won't be equal," Khan declared. "I have the currency you want, and you aren't the only buyer. If you refuse, I'll make the same offer to the Thilku."

"That's treason," Winston gasped.

"I'm a trusted figure among the Thilku," Khan uttered. "Making deals with them is my job."

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