Chaos' Heir

Chapter 645 Late

Chapter 645 Late

Chapter 645 Late

Khan couldn't help but fall silent. He knew Monica's situation very well since the two had talked extensively about it, and her father often popped out during those conversations.

'Many have to starve to allow a few to conquer the stars,' Khan recalled one of Mister Solodrey's lines Monica had shared with him. That alone said a lot about her father's personality, and Khan didn't know if he disagreed with him anymore.

'Though I'm not doing that for money,' Khan thought, growing angrier, 'And I'm not sacrificing my daughter in the process.'

Khan kept his anger to himself and focused on the good aspect of that situation. Madam Solodrey had long since started warming up to him, and her last statement was the greatest proof of that.

"I was under the impression your husband only cared about profit," Khan commented.

"My husband makes sure our faction stays relevant inside the family," Madam Solodrey snapped. "Our daughter has her current relevance thanks to him. You might not like my husband, but I demand that you respect him."

Khan didn't accept that but remained silent. Avoiding answering was his best compromise, but his mind had already gone past that. He would eventually deal with the issues in Monica's family, but the time wasn't right yet.

"When can I expect Monica to return from Neuria?" Khan wondered.

"Shouldn't you ask me how she is performing first?" Madam Solodrey wondered.

"It's my girlfriend we are talking about," Khan declared. "I know she is doing great."

"That's a proper reply," Madam Solodrey praised. "As for her return, it's hard to say. Communications are scarce due to the Empire's interference."

"Tell her I've returned," Khan requested, sighing. "If you can, update her on the news on the network."

"Are you giving me orders, Captain?" Madam Solodrey questioned.

"I am," Khan didn't even try to hide it. "She is worried right now. I wish she knew I was home safe."

"That's not your home, Captain," Madam Solodrey scoffed.

"I know," Khan responded. "It's ours, Monica's, and mine."

Madam Solodrey scoffed again but didn't add anything. She didn't like how things had gone down in the Harbor, but that ship had already sailed. She could only try to steer it in the right direction now.

"About you two," Madam Solodrey changed the topic. "I'm sure my dear daughter mentioned your anniversary. That's an important event, and every family pays close attention to it."

"I'm sure you have prepared appropriate plans," Khan said. "I'll play the good fiancé to steeve away potential suitors, but I'll take Monica out on my own terms afterward."

"You aren't my daughter's fiancé," Madam Solodrey made sure to specify. "Yet."

"Must have slipped," Khan teased before returning seriously. "My terms still remain."

"As long as it doesn't interfere with her duties," Madam Solodrey exclaimed, "And doesn't involve anything that could damage her or the family's reputation, I approve."

"I'm glad," Khan joked. "I would have kidnapped Monica otherwise."

"Tasteless," Madam Solodrey sighed. "I'll send the plans for the anniversary. You can start studying them while you wait for my dear daughter's return."

"I'll be sure to reply with every complaint I have," Khan chuckled.

"Goodbye, Captain Khan," Madam Solodrey ignored the joke.

"Goodbye, Anastasia," Khan replied, "And thank you for your support."

"I'm not supporting you," Madam Solodrey specified. "I'm doing what's best for my daughter and family, which sadly involves you."

"I made sure of that," Khan pointed out.

"Yes," Madam Solodrey admitted. "For what it's worth, at least your resolve is commendable. Now, more important matters require my attention."

"Goodbye again," Khan exclaimed, and the call ended. He had found the strength to joke around in the last exchanges, but his serious mood immediately returned once he remained alone.

Khan felt a bit dirty for having fun teasing Madam Solodrey right after everything that had happened, but the situation was helpless. He needed time to move on, and the break worked in his favor.

No more calls reached Khan's phone. Important messages still arrived, but he often ignored them to focus on healing and studying the Thilku runes.

Days passed in that complete solitude. Khan didn't even see Andrew but only texted him to continue keeping an eye on Francis. As for food and drinks, the Harbor provided him with everything he needed.

The days slowly transformed into weeks. Khan didn't get much done in terms of studying in that period, but his injuries greatly benefited from the undisturbed rest and constant meditative sessions.

Khan lost most of his bandages in the first week, and only his brace remained by the end of the second. His skin still had some red marks, but they weren't relevant.

The stark improvements forced Khan to perform a mandatory check-up in the Harbor's medical bay, and the trip outside also gave him the opportunity to handle a different matter. After the doctors cleared him, he hopped on the first cab and headed toward the familiar embassy.

Khan had almost become able to distinguish between the identical roofs of that pyramidal structure. He definitely recognized where his cab landed, and soldiers immediately approached the vehicle to welcome him.

A series of military salutes unfolded, but Khan walked straight for the passage past the landing platform. Its doors opened at his arrival, and a short walk brought him inside the Headmistress' familiar office.

"You made me wait, Captain," Headmistress Holwen promptly announced from behind her interactive desk. "Sit."

Khan entered the office and sat on a chair before the interactive desk. The entrance had closed by then, leaving the two alone.

"I've received more detailed updates than what has reached the network," Headmistress Holwen stated, lifting her head to look at Khan. "I see that you've mostly recovered."

Khan lifted his right arm and opened and closed his hand. He had regained full mobility, and no pain accompanied those gestures. Still, his forearm had yet to heal fully, so the metal brace remained necessary.

"This meeting is mostly protocol," Headmistress Holwen revealed. "I need to show that you continue answering to me as long as you remain in the Harbor."

"We had our disagreements," Khan exclaimed, "But you did help me a lot. I didn't forget that, ma'am."

"That being said," Headmistress Holwen continued. "If you have additional information, I'm all ears."

"I don't," Khan directly refused. "This matter is between the Thilku and me. I won't break their trust."

"That's acceptable," Headmistress Holwen sighed. "Mister Cirvags agreed to those terms, too, so I can't say much. However, I hope you don't forget your true allegiances."

"Are you worried about my track record?" Khan wondered.

"You are a walking problem," Headmistress Holwen snorted. "A magnet for trouble. Controlling you is my job as long as you stay in the Harbor."

"Contain the reporters, too," Khan stated. "Their equipment looks expensive."

Headmistress Holwen fell silent. Khan had uttered a clear threat, but she was powerless there. Even with her best security measures, Khan was simply too famous. It was impossible to stop every reporter, especially when he didn't give her much time to prepare.

"I think your last warning worked," Headmistress Holwen vaguely said, looking at the interactive desk. "Well, there was no warning since no one illegally relied on mana inside the Harbor."

Khan chuckled but didn't add anything. Seeing that behavior from the Headmistress was almost amusing, but his recent achievements were undeniable. Khan had truly surpassed himself on Cegnore, even if many events there had been far from happy.

"I seem to understand you are well enough to start giving interviews," Headmistress Holwen changed the topic. "Did you memorize Mister Cirvags' script?"

"I skimmed through it," Khan revealed. "I'd be more worried about the reporters."

"We handpicked them," Headmistress Holwen reassured. "Though I expect a respectable amount of self-restraint on your side, too."

"That will depend on the reporters," Khan declared.

"Captain," Headmistress Holwen sighed before lifting her gaze and relying on her cold tone. "You earned your current leeway, but don't push it."

"Why?" Khan asked.

Headmistress Holwen and Khan entered a contest of stares, and neither was willing to surrender. Still, the Headmistress finally noticed what everyone was talking about during that silent stalemate. Khan had truly changed. He was colder, firmer, and less playful, but the fire in his eyes shone brighter than ever. josei

Of course, Headmistress Holwen viewed that stance as a menace. Khan had already threatened to destroy entire districts of the Harbor, and his track record with the training halls was terrible. However, she didn't know whether trying to contain him was the right choice.

"It's too late," Khan intervened as if he knew what was happening inside the Headmistress' mind. "If you truly are worried, stop me now before you lose the chance."

That open challenge highlighted Khan's changes once again, but the Headmistress saw something different. Sure, Khan seemed to have grown unstable. He even spoke like a ticking bomb. Yet, he had never looked the part of a Captain more than now.

The Harbor's safety remained the Headmistress' main worry, but she was also a member of the Global Army, and the best soldier in history was before her. She also knew Khan's loyalty didn't lie within the army. Restraining him could push him away, and she didn't want humankind to lose him.

"Get out instead of spouting nonsense," Headmistress Holwen eventually snorted. "And don't destroy my Harbor."

Khan smirked before standing up and heading outside. He didn't even perform the customary military salute. He left as if he owned the place, and the Headmistress didn't hesitate to voice a loud groan once she remained alone.

As for Khan, he headed directly into the cab and sent directions for his flat. He didn't look forward to the interviews, but they could help his situation, so he would do them. Still, he wouldn't compromise if the reporters attempted to trick him.

The trip allowed Khan to meditate some more, but reaching his building revealed an odd sight. A few cars had parked beside the sidewalk, and only the drivers remained inside.

Khan initially thought about the reporters or other issues connected to his fame, but stepping outside revealed a different truth. A specific scent had joined the symphony, making him sprint toward the building and inside the elevator.

Voices reached Khan's ears when the elevator opened into his flat, but his legs were already on the move. He dashed through the room, dodging unaware figures that stood in his way to grab a specific one by the waist.

"Khan!" Monica exclaimed in surprise, smiling when Khan lifted her.

Khan's right arm hurt a bit, but he didn't feel anything. Monica was there, right between his hands, and nothing else mattered. He pulled her closer, and she instinctively wrapped her legs and arms around him to hug him tightly.

The two barely spent a second in that position before their heads began to turn. Khan and Monica didn't even know how, but their lips touched, and a loving kiss unfolded.

Khan had committed the hall's layout to memory long ago, so he stepped to his right to make Monica sit on the couch's back. She could relax her legs now but didn't and kept them clung to Khan's waist. Her arms also remained around his neck as that kiss continued.

The sudden gesture made Monica forget she wasn't alone in the flat. Master Amelia and a few women were in the main hall, dealing with the sea of clothes and Monica's luggage. Instead, Khan knew but didn't care.

Seeing Monica in that state made the team of women halt their tasks and stare at the couple. That wasn't a proper behavior in the least, and things seemed ready to degenerate since Khan's left hand slid past Monica's waist to reach her thigh.

Monica and Khan broke the kiss to exchange a meaningful glance. She giggled and left his neck to caress his face, but her eyes told a very different story.

Khan understood Monica clearly since the same thoughts had filled his mind. He lifted a hand to grab her chin. His thumb touched her lips, and she softly kissed it. Khan savored the scene before shooting a cold glare to his right.

"Leave," Khan growled, eyeing Master Amelia while Monica wrapped her arms around his neck again and brought her head there.

Master Amelia didn't know how to react. She didn't only feel the instinctive fear caused by Khan's presence. Monica had also started kissing Khan's neck, uncaring that people were around them.

Monica's military uniform was the only silver lining in that scene, which left no exposed skin. Yet, everything remained too improper to watch, so Master Amelia eventually snapped back to reality and nodded at the other women to leave the flat.

Meanwhile, Khan and Monica fell on the couch amid laughs and kisses. They barely noticed that the elevator was bringing the women down, but that wouldn't have affected their behavior anyway. It was too late to stop their lust.

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