Chaos' Heir

Chapter 366 Drawn

Chapter 366 Drawn

Memories returned before Khan completely woke up. A series of images, sounds, and voices ran through his mind as soon as the nightmare ended.

'Shit,' Khan thought before opening his eyes to find a worried, purple gaze fixed on him.

"[How long did I sleep]?" Khan groaned.

"[Longer than I have ever seen you sleep]," Jenna responded. "[Your monsters kept you company for the whole time]."

"[That's how it is]," Khan sighed as he let go of Jenna's waist and sat on the bed.

Khan felt strangely well. He was thirsty but also full of energy. A quick use of the check-up technique revealed that his body was completely rested and didn't show the slightest trace of tiredness or instability.

Jenna remained silent as Khan left the bed and reached the bathroom to fill a glass with water. He drank until his thirst disappeared, but the problems didn't end there.

Khan found Jenna's meaningful stare waiting for him when he returned to the room. She was still under the sheets. It was clear that she was waiting for something.

Khan rolled his eyes before undressing and jumping on the bed. Jenna giggled as Khan took her in a warm embrace, and a question came out of her mouth when he started caressing her.

"[What happened with Monica]?" Jenna teased. "[I know you did something outside the room]."

"[We kissed]," Khan said while lying deeper on the pillow. "[Well, I kissed her. Then, she slapped and kissed me]."

"[Exciting]," Jenna exclaimed while changing her position to lay her waist on Khan's lap. "[How did it feel to kiss her? How did she taste]?"

"[Don't get so excited]," Khan scolded as Jenna basically laid on him. "[It wasn't anything special]."

Jenna took Khan's face between her hands before whispering. "[Tell me anyway]."

Trying to deny Jenna's whims was a battle that Khan had never managed to win, so he didn't even bother to try. He patted her head to make it lay on his chest before coming up with a description.

"[It was simple]," Khan voiced. "[I had too much booze to enjoy it. Though I liked the slap]."

"[The slap]?" Jenna asked.

"[The slap]," Khan repeated. "[I didn't think Monica could do something like that]."

Jenna raised her head to show her confused expression. She stared deep into Khan's eyes for a few seconds until a question left her mouth. "[Do humans hit each other while kissing]?"

"[No]," Khan laughed. "[I guess there are some things you can do, but I wasn't talking about that. I just liked to see her reaction]."

"[Would you hit me if we kissed]?" Jenna continued.

"[Stop misunderstanding]," Khan laughed again as he hugged Jenna to put her back on his chest.

"[I think I would like a bite on my neck instead of a slap]," Jenna commented.

"[Don't get all lewd already]," Khan complained. [You are partially to blame for what happened]."

"[How so]?" Jenna giggled as she ran her right hand over Khan's waist.

"[You are impossible]," Khan cursed before closing his eyes and wearing a smile as soon as he heard Jenna's happy laugh.

The fun part ended there in Khan's mind. He had joked a bit about what happened the previous night, but the time to face the situation seriously had arrived.

Truth be told, Khan had excuses for what he had done. He was drunk, and his mood was on the ground due to the meeting with the Orlats. Yet, he couldn't deny the existence of real motivations behind his actions.

Jenna had stuffed Khan with urges, which had come out during that moment of weakness. His drunk mind didn't care about the potential threat that Monica posed. He had ignored all those issues, which left only a beautiful and funny woman behind.

'Do I really like her?' Khan wondered. 'I mean, I know I do, but still. Why did I even do something like that?'

Khan had a wonderful time during the dinner and the walk back home. He even had to admit that he and Monica had great chemistry. She didn't lack anything either, both in terms of maturity and beauty.

However, a relationship was out of the question, and the existence of a spy wasn't Khan's only worry. He didn't want to get romantically involved so soon after Cora.

"[I'll only focus on you from now on]," Khan declared.

Jenna was almost a perfect compromise since the two didn't need to explain where they stood. Khan and Jenna could be intimate without hurting each other. Their relationship caused problems when it came to urges, but that was the best path Khan could find.

"[Denied]," Jenna announced. "[I won't let you use me to hide]."

"[Don't you fear that I might do this with someone else]?" Khan teased as he hugged Jenna tightly.

"[These tricks won't work today]," Jenna stated as she snuggled closer to Khan's chest.

"[Can I at least have a say in this]?" Khan almost pleaded.

"[You'd probably choose a path that makes you suffer if I leave it to you]," Jenna explained. "[That's why I need to help you]."

"[I'm not a masochist]," Khan scoffed.

"[You said that the best part of the kiss with Monica was her slap]," Jenna pointed out.

"[That's not what I said]," Khan complained.

"[Besides, Martha shares my opinion]," Jenna continued.

That answer reminded Khan that Jenna and Martha had been in the building on their own for a while. The meeting with the Orlats had also lasted quite some time, so it was safe to assume that the two women had a long talk.

"[How did the talk with Martha go]?" Khan questioned.

"[I think well]," Jenna replied. "[I like her. I now understand how you two got close in the first place]."

"[Did she tell you stories about the academy]?" Khan asked.

"[Just a few]," Jenna revealed. "[I laughed quite a bit]."

"[I was a desperate case back then]," Khan chuckled. "[She had to teach me the very basics behind the human society]."

"[She speaks fondly of that time]," Jenna stated. "[You left such a good impression on her]."

"[Those were good times]," Khan sighed. "[We just didn't know that yet]."

Jenna sensed the faint sadness in Khan's voice and tilted her head to look at him. Khan felt her movements, and he even predicted her worry, but he kept his eyes closed as memories ran through his mind.

The innocence of the first months in Ylaco's training camp was impossible to retrieve. Khan had already experienced the tragedy of the Second Impact back then, but naivety still used to fill his thoughts.

That had completely disappeared after Istrone and Nitis, so Khan couldn't help but think about that time with joy and nostalgia. Everything used to be easier back then. He recalled how having a full stomach was enough to make him happy.

"[You make it so hard for me]," Jenna whispered as she turned and spread her legs to sit on Khan's torso. "[How do you expect me to contain myself when you are like this]?"

Khan opened his eyes when Jenna's hands fell on his chest. Her naked figure was completely exposed to him, but he could differentiate between mere lust and affection now.

Khan straightened his back and let Jenna slide on his abdomen as he reached for her waist. Jenna seemed to understand what he wanted, so she bent forward and lowered her head.

Their foreheads touched, and the two remained in that position for a while. Words didn't matter in that situation. Knowing that they both understood what was going through their respective minds allowed them to enjoy the moment.

"[Can I crack a joke already]?" Jenna whispered.

"[Is it about something lewd]?" Khan asked.

"[What do you think]?" Jenna giggled.

"[Then no]," Khan responded. "[Let me rest like this a bit longer]."

Jenna's smile widened as she wrapped her arms around Khan's neck. She knew that he had a lot to think about, especially after the previous night, so she remained still to support him.

Khan let Jenna's warmth envelop him. Her forehead seemed able to radiate her affection and good intentions, and he used them to sort out his messy mind.

It was already far past lunchtime. Khan had slept for a long time, which explained his rested state. Yet, his phone didn't carry any message.

The situation with the Orlats was probably fine. Being present during the next meeting would definitely help, but Khan didn't want anything to do with that. Those aliens' taste for cruelty was sickening, so he would avoid the matter unless Luke explicitly asked for him.

Khan wanted to know more about Martha, but he felt sure that Jenna would reveal a few things later that day. Moreover, he had already accepted the fact that Jenna wouldn't tell him everything, which was obviously fine. She and Martha deserved to have their secrets.

Monica was the only real problem, and Khan didn't know how to deal with it. Avoiding her sounded bad and unfair, but Khan felt that seeing her would only worsen the situation.

Khan had crossed a line. He had done something that he couldn't take back, and he wasn't even sure how much he regretted that choice. Khan honestly didn't know how things would end up if he happened to be alone with Monica again.

"[I'm a bit lost]," Khan admitted. "[I wonder if I have to blame my element for putting me into these situations]."

Jenna lifted her head, and Khan opened his eyes to inspect her expression. He found a bit of pity there, which left him confused and surprised.

"[Khan, the mana affects us a lot]," Jenna explained. "[It alters our perception, feelings, and thoughts. It can add strange habits to our behavior and more, but I don't think this is the case]."

"[What makes you say this]?" Khan wondered.

"[Khan]," Jenna called as she reached Khan's cheeks, "[You are young, but you have already seen so much. You live with a curse that haunts you every time you fall asleep. Don't blame your element when you do something that you like]."

Khan honestly found it hard to accept those words. He would have even disregarded them if they had come out of someone else's mouth. However, he couldn't contradict Jenna when it came to mana, and he even trusted her judgment a lot.

"[Are you saying that I like to cause messy situations]?" Khan asked.

"[I'm saying that it's okay to want to relax a bit]," Jenna stated. "[You don't need to blame your element when you don't act all perfect]."

Khan didn't know what to say, but his silence seemed to satisfy Jenna. She didn't want answers, and she didn't even care about discussing that topic. Making Khan aware of that idea was already enough.

"[Right]," Khan eventually announced. "[We ran into some troubles with Orlats after the dinner. I have hinted at our cooperation to gain some leverage and settle for a second meeting]."

"[Caja has already put her trust into you]," Jenna exclaimed. "[I also know your true character. I'm sure you didn't put my species in danger]."

"[I still don't feel too good about it]," Khan revealed. "[I don't like the Orlats either, but I couldn't think of other ways]."

"[Caja didn't say anything specific]," Jenna responded, "[But you have already gained some authority among my species. Having our trust means that you can use it to benefit your situation]."

"[That feels cold]," Khan uttered.

"[Did you have bad intentions when you mentioned my species]?" Jenna asked.

"[Not at all]," Khan stated. "[I mentioned you only because I knew that the Orlats were already aware of your presence here]."

"[Did you make things hard for us]?" Jenna continued.

"[I wouldn't be able to live with myself in that case]," Khan admitted.

"[Why are you worrying then]?" Jenna giggled. "[I really found the oddest human in the universe]."

"[What do you mean]?" Khan wondered.

"[Power can be addicting]," Jenna explained. "[Humans are known for their greed, so seeing one of them who fears it so much is surprising]."

"[I don't fear power]," Khan frowned. "[I seek it]."

"[I'm not talking about your mana]," Jenna pointed out as she left Khan's head to run her fingers on his scar. "[You are selfless. I can also say that you are quite merciless toward yourself, but you get all worried when you have to rule over others]."

Khan finally understood what Jenna meant. She wasn't talking about his personal power. She was speaking about his current ability to speak for the Nele's species.

"[I-]," Khan said before hesitating for a second. "[I don't want to rule over others. I don't want that responsibility]."

"[That's not up to you to decide]," Jenna revealed a gentle smile. "[Different cultures and species have given birth to countless definitions, but that doesn't change the truth. A true leader is chosen by others, and Caja decided to trust you for that role]."

The word "leader" sounded strange in Khan's mind. He usually preferred to act alone, but he found various reasons for that behavior, especially after reviewing it.

Khan had often taken the mantle of the leader during tragedies, but he had never aimed to become one in normal times. He didn't want any additional responsibility when he could barely take care of himself.

Yet, it seemed that people kept adding value to his figure. Khan had experienced that on Nitis, Ecoruta, and even Reebfell due to his job as a professor. He refused the idea, but he had to admit that many were already willing to listen to his orders.

"[Well, you can always run away]," Jenna chuckled while bringing her hands back to Khan's face. "[I would even come with you]."

"[I guess I still have a lot to learn about myself]," Khan sighed while laying back on the bed and letting Jenna fall on him.

"[Isn't that fine]?" Jenna asked. "[Your curse made you hasty, but you can't rush some things. You know your dark and good sides. You should focus on expressing the entirety of yourself now]."

"[I should train more]," Khan stated.

"[I was talking about Monica]," Jenna pouted.

"[I'm not in the right mind to deal with Monica]," Khan admitted. "[I'll just make mistakes if I decide something now, and I don't want to hurt anyone]."

"[Are you sure you aren't running away]?" Jenna asked.

"[I don't really know]," Khan replied, "[But that's the problem, right]?"

Jenna stared at Khan for a few seconds before heaving a sigh and laying back on his chest. She wasn't too happy about that outcome, but she didn't mind it too much either. After all, she could have Khan all for herself because of that. josei

"[I'll let you win this one]," Jenna eventually said, "[But be sure to cuddle me a lot]."

"[I would have done that anyway]," Khan chuckled, and the topic ended.

Khan and Jenna spent the rest of the day in peace, without worrying too much about the outside world. They exchanged a few details about the previous night, but they never lingered too much on those events.

The waiters were quick, so Khan and Jenna never lacked food. No one bothered them either, so they could focus on casual talks and intimate moments.

Still, it didn't take long before Khan restored his tight training schedule. He had a lot on his mind, and he lacked the power to solve many of his problems, so he immersed himself in what he did best.

Jenna complained from time to time to get free cuddles, but Khan soon understood that she used her whims to enforce breaks on his training schedule. Moreover, she never failed to keep track of his progression and correct him during his exercises.

The synthetic mana couldn't make Khan experience the full potential of the Nele's arts, but it allowed him to learn their fundamentals faster. Khan paired that training with his regular exercises, including those with the flight simulator, and time inevitably flowed quickly in his perspective.

The lack of external influences, the room's isolated environment, and the building's services allowed Khan and Jenna to ignore the outside world as long as they liked.

Martha and the others were also busy with the investigation, especially now that they had gained access to valuable connections to the underground world. Only Luke, Master Ivor, and Bruce had the chance to bother Khan, but none of them interrupted his time with Jenna.

Days went by in complete peace. Khan's phone never rang. No one disturbed his full immersion in his training, and his relationship with Jenna managed to improve even further in that environment.

Khan and Jenna struggled occasionally, but they eventually reached a decent balance. Their relationship deepened, and they started to share personal secrets with stories about their lives.

Jenna was an incredible consultant since she challenged Khan to explore the depths of his character. She actually did that on purpose to help him discover more about himself, which further deepened his connection with the mana.

As for Khan, he helped Jenna with her urges. She also discovered new parts of herself during that period since Khan could give her an idea of what a relationship was like.

The peaceful time came to an end when Khan's phone finally rang. Almost two weeks had passed since the meeting with the Orlats, so Khan and Jenna didn't feel surprised when they read the contents of Luke's message.

'I have the authorization for the dock,' Khan and Jenna read from the wall where Luke's message was displayed.

Khan exchanged a series of messages with Luke before starting to prepare. He and Jenna didn't have much, and the fourth asteroid offered Milia 222's standard services, so it didn't take long before the two left the room to head down.

Lunchtime was still a few hours away, so Khan and Jenna expected the main hall to be empty. Yet, Luke had prepared a surprise for them since the event was quite meaningful.

Khan and Jenna found Luke, Bruce, Master Ivor, Francis, Monica, and Martha waiting for them in the main hall. The six were standing into two lines to create a passage, and they were even performing military salutes to add meaning to the departure. Also, all of them had brownish patches under their noses.

That scene obviously wasn't for Khan. Luke wanted to show utter respect toward Jenna and improve his relationship with her species. Still, Jenna only showed an aloof face to underline the distance between her and that group.

"At ease," Khan joked as he approached Luke. "I believe everything went well with the Orlats."

"Indeed," Luke revealed a smile as he broke his salute. "Darrell, Isaac, Claudia, and Amanda have already joined some illegal activities. Monica and Martha will come next."

"That's great," Khan exclaimed, but those words forced him to look toward Monica.

Monica's poker face was perfect as always. Her calm smile didn't waver even when she met Khan's eyes, but the two weeks of training showed their results at that point.

The room was full of synthetic mana, but the people inside it affected that energy with their mere presence. The changes were slight, but Khan felt able to see them and understand what they meant in Monica's case.

'She is livid,' Khan concluded in his mind.

"I'll update you whenever I can," Khan promised while bringing his attention back to Luke.

"Do it only if it's safe," Luke warned, "And don't worry about money. Pursue any lead with any method you can find."

"I will," Khan replied before walking forward.

Master Ivor and Francis were the next on the line, and Khan exchanged a simple nod with them. Jenna followed him closely, and she almost predicted that he would stop when he reached Martha and Monica.

"Be careful out there," Martha voiced in a slightly cheerful tone.

"I'm always careful," Khan joked.

"I'm worried about your destination now," Martha responded.

Everyone in the hall probably knew about Khan's destination, but Martha still decided to be vague. Khan revealed a smile, and he bent forward to whisper words that only she could hear. "I'm only a call away from coming back."

"You don't have to worry about me," Martha whispered while diverting her gaze to avoid looking at Khan's intense eyes.

"I can't help it," Khan said. "So, try to be careful, and don't hesitate to call me if you need help."

Martha felt forced to raise her gaze. Her stubbornness wanted her to refuse or send Khan away through a complaint, but she gave in when she noticed Jenna in the corner of her vision.

"Okay," Martha muttered, and Khan straightened his back to turn toward Monica.

"Have a nice trip," Monica exclaimed through her elegant manners. She even performed a slight bow to appear more detached.

Khan didn't ignore the matter during his training. He didn't even try to stop thinking about it. Exploring himself meant learning what he liked, which involved Monica.

"Monica," Khan called in a serious tone. "Lend me your ear for a second."

Monica's eyes flickered, but she still obeyed. She removed the curls from her left side and let Khan bend toward her. She did her best to retain her aloofness, but a tremor ran through her when Khan's warm breath hit her ear and neck. Yet, only Jenna noticed that reaction.

"We'll talk about that when I come back," Khan whispered, and Monica retracted her head a bit to glance at his expression.

Khan tried his best not to hide anything. He wanted to convey his real feelings through his expression, but that turned out to be complicated due to how unclear they were.

Monica saw some hesitation, regret, and honesty on Khan's face. However, she didn't care about any of that. She simply liked that Khan had taken the time to address the matter. Confirming that the kiss had been more than a random action fueled by booze was more than enough for her.

Khan didn't linger too long in that gesture. He straightened his back and left Monica to exchange a polite nod with Bruce, who appeared on the verge of saying something before choosing to remain silent.

The goodbyes ended there. Khan ignored everyone as he took Jenna's hand and led her outside the building. The two picked up two backpacks that Luke had left for them in front of the exit before making their way toward the street.

A luxurious car was waiting for Khan and Jenna. The two quickly went inside it and found a Nele driver who waited for the doors to close before setting off.

One of the passenger's seats had a metal casket resting on it, and its sight didn't surprise Khan. He directly opened it to seize a rectangular dark-blue chip from its insides and place it on his phone.

The screen flickered as it absorbed the data stored in the chip until a symbol became clear. An image depicting seven spheres connected by a line that ran through their center appeared on his phone before vanishing as soon as Khan touched it.

Khan browsed through his phone until he reached the magical item's section, where he found a new label added to the list. The words "222 passage" confirmed that he had obtained the authorization for the dock.

Jenna and Khan spent the rest of the trip checking the contents of their backpacks. They had planned that matter with Luke, so they could find everything and more inside them. Clothes, ointments, and a few devices meant to help during the investigation ran through Khan's vision before he closed the item.

The car left Khan and Jenna near an elevator that brought them right before the hangar for the third asteroid. The two went through the lines quickly, and Khan even used his new knowledge to lower his spiked hair after crossing the short-distance teleport.

Khan and Jenna attracted a lot of attention, but they ignored everything as they took another elevator to descend to the city. From there, they found a cab that led them right under the hangar for the fourth asteroid.

Another elevator and another hangar went by before a familiar and unfamiliar scenery unfolded in Khan's vision. The insides of the fourth asteroid were no different from the previous. Four vast streets stood above a shining city, but Khan had seen enough of Milia 222 to notice the differences.

The fourth asteroid was equally split among the six species that inhabited Milia 222. Even the xenophobic Bise accepted to live there due to the meaning behind that area.

Except for the Nele, the various species couldn't see Milia 222 as their real home. They had other planets, space stations, and more, but that didn't prevent some citizens from gaining a special affection toward those asteroids.

A significant part of Milia 222's population was sedentary and didn't engage in interplanetary travels. That had given birth to something akin to national pride as time passed, which turned the fourth asteroid into a quasi-capital.

Yearly celebrations and other events happened on the fourth asteroid due to its diverse population. Its overall style resembled the first asteroid, but the stark lower number of tourists made it closer to Milia 222's core culture.

Khan had seen enough of Milia 222 to understand that he was finally in front of its real face. The first asteroid had too many tourists, the second was too human, and the third was too Nele. Yet, the fourth was a clear expression of how diverse that place could be.

The different shops, buildings, and people that ended in Khan's vision were part of that expression, but he couldn't linger too long in that inspection. Something felt off, but he struggled to find the source of that sensation.

Khan took a deep breath before ruling out the air from the possible sources. He couldn't even see anything special on the dome or in the distance, so the answer to his doubts became clear. The synthetic mana had to be to blame for that strange sensation.

Jenna noticed that Khan was looking for something, but that wasn't the right moment to stay still. Everyone was looking at them, and the Orlats even started to group up to exchange murmurs. The two had become the street's main attraction, and she didn't want to remain there for too long.

"[Is everything okay]?" Jenna whispered.

Khan eyed Jenna and frowned. She would typically be the first to sense something odd in the synthetic mana, and he knew that she wouldn't hesitate to tell him what was happening in that case. However, the lack of explanations meant that she was unaware of that feeling.

"[Do you feel anything strange]?" Khan asked while moving his eyes through the pale-blue ceiling. "[It resembles a scent, but it's fainter and not exactly bad. Just odd]."

Jenna didn't answer. She inspected Khan to check if he was okay, and she even pressed a hand on his chest to gain a better understanding of the flow of his mana. Of course, the gesture only intensified the murmurs resounding around them.

"[You are in perfect condition]," Jenna commented before glaring at one of the groups of Orlats near the edges of the purple halo created by her clip.

"[So, am I imagining this]?" Khan asked.

"[Maybe it's a reaction to the sudden exposure to a crowded environment]," Jenna guessed. "[You did train in a room in the end. You might need time to get used to your new perception]."

Both Khan and Jenna knew that the explanation didn't quite fit. Khan would have felt something similar right after leaving Luke's building otherwise. Still, he also grew annoyed by the current situation, so he temporarily dismissed the issue.

The murmurs turned into gasps when Khan took Jenna's hand and led her toward the nearest elevator. Jenna wore her aloof face during the walk, but she had to hide behind her hair when it became impossible for her to contain her smile.

"[Everyone will think that we are a couple]," Jenna giggled once the two reached the privacy of the elevator. "[Well, they probably already thought that]."

Jenna expected Khan to scold her or give her the chance to tease him again, but he appeared too distracted to hear her words. His eyes fell on the scenery outside the elevator's transparent surfaces as soon as their hands separated. He seemed drawn by the sensation that only he could feel.

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