
Chapter 110

Chapter 110


The snow from the polar regions that began to fall from the obscured sky was far from the romantic snow one might wish for a white Christmas.

Jeong-woo felt the sting every time the air, filled with tiny ice crystals, touched his skin, making him acutely aware of any gaps in his winter gear. And no amount of zippers or buttons could completely seal those gaps. He simply had to endure.


His breath was labored, covered by a winter mask and his head wrapped tightly with a hood. The frigid air he breathed in felt as if it would tear his lungs apart.

『Since visibility is poor, don’t stray too far.』

Kaya warned as she walked ahead. She too was tense, given the fast-approaching snowstorm.

Jeong-woo struggled to keep up with Kaya as she trudged along with her pickaxe.

‘If only the wind wasn’t so relentless…’

He shivered uncontrollably, not like the shivers he knew from winters in Korea. He felt his energy depleting with each step, a vicious cycle of physiological reactions.

‘Does this count as enjoyable trekking?’

Even if freezing to death in a snowstorm awaited at the end of this journey, it seemed a fitting end. The distance from family and friends felt dauntingly vast, making Jeong-woo slightly apprehensive.

In that moment of overwhelming thoughts, a large snowflake hit his goggles. Then, an Arctic fox, meandering beside him, came into view.

‘You’re still following me?’

As Jeong-woo recognized it, the Arctic fox circled around, looking up at him with its bright eyes, reminiscent of Yoon Yi-seol’s, momentarily diluting his fear.

‘Is weather like this common in your neighborhood?’

No answer came to his silent query.

Admiring the creature enveloped in fluffy fur, Jeong-woo couldn’t help but envy its vitality.

The Arctic fox sensed Jeong-woo’s tremors and brushed its soft fur against him. Though his thick winter clothing prevented any real warmth, the gesture warmed his heart, thinking of their bond sealed with six pieces of jerky and sausage.

‘Thanks, little guy.’

A silent cheer from the Arctic fox, and they walked for about five minutes.

As the snowfall intensified, Kaya took out a rope, securing one end around her waist and offering the other end to Jeong-woo.

『Connect this. Only step where I’ve stepped from now on.』

Even her voice lacked vigor.

『Are you alright, Kaya?』

『Don’t worry. We’re less than half an hour from the shelter.』

Snow had begun to form where Kaya had walked ahead. It was piling up. Jeong-woo couldn’t help but feel sorry for relying on her so much, given how young she was.

Suddenly, the Arctic fox, trailing beside Jeong-woo, darted forward, emitting a high-pitched animal cry, obstructing Kaya’s path.

‘What’s wrong?’

When Kaya stopped, the fox did too. After probing the terrain with her ice pick, she discovered a thin layer of snow covering a dangerous crust.

『Snow has accumulated on the crust. It could have been dangerous. Did you know?』

After reassuring words and a pat on the fox’s head, Kaya proceeded carefully. The Arctic fox returned to Jeong-woo’s side without hindrance.

‘Kaya must be exhausted.’

Her arms, even when briefly touched, felt weak. Despite her cold-resistant constitution, the same biochemical processes would deplete her warmth when energy was low.

Jeong-woo noticed Kaya’s pace had significantly slowed.

‘Following won’t cut it anymore.’

If the Arctic fox had its fur and Kaya her experience in polar regions, he had one unique weapon: chemical reactions.

‘If it’s damaged, I apologize to the gods. Survivors must survive.’

Removing the battery from the drone on his back, Jeong-woo held it, analyzing its internal chemical reactions.

‘30% charge remaining. If I stimulate the ions in the electrolyte and alter the membrane structure…’

A chemical reaction that Cheon Seung-guk had performed in Venice, one that would sustain heat for an extended period, flashed through his mind. He selected that reaction, even if it was a one-time use.

Clasping the free electrons in both hands, he gathered as many as possible. With a sizzle, sparks enveloped the entire battery, causing the Arctic fox to startle and look at Jeong-woo. Seeing the curiosity in its eyes, Jeong-woo chuckled.

Inside the battery, dust particles swirled around the separator responsible for the exchange of cations and anions. Soon, the ions inside began to spiral, following this current.

‘Approximately one hour. Around 55 minutes, just in case there are variables.’

Holding the warm battery, Jeong-woo sped up to approach Kaya.


『It’s dangerous, so stay right behind…』

『Insert this.』

As Jeong-woo reached out, unzipping Kaya’s winter coat, she looked surprised.

『What are you doing…?』

Jeong-woo placed the battery inside a pocket of Kaya’s coat and zipped it up again. Feeling unexpected warmth, Kaya touched her coat, looking even more astonished.

『What is this?』

『A portable battery hea— ahem, a heater.』

『If you had this, Mister Han should have used it.』

『I can’t burden others now that I’m an adult.』

He raised his thumb in a manly pose, though it didn’t look so great due to the mittens.

Although the blizzard still stung and his hands and feet felt numb, his shaking muscles calmed down after the Arctic fox started walking beside him. Jeong-woo, pondering if this was the human survival instinct that emerged in extreme situations, gestured for Kaya to proceed.

『Let’s go. Before we freeze to death. Oh, just in case, remember my last will and testament.』

『Last will and testament?』

『I don’t want to trek for free in such a euphoric manner.』

With a laugh at Jeong-woo’s still-frosty joke, Kaya moved forward.

After battling the blizzard for another 50 minutes, a temporary shelter finally appeared ahead.

‘I made it.’

A cabin used since the construction days of Song Yukwan. Though humble, Jeong-woo thought it would be cozier than any hotel if it could shield from such a blizzard.

『Well done, Mister Han.』

Kaya hurried toward the shelter.

『Wait a moment.』

Jeong-woo grabbed her shoulder and unzipped her coat. Seeing Jeong-woo carrying the battery, Kaya asked.

『You brought it to return it?』

『It’s time-sensitive.』

Jeong-woo gathered dust particles on the battery to stimulate the remaining reaction and tossed it onto the snowy ground. With a whoosh, flames erupted, igniting the binders, separators, and active materials inside.

The Arctic fox between them hopped around, seemingly amused by the flames.

『Mister Han…』

Kaya’s shoulders stiffened at the fact that she had been carrying a potential fireball. Jeong-woo patted her shoulder reassuringly.

『I had the reaction time figured out. I may not be an expert in many things, but I’m quite proficient in calculating such chemical reactions. And a little burn is better than freezing to death.』


Inside the shelter, three members of the Rust Guard’s mountain search team were waiting.


-They haven’t arrived yet?

『It seems they’re trapped in a blizzard. Not a complete whiteout, but it came down quite suddenly.』

Luke suggested to the base camp’s control room that they should arrange an emergency rescue team since the two members of Yujin Chemical’s, who were supposed to arrive, had been missing for an hour and a half.

『Luke! Was there some sort of signal flare outside?』

『Looks like there are people out there.』

At the sound of colleagues observing outside, Luke approached the window. Through the blizzard, a light flickered, casting a shadow that appeared to be human. Luke’s expression brightened.

『Hold on. I think they’ve arrived.』

-Report back with certainty. The Korean guide here is giving me a stern look.

Continuing to peer outside, Luke widened his eyes upon seeing three shadows illuminated by the flickering light, one of two humans and another shadow of an animal trailing behind.

『Simpson. Did those people come with a dog this morning?』

『Hmm. They were carrying a large box. Looked like equipment.』

『Equipment, right? Is it just an illusion because of the blizzard?』


The door opened, and snow and wind rushed in. As the people inside raised their hands to shield their faces, the door closed again.

Luke lowered his hand and looked at the newcomers.

Jeong-woo removed his goggles and took a deep breath, saying, “Whew, we made it.” Kaya also pulled down her mask and greeted with an “Excuse me,” catching her breath. The Arctic fox wagged its tail once and let out a wild howl.

『One, two, three… Wait, three?』


-I’m Wolf. Are they okay?

『Uh… Wolves? No. They’re foxes.』

-What are you talking about?

Jumping and yelping.

Luke, locking eyes with the Arctic fox, had to pinch his cheek to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating.

At 8 PM.

The five people gathered inside the shelter began a modest meal, pooling together the rations they had brought.

It was a simple diet of yeast biscuits and canned beans.

Every time Jeong-woo scooped a spoonful of beans, he shot a little smile at the mustached man who alternated between observing him and the Arctic fox.

‘I have no idea why this fellow acts this way.’

Now comfortably seated, Jeong-woo leaned back, seemingly at ease.

He glanced at Kaya beside him, wondering if it was because Shin Seong-beom had fed all the remaining sausages from the snack pouch he provided.

『Kaya, you’re not supposed to feed wild animals, right?』

『Usually, no. If they get used to food given by humans, it can impair their hunting abilities. But strangely, this one didn’t seem wary from the start.』

Jeong-woo remembered that this fox had been lingering around the drone initially. What could it have been thinking when the drone fell from the sky? A potential new friend? A prey like a migratory bird? Either way, it was the fox that approached first.

The Arctic fox darted its adorable eyes between Jeong-woo and Kaya.

『Isn’t it a crime to withhold while it’s like this?』

Kaya seemed to agree and lightly scratched under the Arctic fox’s chin. As the fox’s eyes turned crescent-shaped, the three cowboys dining on the other side couldn’t help but focus their gazes, looking utterly charmed.

『Oh, seeing that one makes me feel like I’m having a heart attack. Simpson, you’ll know what to do if I collapse, right? Shove some of this in my mouth.』

A cowboy named Luke shook an aluminum container he had hanging around his neck. Simpson turned his head and asked Jeong-woo.

『Mr. Han, how on earth did you bring that fox here?』


Jeong-woo responded truthfully in Korean, saying, “It’s a long story.”

The blizzard ceased around midnight. However, since there was no heating inside the shelter, Jeong-woo, who had been crouching down, couldn’t help but shiver uncontrollably.

Sensing his trembles, the Arctic fox suddenly burrowed into Jeong-woo’s winter clothing. When Jeong-woo saw the fox peeking its head above his chest, his heart sank with a thud.

The more he met the fox’s innocent gaze, the more one person kept coming to mind.

‘Be honest now. Did Yi-seol say you to act like this?’

The fox emitted a whimper similar to a puppy’s cry, wriggling its body against him before settling down to share warmth, eventually closing its eyes.

Jeong-woo gently stroked the Arctic fox’s snowy white fur as it drifted off to sleep in his embrace.

He felt as if he had momentarily dozed off.

When a thud sounded on the shelter wall, Jeong-woo suddenly snapped his eyes open. It was already morning, with sunlight streaming in through the cracks in the window.

The three cowboys were buried in their sleeping bags like logs, and Kaya was leaning against the wall, also asleep.


Not seeing the Arctic fox that had spent the night in his embrace, Jeong-woo glanced around. There were traces of the fox’s fur clinging to the window gaps. Furthermore, his winter coat was entirely covered in white fur.


-Mister Han.

A voice came from the walkie-talkie at his waist, and Jeong-woo quickly grabbed it.

『Yes, instructor?』

-Our commander thinks highly of your performance. A fast transport is being sent your way.

『A transport?』

-A helicopter. It’ll arrive in 15 minutes. It will laed at Fairbanks, you can thaw out at a hotel there.

Hearing that he wouldn’t have to trek down the mountain lifted Jeong-woo’s spirits. Just as he was about to wake up Kaya, the window creaked open, and the Arctic fox leaped inside.

‘Where did you go… Oh.’

Jeong-woo swallowed a groan upon seeing the limp rabbit the fox held in its mouth.

The Arctic fox set the rabbit down in front of Jeong-woo.

“Did you catch this to share?”

Although no words were spoken, the fox’s nudging of the rabbit toward Jeong-woo with its snout seemed to imply just that.

“Eat it where I can’t see you. Ugh, stop insisting.”

The Arctic fox innocently pushed the rabbit forward. With no other choice, Jeong-woo grabbed the rabbit with both hands and aimed it out the window.


『Ah, Kaya, are you awake?』

As Jeong-woo was about to release the rabbit outside, he looked at Kaya.

『Would you like this?』


『A rabbit.』

As her eyes opened, she immediately let out a short scream, coming to her senses.

As Jeong-woo emerged from the shelter, a breathtaking landscape seemed to mockingly ask when the blizzard had passed.

“After all the trouble yesterday, it’s so peaceful now.”

A gust of wind carrying the scent of fresh snow tickled his nostrils.

Gazing at the distant cloud formations and mountain ranges merging into one, Jeong-woo couldn’t deny the surreal experience of being in such a place.

As Jeong-woo stood on the snowy ground, the Arctic fox that followed him suddenly jumped up, licking his face. It startled him, and he gently pushed the fox away.

“Hey, you can’t just kiss me like that. I’m a dangerous man.”

Whether the fox understood his words or not, it created quite a ruckus on the snow.

Kaya, who had been watching the energetic fox jump around with a smile, looked puzzled when she saw it suddenly jump into a small pit beside the shelter.

『Mister Han, do you see that?』

『See what?』

『The fox dug a burrow.』

Kaya filmed the entrance of the burrow with her action cam, looking incredulous.

『It made this place its nest overnight. No easy feat. Mister Han, you must be really comfortable.』

Jeong-woo walked toward the burrow.

‘What is this…’

As he raised his head, his eyes met those of the Arctic fox.

“I should go now.”

The fox’s gaze seemed to reflect understanding, looking somewhat downcast. Seeing it close its eyes as he petted it filled him with a sense of regret.

An unexpected encounter, the goodwill it showed, and its unconditional attention, Jeong-woo felt he knew why the fox reminded him of her.

-You won’t even like me because you won’t see me for a long time…

The image of the Arctic fox, which had once eagerly fetched food and licked a deceased friend, blended with the lonely voice of Yoon Yi-seol.

The large pit the fox had made overnight looked lonely, as if it were a space in need of a companion.

‘The previous burrow must have been much colder.’

Petting something soft was simple enough, but there was nothing he could do about the loneliness the fox seemed to carry. Just like Yoon Yi-seol had said over the phone before coming to Alaska.

‘I’m becoming more contemplative.’

Thud, thud, thud.

The sound of a helicopter approaching echoed from a distance. Jeong-woo shifted his gaze to Kaya, who was filming.

『Did you bring something like a pocket knife?』

「Mile 207」 – 20 Celsius degrees below zero, Home of the Arctic Fox

The Arctic fox peeked its head out from the burrow, beneath which a wooden plaque read [I LIKE YOU].

As the twinkling stars adorned the sky, the fox, which had been attentively watching the helicopter disappear into the heavens, retreated into the burrow, burying itself in the jacket that still carried his scent from the previous night.

Though the newly made friend had departed, it seemed as if the warmth they shared remained here.

On the helicopter.

“Ah, I ended up stripping down too much for this.”

Kaya, turning her eyes away from Jeong-woo who was shaking, asked.

『Do you have any plans to trek back here again when you get the chance?』


『You went so far as to strip down to your life-sustaining winter gear for the Arctic fox, right? It must have been an impressive experience for you, Mr Han.』

『I was planning to buy new clothes since there’s a city near the helicopter landing site.』

Jeong-woo shifted his gaze toward the direction where the shelter, now hidden beneath the mountain range, couldn’t be seen and said.

『Well… I may not be keen on trekking, but visiting a friend’s home seems like a good idea.』

「Mile 332」 – 17 Celsius degrees below zero, Plains Area

South of the Brooks Range was a less rugged land where the chilly winds of the Arctic were less frequent.

The snow had melted, and the extended sunlight of mid-April shone upon flowing waters. The earth was gradually filling with green hues from newly sprouted leaves and grass.

Flying the drone over the vast land, they had planned to cover 100 miles in a day for the 12th consecutive day.

As evening approached, Shin Seong-beom quipped to Jeong-woo, suggesting they might finish in three days at this rate. However, the rough terrain of Alaska that followed presented another challenge.

「Mile 449」 – 12 Celsius degrees below zero, The village where Bigfoot lives

Seated atop a gentle hill, Jeong-woo cast his gaze upon the dense forest being filmed by the drone.

‘The atmosphere feels as if something out of a legend truly resides here.’

This secluded place, where human traces were scarce, was nicknamed the home ground of Bigfoot, a mythical giant. While the tale might have been a jest from Wolf, Jeong-woo, who had been surveying the area all morning, could fully understand.

“There are quite a few thawed streams here. The cowboy fellows would sink deep into the mud pools.”

Shin Seong-beom, who was also observing the monitor, nodded in agreement as if to say, ‘Indeed.’

As the drone passed over a watercourse, Luke, who had braved the recent snowstorm, waved his hand towards the sky, seemingly aware of the upcoming challenges.

“That’s Moose Creek ahead. Stay strong.”

Jeong-woo offered his support.

Having flown the drone all morning, names like elk, hedgehog, cow, moose, and bear were given to the local rivers based on what was observed. Thankfully, no “Bigfoot Creek” had been discovered yet.

‘Capturing that would be quite a find.’

Videos of mythical creatures circulating on the internet were invariably of poor quality. However, this drone was equipped with an expensive lens capable of capturing even minute details.

Focusing intently on the video feed, Jeong-woo spotted an animal he had never seen before.

“What’s that… Kaya!”

Kaya, who was scouting with binoculars, turned her head at Jeong-woo’s call. He pointed to the monitor, indicating the creature drinking from the stream.

『It’s a wolverine.』

『A wolverine?』

『They’re aggressive and fierce. Best not to approach.』

After conveying this to Shin Seong-beom, he immediately opened a satellite phone to inform the situation room at Prudhoe Bay.

The drone, which had ventured five miles away, was due to return soon.

Observing the monitor, Jeong-woo suddenly noticed the wolverine sprinting frantically in the distance and asked Kaya.

『Why would that fierce creature run away suddenly?』

『It’s the wild. A higher predator must have appeared.』

Jeong-woo’s gaze returned to the monitor at Kaya’s casual response.

‘A higher predator?’

Up until now, the drone had been flying over the area Jeong-woo named “Moose Creek.” He noticed an unusual movement in one corner of the monitor.

At first, it seemed like small spots approaching. As one standout point surged forward, the others branched out to form a wide triangle, reminiscent of a cavalry charge.

Zooming in on the drone lens, a pair of golden eyes, with ashen fur and pointed ears, were soon captured on the screen.

Chills ran down Jeong-woo’s spine.

They were a pack of gray wolves.

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