
Chapter 113

Chapter 113

「Mile 630」 – 6 Celsius degrees below zero, Tanana River

The pipeline inspection that began amidst the freezing cold of 30 Celsius degrees below zero had now transitioned to a region where campers stood out more than wildlife.

On the 16th day, Jeong-woo loaded onto a rubber boat, looking for a suitable spot to fly the drone.

“Ah, the wind isn’t blowing, it seems we are at 6 degrees below zero.”

Upon hearing Shin Seong-beom’s sigh from the front seat, Jeong-woo nodded in agreement.

“By the way, isn’t the scenery breathtaking? Not to mention the air. If places like this are where we work, I could continue for months, even years.”

“I’d be okay with just a month. I can’t eat any more dried fruit or jerky.”

“Haha, fair enough.”

The pristine landscape, with its icy mountains, dense forests, and turbulent streams from melting glaciers, made even the protruding rocks in the meadows seem naturally beautiful.

‘It’s truly something.’

Jeong-woo couldn’t resist taking a picture of the view, so he turned to Kaya, who had followed him.

Kaya, scanning the surroundings with binoculars, was humming a familiar tune. Recognizing the melody, Jeong-woo involuntarily listened closely.

『Isn’t that ‘In Sleep’?』

『Oh? How did you… Oh right, you’re Korean, so you’d know Yoon Yi-seol.』

『Because she’s a big star.』

『There’s a certain comforting quality to her voice, a sort of British Buddy.』

Though unfamiliar with the term “buddy,” Jeong-woo knew Yoon Yi-seol’s voice was undeniably captivating.

『How do you know her? You heard that song even back in Korea.』

『I usually listen to some top-ranking songs from the first time I visit a country. This one stuck with me even in Alaska.』

Jeong-woo couldn’t help but chuckle at becoming a fan of Yoon Yi-seol and was constantly reminded of her face.

‘I should sort out my feelings soon.’

As the day to return home approached, he wrestled with what to say to Yoon Yi-seol that would be in her best interest.

‘If someone has to get hurt, shouldn’t it be me?’

A moment of silence along the stream.

A bald eagle soaring high caught Jeong-woo’s attention. Having spent days flying drones, he vividly pictured the world from the eagle’s viewpoint.

‘We must look like ants to them.’

For humans, unreachable places might be just beneath their feet. He hoped this confusing feeling would become a trivial concern.

『Hey, Kaya.』

Turning to Kaya, Jeong-woo asked.

『Can I ask you something?』

『What is it?』

『When we were chased by the wolves, we almost died. How could you act so boldly without fear?』

『I may have more experience in the wild than Mr. Han, but do you have to ask me that?』

『Sorry, was it out of the blue?』

Kaya chuckled.

『Why do you ask?』

『Just jealous.』

『Mr. Han had his bold moments too, like when he did that chemistry or trick.』

『Chemistry… you say?』

『That’s right.』

Kaya then added more seriously.

『Fear freezes people in the face of challenges. If you keep reminding yourself that there’s a world where gray wolves exist, you get used to it. The rest is the result of training.』

Hearing the 18-year-old’s profound words, Jeong-woo felt like his vision had expanded.

Gazing at the free flight of the bald eagle, Jeong-woo solidified his resolve.

「Mile 726」 – 3 Celsius degrees below zero, Condo Near Anchorage

18th day since arriving in Alaska.

Today was designated as a day of rest due to an unexpected spring rain.

Jeong-woo had experienced an unforeseen accident halfway and stayed in a hotel. However, the team members, who had practically lived homeless, screamed with joy upon seeing rooms with properly installed windows.

-Ahh! Why is the water so hot!

Jeong-woo chuckled upon hearing Wi Ji-seong’s voice from the adjacent room.

“Mr. Jeong-woo, I’m heading to the supermarket. What should I get for you?”

Shin Seong-beom, dressed casually, stood by the door. Without hesitation, Jeong-woo ordered various items: potato chips, carbonated drinks, and other seemingly unhealthy instant foods.

“Anything else?”

“And some instant noodles.”

“Alright then.”

After being in nature and then coming back to civilization, the salty craving was very strong.

After Shin Seong-beom left, Jeong-woo gazed out the window where raindrops tapped against the glass. Rain in Alaska felt unfamiliar.

Despite it being spring in this region since early April, having lived in sub-zero temperatures, the concept of spring felt like it had evaporated into the distance.

‘Only 74 miles left.’

Jeong-woo pondered over the concluding phase of his schedule.

He had a buffer of three days. Compared to the road conditions and weather, this place felt like paradise. It shouldn’t be too difficult.

Lost in thought, Jeong-woo picked up his phone, which had been charging. In this part of the world, out of range of civilization, there was still wifi.

He connected to the condo’s wifi. Since he hadn’t activated roaming, he received a flood of accumulated messages.

Among the first to catch his eye was her name.

‘Open it.’

His fingers responded involuntarily to his internal debate.

Instead of text, a video played. It began playing after downloading for about a minute due to slow wifi.

-I wish I could even touch a polar bear’s paw, but you’re going to make up for it in the date I didn’t get… promise me you’ll come back safely.

Jeong-woo chuckled at the first line.

Seated alone in a practice room, she glanced lovingly at him through the screen. Soon, she nervously gripped a guitar.

-Sung by Yoon Yi-seol, resenting a man who left to find the aurora borealis. Title: Frozen.

As the download resumed and buffering occurred, Jeong-woo placed the phone on the table with regret. He was eager to watch, but the internet wasn’t as fast as in Korea.

Even on pause, Yoon Yi-seol on the screen remained breathtakingly beautiful. Heart-stoppingly so.

Knock, knock.

As he waited for the video to fully download, a knocking sound reached Jeong-woo, causing him to turn.

『Mister Han, are you in?』

『Who’s there?』

Opening the door revealed a man with a cowboy hat and a nose beard. Recognizing the face, Jeong-woo instinctively bowed in greeting.

‘Huh? The Rust Guard supervisor?’

Although they had spoken on the phone multiple times, this was their first face-to-face meeting since departing from Prudhoe Bay’s comprehensive situation room. Curious, Jeong-woo asked.

『What’s going on?』

Raylan smiled faintly and responded.

『I have something to discuss. I’ve arranged a seat at the cafe ahead. Could you spare some time?』

『It’s my day off, so it’s fine.』

At the cafe he had casually visited, Jeong-woo cringed as he was forced to take a seat, noticeably tense. Several Rust Guard lineworkers stood lined up on one side, which made him feel out of place. Moreover, it seemed like they had rented out the entire café as there were no other customers.

‘Why are they staring like that? It’s uncomfortable.’

Caught under the gaze of these large cowboy figures, Jeong-woo struggled to find a place to rest his eyes.

『Mr. Han Jeong-woo.』

Raylan, seated opposite him, got straight to the point.

『I wanted to meet you before the pipeline inspection ends. I also wanted to give you this.』

Upon Raylan’s gesture, a cowboy standing behind him placed a brown leather box on the table.

『I believe that meeting you after participating in this event holds more value than achieving administrator status with TAPS.』

The lid of the leather box was lifted, revealing an impressive golden revolver, leaving Jeong-woo puzzled.

Raylan proudly pointed at the gun, saying.

『This is a symbol of a Rust Guard 1st-grade lineworker, a golden revolver. It’s a special edition with gold plating on the actual model ‘Colt Dragon’ used during the Civil War, and there are only 30 in North America. Its value is approximately $250,000.』

『Why would you give this to me…?』

Jeong-woo began but was interrupted.

『If you join our Rust Guard, we’ll treat you as an experienced member. Hans, bring it out.』

A leather bag, reminiscent of a western drama, was placed on the table, appearing to be filled with something.

『It’s a lineworker set. Apparently, you’re participating as an advisor, not as a Yujin Chemical employee. We promise a higher compensation than any offer you’ve received there. Additionally, we’ll even give you a racehorse that can run through the Rocky Mountains and the Nevada desert.』

Raylan pulled out two cigars along with a contract from the bag, sniffed one, and offered it to Jeong-woo.

『It’s Cuban. Would you like to try?』

Before he could answer, Raylan assumed he would, so Jeong-woo took it hesitantly.

After cutting and lighting one end of the cigar, Raylan exhaled smoke, creating a dense atmosphere that seemed to resonate with the men inside the café.

‘I quit smoking a while ago. Plus, this is expensive.’

Jeong-woo felt pressured by the intimidating cowboy figures lined up as he reluctantly lit the cigar.

『When scouting for the best lineworker to lead our company. Rust Guard’s board of directors unanimously decided on Mr. Han, based on your actions during the pipeline exploration. Please take a look at the contract…』

『Team Leader Raylan.』

Jeong-woo interrupted, closing the lid of the gun box and pushing it back.

『I want to pursue chemistry research not corrosion management. I appreciate the offer.』

『The highest salary for a Rust Guard top lineworker is a million…』

『Sorry, since you’ve already cut this cigar, I’ll gladly accept it.』

Caught off guard, Raylan looked at Jeong-woo with wide eyes.

‘Who would have thought they’d fly all this way just to meet me.’

Jeong-woo muttered to himself as he climbed the stairs toward his lodging. Wearing a cowboy hat and riding a horse across the vast desert might make for a cool picture, but it wasn’t something he found appealing enough to make a lifelong career out of.

Hoping that Shin Seong-beom might have returned, he hurriedly made his way. As he ascended to the third-floor corridor, he crossed paths with a foreign woman dressed in a suit who had been lingering outside his lodging.

『Excuse me, are you Mr. Han Jeong-woo?』

『That would be me.』

『I’m Ramona, the HR manager from Baker Hughes. I have a proposition for you…』

Jeong-woo felt inwardly exasperated that even representatives from competing companies were seeking him out.

『You don’t need to talk about scouting; I’m not interested.』

The woman’s expression shifted as she processed his swift rejection.

『I flew 20 hours from our headquarters in the UK upon hearing about Mr. Han.』

『That’s unfortunate, but I’m going to decline anyway.』

Flipping her long hair back, the woman flashed a provocative smile.

『I’ve booked a nearby pub. How about discussing the contract terms over a drink? I’m willing to offer you anything you desire.』

Caught off guard by the unexpected allure of the British beauty, Jeong-woo found himself flustered.

『I’m sorry, that seems even riskier. I can’t be too cavalier about this.』

As Jeong-woo tried to move past her to open the door, the woman laid out various enticing conditions, from offering unmanned aircraft far superior to drones, providing homes and cars as a baseline, to granting the authority to hire any employee he wished.josei

『…I’ll be waiting downstairs!』

Closing the door calmly behind him, Jeong-woo shook his head, wondering how she knew he was on a break and why she suddenly approached him like this.

Shin Seong-beom returned from the supermarket, clutching a bunch of bags in his arms.

“Ah, it’s warm. Home is indeed the best.”

“You’ve worked hard.”

Jeong-woo was shaking his phone from side to side, frustrated that the wifi wasn’t connecting well enough to finish downloading a video. Shin Seong-beom, who had set down his purchases on the table, glanced at Jeong-woo.

“Do you know there are Rust Guard and Baker Hughes people in the lobby? Looks like they’re also taking a break due to the rain.”

“Oh, really?”

Deciding he’d be bothered if he went downstairs, Jeong-woo lay down on the bed. There wasn’t much to do outside anyway, and lounging around here seemed like the best form of relaxation.

After lying down for quite some time, the video download finally completed.

“Mr. Jeong-woo, the water is boiling.”

Jeong-woo’s nostrils twitched at the thought of the irresistibly familiar scent that would fill the room once the boiling water met the instant noodles. As a Korean, it was a temptation too delicious to resist.

Thinking about filling his stomach first, he shook his head.

“Go ahead and eat first. I’ll join in a bit.”

Plugging in his earphones into the phone, Jeong-woo leaned back against the bed. He pressed the play button, starting the video of Yoon Yi-seol’s song.

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