
Chapter 121

Chapter 121

Kim Won-bae was sitting in the development room, working on the usual task of finishing up the day’s work performance evaluation.

The development of this new drug, which would become the first beta-receptor blocking agent in the country, had been his long-cherished research project since the discovery of the active ingredient five years ago.

“Severe headaches? How on earth is that possible here? Uh, Han Jeong-woo. I can’t tell if you’re just bluffing or not.”

Taking a sip of coffee and glancing at the monitor, his phone rang. It was Cho Sang-wook, the VIP intern at AN Hospital.

-Senior, it’s me.

“Yeah. Have you treated the patient?”

-Well, I did, but embarrassingly, it’s all thanks to your company’s support, Senior. From identifying the cause to solving the problem, it was all done cleanly. It’s no joke.

A smile crept onto Kim Won-bae’s lips at Cho Sang-wook’s praise.

“Well, with Moon Chae-eun around, isn’t that to be expected? She’s our center ace.”

-That’s true, but wasn’t it Han Jeong-woo? He was exceptional. Every time he spoke up, it caused a stir among the companies.

“What? Tell me more about it.”

Listening to Cho Sang-wook’s account of Han Jeong-woo’s achievements, Kim Won-bae was left speechless for a moment, unable to close his mouth.

“He pointed out the side effects of Jongwoong Pharmaceutical’s ‘SI-3012R’ right then and there? Does that even make sense?”

-Hwang Jin-cheol, seemed taken aback too. And…

As the conversation shifted to the development of targeted molecules that analyze the active ingredients of Jeongmi Pharmaceuticals and JK Bio and remove them, Kim Won-bae was astounded.



Seon Woo-jin walked into the development room. Kim Won-bae, who had just finished the call, turned his head.

“Oh, what?”

“Aren’t you supposed to make a decision soon?”

“What decision?”

“About Han Jeong-woo.”

Approaching closely, Seon Woo-jin whispered to Kim Won-bae, making sure it couldn’t be heard by the researcher who was sitting in the corner of the development room.

“It’s only the first day, and rumors are already spreading. They say Han Jeong-woo will overshadow everyone. If he’s so talented, how much influence he’ll have? Does that make sense?”

“That… doesn’t make sense.”

“Personal treatment is one thing, but establishing dominance is crucial from the start. Senior, you need to exert your influence. Otherwise, even the youngest, Cho Seong-hwan, might start to get ideas. This isn’t the way to handle it; let’s call in other team leaders and gather opinions.”

Kim Won-bae’s expression turned troubled at the seriousness in Seon Woo-jin’s eyes. The conversation he had just finished with his former junior kept echoing in his ears.

“Senior Boyeong.”

Walking side by side into the pharmacy center, Jeong-woo asked Song Boyeong.

“Have you made a decision? It’s almost time to go, isn’t it?”

“What about?”

“The main project.”

“Oh, right.”


Song Boyeong smiled apologetically at Jeong-woo and clasped her hands together.

“Sorry. I was so preoccupied with reviewing the work we did in the cleanroom earlier. I don’t think it’s a good idea to decide hastily if I want to properly assist you, Jeong-woo. Since it’s time to leave now, I’ll think it over tonight and decide tomorrow morning…”

“Just decide comfortably, it’s okay. I won’t ask you to do anything difficult.”

“How can you say that?”

“Alright them, I’ll give you 10 seconds. One, two…”

As Jeong-woo started counting, Song Boyeong’s expression grew anxious.

“Then, Team 2. No, Team 3.”

“Five, six.”

“Ah, wait a moment!”

Song Boyeong grabbed Jeong-woo’s arm and shook it, but time kept ticking away. Jeong-woo gestured for her to decide quickly.

“Seven, eight.”

“Is this how it’s going to be?”

“Oh my!”

As Song Boyeong hesitated and wavered, a person emerged from the development room of Team 5, looking poised and intellectual.

Someone who seemed to have never been flustered in her life – Doctor Moon Chae-eun.

With her appearance, a new dilemma arose for Song Boyeong, someone she hadn’t even considered when contemplating the project participation.

-What romance is there in the research lab?

Why did Seong-hwan’s words come to mind?

No, this wasn’t right. Was she unnecessarily letting emotions surface, even when Jeong-woo seemed friendly?

Her confidence was just a false pride. She hadn’t even understood the concept of the project that Doctor Moon was participating in Team 5.


However, in that moment, a completely unrelated thought crossed Song Boyeong’s mind, to confidently challenge and defeat Doctor Moon, despite it having nothing to do with chemistry.

“Team 5!”

Jeong-woo’s gaze followed Song Boyeong’s finger. Seeing Doctor Moon approaching, Jeong-woo’s expression turned puzzled.

“The competition for the top beauty title. Are you still considering that?”

“I was serious, you know?”

“I’m serious too. Let me ask you one thing. Are you going to grab each other’s hair, punch and kick? Even though you’re a senior, I can’t help you. My nails are too short.”

“Ah, come on, seriously.”

With Jeong-woo’s joke, Song Boyeong quickly turned her back and reflexively lowered her head when her eyes met Doctor Moon’s.

Regret flooded her mind as soon as she spat out those words. What awaited her in the future was not romance but embarrassment, yet she had just let it slip out.

“Mr. Jeong-woo.”

Doctor Moon approached Jeong-woo.

“Has patient Nam Gung-gil’s woken up?”

“Yes. He seemed quite lively.”

“Good then. He’s awake and we’ve identified the cause. Well done.”

“Oh, Doctor Moon.”

After finishing the business at hand, Jeong-woo called out to Doctor Moon, who was about to leave.

“The center director asked me to decide on assisting with the main project…”

Jeong-woo glanced briefly at Song Boyeong before continuing.

“Could I assist with Doctor Moon’s research?”

“The procedure might be complex and difficult. Are you sure? Drugs classified under the code name AF can’t be verified using conventional methods. We need to make new testing reagents from scratch.”

“It’s okay. I like challenges.”

Doctor Moon’s expression turned unexpectedly surprised at Jeong-woo’s words.

“I didn’t think you were the type to enjoy hardships.”

“No, not me. It’s Doctor Moon’s rival.”


Jeong-woo firmly grabbed Song Boyeong’s arm, who had been turning away, and she stood in front of Doctor Moon, startled.

“They say there’s animosity between doctors and researchers. Since Senior Boyeong and I are the same age, you can also feel comfortable around Doctor Moon. Wheter you use senior or junior titles, it’s up to you.”


“Oh, right. Doctor Moon is exempt from that.”

Doctor Moon, who was giving him a questioning look, soon turned her gaze to Song Boyeong.

“Please take care of me, Miss Boyeong.”

“Yes, please take care of me.”

While the two exchanged formal greetings, the door at the end of the corridor leading to the development room creaked open, and four team leaders walked out in a line.

“Where’s Han Jeong-woo?”

The sharp and loud voice calling out for Jeong-woo made everyone in the center turn their heads, wondering what was going on.

“Oh, there you are. Senior, go ahead.”

Seon Woo-jin approached Jeong-woo with a somber expression.

“Mr. Han Jeong-woo. The top authority in pharmaceutical bioscience has something to say to you.”

“To me?”

Stepping aside, Seon Woo-jin revealed Kim Won-bae standing behind him, hesitantly stepping forward.

“Um… well….”

Kim Won-bae felt cold sweat trickling down his spine. Of all times, Dr. Moon, the center ace, had to be here. His vision blurred.

Feeling like he was in a dream, Kim Won-bae glanced around. Many people were leaving at the end of the day, crowding the corridor.

If he boasted about his knowledge of pharmaceutical research here and got embarrassed in return, that embarrassment would probably last a lifetime.

Kim Won-bae’s desperate gaze settled on the center’s youngest member, Cho Seong-hwan. He was looking at Jeong-woo with a worried expression.

“Mr. Jeong-woo. Didn’t you find it surprising when you came to the center in the morning?”

“Surprised? In what way?”

“The doctors and chemists were splitting into groups and ignoring each other, talking behind each other’s backs.”

Seon Woo-jin and the other two team leaders, whom had expected for Kim Won-bae to show their true colors, exchanged glances. Something strange was being said.

“As the top senior in the center, I can’t help but feel ashamed. I have a personality where I don’t bother with small things, so I haven’t paid attention until now, but with the arrival of special researchers, I need to organize things properly.”

Kim Won-bae glanced at Cho Seong-hwan before raising his voice.

“Listen up, everyone! What does it matter where you come from? Just focus on the research. If I catch anyone disrespecting others because of their backgrounds, just watch! I’ll turn everything upside down!”

Most of the center employees who had been watching were impressed by Kim Won-bae’s fiery declaration.

Having chosen to become a benefactor who corrects the irrationalities within the center instead of attacking Jeong-woo, Kim Won-bae turned around and met the eyes of the three team leaders who had been looking at him.


“What is this about…?”

“Never mind. You guys should have been better role models among team members! Instead of just thinking about winning in competition, try being a team leader who can recognize when the system is flawed.”

Kim Won-bae delivered a stern lecture to the second, third, and fourth team leaders before returning to the development room. Jeong-woo, watching his departure, met eyes with Song Boyeong.

“Did you see, Senior? Wow, I didn’t expect such a cool person.”

“Yeah, he’s totally admirable.”

Lim Kwang-soo had to swallow his groan as he watched the situation unfold from the computer room.

Who was Kim Won-bae? He was a pillar of the pharmaceutical bio center, having led KG Life Sciences in the past and being the first to take on a team leader role with the merger of KG Chemistry. Yet, there he was, upsetting the balance. Whether Han Jeong-woo knew this or not, he was casually chatting with colleagues.

Although it might not have been intentional, due to his actions, the underlying conflict within the center was inadvertently shattered.

Lim Kwang-soo began to mentally organize the contents he would write in the report, issuing an analysis of the chaos as “unpredictably executing actions that defy prediction.”

First, he needed a phrase to define him.

CI, Chemical Intelligence.

Perhaps this would be appropriate.

The next morning.


Jeong-woo opened the door to his private research room and was startled. Song Boyeong was leaning back in her chair, completely lost in sleep.

“Your clothes are still the same.”

The desk was piled with genetics-related pamphlets. It seemed like she had stayed up all night studying after being assigned to the Team 5 project and borrowing a bunch of books from the company library.

Even though he wanted to let her sleep longer, he shook her awake since he didn’t know when Lim Kwang-soo, the deputy from the strategic planning office, would show up.


A slight twitch was felt on her cheek as she stirred from her dreams. Seeing Boyeong still tired, unable to wake up from a brief dream, Jeong-woo thought it wouldn’t be right to treat her seriousness about this matter lightly.


With a blink, Boyeong opened her eyes, momentarily pondering where she was, then jumped up in surprise. After confirming it was Jeong-woo, she quickly covered her face with her hands and peeked through her fingers.

“When did you get here?”

“I’ve been here the whole time. What are you hiding?”

“You’re going to tease me.”

“But I didn’t?”

“Huh? There’s no way. Why?”

Jeong-woo nodded at Boyeong lowering her hands.

“Right. There’s no way. Just kidding.”


“But, you wouldn’t want Manager Lim to see you like this, would you?”

With a scowl, Boyeong took out a pouch containing toiletries from the drawer and moved towards the door.

“I’ll freshen up and come back. Just trying to show some courtesy.”

Thirty minutes later, Song Boyeong returned after drying her hair with a towel and was surprised to see a thick sandwich and fragrant coffee on the desk.

“What’s this? What’s with the consideration?”josei

“It’s a gesture because your beef grade just went up a notch.”

“Pfft. I’ll enjoy it.”

Jeong-woo said as he shook the A4 document he was holding.

“I’ll read the paper well.”

As she ate her belated breakfast, a shadow flickered on the opaque glass of the door.

Knock, knock.

As Boyeong moved to get up at the sound of knocking, Jeong-woo got up first and passed by her side.

“It looks like it’s Manager Lim. I’ll go, so please finish eating.”

“Why are you suddenly being nice? Where are you sending me today?”

“You catch on quickly.”

As Boyeong, who had been biting into the remaining piece of sandwich, paused and looked at Jeong-woo with wide eyes.

“Where are you sending me?”

“It’s a joke, just a joke. It seemed like you were cramming even though it’s not the day before an exam.”

Jeong-woo said with a smile as he pressed the button on the glass door.


“Oh, there’s our Jeong-woo. Did you have a good time in Alaska?”

Jeong-woo, who had expected Lim Kwang-soo to arrive, was left speechless at the sight of a man in his fifties wearing horn-rimmed glasses and smiling brightly as he waved his hand.

“Director Jang Tae-seon? What brings you here?”

“I came because I was worried about you. Aren’t you so sick that you can’t even read text messages?”

“It’s not that I couldn’t read them, I just didn’t look.”

Despite Jeong-woo’s cold response, Jang Tae-seon continued the conversation persistently.

“Phew. I feel relieved after seeing your face. I couldn’t sleep because I was worried about you. Jeong-woo, do you like working with me?”

“Not really, but you probably like me working with you.”

“I’m talking about work this time. This time, with this amazing project…”

“Just stop there. You know I’m currently at the pharmaceutical bio center.”

“But you’re a special researcher. You have the authority to start personal projects. If you turn it towards basic materials, support will be abundant. Mutual benefit.”

“Whatever you say, let’s talk about it after the business trip ends in three months.”

As Jeong-woo reached for the button on the door, Jang Tae-seon urgently added.

“It’s a commission from the Aerospace Industry Department. It’s groundbreaking technology.”

“I have separate plans for personal research. I want to focus on one thing at a time.”

He pressed the button calmly.

“Please take a look.”

As the glass door began to close, Jang Tae-seon’s desperate final shout could be heard.

“I’ll wait! It’s me, Jang Tae-seon. I’m always on your side!”

Jeong-woo sighed and returned to his seat. Boyeong looked at him with a curious expression.

“I heard something similar yesterday, are you planning a personal project too?”

“For now. I’ll start once things settle down at the pharmaceutical bio center.”

“What kind of project is it?”

Pointing to the paper in his hand, which had been picked out by Song Boyeong, Jeong-woo indicated it.

“It’s something that’s still a mystery in the German chemical industry.”


As Jeong-woo nodded his head, Boyeong couldn’t take her eyes off him.

Flipping through the second quarter profit forecast report, CEO Cha Bon-jun glanced at the sales section and let out a hollow laugh.

“A 30% increase compared to last year? And the pharmaceutical bio center, which was only in the red due to concentrated investments, leading the charge? How can there be such a difference from the first quarter? Are we really running a company like ours? Does Director Park dislike me?”

“Oh, no, sir.”

Director of Strategic Planning Park Ho-jin wiped the sweat off his forehead and relayed the conclusions based on Lim Kwang-soo’s report.

“It’s anticipated that the market will respond significantly when two generic drugs with improved efficacy, safety, and convenience are launched. The development cost of the beta blocker from Team 1 is expected to decrease by 30% and enter the preclinical stage…”

“So, you’re telling me that the projects at our perfectly fine pharmaceutical bio center are all miraculously improving?”

“It’s because of the newly dispatched special researcher.”

“Special researcher?”

Park Ho-jin recounted a recent incident involving side effects in a clinical trial.

“…His ‘CI’ displayed during the crisis was exceptional.”

“It’s hard to grasp just by listening, but if that incident is properly publicized, shareholders will likely be pleased.”

The report, written over two days, seemed to please Cha Bon-jun. After finishing the review, he looked at Park Ho-jin.

“Oh, by the way, Director Park, what was the name of the special researcher that the center directors praised so much?”

“Han Jeong-woo.”

“Whenever there’s a new trend, please inform me periodically. This quarter is really crucial. If even one major shareholder changes their mind, it’ll be a headache. Just owning a large portion of the shares won’t secure management rights.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

As Park Ho-jin replied, the word “major shareholder” triggered a memory of a certain young lady’s radiant smile.

“That’s right. It was Cha Do-jun. Their smiling faces looked similar.”

“Huh? Why Do-jun?”

“Don’t you know that Director Cha Do-jun had a daughter? I saw her.”

“Oh, Boyeong?”

Cha Bon-jun’s expression turned to one that said, “What am I hearing?” Park Ho-jin finally recalled with a snap of his fingers.

“After Director Cha Do-jun passed away, didn’t his wife inherit all his shares and become the major shareholder? Was her name Song Mari?”

“Why bring up old stories? Mari passed away too. Seven years ago. Boyeong left everything behind after that shock, changed her name and her religion.”


“As a result, Do-jun’s shares skyrocketed, and the chairman, who is the legal guardian, is managing them.”

While Park Ho-jin was surprised by the unexpected news about the royal family, Cha Bon-jun emphasized.

“Don’t mess with Boyeong. It’s the chairman’s decree. Just pretend you don’t know anything. If she gets mad and delegates her voting rights to someone else, you might get axed.”

“…No way.”

“I own 10%, and Do-jun, who was originally planning to manage KG Chemicals, holds 13%. Do you understand?”

At the mention of the once innocent and cute girl causing turmoil in the company when angered, Park Ho-jin felt a shiver down his spine.

code: Molecular Composition

case: Erectile Inhibitor Spray

research: A tailored targeting molecule that temporarily lowers the center of a stiffened man’s head. Recommended not to be used by anyone, anywhere.

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