
Chapter 84

Chapter 84


The automatic sliding door of the research building opened, and Jeong-woo’s eyes wandered over the interior facilities.

It had a similar structure to the Basic Materials Research Building. A wide central corridor served as the reference point, with four concentrated experimental labs on the right and meeting spaces and a chemical storage room on the left.

『Mr. Han.』

Mei, who had entered the research building, turned to Jeong-woo.

『Please don’t misunderstand my words. I hardly know you, age, major, career, or what you’re good at. Can you tell me now? We might not have time to talk once we’re in the meeting.』

The woman he had met for the first time today seemed to prioritize practical work over formalities.

‘I’m somewhat familiar with that type.’

Dr. Moon and Michèle. Both were formidable women. Jeong-woo decided to stick to the facts in his response.

『I’m 27, majoring in business administration, and I’ve been with the company for three months, so that’s about my career. Oh, and I’m not the chairman’s son or anything.』

Mei looked bewildered.

『So what makes you think I should treat you as an associate team leader?』

『You don’t know what I’m good at yet, so give me anything. If I do say so myself, I’m good at anything.』

With a snort that it wasn’t clear if it was a sigh or a laugh, Mei said.

『Mr. Han. Even though cultures may differ, there’s one universal truth that applies to people worldwide.』

『A universal truth?』

『That no one who says ‘anything’ actually gets anything done.』

Mei raised her head and walked into the central hall.


He must have shown too much confidence. Mei didn’t seem to consider Noh Jong-seon’s endorsement as a significant factor. Jeong-woo inwardly smirked.

Mei called out to everyone.

“Everybody stop! It’s meeting time!”

Five minutes later.

Jeong-woo sat alone in a corner of the meeting room, observing Mei’s conducted meeting.

Given that it was a large-scale project, there were three teams operating inside. The Sensor Team, Filter Team, and Equipment Team, totaling more than 50 researchers dedicated to this project.

『Jun Chai, go ahead with the report.』

A researcher from the Sensor Team displayed a screen on the projector and spoke into the microphone.

『As of 7 a.m., here’s the air quality index for Seoul. It stands at 179, making it the second-highest level of air pollution, following only New Delhi. Nitrogen dioxide is at 0.5 µg/m³, sulfur dioxide at 0.22 µg/m³…』

Jeong-woo calculated the harmful substances he had unwittingly inhaled on his way to work, making his teeth rattle. He had consumed a lot in just one gulp.

『The sensor’s analytical accuracy keeps increasing. The error level is well below 0.4%, much better than international standards. The detection range has been extended to 0.02 microns, which is as fine as 20 nanometers.』

‘Is that high?’

Jeong-woo could only make an approximate guess, as he didn’t know the sensor levels of other companies.

『Mr. Kim, please report the recent progress.』

Kim Tae-san, the responsible researcher from the Filter Team, turned on his microphone.

『We’ve made improvements to the 5th stage HEPA-type filter. With additional grids of less than 1 micron, we can now filter out 99.07% of particles measuring 0.3 microns and above.』

『99.07%? Other companies, such as Dusf and Merck, achieve capture efficiencies of 99.1-2% at the 5th stage. This is not an improvement, but a drawback. And we need to achieve 100% efficiency.』

Mei pointed out the shortcomings, and Kim Tae-san argued in response.

『The 7th stage activated carbon efficiency is higher than that of other companies. A 0.1% difference here can be compensated…』

『Harmful soil gases cannot be removed by activated carbon. Mr. Kim, if radon is introduced, would you just inhale it?』

『What’s the probability of inhaling radioactive materials while living in Seoul? Isn’t the standard too strict?』

『That may be true. If this research was not aimed at entering the international market, such standards may be too demanding.』

Mei added a sarcastic remark.

『Even in Beijing, the incidence of lung cancer due to radon is 15% higher than in other cities. With this difference alone, we’ll fail in competition. If you don’t improve it, there’s no reason for me to give you this opportunity. What will you do?』

“Oh, come on, with the 5th stage for how many weeks now.”

Kim Tae-san muttered in Korean, and Mei raised an eyebrow.

The atmosphere in the meeting room cooled off as the two opposing sides clashed. However, the equipment team members sitting on the periphery, like Jeong-woo, seemed uninterested, as if they were used to this.

‘Whom should I support?’

Jeong-woo started to wonder. While Noh Jong-seon’s instruction was to assist Mei, Kim Tae-san was his senior from the Materials Science Center.

‘This is not a collaborative project but rather a showdown between South Korea and China, right?’

『Mei, let me make a suggestion.』

At that moment, a middle-aged man with a rural, 2:8 parted hairstyle, who had been yawning and appeared uninterested, turned on his microphone. Jeong-woo checked his employee ID and confirmed that he was a dispatched researcher from KG Electronics.

‘Ha Won-il? Where have I heard that name before?’

As Jeong-woo pondered, Ha Won-il projected his materials on the screen.

『We can effectively filter harmful soil gases with a 9th stage multilayer filter. Our unique molecular structure of the nano filtration membrane and absorption membrane has already demonstrated its performance in the air purifier performance test…』

As Jeong-woo examined the presentation, it seemed strangely familiar.

‘Huh? Isn’t that the air purifier that the team leader suggested to use on my research?’

The research project that he got tired of with Jang Tae-seon and just shared on the company network. Seeing it, he remembered when Ha Won-il had requested the data and he had sent it.

『If it’s proven with a reverse membrane filter, it’s acceptable. Let’s proceed to match stage 5 at the level of other companies.』

Mei accepted Ha Won-il’s proposal, and the atmosphere in the room became more relaxed. However, Jeong-woo was now in a dilemma.

‘Do I have to say this now? It might cause problems later.’

The others still seemed unaware of the shortcomings of multilayer filters, so Jeong-woo reluctantly raised his hand.

『Um… May I say something?』

Mei sent a sharp look. The aftermath of the “anything” statement still loomed large, and there was no trust to be found. Nevertheless, she signaled him to speak.


Jeong-woo cleared his throat and began to speak.

『Nano filtration and absorption membranes are indeed highly efficient, but they were initially designed for water purification. In situations where air moves rapidly through a fan, there is a possibility that they might not filter properly. It seems like we should redesign the structure for air use from the beginning…』

Mei chuckled.

『So, in this project, you plan to create a new filter that outperforms other companies?』


Mei sent a dismissive look, as if asking “Who do you think you are?” Ha Won-il wore a bewildered expression, wondering why Jeong-woo was making such a statement.

Kim Tae-san gave a questioning look that seemed to ask, “I don’t know who you are, but are you on my side?”

Jeong-woo could only smile at the different reactions of these three individuals.

『Creating something new isn’t too difficult, but if you’re concerned about the radon issue, there might be a simpler solution. Combining potassium permanganate with a 5th-stage filter…”


Kim Tae-san got upset when the 5th stage was mentioned.

“How do you mix that with synthetic fibers?”


Jeong-woo contemplated the molecular formula for a moment and then chuckled as he spoke.

“You’re right. The result may be simple, but the process is a bit complex. If you’re curious, ask me later.”

“I’m curious right now!”

“My right to speak ends here.”

The equipment team members, who had been yawning while watching the leaders of the project, suddenly became interested and looked at Jeong-woo with gleaming eyes.

Observing a conflict escalate was always an interesting spectacle.

Mei asked Ha Won-il outside the microphone.

『Mr. Ha, what do you think?』

『Well, I developed this using patents, too. For the precise details, we should meet the technology developer…』

Ha Won-il’s gaze moved to Jeong-woo’s nametag.


As he abruptly stood up and looked at Jeong-woo, the others’ attention also turned to Jeong-woo. The room fell silent again, so Jeong-woo made a gesture, as if to say, “Yes?”

“Are you Mr. Han Jeong-woo from the Central Research Institute?”


Mei gave a puzzled look as she wondered why Ha Won-il was acting this way. Ha Won-il pointed at Jeong-woo and said.

『The technology developer is right over there.』

Kim Tae-san, too, checked Jeong-woo’s nametag belatedly and was surprised.

“Is this the Han Jeong-woo that Jeong-chan and Jin-soo were talking about?”

“I’m not sure if I’m the one, but I know those two seniors.”

As the Materials Science Center researchers began to buzz with excitement, Mei wore a bewildered expression as she looked at Jeong-woo.

『Prepare for the bidding competition, we will conduct a concentrated inspection at 4 PM. Please make every effort to achieve significant results.』

With Mei’s final words, the Monday morning meeting came to an end.

Jeong-woo’s gaze remained on the information regarding the first-round bidding competition still displayed on the screen.

The target was a company that owned major buildings in Beijing’s city center.

Mei explained that winning this bid would open doors to markets ranging from hospitals, nursing homes, to public facilities.

‘So, does this mean we have to go to China for the competition?’

Jeong-woo pondered whether he should follow along. Making hasty judgments was never a good idea.

“Mr. Han Jeong-woo!”

Ha Won-il rushed towards Jeong-woo.

“Wow, it’s really nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too. We exchanged a few emails, but this is the first time we’ve met in person.”

“I’ve been thinking of coming to see you sometime, but I never expected to meet you here.”

Holding Jeong-woo’s hand and shaking it with enthusiasm, Ha Won-il asked.

“The 5th-stage filter for air purification that you mentioned earlier, I still don’t quite understand it.”

Ha Won-il immediately sought advice about the opinions expressed during the meeting. His focused attention showed his passion, and Jeong-woo was eager to explain.

“…The purification reaction in the micro world is different from what you see with the naked eye. We need to add a new composition to reinforce the durability of the nano filtration membrane structure…”

Ha Won-il nodded and occasionally asked questions as he listened to Jeong-woo’s words.

During their conversation, Jeong-woo gained a rough understanding of how this major project was progressing.

First, there was the sensor team, led directly by Mei. They were responsible for inspecting and analyzing air pollution levels and designing the purification system’s AI. Most of them were Chinese researchers.

Next was the filter team, primarily composed of researchers from the Material Science Center led by Kim Tae-san. They were working on designing the core devices that purified the air to fit the system. Some of the co-researchers came from KG Electronics.

Lastly, the facilities team, responsible for configuring ventilation pathways and managing fans and motors. They were not chemists but internal design experts from KG HowSys who were working on the project.

‘So, the sensor team and the filter team are actually having disagreements, right?’

That’s what Jeong-woo felt was the right conclusion, matching the atmosphere he briefly sensed in the meeting room.

‘This is a perfect 100-point project.’

Jeong-woo’s gaze lingered on Ha Won-il. He was focusing solely on accumulating expertise in air purification technology between the sensor team and the filter team.

If he had to choose a path, this one appealed to him.

Dedicated to research.

Fighting among themselves was something the team leaders would handle. He was there to play a supporting role.

‘Yes, let’s just go with the flow.’

Lunchtime arrived, and Jeong-woo stepped out of the research building. As he walked, he saw someone coming out of the opposite building, labeled “Research Building 2,” and his steps naturally came to a halt.

“Senior Boyeong?”

“Uh, yes?”

Upon seeing Jeong-woo, Song Boyeong quickly tried to hide something she had in her hand behind her back. In her haste, one item fell and landed on Jeong-woo’s foot.

It was the same item he had seen in the morning.


Jeong-woo picked up the sanitary napkin sample and handed it to Song Boyeong.

“I already know about it. Why are you hiding it so hastily?”

“Then this is something I’m just going to show you, right?”

Perhaps due to her feminine shyness, there was a bashful look on Song Boyeong’s cheek.

“You said it’s a secret to Senior Seung-ju, you said. Why are you carrying it around then?”

“I have to ask the people who know about it for their opinions.”

After mentioning that she had met female seniors working in ‘Research Building 2’, Song Boyeong asked.

“Why are you coming out of there, Mr. Jeong-woo?”

“I’m starting to work here today.”

“Really? For the Dust Project?”

When Jeong-woo nodded, Song Boyeong’s eyes widened.

“Director Noh Jongsun seems really eager. Putting you right into the biggest research at the Material Science Center.”

She also seemed to be aware of this project. Jeong-woo thought of Director Noh Jongsun and shook his head.

“It might be irresponsible. People have their limits, you know.”

“You keep bragging about your skills every day and suddenly you start acting humble.”

“It’s because the senior’s reactions are entertaining.”


Song Boyeong squinted her eyes slightly and looked up at Jeong-woo as if assessing him.

“Mei must have seen you too.”

“Do you know Team Leader Yu?”

“We have a… school connection. We occasionally have a drink together.”

Jeong-woo was surprised, and Song Boyeong spoke with a slight smile.

“She’s a really innocent and kind sister, so don’t make fun of her like you do with me.”

“I didn’t think she looked that way at all. And, I didn’t make fun of you because you seemed kind.”

Song Boyeong pouted.josei

“See, even now. So, don’t tease her like you do with me.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t have many opportunities to do that.”

Song Boyeong, observing Jeong-woo who seemed to have some concerns, asked a question.

“So, you want to know a few ways to get closer to her?”

“Really? I’d be grateful.”

In response to Jeong-woo’s reaction, Song Boyeong clenched her fist and struck a triumphant pose.

“With an empty stomach?”

On his way out of the cafeteria after a delicious lunch, Jeong-woo asked Song Boyeong for some tips on how to open Mei’s heart.

“Ah, how would I know that?”


“I’ve had good meal.”

A knowing smile appeared on Song Boyeong’s face. The puzzled Jeong-woo asked.

“You’re on good terms with Team Leader Yu, right? Could it be…?”

“Even though I know that I react strangely when I drink. After experiencing my drunkness, you and Mi-hee are the only ones who didn’t run away from me, Jeong-woo.”

Song Boyeong smiled widely.

“I’m going!”

And she disappeared as if fleeing.


Jeong-woo, who had been hit in the back of the head by a very innocent and kind senior, looked bewildered.


As he walked back to the research building with a feeling of disappointment, a text message arrived.

Jeong-woo opened his phone to check the message and stood still in his tracks.

[Shall we meet tonight?]

It was Yoon Yi-seol.

He had no idea how to reply.

How many women had he been thinking about during this short lunch break?

-Stay focused, and there’s no reason to waver.

Suddenly, Dr. Moon’s words came to mind.

‘Let’s handle them one by one. Starting with improving the relationship with the team leader I need to assist.’

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