
Chapter 88

Chapter 88

『The first order of business in Part 2 is a discussion on the future tasks following the agreement at the United Nations Climate Change Conference agreement.』

While the forum resumed, Jeong-woo continued to glance towards the group of college girls who were whispering among themselves looking at Yoon Yi-seol.

The camera from the cable broadcasting station focused even more on Yoon Yi-seol, adding another layer of intensity.

“Mr. Jeong-woo….”

Yoon Yi-seol, taking the situation more seriously than Jeong-woo, covered her mouth with her hand and spoke softly.

“I don’t think we can have dinner here. I’m sorry.”

“I’m here for that dinner.”

Yoon Yi-seol raised her eyebrows.

“I thought you said you were here for no particular reason?”

Jeong-woo instinctively pulled away as he smelled the faint scent of apples again from Yoon Yi-seol, who was leaning close to him.

“My team leader sent me on my way and told me to make sure I had a good dinner.”

“Did she really give such an instruction?”

“If the party responsible for this situation were to pursue it, I have nothing to say.”

Looking at Jeong-woo’s solemn expression, Yoon Yi-seol, although aware it was a joke, felt sorry for him.

“Then… I’ll guide you to a nice place. Mr. Jeong-woo, you worked hard during the break earlier.”

“The hard part starts now.”


Wondering if another incident was about to happen, Jeong-woo pointed to the podium, where Yoon Yi-seol had been earlier.

“The superstar I represent had an interview praising the manager’s excellent interpretation skills. They might follow us when we leave, so I won’t be able to assist like before. So pay attention.”


For the next two hours, Yoon Yi-seol accumulated several years’ worth of general knowledge that a Green Cross promotional ambassador should possess, all while listening to Jeong-woo’s voice.

After arriving in front of the restaurant ‘Hyeon,’ Jeong-woo turned to see Yoon Yi-seol smiling.

“Isn’t this the great restaurant with Chef Hyun-min?”

Yoon Yi-seol took out a small handmade coated card from the tiny bag she was carrying.

“Ta-da! One year free pass.”

“If you use that recklessly, the restaurant might go bankrupt.”

“I was given it to use, why is Jeong-woo so worried? Plus, it’s my first time using it today.”

As Jeong-woo climbed the stairs and opened the door adorned with European-style interior decor, he said.

“I’m also investing in one menu here. No freebies for guests.”

“Right. Did you teach Chef Hyun-min the seasoning recipe?”

“To be precise, I sold it at a reasonable price.”


When Jeong-woo gestured for Yoon Yi-seol to enter first towards the open door, Yoon Yi-seol, nodding appreciatively, stood inside.


The employee, recognizing Yoon Yi-seol because she was only wearing a hat, widened their eyes. Yoon Yi-seol smiled with a playful grin and raised her hand.

“We’ll just have a quiet meal and leave.”

A pleasantly lit private room on the second floor, with a cozy atmosphere in every nook.

Two plates with soup were brought to the table. Yoon Yi-seol admired the fragrant and savory aroma of the cream and looked at Jeong-woo.

“It looks delicious. Since the chef is from a hotel background, it’s like hotel cuisine, right?”


“Why do you say that in a dry manner? I keep feeling sorry because we had to leave the hotel like that.”

Unable to say that her constantly worried eyes were so cute, Jeong-woo filled the moment with a brief laugh.

Just before taking a sip of the soup, Yoon Yi-seol, reminiscent of her time at the hotel, complained.

“Those beautiful ladies… Oh, Jeong-woo keeps saying that, and now I am too. Those college girls are the same. Why do they keep asking me about things they don’t understand? I sweated a lot on the way out.”

“You did well. It was worth it to interpret.”

“Really? The way to score well in a crush’s class is just to listen.”

As Yoon Yi-seol casually attacked his heart at this moment, she soon began to focus on eating the soup.

Jeong-woo, after glancing at her once, recalled the issue he had been thinking about since leaving home today.

Since we are like this, suggesting to get a thorough examination from Dr. Moon would be the right thing to do.

No matter how well she appeared on the surface, in the molecular world, the slightest chemical reaction could turn her world upside down.

‘Let’s bring it up after eating.’

Luckily, it wasn’t too late to skip dinner.

After finishing the meal and trying to settle the bill, Hyun-min, who had been at the counter, raised his hand.

“How are you going to pay? One person is the signature seasoning developer, and the other has a one-year free pass.”


“Okay, okay. If we keep doing this, I’ll get mad. By the way, Mr. Jeong-woo, Ms. Yoon Yi-seol… a date?”

“Huh, does it look like that?”

Jeong-woo turned his head to Yoon Yi-seol, who was already outside the restaurant. She had firmly worn her hat, and her mask was securely in place.

With a smile on his lips, Hyun-min said.

“I’ve encountered many celebrities during broadcasting activities, but I’ve never seen someone exuding such an intimate atmosphere with their manager.”

“Please just ignore that. It’s not a date; it’s just that Yi-seol is releasing a new song soon, and she’s a bit under the weather. I’m helping her out.”

“Yes, if anyone asks, that’s how I’ll respond. Also, about 300m down from here, there’s a nice walking path. Few people, perfect for a stroll holding hands.”

As Jeong-woo left, Hyun-min shook his hand, providing tips on the dating course.


The restaurant’s door opened, and Yoon Yi-seol approached Jeong-woo as if she had been waiting for him to come out.

“The person who will give acting lessons to Mr. Jeong-woo is on the way.”

“Was that statement true?”

“Oh, here they come.”

Pointing down the street with her finger, Jeong-woo’s gaze followed.

Yoon Yi-seol, who had been looking at Jeong-woo with sparkling eyes, swiftly removed her mask and, in a slightly lowered voice, said.

“Nice to meet you, Han Jeong-woo. I’m Yoon Yi-seol, a singer with two years of experience in music video acting.”

Seeing her extend her hand as if shaking hands, Jeong-woo chuckled.

“I had a feeling that would happen.”

As Jeong-woo descended the stairs, Yoon Yi-seol followed.

“How tailored is this education? We have to act as lovers, and there’s someone right next to you who’s already in that attitude for real.”

“As for acting lessons, I understand, but what’s the purpose of the checklist?”

“It’s nothing special. Chatting all night with someone you like. But doesn’t it feel destined somehow? Our situation today, the weather, the atmosphere.”

Only now did Jeong-woo accurately understand the purpose of Yoon Yi-seol’s text yesterday.

“Make sure to wear your mask properly. It’s a day with a lot of fine dust.”

“Answer me first. I’ll be with you until morning, I mean, talking until morning.”

Yoon Yi-seol firmly held Jeong-woo’s arm.

Jeong-woo, looking at Yoon Yi-seol, let his gaze linger on the wrist she had grabbed. Despite her bold words, why were her hands trembling like this?

Determined not to cause her any more harm, Jeong-woo fixed his gaze ahead.

“Let’s walk for now. It’ll help with digestion.”

Jeong-woo turned onto the walking path that Hyun-min had told him.

Spring had just begun, but the cherry blossom trees were in full bloom, adorned with buds. Tree branches, budding with new leaves, swayed like a dance in the spring breeze.

As they walked, Yoon Yi-seol looked around, and a happy smile appeared on her face.

“It would be really nice to come here when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.”

“Isn’t it too cold?”

“What? You can even take off your outerwear…”

Jeong-woo was already draping his suit jacket over Yoon Yi-seol’s shoulders. Yoon Yi-seol looked at Jeong-woo sharply and asked.

“What does this mean? You’ll confuse me.”

“I have something to tell you.”

Yoon Yi-seol abruptly stopped walking.

“I don’t like it. Whatever it is. You said there are ten months left.”


“You’re treating me well now, and then you’re going to seriously reject me. I can feel the atmosphere.”

Jeong-woo let out a wry smile at her words.

“It’s not like that, so don’t misunderstand. I mentioned a showcase, right? If you catch a cold, it’ll be a big problem.”

“I’m not…”

Yoon Yi-seol sighed heavily. Jeong-woo talked with a serious expression.

“I’m actually taking an unconventional medication. I’m revealing it because I believe you won’t tell anyone.”

“Jeong-woo, did you reject my confession because you’re terminally ill?”

Seeing Yoon Yi-seol, whose eyes seemed on the verge of tears, Jeong-woo chuckled.

“Don’t misunderstand unnecessarily, and listen to the end. While I’m taking this medication, it contains unverified components for ordinary people. Meanwhile, on that beach, you and I… Well…”

“We kissed?”

Jeong-woo’s face became surprisingly brighter in the face of Yoon Yi-seol’s confident demeanor.josei

“Yes, that incident. I’m worried that it might have a negative impact on you. So, do anything you want today, and let’s get a check-up.”

Yoon Yi-seol looked up at Jeong-woo with this statement.

“I don’t understand.”

“It’s possible. The substance from the medicine stays in my body, so…”

“No, Mr. Jeong-woo.”


“We didn’t deeply kiss, just touched. You’re thinking there was some intense exchange. It’s unfair for me.”

“In that moment, I was so disoriented due to the medication.”

“Someone in their right mind wouldn’t ruin their first kiss like that!”

“First kiss?”

Yoon Yi-seol, who had been listening, took a step toward Jeong-woo.

“Turn around. If you do, I’ll get a check-up.”

“Turn around… What’s the point…”

Yoon Yi-seol swiftly took off her mask and pointed to her lips.

“If you do something that warrants getting a check-up, I’ll go.”

Jeong-woo, surprised by the sudden gesture, hesitated.

“I explained, there could be problems. This is sincere.”

“Sincere? Who said it wasn’t? I’m always sincere with you!”

Despite pouring out her heart countless times today, Yoon Yi-seol, who built a wall and showed no response, looked at Jeong-woo tearfully.

“Just… Can’t you fall for me?”

-I’ve fallen for you.

The poignant melody of ‘In a dream’ that he had heard before played in Jeong-woo’s ears like an echo.

Yoon Yi-seol’s long eyelashes fluttered in the wind. They were close enough for Jeong-woo to smell the strong scent of apples that clung to her.

Perhaps that’s why.

He felt as if his mind had become paralyzed.

In Venice, he should have felt insignificance every moment they were together, but now, she wouldn’t even give me a moment to get there.

Instead of stabilizing his center of gravity, he was shaking so much that he was getting confused.

Even though he knew he shouldn’t, Jeong-woo reached for Yoon Yi-seol’s chin and pulled her towards him.

Yoon Yi-seol’s shoulders flinched, but she didn’t push him away. Her eyes, full of moisture, gently closed.

The moist lips delivered a vivid sensation. It wasn’t so confusing as they’re last kiss.

As his body lost tension and he seemed to collapse, Jeong-woo tightly embraced her around the neck.

Jeong-woo’s lips touched hers one last time and then parted.

Yoon Yi-seol, who had been breathing heavily, looked up at Jeong-woo and said.

“What does this mean?”

“It means that I was greatly shaken.”

Finally, his feelings were revealed. Yoon Yi-seol looked at Jeong-woo with relief.

“Ah, we still have ten months…”

Due to the sudden kiss, or perhaps because her head was spinning, Yoon Yi-seol felt an irresistible drowsiness, and her eyes closed on their own.

“… why am I doing this…”


Jeong-woo, who had taken his hand off Yoon Yi-seol’s shoulder, was surprised and supported her when she seemed to be about to fall.


Jeong-woo’s expression changed as he shook Yoon Yi-seol’s limp body. Although her breathing was maintained, she showed no response, as if she had fainted.

Holding Yoon Yi-seol in his arms, Jeong-woo rushed out to the side of the road where taxis passed.


Emergency room at AN Hospital.

Jeong-woo watched Yoon Yi-seol on the bed with a face full of worry. Inside the curtained partition, Dr. Moon, wearing a white gown, was examining her with a stethoscope.

Dr. Moon glanced at Jeong-woo and spoke calmly.

“Her vitals are normal, so don’t make a face like a guardian of a seriously injured patient. If the ER duty doctor comes, I’ll be in trouble too.”

“Then, is Yi-seol okay?”

“She’s not okay. She’s showing symptoms of an unusual sleep disorder. If you’re that worried, you shouldn’t have kissed her again.”

“Well, at the prime of my life…”

Dr. Moon lifted Yoon Yi-seol’s eyelids and checked her pupil response with a penlight, then continued.

“Her symptoms are identical to those of a normal person who participated in the ‘AF-12’ clinical trial. If the dosage adjustment fails, they can suddenly fall into such a deep sleep.”

Upon hearing this, Jeong-woo recalled the day he had visited the hospital for the clinical trial.

Other participants sleeping like corpses. The moment he alone was awake.

Dr. Moon, who had taken his hands off Yoon Yi-seol, looked at Jeong-woo.

“Thanks to you trying to solve it on your own, we’ve identified one of Jeong-woo’s problems.”


Dr. Moon pointed at Yoon Yi-seol.

“Creating a sleeping princess with just one kiss.”


Dr. Moon, looking at the bewildered Jeong-woo and revealed the diagnosis.

“There’s a high possibility that ‘AF-12’ is included in Jeong-woo’s saliva. Since it’s becoming an official concern, please stop creating a sleeping princess until we find a solution. However, concerns about other side effects have significantly decreased, so take comfort in that.”

“Is there a way to find a solution?”

“We need to perform a precise analysis of the modified genes inside Jeong-woo.”

“I’ll help as much as I can.”

Watching Yoon Yi-seol, deeply asleep and oblivious to the world, Jeong-woo asked.

“When will she wake up?”

“Well, I don’t know. About 5 hours? 10 hours? I’ve never seen a biological delivery method like this before.”

Upon hearing Dr. Moon’s words, Jeong-woo felt like he was looking at a distant mountain.

“Move her to a private room instead of the emergency room. There’s a place assigned for KG Chemicals clinical trial participants.”

A little later.

Jeong-woo carefully laid Yoon Yi-seol down in a quiet private hospital room, adjusted the pillow behind her neck, and stepped back.


He let out a deep sigh at this unbelievable situation.

-Can’t you fall for me?

The problem was that his self-control had disappeared with just one sentence from her.

‘Now I’m officially incapable of dating.’

While contemplating the excuses he would need when Yoon Yi-seol woke up, Jeong-woo found himself smiling at the girl who was dreaming with a youthful smile.

Whether she was a sleeping princess or whatever, lying there like that was cheating.

All the confusion he had experienced just moments ago melted away in an instant, and he couldn’t help but smile along with her.


Yoon Yi-seol, stretching herself, woke up from her sleep, blinked, and her gaze lingered on the white ceiling.

It felt like she had slept deeply without any thoughts and had just woken up. However, simultaneously, a strange feeling that she shouldn’t have done that crept in.


It took Yoon Yi-seol about 5 seconds to roughly grasp the situation, and she sat up abruptly. Scenes of kissing Jeong-woo flashed in her memory, but she couldn’t recall what happened afterward.

“What is this place?”

Judging from the atmosphere, it seemed to be a hospital.

Yoon Yi-seol, who was a bit disoriented, fixed her gaze on the person who entered as the door opened.


“Are you awake? Oh, thank goodness.”

Jeong-woo, who approached with cautious steps, surveyed Yoon Yi-seol’s condition.

“Are you uncomfortable anywhere?”

“I’m okay, but why am I here?”

Asking about the situation, Yoon Yi-seol looked around the hospital room.

Jeong-woo, feeling apologetic for the circumstances, quickly explained.

“It’s because of the medicine I take. It seems that this problem of falling into deep sleep occurs because of it. But more importantly…”

Jeong-woo extended his phone, which was still ringing energetically.

“It kept ringing, so I picked it up earlier. It’s from the manager; he’s near the hospital. You said he should pick you up at 7, but it’s 8 now. I think he might be a bit confused. Please tell him there was absolutely no misunderstanding.”

“8 o’clock? Oh, in the morning?”


Yoon Yi-seol glanced out the window. It was bright. Very bright.

“You should have woken me up.”

“It’s not such a simple solution. I’m still looking into it. If you ever feel something strange with your body, please let me know anytime.”


Jeong-woo nodded.

Although Yoon Yi-seol didn’t like that the reality had washed away all the plans from last night, Jeong-woo’s expression, indicating that he would fulfill any request, appealed to her.


The back door of the parked van opened, and Yoon Yi-seol, wearing a hat and mask, casually took a seat.

Manager Ji turned to her and asked.

“I’m not sure how surprised should I be that you’re in the hospital. What did you two do all night?”

“We slept.”


Yoon Yi-seol, who had been looking out the window, turned her head sharply to the surprised Manager Ji.

“Just slept, I said. Just slept! I couldn’t even do the checklist, slept a full 10 hours! I slept so deeply that I can’t even yawn now.”


Manager Ji, whose eyes seemed to pop out, became puzzled at this statement.

“Yi-seol, you had insomnia, and 4 hours was the limit. Was going to the hospital to treat that? Wow, what a manager. Amazing, really. How did that happen?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

As the van started moving, Yoon Yi-seol lightly touched her lips with her fingertips. The memories that should have been vivid felt hazy, as if lost in a dream due to the sudden loss of consciousness.

‘The plan was well-executed, though.’

A sigh escaped her lips at the result, which wasn’t a successful confession or an advancement in their relationship. Still, knowing that the rejection of her confession was due to the medicine brought some relief.

However, it was disappointing not to have clear memories of the kiss.

‘No. In a positive light, it’s like having the first kiss every day.’

The one supposed to offer it might not even be aware, but Yoon Yi-seol laughed softly.

Manager Ji, watching Yoon Yi-seol through the rearview mirror, shook his head. He frowned, then smiled. Wondering if he should get used to his celebrity’s mood swings.

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