
Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Afterwards, discussions and preliminary experiments continued about the new project, but everyone’s attention was still focused on the synthesis work that was going on in the compound storage room.

As the preliminary experiments under the supervision of the responsible researcher came to a close, Cho Sung-hwan whispered to Jeong-woo, looking concerned.

“Jeong-woo, you might not know this yet, but the project team leaders have huge egos. It’s no joke. Maybe you should apologize before they get even more angry?”

“But I didn’t do anything wrong.”

Bae Ki-tae interjected as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“What, are you some kind of genius or something? How could you change the composition ratio just by looking at the chemical formula once?”

“I didn’t just look at it once. I checked it roughly while copying the meeting material.”

“What the…!”

Bae Ki-tae bit his tongue, looking incredulous.

Cho Sung-hwan continued to express his concern, worried about a major accident.

“It’s not just Team Leader Jeong who’s the problem now. Dr. Shin Yoon-seok is also paying attention. If we rank the most demanding senior researchers in the research center, Dr. Shin is definitely at the top. If you get criticized by a senior researcher, your life in the lab will be miserable.”

Jeong-woo just smiled faintly, as if to say “don’t worry.” He was confident that he wouldn’t be wrong, although he didn’t know what the results would be.

“If I didn’t have this level of ability, I wouldn’t have been able to join the lab in the first place and would have been kicked out according to the contract.”

Jeong-woo turned his head and made eye contact with Song Boyeong, who was sitting on one side. She was also watching him with sparkling eyes.


Suddenly, he thought that the most demanding person he had to deal with might be that woman, who seemed to have a great interest in Dr. Cheon Seung-guk.

“Oh, looks like it’s here.”

Cho Sung-hwan raised his head and looked towards the center of the lab. As the preliminary experiments were coming to a close, the meeting room door suddenly opened wide.

“We’ve brought it.”

Everyone’s attention was fixed on the small icebox held by the 4th team’s researchers. The box was placed on the table and a test tube containing fine brown powder was revealed.

As if waiting, Team Leader Jeong approached and dipped his finger into the seasoning sample. He tasted it immediately by putting it on the tip of his tongue.

“How is it, Team Leader Jeong? Do you like the taste?”

Team Leader Jeong, who looked slightly puzzled, turned to Jeong-woo.

“Well, say something.”

Other responsible researchers rushed to the table with curious faces. They tasted it and shook their heads several times.

“This taste is very familiar.”

“Yeah, it’s just a regular seasoning we usually use, right?”

“It’s weird. Even if we just sprinkle this, the meat will taste good…”

One of the responsible researchers looked at Team Leader Jeong and trailed off his words. Another responsible researcher who took out the existing sample from the icebox and tasted it stuck out his tongue and looked at Team Leader Jeong.

“Uh, Team Leader Jeong. It’s not that this has no taste. It’s just a little bland and dull.”


Team Leader Jeong looked at Jeong-woo.

“That’s how it feels.”


As the result seemed almost determined, everyone’s attention naturally turned to Jeong-woo, who was sitting between the gaps of the interns.

“Hey, intern.”

Jeong-woo stood up at Team Leader Jeong’s call.

“How did you know how to modify this?”

Jeong-woo had no words to answer this question. He couldn’t possibly explain the intricacies of “seasonings, the universe, and black holes” to such high-level researchers.

With an awkward smile, Jeong-woo replied, “Y-Yes, I guess I just knew it?”

Team Leader Jeong’s face became disappointed. He could tell immediately upon seeing the result after working on it for almost four weeks. The taste that stimulated the tip of his tongue was relaxing. This was the epitome of MSG, and it was a magic powder that was as good as ramen broth.

“I’m speechless because it’s so good. How can an intern have such a sense of taste…”

The faces of the responsible researchers around him became surprised at the declaration of defeat.

Jeong Sang-sik looked at Jeong-woo with a face that admitted his talent.

“I’ll make a new sample using the chemical formula you changed and send it to KG Foods. If it gets adopted, I’ll put your name on the list of project researchers. Let’s calm my irritation with this.”

“Team Leader Jeong, is it really that good?”

“This is insane. Right after being hired. Who recommended him?”

As the conference room became increasingly noisy, one of the researchers sitting in the stone seat spoke up.

“Alright. Since the meeting is over, let’s not gather here like this and move to our workplace.”

“Dr. Kim, this intern changed the direction of Team Leader Jeong’s 30-day research in just 30 seconds.”

“Why are you suddenly like this? That’s why we’re supposed to collaborate on research. And you were familiar with these situations when Dr. Cheon was here.”

Amidst their murmurs, Shin Yoon-seok stood up.

As he moved, the researchers gathered around him scattered like a stream. As he assisted Shin Yoon-seok, Lee Dong-gil whispered something to him.

Shin Yoon-seok stopped abruptly and turned his head to Jeong-woo as he walked closer to his location.

“Did you say your name is Han Jeong-woo?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“You’re participating in the planning evaluation next week?”


Jeong-woo met eyes with Lee Dong-gil, who grinned and raised his thumb.

“Yes, I will participate.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

Shin Yoon-seok patted Jeong-woo’s shoulder and walked out.

Jeong-woo also lowered his head as he saw the new recruits doing the same.

The lunchtime at the central research institute was much more sophisticated and leisurely than Junwoo had imagined.

There were researchers who managed their health in the in-house gym, equipped with exercise equipment, and also those who read books or had tea time in the book cafe where calm music flowed.

Of course, Junwoo was in a position to head to the cafeteria with a hungry stomach, unlike the formal researchers who enjoyed their lunchtime elegantly.

He had just been released from the tedious work.

‘I think being a researcher at the institute requires more labor than I thought. Oh, I’m so hungry.’

After the weekly meeting, Junwoo was dragged by his senior from team 3 to do the job of observing and recording the solution rotating in the centrifuge, every 10 seconds.

It was a task that required perseverance more than expertise, so he had to check obsessively until the shift changed.

“Can I have one fried dish, please?”

Junwoo, who had filled his tray with rice, soup, and some side dishes, looked around for an empty seat in the cafeteria.

After a satisfying meal, Song Boyeong walked out of the cafeteria entrance with a smile of contentment on her face. It was a pleasant time that confirmed that there was barely half a day’s work left. She hummed a tune while walking towards the elevator when her phone rang and buzzed in her ear.


“Hello, senior.”

-You haven’t eaten yet, have you? I found a restaurant that makes great spaghetti.

Song Boyeong’s expression turned into one of annoyance at Dong Kyungil’s voice.

“I’m on my way out after having lunch.”


“I can finish my lunch in 5 minutes if I have to.”

-You’ll get indigestion if you eat too fast.


-Sorry, sorry. Haha.

As Song Boyeong walked down the corridor, she saw a man with a plate moving around inside the cafeteria.

It was Han Jeong-woo, the intern who couldn’t even get a word in with the senior researchers who surrounded him after the weekly meeting.

-You didn’t even have brunch this morning. Do you want to grab coffee together?

“I have something urgent to take care of. Enjoy your meal!”

-Hey, Boyeong…


Song Boyeong hung up and rushed to the entrance of the cafeteria.

After tasting a spoonful of doenjang soup, Jeong-woo nodded his head with satisfaction. He felt a sense of dignity that could not be compared to the back-to-basics meals in the university cafeteria. The atmosphere of this place, which felt like a sophisticated cultural space, also contributed to the feeling.

‘Is lunch going to be like this every day?’

He couldn’t help but laugh at the thought that he didn’t even need to worry about choosing a menu when a plate was placed in front of him with a thud.

“Were you eating alone?”

Jeong-woo looked up and became guarded when he saw Song Boyeong sitting opposite him.

“Why are you so surprised?”

“Don’t misunderstand and think that I’m following you around. I just saw that you were alone, Mr. Parachute. Food tastes better when you eat it together, so let’s eat together.”

Song Boyeong smiled brightly as she lifted her spoon. After taking a bite with a determined look on her face, she looked at Jeong-woo and didn’t lose her smile.

‘It’s awkward. Very awkward.’

It wasn’t a job fair, and it was just the two of them having a meal facing each other. Jeong-woo could vaguely guess her intentions.

Thinking that he would be bombarded with questions about Cheon Seung-guk just like in the morning, Jeong-woo quickly stirred his utensils to finish eating and leave.

“Excuse me….”

Sure enough, as Song Boyeong glanced at him, she made her move. Jeong-woo opened his mouth before she could put him in a difficult position.


“…Dr. Cheon, yesy? What?”

Song Boyeong, who missed the timing due to the sudden call, blinked her eyes quickly.

“Why do you want to work with Dr. Cheon so much?”

Jeong-woo looked at Song Boyeong with a look that said, “Let’s hear the reason.”

“Do you have to ask that? If a Nobel Prize winner in chemistry comes out in Korea, it must be Dr. Cheon.”

The word “Nobel Prize” seemed too far away for Jeong-woo to grasp.

“When receiving the award, up to three co-researchers can also be awarded, you know?”

“I see.”

Song Boyeong’s face lit up when the topic of Cheon Seung-guk came up.josei

“Among the papers published by Dr. Cheon, some are still a mystery in the German chemical industry.”

“A mystery?”

“There are many in the academic community who cannot even understand the theory itself. But I read them all. Am I the only one in Korea who did?”

With a cough and a shroug, Song Boyeong continued.

“I even managed to grasp some of the principles.”

“Very impressive.”

Upon Jeong-woo’s praise, Song Boyeong smiled widely. Meanwhile, Jeong-woo quickly put the remaining fried food in his mouth and swallowed it.

‘It’s okay’

It seemed like Song Boyeong’s intention to make a scene alone was fitting. Jeong-woo had thought that he could just say hello and leave, but he couldn’t help but notice that she seemed upset.

“Is there something bothering you?” he asked.

“No, not at all.”

Song Boyeong looked like she was on the verge of choking, and her response seemed forced.

“Maybe the food at the restaurant doesn’t agree with you.”

“No, that’s not it. I and Dr. Cheon both love the food at this restaurant. We used to eat here often together.”

“I see,” Jeong-woo said, noticing how Song Boyeong seemed to be forcing herself to eat.

“If you don’t like the food, you don’t have to eat it all…”

Jeong-woo trailed off as he noticed something strange. Song Boyeong’s lips seemed to have expanded, almost like using a magnifying glass.

‘What’s going on?’

It wasn’t a special chemical reaction, but he could see some residue that looked similar to what he had seen in the food additive constellation during the weekly meeting.

“That’s lenthionine.”

“What is it?”

“You have some on your lips.”

Song Boyeong’s eyes widened.

“You can get it on your mouth while eating!”

Wiping her mouth with a napkin, Song Boyeong furrowed her eyebrows when nothing came off.

“Are you kidding me?”

“It’s strange, though. If it was lenthionine, the food would have had the scent of shiitake mushrooms, but there’s no such thing in the side dishes that the senior brought.”

Song Boyeong was taken aback.

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