Cheonma Wants to Live Quietly

Chapter chapter 62

Chapter chapter 62

As soon as he opened the door and went inside, Byeoktaesan had a frown on his face.

“Why are there so many half-dead people in here?

The first thing that came into Byeoktaesan’s eyes was the one who exploded his latent powers. Even at a glance, he seemed the most dangerous. And among the black-masked people in this place, he was the only one who was completely alive.

Byeoktaesan walked toward him.

The black-masked men rushed towards him.

However, they fell down before even touching Byeoktaesan.

Even if they only went near Byeoktaesan, they lost their strength and collapsed, and they never got back up.

After seeing that scene, the jaws of Cheon Chu Shin Ui and Il Chim Gui dropped.

It was surprising to see the guys they have been having a hard time dealing with be dealt with so easily.

Suddenly, Byeoktaesan stood right in front of the guy who exploded his latent powers.


He screamed and swung his sword towards Byeoktaesan.

It was an incredibly fast and powerful sword attack.

However, Byeoktaesan managed to avoid the sword attack just by tilting his back slightly.

As soon as the tip of the sword passed by, Byeoktaesan bounced forward and moved close to him.

And lightly waving his hand, hit the pit of the stomach.



Black blood spilled from his mouth.

Byeoktaesan suddenly stepped back. He had no reason to stand there and get the blood on him.josei

The one who vomited blood staggered and stepped back. Then he rolled his eyes without stopping.

Realizing that he was not the opponent who can deal with Byeoktaesan, he devised how to escape.

But he had no time to continue thinking.

This was because Byeoktaesan closed in on him again.

He didn’t see him moving, but after a blink of an eye, Byeoktaesan was standing in front of him. So how surprised he would have been.

Astonished, he reflexively swung his sword, but Byeoktaesan reached out and pressed his hand holding the sword gently.

The back of Byeoktaesan’s hand passed by the man’s chin, which stopped while trying to swing his sword.


Byeoktaesan knelt and lightly stepped on the back of the fallen guy.


Now, this guy can’t move anymore.

Byeoktaesan looked around.

Cheon chu Shin Ui and Il Chim Gui were closely guarded by Homu-ryeon warriors, and they were seen facing black-masked men.

Even if he left them as it is, it seemed that there would be no problem. They were fighting pretty well.

This time, he checked with Cheon Gyeong-wan and Yoo Seo-yeon.

The two poured out a devastating attack.

It was as if they were spitting out something they were holding onto on the inside.

Whenever the two swords moved, the black-masked men fell like autumn leaves.

“Not bad.”

Compared to the first time he saw them, there was a pretty big difference that was as if a child became an adult.

In addition, the breathing of two people was so exquisite that it had a similar effect as if not two people but three or four people were fighting together.

There seemed to be no need to worry about them either.

Byeoktaesan decided to clean up the doctors’ side first.

He approached the black-masked men attacking that side.

As soon as Byeoktaesan approached, they fell without failure.

Having given some breathing room, the Homu-ryeon warriors scattered in all directions and began to drive the black-masked people back.

And there was no need for Cheon chu Shin ui and Il Chim Gui to fight anymore.

Byeoktaesan stood in front of the two and pointed with his chin at the black-masked man who fell on one side. It was the one who exploded his latent powers.

“You can save him right?”

At the words of Byeoktaesan, the mouth of the Il Chim Gui and Cheon chu shin ui twisted up.

“Of course we can, why would you even ask that? If you just tell us to save him, then he will just live my lord.”

The two quickly approached the guy who fell on the floor. And they took off the mask first.

“Look at the wrinkles.”

He looked very old. The voice didn’t sound this old.

The two started the treatment first.

Since he exploded his latent powers, they had to keep his life force veins from tearing. They must also stop the life force from draining.

The treatment was ended in no time as Il Chim Gui and Cheon Chu Shin Ui cared for him at the same time.

“By the way, doesn’t he seem younger than he looks?”

“It is not an exaggeration to say that the age of the body over seventy, but looking at the condition of his teeth and bones, he seems to be less than thirty.”

“He shouldn’t get old so quickly just because he exploded his latent powers?”

He would have looked this way if he kept at it, but Cheon Chu Shin Ui and Il Chim Gui had treated him quickly enough.

That means that the body looked like this even before he exploded his latent powers.

“It’s not like someone drained his life force from him… … .”

“We can wake him up later and ask, so let’s not waste time with that.”

Cheon Chu Shin Ui said so and looked over to Byeoktaesan.

Byeoktaesan was in the midst of wandering around the manor and destroying the black-masked people that were still standing.

Strangely, the black-masked people didn’t think about running away even though the situation turned out like this.

As if they were just fulfilling the orders they had in their memories in advance, they constantly rushed in.

“It’s definitely strange. Oh, what you said earlier, what did that mean?”

“What do you mean?”

“The half-dead part. Do you know something? The same is true of what you said before about the Kang-shi.”

“If you heard that far, you should know everything already. Why do you ask?”

“Does trying to figure it out and hearing from a guy who already knows sound the same to you? Tell me quickly.”

“Literally that. They’re half Kang-shi.”

“They are going to be half Kang-shi? Is that possible?”

“Don’t they have two contradicting energy flowing through their bodies?”


“They infused the energy of the dead to a living person. Then, that energy eats the vitality and expands, and they gradually become a Kang-shi.

“It’s an act that will draw heaven’s anger.”

“Of course, it’s not just infusing it in, it needs a special countermeasure. And it also requires a special poison.”


“It’s a poison used when injecting the energy of the dead. It’s similar to poison ivy, but it’s a bit tricky to make.”

Il Chim Gui opened his eyes narrowly and looked at Cheon Chu Shin Ui.

“You… Why does sound like you know it very well?”

Cheon Chu Shin Ui said with a bitter smile.

“This was what my master was researching.”


“Because I accidentally learned how to make the poison, I set fire to the master’s desire.”

“So, you mean you made a normal person into a Kang-shi?”

Even if it was Cheonma Shinkyo, wasn’t that going too far? Cheon Chu Shin Ui shook his head.

“Of, course not. Even if we make Kang-shi, we make it using the dead, we would never do that to a living person. We just tested it on a few animals and discarded it.”


“The weakness I mentioned earlier. The more energy of the dead is infused, the more weakness it gets.”

Il Chim Gui tilted his head.

“That’s weird? Those guys earlier, they had only one weakness?”

“These guys must have succeeded in their research. Although… Honestly, it seems useless. Doesn’t it?”

When Cheon Chu Shin Ui looked toward Byeoktaesan and said that, he had no choice but to nod.

Certainly, it would be useless to anyone if they all ended up collapsing like that.

Although they wondered who else in the world can do that other than Byeoktaesan?

In fact, if they don’t fall down like that, and if they can get rid of their weaknesses, they will have considerable potential.

The fight ended during the discussion of the doctors.

There were corpses everywhere.

* * *

Homu-ryeon warriors were busy moving, gathering fallen bodies all over the manor.

Fortunately, none of the Homu-ryeon warriors died. Although there was someone who was seriously injured.

The injured person was also treated neatly because of Cheon Chu Shin Ui and Il Chim Gui.

The two of them were doctors who were even able to attach severed limbs intact without difficulty. No matter how big the injury was, they could heal them as long as they were alive.

Especially when it comes to physical trauma, Cheon Chu Shin Ui’s ability was really great.

On the inner side, the power of Il Chim Gui was enormous.

Il Chim Gui and Cheon Chu Shin Ui examined the collected bodies one by one.

First of all, these guys will appear more often in the future, but if they do a proper investigation, they will be able to deal with them better later.

Of course, they were planning to check them for a bit while they were resting, and later they planned to move these bodies to Homu-ryeon for a full-scale investigation.

“Did you find anything out?”

The ears of the Homu-ryun warriors who were cleaning up their surroundings perked up at Byeoktaesan’s question.

The damage to the manor was enormous, so while the two doctors were investigating the corpses, Homu-ryeon warriors were cleaning the manor.

However, they were focusing all their attention on what Cheon Chu Shin Ui and Il Chim Gui did.

“These guys are just ordinary people.”

“Ordinary people? Are you saying they haven’t learned any martial arts?”


Hearing those words, the Homu-ryeon warriors stopped doing what they were doing, and with eyes filled with horror, they looked at Cheon Chu Shin Ui, Il Chim Gui, and the corpses.

They had just heard some nonsense.

How hard was it when fighting these guys? Their sword skills seemed to be a little lower, but their strength and speed were enormous.

It also meant that the inner power was excellent.

However, to say it was a body that has not learned martial arts.No, to think they were able to figure that out just by looking at the corpses.

“If you look at their muscles, you can tell they did do some kind of training or practice but… There are practically no signs of gathering inner power.”

The words of Cheon Chu Shin Ui was continued by Il Chim Gui.

“So it meant that they were extremely short-lived in the first place.”

“Their life span is short?”

“It has a similar effect to exploding latent power by mixing the energy of the dead with their life force.”

“In that case, you can generate tremendous power. Plus, it’s more durable than just using their life force.”

“In exchange since they not only use up their life force but they infuse the energy of the dead into it, their life span will be extremely short.

“How long would their life span be?”

At the same time, Cheon Chu Shin Ui and Il Chim Gui stroked their chin and fell in thought.

“Well… To know the exact number, we would have to actually test it ourselves, but if we have to make a guess just with seeing the condition of the corpse, it would be about two years? Probably by that point, their power would run out. If there is a lot of work to do during that time, the lifespan should be even shorter.”

Suddenly, everyone stopped working and was concentrating on what the two doctors were saying.

If that’s true, that was really amazing. It was also very intimidating.

If they can take ordinary people who aren’t initiated into martial arts and make them be that strong, what can’t you do if you can use them for two whole years?

Byeoktaesan nodded insignificantly.

“Well, I suppose that’s about the extent of it. Ok, let’s finish it up and go back. It’s late, so we should get some sleep.

Only then did everyone scatter and finish their work.

In fact, there was something they really wanted to ask, but no one could ask.

What they were really curious about was how Byeoktaesan destroyed them. But for some reason, no one asked Byeoktaesan about it. No, they couldn’t ask.

And so the night wore on.

* * *

Byeoktaesan was alone in the room.

He didn’t bring in anyone tonight. He didn’t have to, and in fact, he couldn’t.

When he went to rescue Cheon Chu Shin Ui and Il Chim Gui, as the half-dead men fell, they sprinkled enormous spiritual power around them.

The reason they fell without strength was because of Spirit Absorption.

The energy of the dead was burned down by Spirit Absorption triggered by Byeoktaesan, and the balance of power that supported their body collapsed.

Ironically, they needed the energy of the dead to live.

The exquisite balance was shaken by Spirit Absorption.

Anyway, as the balance collapsed, all the spiritual power they had come out.

Eventually, the space in the manor was filled with spiritual power.

He didn’t make an effort to absorb it. In the first place, you should not accept the spiritual power that was poured out in that way.

He just accepted what flowed naturally into his body.

That would be the spiritual power that fits the body of Byeoktaesan.

Spiritual powers other than those obtained by burning spirits through direct use of Spirit Absorption must not be taken carelessly.

Anyway, because there were so many spiritual powers, even though only a little spiritual power was accepted, the amount was considerable.

He had to digest it tonight. It was more spiritual power than he had thought.

The quality of spiritual power was inevitably good because it was as if it had been accepted by filtering and filtering a huge amount of spiritual power.

And the effect was much better than what Byeoktaesan expected. It was as if he had eaten the elixir of spiritual power.

Byeoktaesan, having digested all the spiritual powers he received, went straight to meditation. He got a little piece of enlightenment through what he went through today.

It was enlightenment of balance, harmony, and naturalness.

Of course, the pieces were so small that there won’t be a big change, but if you collect these small pieces, and then look back later, you can see the surprising change.

Then, after he cleared up his enlightenment, he naturally moved on to devise a way to deal with the guys he experienced today.

Then, the day was gradually getting brighter.

Byeoktaesan muttered quietly.

“Where are there any more of these guys?”

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