Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle

Chatper 429

Chatper 429

Chapter 429 No Registration Information

Luciana scowled in silence as she slipped into her tight, strapless, hip-hugging dress, followed by ap of white silk stockings and high heels. She didn’t even ask Zoran to look away.

There were two reasons for her silence. Firstly, she simply wasn’t in the mood at the time. Secondly, she had long been accustomed to such scenes.

After they finished dressing, the two quickly took the elevator down to the first floor and made their way to the hotel reception desk. Luciana asked, “Could you please check the registration information of the man who brought me to this hotel?”

If it was indeed Emrys who brought her here, he would have certainly registered their personal information when they checked into the hotel.

The receptionist, a young woman, responded with a reassuring smile, “Rest assured, ma’am, our hotel maintains absolute confidentiality of our customers’ information. It certainly won't be leaked.”

Rest assured? Luciana immediately realized that the receptionist probably thought she was testing her.

Although Luciana had already retired from the entertainment industry, she was once a top-tier celebrity who was immensely popular for a time. She frequently appeared on screen, and there was no doubt that many people knew her.

Arenowned figure had followed a man to check into hotel. The hotel management was certainly obliged to ensure the utmost confidentiality. Otherwise, who would dare to stay at their establishment in the future?

The receptionist’s thoughts were indeed just like that Moreover, she was certain that Luciana was reminding her to ensure strict confidentiality.

Otherwise, who would come together to book a room, only to turn around and ask for their companion’s registration information? Shouldn't they be the ones who know their companion’s information best?

The hotel receptionist misunderstood Luciana’s intentions.

Luciana didn’t have the patience to explain further. Her expression suddenly darkened as she demanded, “Immediately! Right now! Pull up that person's information for me! Otherwise, call your manager to see me!”

Aggressively, Luciana slapped her hand down on the table.

The receptionist was instantly taken aback. Seeing that Luciana wasn’t joking, she stammered. 1. TH check”

She frantically worked on the computer for a while.


ddenly, with a troubled expression, the ads, La. The inszemestr formation for him here”

0 registration information Are you joking: You to tedesco to your hotel thout any registration formation? Is your hotel se eine ankel Lamm

| remember now... The receptionist was muy richtence

mind hadn’t caught up with the situation at hist, buruz ormation for Emrys on the computer, the remembered dining. ie

e receptionist said, “When you came in, you registered wat de MOZA t from your bag.

cording to the rules, every guest who checked to the heels remize their pent me. However, many hotels turned a blind eye to this ne

is was especially the case for a well-known figure ble utana.


uld usually only register one person’s informanon Tha way, when cholanzi atas infatti one would know who stayed with her. for the hotel surveillance, there was room for maneuver tality.

iis could also be considered a form of privacy protection

ie hotel couldn’t possibly refuse to make a profit just hercise of a rigid rate.

son hearing the receptionist’s response, Luciana couldn’t help but curse out loud. Ballsh Artys

ing | voluntarily registered the information? So, you mean to say that | brought dire ok the room?”

lese were two different concepts.

the room had been booked by that man, it could be said that he had ulterior motives. However: is Luciana who had taken the initiative to book the room, the implications would be entirely [ferent.

he receptionist felt even more aggrieved when Luciana yelled at her in such a nanner, burshe mained honest. “Ms. Lane, please refrain from getting angry.... It was indeed you who tied the om reservation, | distinctly remember it...

ou’re talking nonsense! You're simply uttering falsehoods Luciana cursed without any concern for Treputation. “I demand to see the surveillance footage from your hotell”,


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