Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle

Chatper 470

Chatper 470

Chapter 470 The Fire Incident

When it came to Larissa, it was obvious. Every time Emrys saw her delicate face, he couldn't help but want to pinch her cheeks.

However, in that moment, when Emrys’ gaze fell upon Hazel, an inexplicable jolt resonated in his heart. It wasn’t a flutter, but rather a sense of familiarity.

It seemed as though the person before him shared some extraordinary connection with him.. It was a strange feeling.

While Emrys was lost in thought, the teacher and student had already exchanged pleasantries for a while. Unable to contain her excitement, Larissa quickly introduced, “Ms. Mapleton, besides coming to visit you today, | also want to introduce someone to you.

She ran towards Emrys, pulled him over to Hazel, and said, “Ms. Mapleton, this is my little brother, Emrys. He is an extremely extraordinary person.”

Indeed, Emrys was extraordinary, as he was an Empyrean Lord.

Larissa was eager to see Hazel’s reaction after she learned about Emrys’ identity. However, she didn’t immediately reveal that Emrys was an Empyrean Lord.

Surprises are usually revealed at the end to maximize the effect. Vaughn, standing to one side, was momentarily stunned.


Isn't he your boyfriend? How did he suddenly become your little brother? I sec.

True to his role as the vice-chancellor, Vaughn quickly caught on. The reason the two had previously pretended to be a couple was merely a performance to make Darrell give up his pursuit.

No wonder he called him his sister just now. It turns out it wasn’t a term of endearment, but a slip of the tongue. Vaughn couldn’t help but feel bad for Darrell.

She would rather have her little brother pretend to be her boyfriend just to make you give up any hope. It’s really... truly heartbreaking.

Vaughn confidently stated, “Ms. Mapleton, I’ve already interacted with this young man. | can sense that he is a decent fellow with good character. Moreover, he is very honest and sincere in his speech.”

As he spoke, his face turned a shade of red, likely due to the unusually warm autumn.

Hazel, however, remained silent, her gaze fixed intently on Emrys’ face. She didn’t look away for a long time and was filled with mixed emotions.

After a while, Hazel suddenly took a deep breath and asked, “You're from Sunshine Children’s Home too?”

Hazel had known about Larissa’s background for a while. She had grown up in a place called Sunshine Children’s Home in 2/4


Hazel was no stranger to this orphanage. In fact, she could never forget about it.

At this moment, Emrys, faced with Hazel’s intense gaze, couldn’t help but feel a slight tremor in his heart.

When Hazel posed this question, Emrys had already known that his instincts were not wrong. The woman before him definitely had some kind of connection with him.

“Yes, like me, Rys had been in Sunshine Children’s Home since he was a child. However, after a certain incident, we were separated for a long period of time.”

Larissa did not notice anything unusual between the two. Seeing that Emrys remained silent for a long time, she decided to answer on his behalf.

Hazel’s eyes flickered, and she suddenly let out a cold chuckle. “It was the fire, wasn’t it?”

The fire that year was a shocking piece of news to everyone in Jadeborough.

Jadeborough was only so big. When such a large fire suddenly broke out, and especially since it originated from the orphanage, it naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

However, this was only limited to Jadeborough.

It merely caused a bit of a stir in Jazona and did not cause much 3/4

of an uproar in Jipsdale.

It was indeed peculiar that Hazel, a rich and beautiful woman who grew up in Jipsdale, could casually talk about the fire in Jadeborough.

Surprised, Larissa inquired, “Ms. Mapleton, are you aware of the fire incident at Sunshine Children’s Home as well?”

Hazel was aware that Larissa hailed from that orphanage in Jadeborough, but Larissa recalled that she had never disclosed the occurrence of the fire incident at that orphanage to her.


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