Child of Destiny

Chapter 1125 Experimental Subject (Part 2)

Chapter 1125 Experimental Subject (Part 2)


Lester was staring cautiously at the transforming Shaun. He wanted to do something to prevent the latter from continuing but he could not do anything about it due to the strong force pushing him away.

Behind him, Shin and the rest of the elite students finally charged out of the confinement room and helped Tir dispose of the remaining guards. And when they were done, they quickly reached Lester's side and witnessed Shaun who was in the middle of transforming into a hideous creature.

"Will you be fine?" asked Julieta when she saw the current form that Shaun was undertaking.

Lester frowned slightly before nodding his head. "I can handle this. His strength might have been boosted but his mind is definitely not in a good state."josei

"That should be the price for having a power that is not supposedly his," commented Tir from the side.

Lester nodded his head slightly before saying to them. "We are going to stick to our plan. Leave him to me and my club members while you do your jobs."

"Don't forget that you must still look for our weapons."


"Take care of yourself."

"Good luck, Senior."

Tir, Julieta, Shin, and Leonard nodded and quickly went to their respective groups. They waited for Shaun to complete his transformation before quickly charging ahead.

The guards that were rushing behind Shaun could not help but halt their steps when they saw him undergoing a transformation. They were from this place, so they were aware of what was happening to Shaun right now. They knew that he was turning into a mindless monster that could not distinguish his friends and foes.

"Halt! Let him complete his transformation. We will set up a blockade on this area," said a guard leading the group before quickly instructing the rest to start preparing.


Not long after, Shaun finally finished transforming with the cost of losing his reason. He then released a deafening roar that also shook the place before turning to the group in front of him.

Seeing them, he quickly roared for another time before charging at them.


"Let me let you a hand before we leave," said Tir as he suddenly launched forward and met Shaun.

He extended his hands forward and reached out to Shaun, grabbing the hands of the latter.


There was a loud explosion when the two sides met they quickly halted in the middle of the corridor. The ground underneath them sank as they put more force into their feet, trying to push one another.


But of them possessed a monstrous strength that could crush a fully grown bear with their bare hands. And when they used that strength to try crushing each other, it resulted in a strong collision that even affected the surroundings.

Unfortunately for Shaun, he was currently alone while his opponent had two more powerful people on their team.

Julieta suddenly appeared behind Shaun like a ghost before sending a powerful double-palm strike on his back.


Shaun's instincts were pretty sharp which made his body want to dodge and escape the current predicament. But Tir refused to let him go, which made the incoming palm strikes land on his back.


Tir only let go of the latter when the palm strikes landed before quickly swatting his hips and putting his arms in front of his head. He then suddenly charged forward, meeting Shaun who was sent forward by the previous strikes.


Julieta already moved away right after throwing her palm strikes, which was why Shaun was sent flying straight to the guards in the middle of setting up a blockade in the distance.



He landed right at the center of their ranks, making the guards quickly run away, afraid that they would be attacked by him.

Their ranks were quickly thrown into chaos due to what happened.

Shin and the rest did not care about them. They quickly rushed forward and brushed past them as fast as they could while also taking a couple of guards who were unlikely to block their path.

They were trying to lessen the number of guards so that Lester and his group would have an easier time fighting. After all, their group still has to look for their weapons after cleaning up this place.

During their charge, there were two people who purposely attracted the attention of the guards to lessen the burden and pressure that the rest were facing.

They were naturally the leaders of the group – Tir, who was bulldozing everyone in his path, and Julieta, who looked like a ghost who was ripping the lives of every guard that she came across.

With the two of them in the lead, the group was able to break through the blockade. Then they separated into two more groups, one being led by Tir while the other had Julieta in their lead.

The two groups went in different directions, heading for their respective task.


In the meantime, inside the special experimentation lab, the Professor just finished preparing the body in front of him for the experiment.

It was Old Man Roger who was still in an unconscious state.

"This body is perfectly suited for the experiment. It will be the most perfect subject that I've put my hands on since the start of the project. It seems like we are finally going to create the vessel to host the inheritance of the Thunder Lord!"

He could not help but feel excited when he thought about that. This would be one of his successful projects yet again.

With that, he could not help but pause for a moment to relax himself. The next part of the experiment was extremely important, so he had to focus entirely on it.

While resting, he could not help but look at one of the screens projected on the side of the lab. Those screens were showing what was happening outside the room. Then he saw that the entire laboratory was currently in a state of total chaos.

"What is happening?" he then turned to the one showing what was happening in the adjacent room. He saw that the two patient's beds were currently left behind while his assistants and the guards were nowhere to be found.

He immediately contacted the command room and demanded an explanation right after the call connected. "What the hell is going on? Why is the entire lab in chaos?"

The person responsible for the command room nervously replied. "Professor, the captive students escaped from their cells! They are currently wreaking havoc inside the laboratory."

"What!? How did that happen?" asked the Professor.

The person on the other side of the line became even more nervous as he did not know how to answer. All he knew was that the captives broke out while Shaun suddenly turned into a mindless monster.

All he could do was to tell the Profess everything he know while waiting to be scolded.

Naturally, the Professor yelled at him multiple times while berating his work. It was supposedly his job to monitor everything happening inside and outside the laboratory, so it was his responsibility to make sure that everything was going smoothly.

The Professor then turned to the screen that was projecting the battle between Lester and the turned monster Shaun.

He then thought for a moment and muttered to himself. "So, that idiot indeed went into it and grabbed the Serum-X."

He then scoffed before instructing. "Keep an eye on this battle and record everything. Send it to me later when everything is done."

He was about to end the call when another series of alarms sounded from the other side of the line. The Professor frowned deeply and asked hoarsely. "What is it this time?"

The person in charge of the command room nervously replied. "S-Sir-… It seems like the military and the academy are making their move. They are starting to search the mountain range. And based on their movements, it seems like they have a rough idea of our location."

"That is impossible! We are underground – without knowing the entrance, they will never discover our exact location," refuted the Professor before continuing. "This will be a good opportunity to gather more data."

"Release all of the failed subjects and let them deal with these intruders," he instructed.

"B-But Sir-… those mindless subjects can attack our people," said the other person.

"Idiot! Of course, we are pulling back our people from the surface. Recall them back in the lab and let them help suppress the escapees!" said the Professor.

"Just gather all the data that you can get from the battles of the failed subjects. Gather as much as you can and send it to me directly. Don't miss a single one!" he instructed.

"I am in the most crucial part of the project, so don't let anyone disturb me. Deal with everything yourselves," he said before quickly ending the call.

He then turned to unconscious Old Man Roger before quickly pressing a couple of buttons on the apparatuses beside him.

This time, he would make sure that the experiment would be successful.


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