Child of Destiny

Chapter 1018 The New Age Of Virtual Games (Part 1)

Chapter 1018 The New Age Of Virtual Games (Part 1)


Real World

Headquarters of the World Gaming Organization.

The heads of all of the departments of the organization were currently gathered in a spacious auditorium to have an important meeting. And at this moment, they were in the middle of watching an intense battle projected by multiple virtual screens at the front of the auditorium.

The expression on their faces was dark and solemn as they could not take away their eyes off the biggest screen in the middle where a monstrous trio was engaging in a battle against Dracula.

In their minds, Dracula was supposedly one of the end-game bosses that the players could only hope of contending after their reached peak Tier 4 of their respective classes. He was a powerful being that was close to reaching divinity.

But after a series of variables, it became possible for a group of Miracle Players to fight such a powerful being.

The developers from different departments were already cursing these troublesome players and even killing them in their minds multiple times. Unfortunately, these Miracle Players would never stop at breaking the plot that they had written regardless of their feelings.

The department heads gathered within the auditorium were even silently cursing the trio working together to defeat Dracula on the screen. If only they could shout out their current feelings right now, then the room would already be flooding with curses.

But none of those department heads dared to voice out their inner turmoil as the chairman of the organization was currently seeing at the highest end of the auditorium and watching the battle alongside them.

Chairman Choi was currently tapping his index finger on the desk in front of him as he watched the intense battle between a powerful boss and the monstrous trio. He was maintaining an expressionless face on the outside, but he was actually enjoying the show deep inside.

Though, at the same time, he also did not forget his reason for gathering everyone there. They were to make a decision on important matters as soon as possible. They had to do it before the battle was projected in front of them.

Shin, Leonard, and Arthur might be having a hard time in the fight right now. But the chairman was confident that they would be able to emerge victorious when the battle ended.

If it was on a normal occasion, then he would not believe that such a thing was possible. But after a series of twists and turns alongside the influences of other factors, he was confident that this battle would be for the trio to take.

After thinking deeply about it, the chairman closed his eyes before saying in a deep tone. "Release it."

The department heads stared blankly in the air for a moment when they first heard those words. Then they suddenly started reacting violently when they realized what Chairman Choi was trying to say.josei

"But Sir-...!"

"Chairman! It is too early for that!"

"I don't think this is a good idea, Mr. Chairman!"


They tried to voice out their concerns but they quickly shut their mouths when they saw the solemn expression that the chairman had.

Chairman Choi did not say anything for a moment, waiting for the department heads to calm themselves down. And when he saw that they finally recollected themselves, he finally continued. "It is not like we are not planning to release the information yet to the public. It just happens a little too early than we have expected."

"Moreover, with the battle between the Battle God Sickarius and the Great Devil Diablo, such news will be destined to be released to the public. Sooner or later, those big guilds and other organizations will be able to dissect the information of that fight once the Empyrean Talons release it on their fan page."

"At that time, those guilds and organizations would try to monopolize the information and keep it to their members, leaving the average and independent players behind. This will cause a huge shift in the game, affecting the balance that we are maintaining."

"I don't have to explain what is going to happen when the balance is broken, right? The fate of the game that we work so hard to build will suffer the same fate as those games that fail to keep their players playing it."

The department heads lowered their heads and kept quiet. They knew about it, but they refused to accept the fact because of their pride.

It was at this moment, Troy, the head of the Development Department, finally opened his mouth. "The current situation is not that bad. If fact, we can even use it to our favor."

He was reluctant to attend this meeting earlier since the quest that Shin and the others had already reached its most crucial stages. But after learning that they were actually going to watch the group during the meeting, he hastened his steps and arrived in the auditorium earlier than the others. He even found a place where he could watch everything with a perfect view.

With his words, he quickly gathered the attention of everyone. He paused briefly to clear his throat before continuing. "This news comes at the right time. We are already releasing the Major Regions of different races later alongside the more detailed information about Ascended Beings and Classes."

"The requirements of entering that 'Continent' will also be released to the public â€" reaching level 150 and at least being promoted to Tier 3 of their respective classes. That is the bare minimum. And the players who will be unable to complete those prerequisites will be forced to stay on the original continent."

"With it, the average players, which is still the majority of the game population, will most likely be disappointed. After all, not everyone is as gifted as those monsters. In this case, a clear dividing line will be separating the average players and the more skilled players."

"Based on our calculation, we are expecting that only Rankers, official or maverick, were the only ones that can reach the Awakened Continent where the major regions are located."

Reaching this point, he took another pause and make sure that everyone was paying attention to him before continuing. "At first, the players will idolize and worship those players who entered the second continent, but that will only last for a certain period before all of the hype die down."

"In the long run, the average players will get tired of it and become envious of those Rankers, who are enjoying the benefits of the second continent. People are greedy in nature and they will instinctively want to get something the others have."

"There is still a clear difference between the two continents, particularly those resources and powerful monsters. The progress in the Awakened Continent will be much faster compared to the first continent which will enlarge the gap between the average players and the more skilled ones."

"The players will then start making demands on us at that time. Though, we already have created places for them to develop at a similar pace as the ones who are on the second continent. It just they will not be skilled enough to unlock certain regions because of their lack of skills."

"But if we released the information about the Frozen Kingdom a bit earlier and let the players become aware that the Awakened Continent is not the only place where they can progress fast, a spark of hope will sprout in their hearts which will drive them to work harder."

"And when they reach a certain level, they will be able to take the tests that will let them enter the second continent later. Thus, maintaining the balance that we are protecting."

Hearing his explanation, the department heads started nodding their heads in contemplation. They immediately became convinced and started to calm themselves.

After a few moments of silence, one of the department heads finally talked about the other issue. "Then what about the state of 'Reality Manifestation' and 'Hyper Active Immersion'?"

The department heads nodded their heads once again as this was one of their main problems. Such an important piece of information was hard to release to the public. Even though there were a lot of players who were already aware of the 'Hyper Active Immersion, due to the legends of the 'Irregulars', the newly developed 'Reality Manifestation' was still important and sensitive news.

Troy gave everyone a mocking look before answering. "We obviously should release it. Knowing about it does not mean that anyone can enter those special states. Jealousy and envy still have their own limits, when you realize that it was impossible for you to get something, all you can do is worship someone who owns it."

Pausing for a moment, he turned to one of the department heads, a mature woman wearing circular glasses, and continued. "What's more, I am sure that our Research and Analysis Department will already have to finish their studies about those states and recreated a weaker version of it for average and less skilled players."

At that point, everyone shifted their gazes toward the head of the Research and Analysis Department, waiting for her response.

That woman threw a sharp glare at Troy for a moment as she knew that he was only passing the topic to her to escape the attention of everyone. She then cleared her throat and responded. "That is true. With the current data that we have, our researches are already on its critical conjectures where we can complete them."

Then they took another pause as she turned to Carlos, who was in a corner to avoid everyone's attention, and passed the baton to the poor guy. "Not only that but there are also other states and special methods that are worth mentioning. Just like Magic Freak's magic and Demonic Players' bound contracts. Either of those two was not that lagging behind the 'Reality Manifestation' and 'Hyper Active Immersion' when it comes to potential and special occasions."

The corner of Carlos' mouth suddenly twitched when he heard those words. It was true that there were also other special methods that could possibly contend against the two godlike states that they were researching, but the information that they have about those was not that deep.

He could only curse his luck for having such friends in this life. All of the troublesome jobs were always been being passed to him.

Fortunately, Chairman Choi, who was listening to them the entire time, finally opened his mouth. "It is decided then. Release all of the said information to the public once this quest, the Promise of the Frozen Kingdom, has ended."

Hearing those words, everyone quickly sat back in their seats properly and started typing on their virtual screens and contacting their subordinates, passing down the words of the chairman.

Among them, the people of the Media and Public Affairs would be the busiest since they were the ones responsible for releasing the news on the official site.

They had to handle this right and released it fast before the Monster Trio could finish off Dracula.

And as if it was predetermined, the news was immediately released right after Shin took down Dracula and triggered the system at making world-shaking announcements.


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