Child of Destiny

Chapter 1052 Why Is It My Fault?

Chapter 1052 Why Is It My Fault?


Shiella quickly dumped all of the work to the people of the Flying Dragon Corporation right after they arrived at the scene. She instructed the security head to share everything they knew with the police and military forces, who came for the clean-up operation.

She also instructed them to take care of David, who was currently sleeping due to over-exhaustion. She told them to bring him to the nearest hospital for a quick check-up to make sure that he did not suffer any kind of injuries.

As for Joaquin Geovanni, she did not see him from the start to finish. The guy suddenly disappeared alongside his men the moment when the police and military forces arrived at the scene.

But one thing was forced sure, they took Hakuna with them as the guy mysteriously disappeared alongside them.

Shiella had no idea how he did it or what they were planning with Hakuna, but she was sure that this operation would reach her uncle, Nathan Springfield, so all she had to do was to wait patiently and asked him for the details later.

She had a more important business to do, so after dumping all the work on her people, she quickly headed to their place. She still needed to check on her brothers, who seemed to suffer an attack from a mercenary group.josei

She hurried over to their place, unable to hide her worry. But when she arrived, she could not help but stare blankly at the scene, unable to believe what she was seeing.

The whole place was completely devastated. It turned into a complete ruin. Both of the two villas as well as a couple of neighboring houses were caught in the explosion. She could already guess what happened just by looking at the aftermath.

Aside from worrying for Shin and the others, especially the girls, she was also thinking about the dresses and other clothes that she left in the house. Most of them were custom-made, so it broke her heart just thinking about them.

After recovering herself, she quickly looked for Shin and the others and immediately found them resting inside a tent that the military forces had set up. The people of the Springfield Family were guarding the area, sharply observing anyone who would try to approach the tent.

When they saw Shiella walking over, they quickly made a way for her before respectfully bowing and saluting to her.


She pushed aside the entrance of the tent as she walked inside without hesitation. Then she saw the trio of Shin, Arthur, and Leonard chatting with each other. And not far from them were the three girls – Alice, Cloe, and Lorraine – resting and sleeping in their respective beds.

The three quickly cast their head at the entrance of the tent when they sensed someone entering. Then they swiftly stood up before Shin and Arthur greeted her. "Big Sis."

Shiella secretly sighed in relief after seeing that everyone was doing fine before slightly nodding her head. She then walked over to them and sat on a nearby chair while saying. "I heard what happened. You had been ambushed by the Oni Mercenary Group?"

Shin quickly nodded his head and answered. "Yes, Big Sister. Thankfully, we manage to fend them off properly."

"Do you know their motive?" she asked in a seemingly casual manner, trying to hide her fury.

Shin hesitated for a moment and cast his gaze toward Arthur and Leonard. The two quickly turned their heads to the side, indicating that they were not planning to say anything. They were leaving everything to him.

Shin gave them a snarling look before turning back to Shiella. He also sighed helplessly before explaining. "Based on the interrogation that our people have done – it seems like the group is commissioned to take care of me and abduct Cloe."

He still hadn't finished what he was saying when the temperature within the tent suddenly dropped. The trio could also sense the intense killing intent coming from Shiella, making it hard for them to breathe.

They might have suffocated to death if not for Shiella quickly retrieving everything and calming herself down.

She then turned to Shin and asked. "And the person who commissioned them? Have you gotten the names?"

Shin could not help but hesitate because he had a bad feeling about it. Due to that, he quickly added. "Big Sis, Uncle Nathan is already taking care of everything, so there is no need to worry about it."

"I am asking you if you have gotten the names of the people who commission them," she repeated with a cold tone.

Shin sighed helplessly before continuing. "From the information that the interrogated people have given us, the person who give the commission is the head of the Lufus Weapon Arms Group – the major competitor of the Cilvana Family."

A dangerous glint flashed through Shiella's eyes as she said. "Fill me in the details."

Arthur and Shin could not help but sigh helplessly when they heard that. They knew that their big sister was planning to do something this time. Even though they knew that she would not be reckless, they could not help but worry about what she was going to do.

"Big Sis, Uncle Nathan is already in the matter. He said to leave everything to him," said Shin, trying to reason it out to Shiella.

But what greeted him was an even colder glare while she was saying. "Don't let me repeat it for the third time. I said, fill me the details."

Shin could only sigh in resignation before continuing. "This also concerns the previous incident that happen to Cloe previously."

He started telling her everything while connecting it with the information that she already knew. They were already aware of the situation of the Cilvana Family overseas, so they did not dwell on that manner any deeper.

What Shiella really wanted to know was why they had commissioned the mercenary group to take care of Shin. He was not connected with the conflict between the two big families of the Sun-Moon Kingdom, so she had to know how he got involved.

Then she learned that it concerned the young master of the Lufus Weapon Arms Group, Justin. The guy who got beaten up by Shin pretty badly inside the game – not just once, but twice. Their last battle even resulted in Justin's account being wiped due to the character deletion bet.

Shiella went silent for a moment after hearing everything from Shin. She fell into deep thought, thinking about what she was going to do.

Her silence scared the trio, especially Shin and Arthur, who were very familiar with her. They knew that this was not going to end with a simple retaliation.

Every time she tapped her index finger on the armrest of the chair, the hearts of the two could not help but skip a beat. From their perspective, those rhythmic tapping sounded like the beat of an ancient war drum.

After a few minutes of contemplating, Shiella flashed a smirking smile before turning back to Shin. "Don't worry about it. Our family will make sure that they are going to pay the price for it."

"At the same time, we can also use this to our advantage. We can even help the Cilvana Family get out of their current predicament with this," she added as her lips curved into an alluring smile.

"Hah! They can forget getting their hands on the secret of the Cilvana Family and take over of their business. With this foolish mistake of breaking the 'Trinity Agreement' between the World Government, Underworld Organizations, and World Gaming Organization, they can forget about their greed and ambition."

"The virtual world is not as simple as it seems, especially when it concerns «Destiny's Fate». That game has more secrets that most people are unaware of," she said mysteriously.

The trio could not help but sigh in relief when they learned that she is not planning to do anything reckless. It put their hearts at ease.

At the same time, they also become a little curious about the latter part of her words. In a sense, they also belonged to that group of people, who are unaware of the secrets of the game called «Destiny's Fate».

Now that they heard those words from Shiella, they could tell that she knew more than most of the players of the game.

"What do you mean by that, Big Sis? Is the game has important secrets that concern the real world?" asked Shin with furrowed brows before adding. "I also heard Uncle Nathan mentioned a similar thing earlier."

Shiella looked at the three before hesitating for a moment. And after thinking about it, she decided to leave them hanging for the time being. "You don't have the strength to know about it yet."

"If you want to learn the secret of the game, then reach the peak of the Ethereal Opening Stage or Grandmaster Realm as soon as possible. I may consider telling you about it when you reach those stages."

She then paused for a moment as she suddenly remembered something. "Oh! You may even learn it naturally when the right time comes, which is the same as what happened to me. Or you can also learn it from the Academy if 'they' find you worthy of that knowledge."

After that, she quickly stood up and steadily walked to leave. She paused her steps for a moment before turning back to them. "Get a good rest and recover your strengths. You are going to work your *sses at the resort because of what happened to our villa."

"You failed to protect it, so you have to take responsibility," she added before exiting the tent.

The trio stared blankly at the entrance of the tent as they did not know how to respond. The first part of her words warmed their hearts a little, thinking that she was worried about their wellbeing. But the latter part of her words crushed those thoughts, making them stare dumbfoundedly into the air.

How come it was their fault that those mercenary groups suddenly attacked them?

Arthur and Leonard were even glaring at Shin, seemingly blaming him for what happened. And when the latter saw that, he could not help but curse under his breath.

"F*ck! Why am I at fault here?"


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